Women who have dyed their hair or use hormonal contraception are at risk of breast cancer, scientists warn.
Changing the colour of locks has previously been linked to the disease, but a new study backs up the evidence.
Being exposed to carcinogenics in the dyes was linked to a 23 per cent chance of getting breast cancer.
Swedish Police Chief says women should change their behaviour to avoid getting raped (Video) – #MigrantCrisis
– Watch: Swedish Police Chief says women should change their behaviour to avoid getting raped:
The most recent assault took place in the early hours of Sunday morning when a woman became the victim of an attempted rape by three young men in central Östersund. Brought to the ground by three unknown men, who attempted to rip her trousers off, the woman fought back and managed to escape. The perpetrators have been described as “tall, slim, aged 18-25 and speaking Swedish with a foreign accent“.
SAUDI ARABIA: Muslim woman beheaded in broad daylight as police look on
– SAUDI ARABIA: Muslim woman beheaded in broad daylight as police look on:
In this graphic video taken near the city of Mecca, a woman is punished for allegedly having committed what her husband alleges is the murder of his 7-year-old daughter. (If she did it, it was probably to stop the husband from raping the child)
IVN (h/t Judith R) It is unknown whether or not she was afforded due process during her defense, but the Saudi justice system is typically discriminatory against female defendants.
H/t reader kevin a.
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Surgeons Admit Mammography is Outdated, Harmful at Best
H/t reader squodgy:
“After hearing several accounts of how painful and potentially cancer causing these mammograms are I’m relieved that some brave surgeons are biting the bullet as against the majority who just see greenbacks.”
Mammography is causing cancer.
– Surgeons Admit Mammography is Outdated, Harmful at Best:
By Vandita
In 2016, an estimated 246,660 new cases of invasive breast cancer, 61,000 new cases of non-invasive breast cancer, and 40,450 breast cancer deaths are expected to be recorded in the United States alone. With the rising rates of breast cancer, mammography has gained popularity globally as the most effective screening technique to detect the most common cancer among women.
I believe that if you did have a tumor, the last thing you would want to do is crush that tumor between two plates, because that would spread it. — Dr. Sarah Mybill, General Practitioner
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention insists mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat and before it is big enough to feel or cause symptoms. Having regular mammograms can lower the risk of dying from breast cancer, claims the leading national public health institute of the United States.
I think if a woman from the age of 50 has a mammogram every year, or every two years, she’s going to get breast cancer as a direct result from that. — Dr. Patrick Kingsley, Clinical Ecologist
Read moreSurgeons Admit Mammography is Outdated, Harmful at Best
England Had 5,700 Recorded Cases Of Female Genital Mutilation In 2015-16
– England had 5,700 recorded cases of FGM in 2015-16, figures show:
Royal College of Nursing says there is still a lot of work to do to end practice following publication of first annual FGM statistics
There were 5,700 new cases of female genital mutilation recorded in England in 2015-16, the first annual statistics show.
The figures, published on Thursday by the Health and Social Care Information Centre and covering the period of April 2015 to March 2016, show that in 18 cases the practice had been undertaken in the UK.
The age group for which FGM was most common was five- to nine-year-olds, accounting for 43% of the total number of cases where the age at the time of being cut was known.
Read moreEngland Had 5,700 Recorded Cases Of Female Genital Mutilation In 2015-16
WTF: New Israeli Defense Forces Chief Rabbi Says Soldiers Can Rape Arab Women During Wartime to Boost Morale
Because nothing says “boost morale” during war like rape? W. T. Actual. F.
Outgoing chief rabbi, Brig. Gen. Rafi Peretz, of the Israeili Defense Forces, who is stepping down after six years in the position is being replaced. And, his successor, Rabbi Col. Eyal Karim’s appointment is being met with backlash — as he is outspoken for allowing soldiers to rape women during wartime.
THE GARDASIL VACCINE RACKET: The Murdering Of Our Daughters
And cervical cancer is curable, without side effects (other than increased health and vitality).
