NASA Data On Comet Elenin Missing (RT)

YouTube Added: 18.08.2011

See also:

The Quickening (Documentary) [More Info On Comet Elenin, Nibiru, Nemesis, Planet X, Hercolubus, Tyche]

Planet X, Comet Elenin, Tyche, Nemesis – Nibiru Final Update.PDF – Hubble Telescope Worker Tells All About Comet Elenin

CNN Reports On Comet Elenin (= ‘Extinction Level Event Notable Impact November’ – ‘Nov 9, 2011? = 9/11)

NASA: Incoming Comet Elenin 3D Orbit Visualization Tool (Elenin Or Is It Planet X, Nibiru, Nemesis, Tyche, Hercolubus?)

Melancholia Trailer: Planet X Finally Reaches HOLLYWOOD

Nemesis, Nibiru, Planet X, Tyche, Hercolubus Admitted by Scientists – NASA shuts down Space Telescope ‘WISE’!

Dark Jupiter-Sized Object May Haunt Edge of Solar System

Second Super-Fast Flip Of Earth’s Magnetic Poles Found

NASA Scientists Search For ‘Nemesis’ (‘Nibiru’, ‘Planet X’) An Invisible ‘Death Star’ That Circles The Sun

Large ‘Planet X’ May Lurk Beyond Pluto

Marijuana Genetic Code Unlocked, New Treatments Underway

Marijuana Genetic Code Unlocked, New Treatments Underway (EmaxHealth, Aug 20, 1011):

A company called Medicinal Genomics has published the genetic code for the marijuana plant, specifically the cannabis species Cannabis sativa and C. indica. This advancement opens the door to new treatments using the highly controversial plant, which has been legalized in 16 states for medicinal purposes.
A new cannabis-based drug is approved for MS

Now that about 131 billion base pairs of genetic information from the entire genomes of the cannabis species have been released, the data could potentially fuel a great number of treatment innovations and make compounds derived from marijuana easier to produce. One of the latest additions to the growing arsenal of marijuana-based medications is an oromucosal spray called Sativex, which is for spasticity due to multiple sclerosis.

Read moreMarijuana Genetic Code Unlocked, New Treatments Underway

Scientists Search For Rice That Absorbs Less Radioactive Cesium From Soil For Fukushima Pref.

See also:

Evacuate FUKUSHIMA: Japanese Journalist Takashi Hirose: ‘It’s Like Killing Our Own Children, I Cannot Allow It To Happen’ – Teachers Force School Children To Eat Food That Their Parents Told Them Not To Eat

Hiroshima To Fukushima, Finishing The Job: A Time For The Kill – ‘The Country Of Japan Is No More And The Land Is Permanently Uninhabitable’ (Veterans Today)

Independent Scientist Leuren Moret: Japan, US, Canadian Governments Complicit In Covering Up Fukushima Radiation – ‘We Are Facing Total Extermination And Genocide’ – ‘We Are On Our Own’ (Video & Article)

Researchers search for radiation-resistant rice for Fukushima (Mainichi, August 22, 2011):

FUKUSHIMA (Kyodo) — A research agency in Fukushima Prefecture recently began examining some 110 varieties of rice from in and outside Japan in search for strains that absorb less radioactive cesium from soil.

The project, which the Fukushima Agricultural Technology Center initiated in the wake of the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant, is unprecedented in that no research has ever been done on rice grown on ground tainted with a relatively high amount of radioactive matter, the center’s research team said.

Read moreScientists Search For Rice That Absorbs Less Radioactive Cesium From Soil For Fukushima Pref.

Geeky Science: The Ultimate Spy Tool – ‘And Suddenly Everybody Is (RFID) Chipped, Everybody Is Monitored And Everybody Is Trackable Everywhere On Earth’ (Video)

‘An international team of researchers from the United States, China and Singapore.’