Full article here:
“Gardasil; it is useless and costs a fortune. In addition, decision makers at all levels are aware of it.”
– Former Merck doctor…
More here:
– Vaccines
‘Can one take 2 slave girls?’ ISIS militants joke about selling Yazidi women (VIDEO)
– ‘Can one take 2 slave girls?’ ISIS militants joke about selling Yazidi women (VIDEO) (RT, Nov 3, 2014):
A group of Islamic State fighters laugh and make merry as they chat about the sale and transfer of kidnapped Yazidi women in a video.
“Today is the day of female slaves and we should have our share,” declares a bearded militant, flanked by fellow fighters on a couch. The video, which has not been independently verified, was released by the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) last month and has been newly translated by Al Aan TV, a Dubai based TV station.
“Where is my Yazidi girl?” one man asks repeatedly as others laugh. The video was shot in the Iraqi city of Mosul, an IS stronghold, captured in June, reports Al Aan.
“Whoever wants to sell his slave, whoever wants to give his slave as a present…everyone is free to do what he wants with his share,” says the bearded fighter, eager to obtain a slave girl of his own.
One in 14 women sexually assaulted, first global estimate of abuse concludes
– One in 14 women sexually assaulted, first global estimate of abuse concludes (South China Morning Post/AFP, Feb 12, 2014):
Attacks are a big and widely overlooked problem, the first global estimate of abuse by someone other than a partner concludes
Worldwide, one woman in 14 has been sexually assaulted by someone other than a partner, according to the first global estimate of the problem.
Its authors said that despite important gaps in data, the overall picture is clear: sex attacks on women are a big and widely overlooked problem.
Reported in The Lancet, researchers carried out an overview of investigations in 56 countries.
Read moreOne in 14 women sexually assaulted, first global estimate of abuse concludes
?Anti-Rape Jeans And Bra: Indian College Girls Invent Range Of Security Gear
– ?Anti-rape jeans and bra: Indian college girls invent range of security gear (RT, June 28, 2014):
College girls in India have unveiled anti-rape jeans, footwear and underwear to protect women from the growing menace of rape, which occurs every 22 minutes in the country. Unfortunately, the situation doesn’t seem to be improving.
Sandals that deliver electric shocks and jeans that have an inbuilt SOS button were showcased by college girls in the state of Uttar Pradesh – one of the highest in terms of crime levels.
Two computer science students at a private engineering college in the city of Varanasi, Rijul Pandey and Shalini Yadav, engineered and designed the sandals, which apart from the electric shock, send out an SOS signal to all the victim’s phone contacts.
Read more?Anti-Rape Jeans And Bra: Indian College Girls Invent Range Of Security Gear
Chinese Adults Hire Wet Nurses To Provide Human Breast Milk On Demand For Around $2,700 Per Month
– Chinese adults hire wet nurses to provide human breast milk on demand as ‘Mother Nature’s smoothie’ (Natural News, Aug 29, 2013):
The South China Morning Post is now reporting that adults in China are paying good money to breastfeed on wet nurses who are well paid for providing their milk. The wet nurses are paid around US$2,700 per month, and clients are offered the ability to consume the beverage directly. As in mammary consumption.
(Pause to let this sink in for a minute…)
Pentagon To Begin Training Women For Combat Jobs By 2015 (Incl. Elite Special Operations Forces)
Related info:
– Veterans Today: Sexual Abuse Pervasive In The U.S. Military (Video)
– Pentagon to begin training women for combat roles by 2015 (CBS News, June 17, 2013):
WASHINGTON – Women may be able to start training as Army Rangers by mid-2015 and as Navy SEALs a year later under plans set to be announced by the Pentagon that would slowly bring women into thousands of combat jobs, including those in elite special operations forces.
Details of the plans were obtained by The Associated Press. They call for requiring women and men to meet the same physical and mental standards to qualify for certain infantry, armor, commando and other front-line positions across the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reviewed the plans and has ordered the services to move ahead.
Breast Cancer Overdiagnosis Skyrocketing As Women Everywhere Receive Dangerous And Unnecessary Mammograms
– Breast cancer overdiagnosis skyrocketing as women everywhere receive dangerous and unnecessary mammograms (Natural News, May 28, 2013):
The studies just keep rolling on in with more and more evidence showing that the breast cancer screening ritual known as mammography is not everything that it is cracked up to be. One of the latest studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), for instance, analyzed more than 30 years’ worth of data on mammography and found that nearly 1.5 million women have been needlessly treated for cancers that were not at all harmful or that technically did not even exist.
Dr. Archie Bleyer, an oncologist at the Oregon Health and Science University Knight Cancer Institute, and his colleagues took on the task of poring through the myriad of published data on mammograms since the time they first became widely popularized as a breast cancer screening tool back in the 1970s. After adjusting the data to account for changing lifestyle trends, the use of hormone replacement therapy, and other outside factors that might have skewed the data, the team estimated that mammography has been responsible for nearly doubling the overall detection rate of early-stage breast cancers.
Marchioness Of Worcester: Organic Diet Helped Me Beat Breast Cancer
– Marchioness of Worcester: organic diet helped me beat breast cancer (Telegraph, Dec 30, 2012):
The Marchioness of Worcester has spoken for the first time about her successful battle against breast cancer, and has credited an organic diet and complementary medicine with helping her beat the disease. The former actress had breast and lymph cancer diagnosed in 2009.
Despite having to deal with the rigours of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the Marchioness continued her environmental and animal cruelty campaigns.
The Marchioness, 54, said that she did not tell anyone about her cancer battle because “it is just so boring”. “Why become obsessed by something so boring and negative when the world is such an interesting place?” she said.
Now clear of the condition, the Marchioness is adamant that her diet of organic food played a key role in maintaining her strength and aiding her recovery.
Read moreMarchioness Of Worcester: Organic Diet Helped Me Beat Breast Cancer
US Female Troops: Almost 50% Sexually Harassed & Almost 25% Sexually Assaulted In Combat Zones
– Almost a quarter of female troops become victims of sex assaults in combat zones (RT, Dec 28, 2012):
Almost half of all US women deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan say they were sexually harassed, while nearly one-quarter claim they were sexually assaulted. The findings shed light on the additional stress military women face when they work abroad.
Research by the Department of Veterans Affairs shows that sexual misconduct is a much greater problem than previously believed, since the Pentagon asserts that few reports were filed alleging sexual assault.
Shock Study: Mammograms A Medical Hoax, Over 1 Million American Women Maimed By Unnecessary ‘Treatment’ For Cancer They Never Had
See also:
– Mammograms produce more false positives than legitimate tumor detections in young women
– Mammograms cause breast cancer, groundbreaking new research declares
– Shock study: Mammograms a medical hoax, over one million American women maimed by unnecessary ‘treatment’ for cancer they never had (Natural News, Nov 28, 2012):
Mammography is a cruel medical hoax. As I have described here on Natural News many times, the primary purpose of mammography is not to “save” women from cancer, but to recruit women into false positives that scare them into expensive, toxic treatments like chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.
The “dirty little secret” of the cancer industry is that the very same oncologists who scare women into falsely believing they have breast cancer are also the ones pocketing huge profits from selling those women chemotherapy drugs. The conflicts of interest and abandonment of ethics across the cancer industry is breathtaking.
Now, a new scientific study has confirmed exactly what I’ve been warning readers about for years: most women “diagnosed” with breast cancer via mammography never had a cancer problem to begin with!
93% of “early detection” has no benefit to the patient
That’s the conclusion of a groundbreaking new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).