YouTube Added: 19.08.2011

The journal Science is reporting this week that a super thin electronic patch that sticks to the skin like a temporary tattoo could transform medical sensing, computer gaming and even spy operations. The micro-electronics technology – called an epidermal electronic system or EES – was developed by an international team of researchers from the United States, China and Singapore. One of the creators – Professor John Rogers from the University of Illinois has said that EES eliminates the “distinction between electronics and biology” because it “integrates with the skin in a way that is mechanically and physiologically invisible to the user.” In test studies the patch was used instead of bulky electrodes to monitor brain, heart and muscle tissue activity and users who had it on their throat operated a voice-activated video game with more than 90 percent accuracy. The wireless device is nearly weightless and requires so little power it can fuel itself with miniature solar collectors or by picking up electromagnetic radiation. Less than 50-microns thick – the device is thinner than a human hair and as soft as human skin and it can stick to the skin without any glue or sticky material. In fact – EES uses a molecular force known as “van der Waals interactions” to create adhesion between the patch and human skin on the molecular level. Scientists have spent six years developing this technology and they believe that EES might find future medical uses in patients with sleep apnea, babies who need neonatal care and for making electronic bandages to help skin heal from wounds and burns.

On the other hand, it could also be the ultimate spy tool. Imagine somebody comes up to you and touches your neck and, unbeknownst to you, you are now carrying a device that can transmit to somebody else everything from your blood pressure – are you under stress or lying? – to the words you’re speaking. Future versions may even have cameras in them. And they wouldn’t even need to touch you – a few thousand of them could be blown into a crowd – it wouldn’t even look like a little bit of dust – and suddenly everybody is chipped, everybody is monitored, everybody is trackable anywhere on earth. And this isn’t my paranoid rant – this is explicitly why the spy organizations of the countries that collaborated to develop this – Singapore, China, and the United States – are so excited about it. More as the story develops…

Evacuate FUKUSHIMA: Japanese Journalist Takashi Hirose: ‘It’s Like Killing Our Own Children, I Cannot Allow It To Happen’ – Teachers Force School Children To Eat Food That Their Parents Told Them Not To Eat

Listen To Takashi Hirose at 10:44 into the video.

Evacuate FUKUSHIMA – ???????? from LeChatBleuDansLaNuit on Vimeo.

Part 1 – The whole international press have blackout the worst catastrophe in modern history. So this is a humble reminder of what really is going on in Fukushima and beyond today ! There is a crime against humanity happening right under our nose and all we can hear is a deafening silence. Please spread this video as much as you can … in the name of humanity ! Thanks !

Read moreEvacuate FUKUSHIMA: Japanese Journalist Takashi Hirose: ‘It’s Like Killing Our Own Children, I Cannot Allow It To Happen’ – Teachers Force School Children To Eat Food That Their Parents Told Them Not To Eat

Chinese Suppress Acupuncture Discoveries

Chinese Suppress Acupuncture Discoveries (August 19, 2011):

Professor Yingqing Zhang

Zang’s discoveries would make acupuncture too simple and if everybody could do it, there would be no need for acupuncturists and there would be less work for doctors.

Twenty five hundred years ago, ancient Chinese physicians began to note that when a person is ill that there are certain corresponding points elsewhere on the body that were also sore and tender.

By rubbing this points they were amazed that it stimulated healing. Soon they learned that inserting needles into these points was just as effective but less work and the art of acupuncture was born.

The Aztec and Mayan civilizations also noticed this effect and to this day their shamans and even common folk have learned to use a limited yet effective form of acupressure called “sobando”.

Not much is known about Professor Yingqing Zhang’s life. He was born in 1947. We know that he worked in medicine in Inner Mongolia during the Cultural Revolution. He eventually became a professor at Shandong University in China.

While alive he gained fame for his work. He received recognition from President Bill Clinton. Jian Zemin, President and Wen Jiabao Vice Premier of China both personally visited with Prof. Zhang for diagnosis and treatment.

He won first prize at the Paris International Fair of Inventions for inventing the electroeciwograph, a diagnostic tool based upon his discoveries. With such fame his enemies dared not work in the open.

His cause of death is unknown and it is unknown when or where he died. It is assumed he died in 2004 in Shandong, PRC. Upon his death, his department was shut down and his life’s works including all textbooks and over a million original case studies were destroyed.

What is it that the Chinese medical establishment wants to destroy and cover up?

Read moreChinese Suppress Acupuncture Discoveries

The Quickening (Documentary) [More Info On Comet Elenin, Nibiru, Nemesis, Planet X, Hercolubus, Tyche]

For your information …

Some more information on Comet ELENIN (Extinction Level Event Nibiru Next [or Extinction Level Event Notable Impact November]).

If you have not much time I suggest you start at 0:28:30 into the video.

YouTube Added: 08.08.2011

All around the planet hundreds of millions of people are waiting for events to unfold in the year 2012, that they… believe will bring either the birth of a harmonious new reality… or ‘the end of the world.

But what if those events were actually to take place THIS YEAR, in 2011?

In Awakening As One’s new film “The Quickening” we will explain why so many people have been experiencing the sensation that “Time is Speeding Up”; particularly since the Earthquake in Japan.

And we will also show how research indicates that this accelerated experience of reality could peak sometime around October 28th, 2011; culminating in a global experience of Unity Consciousness, which would then lead to the experience of a harmonious new way of being.

“The Quickening” will also take a look at the unfolding of current events and how they directly relate to Hopi and Mayan Prophecies, indicating that we are on the Cusp of Great Changes, which signify the shifting of the Age… and the Birth of a New World.

See also:

Planet X, Comet Elenin, Tyche, Nemesis – Nibiru Final Update.PDF – Hubble Telescope Worker Tells All About Comet Elenin

CNN Reports On Comet Elenin (= ‘Extinction Level Event Notable Impact November’ – ‘Nov 9, 2011? = 9/11)

NASA: Incoming Comet Elenin 3D Orbit Visualization Tool (Elenin Or Is It Planet X, Nibiru, Nemesis, Tyche, Hercolubus?)

Melancholia Trailer: Planet X Finally Reaches HOLLYWOOD

Nemesis, Nibiru, Planet X, Tyche, Hercolubus Admitted by Scientists – NASA shuts down Space Telescope ‘WISE’!

Dark Jupiter-Sized Object May Haunt Edge of Solar System

Second Super-Fast Flip Of Earth’s Magnetic Poles Found

NASA Scientists Search For ‘Nemesis’ (‘Nibiru’, ‘Planet X’) An Invisible ‘Death Star’ That Circles The Sun

Large ‘Planet X’ May Lurk Beyond Pluto

Fukushima Radiation Alarms Doctors And Scientists – ‘We Have Begun To See Increased Nosebleeds, Stubborn Cases Of Diarrhoea, And Flu-Like Symptoms In Children’, Doctor Attributes Symptoms To Radiation Exposure

From the article:

“We have begun to see increased nosebleeds, stubborn cases of diarrhoea, and flu-like symptoms in children,” Dr Yuko Yanagisawa, a physician at Funabashi Futawa Hospital in Chiba Prefecture, told Al Jazeera.

She attributes the symptoms to radiation exposure, and added: “We are encountering new situations we cannot explain with the body of knowledge we have relied upon up until now.”

They are dying (very slowly):

Hiroshima To Fukushima, Finishing The Job: A Time For The Kill (Veterans Today):

‘The Country Of Japan Is No More And The Land Is Permanently Uninhabitable’

Independent Scientist Leuren Moret: Japan, US, Canadian Governments Complicit In Covering Up Fukushima Radiation – ‘We Are Facing Total Extermination And Genocide’ – ‘We Are On Our Own’ (Video & Article):

‘The Fukushima Disaster Is Going To Finish The Japanese’

And what is the government doing?

Japan Government To Lift Ban On Sales And Shipment Of Radioactive Fukushima Beef

Fukushima radiation alarms doctors (Al Jazeera, Aug 18, 2011):

Japanese doctors warn of public health problems caused by Fukushima radiation.

Scientists and doctors are calling for a new national policy in Japan that mandates the testing of food, soil, water, and the air for radioactivity still being emitted from Fukushima’s heavily damaged Daiichi nuclear power plant.

“How much radioactive materials have been released from the plant?” asked Dr Tatsuhiko Kodama, a professor at the Research Centre for Advanced Science and Technology and Director of the University of Tokyo’s Radioisotope Centre, in a July 27 speech to the Committee of Health, Labour and Welfare at Japan’s House of Representatives.

“The government and TEPCO have not reported the total amount of the released radioactivity yet,” said Kodama, who believes things are far worse than even the recent detection of extremely high radiation levels at the plant.