Insane Japan: Another Fukushima Foot Race For Teen Girls On Radioactive Streets
– [Kizuna] Road relay of young girls will be held in Fukushima on 11/11/2012, the youngest runner is 13 years old (Fukushima Diary, Nov 10, 2012):
YouTube ? The road relay of last year 2011
At 12:01 of 11/11/2012, road relay of women (42.195km) is held nearby Fukushima station.
17 teams from various prefectures and team “Kizuna (Emotional bond)” will join. Team “Kizuna” consists of members from various prefectures to pray for Fukushima reconstruction. Most of the runners are teenagers. The youngest runner is 14 years old. The youngest substitute runner is 13 years old.
The sponsors are Fukushima TV, Sankei sports and North Japan athletics association etc.. TV channels of Fuji-TV will broadcast live.
Related article..Ministry of Agriculture paid TV company $1,090,000 for “Support by eating” TV commercial,with fishery agency bankrupt
Radiation and Health Specialist: Children With Over 11 Bq/Kg Of Cesium Having Heart Problems – Study
– Radiation and Health Specialist: Children with over 11 Bq/kg of cesium start to see heart problems -Study (AUDIO) (ENENews, Oct 5, 2012):
Full broadcast here
Title: Cindy Folkers and Kimberly Roberson on Health Effects of Fukushima
Source: WGDR Radio, Personal and Political
Author: Stephanie Fraser
Date: Oct 3, 2012At ~4:00 in
Cindy Folkers, Radiation and Health Specialist, Beyond Nuclear: There are studies that came out of Belarus that came out after Chernobyl had exploded, there was cesium deposition there, and what they found was that anything above 11 becquerels per kilogram… in a child’s system and you start to see heart problems.
You get a little higher than that, you start to see female hormone imbalance, nerve issues, a whole host of issues that we wouldn’t have necessarily associated with radiation in the past.
Former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert: NWO TECHNOLOGY UPDATE – Deadly Mobile Phones & The Worst Genocide Ever Committed – The Dangers Of Wi-Fi To Women And Children (Video)
YouTube Added: 31.07.2012
ICAACT was given an exclusive interview with Dr. Barrie Trower, a true British gentlemen and hero, who has spent many years fighting for humanity.
After the meeting our respect and admiration for him rose to new heights.
During the two days of interview, we touched on many different topics, but the main theme was the abuse of microwaves as a secret and covert stealth weapon, that has been around for at least 50-60 years. This type of weapon has taken many different forms over the years and it is still used in many different types of targeting, even to the point of death around the world.
We started the Interview with basic knowledge about microwaves and how they influence the human body and mind. From there we went on to cover Dr. Barrie Trower’s long career, and finally we went into they abuse of microwave weapons and what can be done to protect against them.
The Interview was filmed on May the 1st and 2nd, 2012.
More of the Interview with Dr. Barrie Trower to come at:
YouTube Added: 24.11.2011
A condensed version of an interview with Barrie Trower In November 2010. Barrie Trower is a former Royal Navy microwave weapons expert and former cold-war captured spy debriefer for the UK Intelligence Services. Mr Trower is a conscionable whistle-blower who lectures around the world on hidden dangers from every-day microwave technologies such as mobile-phones and WiFi.
Women and children are most susceptible.
Barrie Trower Talks with Victims of Non-Consensual Microwave and EMF Experimentation and Testing
YouTube Added: 26.06.2012
CT Scans: The Leading Cause Of Breast Cancer
Profiteers in the medical CT scan business took a big hit last week from a major new government report on the causes of breast cancer.
Published by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the health arm of the National Academy of Sciences, the exhaustive analysis found that medical radiation, particularly the large radiation dose delivered by CT scans, is the foremost identifiable cause of breast cancer.[1]
Almost 230,480 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed this year in the United States, and about 40,000 women will die of the disease, roughly one out of every 3,875 women.
Image Of Egyptian Soldiers Beating And Dragging A Young Woman During Clashes In Tahrir Square
The arrest and brutal treatment of this young woman reminds us that the revolution is far from over.