Read moreFukushima Radiation Alarms Doctors And Scientists – ‘We Have Begun To See Increased Nosebleeds, Stubborn Cases Of Diarrhoea, And Flu-Like Symptoms In Children’, Doctor Attributes Symptoms To Radiation Exposure

Architects & Engineers: Solving The Mystery Of WTC 7

Website: Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth

YouTube Added: 16.08.2011

Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

This is AE911Truth’s new 9/11 documentary on the mysterious destruction of World Trade Center Building #7 on 9/11/01. Join actor, Ed Asner and Architect Richard Gage, AIA and Architects and Engineers as they narrate an unfolding story that decimates the official account (“collapse due to normal office fires”) of this 47 story high-rise which was destroyed on the afternoon of 9/11 in record time: top to bottom in under 7 seconds – and at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall. Solving the Mystery of the Free-Fall collapse of WTC 7.

Read moreArchitects & Engineers: Solving The Mystery Of WTC 7

9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (Documentary – Trailer)

Website: Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth

YouTube Added: 31.07.2011

This is the trailer for the expert-packed feature-length documentary by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. The documentary premieres around the world the week prior to the September 11, 2011 Anniversary.

More on 9/11:

Richard Gage, Founder Of Architects And Engineers For 9/11 Truth, Backed By 1,500 Architects And Engineers On Press TV – 9/11 Thermite Evidence Haunts US Liars

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik: Osama Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag (Video)

Bush Cousin Judge John M. Walker Presides Over 9/11 Suit Against Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers

Former Governor Jesse Ventura on Government Cover-Ups . . . 9/11, the Reality of HAARP and Making Government Better

The NEW Remember WTC Building 7 TV Campaign

Read more9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (Documentary – Trailer)

Electric Vehicle Called ‘Schluckspecht’ (‘Boozer’) Sets New 1,013.8 Miles Record On Single Battery Charge

‘Boozer’ EV sets 1,000 miles-plus record on single charge (PhysOrg, August 17, 2011):

An experimental electric vehicle called “Schluckspecht” (“boozer,” or “tippler” in German) has set the record for achieving the longest drive in a battery-powered vehicle on a single battery charge. Its record-breaking distance was 1,013.8 miles (1,631.5 km). The trip lasted 36 hours and 12 minutes. The Schluckspecht E, as the winning machine is called, was developed at Germany’s University of Applied Sciences, Offenburg, in collaboration with other academic groups. The test drive took place in Boxberg at the Bosch corporate test track, where a team of four drivers made the trip, as they took turns navigating over the long stretch of hours.

While nothing beats a world record, this is not the first time Team Schluckspecht has made the EV design scene sit up and take notice. They also won attention at the South African Solar Challenge last year, driving 389 miles on a single charge.

Read moreElectric Vehicle Called ‘Schluckspecht’ (‘Boozer’) Sets New 1,013.8 Miles Record On Single Battery Charge

Independent Scientist Leuren Moret: Japan, US, Canadian Governments Complicit In Covering Up Fukushima Radiation – ‘We Are Facing Total Extermination And Genocide’ – ‘We Are On Our Own’ (Video & Article)


Independent Scientist Leuren Moret: Nuclear Genocide Of Babies And Children In Japan, US, Canada Grows – Elitist Depopulation Agenda – Global Nuclear Holocaust

‘The Fukushima Disaster Is Going To Finish The Japanese’

YouTube Added: 15.08.2011

Leuren Moret: Japan, U.S., Canadian governments complicit in radiation cover-up (Examiner, August 14, 2011):

Independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD (ABD) has declared that the governments of Japan, the U.S. and Canada are continuing in a concerted, lock-step program of complicit cover-up of dangerous radiation levels resulting from the Fukushima nuclear false flag event of March 11, 2011.

Ms. Moret’s statements are made in an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre released August 14, 2011.  Also made public is a court Declaration on the impacts and levels of Fukushima radiation by Dr. Chris Busby, Member of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and the Ukraine Committee Physicians of Chernobyl.  Dr. Busby’s court Declaration, filed in a Japanese court case seeking to force the evacuation of more that 350,000 children from the Fukushima area, is set out at the end of this article in the public interest.

Japan, U.S., Canadian governments complicit

DOE/Japan – Misleading radiation surveys and maps.

Ms. Moret reveals that her research has uncovered that the misleading radiation surveys and maps released by the Japanese government purportedly of radiation levels from the Fukushima area were in fact documents originally authored and created by the U.S. Department of Energy and then passed secretly on to the government of Japan, which made them public as its own or released them jointly with the US government.

Ms. Moret states, “Challenging the official Japan/US government radiation surveys, the Japanese government television network NHK TV, released a documentary in April 2011, about independent scientists Dr. Shinzo Kimura (formerly Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare), Dr. Masaharu Okano (retired leading expert in Japan on environmental radiation),  and Dr. Keiji Imanaka (Kyoto Univ.) and others, who began on March 15, to make the first ever independent radiation survey after a major nuclear disaster.  Not only did this survey identify and measure very short half-life isotopes, never reported before following a nuclear disaster, but NHK TV immediately released it to the public.  On March 16, the day that Reactor Unit 2 exploded at Fukushima nuclear plant, Dr. Kimura took soil and air samples at the Tamura Municipal Junior High School 35 kilometers from the Fukushima plant.  He reported that a soil sample from a path used daily by students, was contaminated with 5,150,000 Bq/m2 of Iodine 131, as well as 9 other radionuclides.  Radiation in the air sample was 1.9-93 microSv/hr, more than 40 times higher than normal.  When they entered the 20 km exclusion zone, the radiation levels inside the car reached 300 microSv/hr.  They also reported that the Cesium contamination level 4 km from the Fukushima plant was 2000 times higher than 44 km away from the plant.  The importance of this careful and thorough survey, conducted by Japan’s top radiation scientists in Fukushima Prefecture, will increase over time.”


Nuclear : Collaborating to create a radioactive fallout contamination map

Thus, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), under the directorship of Dr. Steven Chu (Secretary of Energy) and Dr. Stephen Koonin, is following in the Fukushima HAARP-radiation false flag operation the same methodology that they followed in the BP Gulf Oil Spill false flag operation.

Ms. Moret states, “Dr. Steven Chu received a $500 million grant from BP Oil prior to being appointed Secretary of Energy by newly elected President Obama.  Obama also received $500 million from the British Crown two years prior to his election, to begin his election campaign for US President.. Upon his appointment as Secretary of Energy, Dr. Steven Chu appointed Dr. Stephen Koonin, chief scientist for BP, to run the DOE’s science operations.  The Queen of England personally owns BP.”

Read moreIndependent Scientist Leuren Moret: Japan, US, Canadian Governments Complicit In Covering Up Fukushima Radiation – ‘We Are Facing Total Extermination And Genocide’ – ‘We Are On Our Own’ (Video & Article)

US Government Scientists Tell Power Companies To Prepare For Possible Disruptions As Solar Storms Set To Hit Earth

See also:

NOAA: Solar Storms Could Debilitate Earth this Decade

Power companies prepare as solar storms set to hit Earth (Reuters. Aug 6, 2011):

Three large explosions from the Sun over the past few days have prompted U.S. government scientists to caution users of satellite, telecommunications and electric equipment to prepare for possible disruptions over the next few days.

“The magnetic storm that is soon to develop probably will be in the moderate to strong level,” said Joseph Kunches, a space weather scientist at the Space Weather Prediction Center, a division of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

He said solar storms this week could affect communications and global positioning system (GPS) satellites and might even produce an aurora visible as far south as Minnesota and Wisconsin.

An aurora, called aurora borealis or the northern lights in northern latitudes, is a natural light display in the sky in the Arctic and Antarctic regions caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere.

Read moreUS Government Scientists Tell Power Companies To Prepare For Possible Disruptions As Solar Storms Set To Hit Earth

NOAA: Solar Storms Could Debilitate Earth this Decade

Solar Storms Could Debilitate Earth this Decade: NOAA (International Business Times, August 6, 2011):

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a federal agency that focuses on the condition of the oceans and atmosphere, said that a severe solar storm could cause global chaos, debilitating satellite communications and taking down the most important global power grids.

The NOAA predicted four extreme solar emissions which could threaten the planet this decade. Similarly, NASA warned that a peak in the sun’s magnetic energy cycle and the number of sun spots or flares around 2013 could enable extremely high radiation levels.

Government studies revealed that extreme solar flare emissions could cause blackouts, possibly for years, in large portions of the U.S.

This type of storm could also induce geomagnetic currents that could debilitate transformers on the power grid. Electric power would be out for years or even decades.

Read moreNOAA: Solar Storms Could Debilitate Earth this Decade

Planet X, Comet Elenin, Tyche, Nemesis – Nibiru Final Update.PDF – Hubble Telescope Worker Tells All About Comet Elenin

For your information…

Related information:

CNN Reports On Comet Elenin (= ‘Extinction Level Event Notable Impact November’ – ‘Nov 9, 2011? = 9/11)

NASA: Incoming Comet Elenin 3D Orbit Visualization Tool (Elenin Or Is It Planet X, Nibiru, Nemesis, Tyche, Hercolubus?)