Egyptian soldiers beating and dragging a young woman during clashes in Tahrir Square. Her image has become the latest icon of the revolution. Photograph: Reuters
– Image of unknown woman beaten by Egypt’s military echoes around world (Guardian, Dec. 18, 2011):
The woman is young, and slim, and fair. She lies on her back surrounded by four soldiers, two of whom are dragging her by the arms raised above her head. She’s unresisting – maybe she’s fainted; we can’t tell because we can’t see her face. She’s wearing blue jeans and trainers. But her top half is bare: we can see her torso, her tummy, her blue bra, her bare delicate arms. Surrounding this top half, forming a kind of black halo around it, is the abaya, the robe she was wearing that has been ripped off and that tells us that she was wearing a hijab.
Six years ago, when popular protests started to hit the streets of Egypt as Hosni Mubarak’s gang worked at rigging the 2005 parliamentary elections, the regime hit back – not just with the traditional Central Security conscripts – but with an innovation: militias of strong, trained, thugs. They beat up men, but they grabbed women, tore their clothes off and beat them, groping them at the same time. The idea was to insinuate that females who took part in street protests wanted to be groped.
Women developed deterrent techniques: layers of light clothing, no buttons, drawstring pants double-knotted – and carried right on protesting. Many of the smaller civil initiatives that grew into the protest movement: “We See You”, “Against Corruption”, “The Streets are Ours” were women-led.
Afghan Woman To Be Freed From Jail After Agreeing To Marry Rapist
– Afghan woman to be freed from jail after agreeing to marry rapist (Guardian, Dec. 1, 2011):
President intervenes in case of 19-year-old woman who has spent two years in jail after reporting rape by a relative
An Afghan woman jailed for adultery after she was raped by a relative is set to be freed – but only after agreeing to marry the man who attacked her.
The case, which has highlighted the plight of Afghan women jailed for so-called moral crimes, was to be the subject of a documentary film funded by the European Union – until diplomats censored it out of fear for the woman’s welfare, and for their relations with the Afghan government.
But the decision not to broadcast the film, unintentionally led to a storm of publicity that has resulted in the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, intervening in the case of the 19-year-old woman, named Gulnaz.
Karzai, who will soon head to an international conference on Afghanistan in Bonn to seek financial support from foreign donors, ordered Gulnaz to be released on condition that she and her attacker agree to mediation.
In a statement released on Thursday night, the presidential palace said Gulnaz would be released after she agreed to become the second wife of her rapist – a prospect that supporters say she had dreaded.
In Afghan culture, marrying the father of a child born out of wedlock is seen as a way of “legitimising” the child, even in cases involving rape.
The documentary’s British director, Clementine Malpas, said Gulnaz’s decision would have been made under duress. “She has told me that the rapist had destroyed her life because no one else would marry her after what happened to her,” Malpas said. “She feels like she has no other option than to marry him and it’s the only way to bring peace between her and his family.
“I know she wants honour but I also know she doesn’t want to marry this man. And of course I am worried about what the future holds for her because of this decision.”
Read moreAfghan Woman To Be Freed From Jail After Agreeing To Marry Rapist
Allowing Women To Drive In Saudi Arabia Would Cause Rampant Sex, Porn And Homosexuality!
You can’t make this stuff up!
– Rampant porn if Saudi women allowed to drive: Report (CNEWS, December 2, 2011):
Allowing women to drive in Saudi Arabia would cause rampant sex, porn and homosexuality, according to some of the country’s scholars.
Academics at the country’s highest religious council submitted a report to the legislative assembly warning of the dangers of letting women behind the wheel, reports the Daily Telegraph.
If the only country in the world that still bans women from driving were to change its rules, there would be “a surge in prostitution, pornography, homosexuality and divorce.”
Within 10 years of the ban being lifted, the report claimed, there would be “no more virgins” in the country, according to the paper.
Currently, women caught driving in the kingdom may be lashed as punishment.