Melancholia Trailer: Planet X Finally Reaches HOLLYWOOD

Nemesis, Nibiru, Planet X, Tyche, Hercolubus Admitted by Scientists – NASA shuts down Space Telescope ‘WISE’!

Dark Jupiter-Sized Object May Haunt Edge of Solar System

Second Super-Fast Flip Of Earth’s Magnetic Poles Found

NASA Scientists Search For ‘Nemesis’ (‘Nibiru’, ‘Planet X’) An Invisible ‘Death Star’ That Circles The Sun

Large ‘Planet X’ May Lurk Beyond Pluto


Nibiru Final Update.pdf

ELENIN is Real Threat says Dr Byron Glenn

YouTube Added: 17.07.2011

Hubble Telescope Worker Tells All

YouTube Added: 01.08.2011

Godlike Productions:

“This report was written by someone who is part of the ASTROLPATRIOT research team, either ASTROLPATRIOT himself or he wrote it along with the other astrophysicists he works with. There are several references to Dr Glenn (Cru4T), and on PAGE 18 of the report it says that the “comparison’s were done by Dr. Glenn’s son, Ghaffar, using Starry Night.”

Dr. Glenn (Cru4T), was working with AstrolPatriot and on May 28th – May 30th, Dr. Glenn looked beyond Comet Elenin to the portion of the sky where AstrolPatriot told him to look. This was supposed to be the most convenient time to view Nibiru and its seven orbitals due to the position of the Earth relative to Comet Elenin and the other objects in the distance.

Dr. Glenn (Cru4T) described what he saw on back on 6/22. Dr. Glenn said, on air, that he saw Elenin off to the left, and then when they looked beyond it, they saw the incoming mini-solar system….He and AstrolPatriot both saw the same thing…they saw a large object that was bending light from Regulus around it. And they saw 7 orbitals around it…they saw a total of 4 white-colored oribitals, 2 blue-colored orbitals, and a red-colored orbital that was doing an odd Figure-8 sort of orbit.

Read morePlanet X, Comet Elenin, Tyche, Nemesis – Nibiru Final Update.PDF – Hubble Telescope Worker Tells All About Comet Elenin

NASA Discovers Flowing Water On Mars

NASA finds new evidence of liquid water on Mars (Reuters, Aug 5, 2011):

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – NASA scientists have discovered new evidence that briny water flows on Mars during its warmest months, raising chances that life could exist on the Red Planet, the space agency said on Thursday.

NASA first found signs of water on Mars more than a decade ago, but earlier indications were that any existing water would be frozen and concentrated at the poles.

Recently analyzed images from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter satellite show dark, finger-like features that extend down some slopes and crater walls on the planet during its late spring through summer, fading in the Martian winter.

“This is the best evidence we have to date of a liquid water occurring today on Mars,” said Philip Christensen, a geophysicist at Arizona State University, Tempe, in a NASA panel announcing the findings in Washington.

Read moreNASA Discovers Flowing Water On Mars

Prof. Chris Busby: Airborne Radiation In Japan 1,000 Times Higher Than Radioactive ‘Fallout’ At 1963 Peak Of H-Bomb Detonations And At Least 300 Times Worse than Air During The Chernobyl Disaster

Dr. Chris Busby Speaks with the Japanese People

Nuclear detonation Nuclear Defense Agency
Fukushima Radiation 1,000 Times H-Bomb Peak (Veterans Today, Aug 2, 2011):

(San Francisco) – Dr. Chris Busby, world famous physicist, said tests run at the respected Harwell Radiation Laboratory in England demonstrate the airborne radiation in Japan is 1,000 times higher than radioactive “fallout” at the peak in 1963 of H-Bomb detonations by the nuclear powers. The calculations were on radioactive Cesium 137.

Busby certifies the poisonous, radioactive Japanese air to be at least 300 times worse than the air during the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster. Dr Janette Sherman, a highly respected physician and an acknowledged expert in radiation exposure, has estimated the world wide Chernobyl Kill to be at least one million people killed to date. The Chernobyl Disaster occurred April 26, 1986.

Read moreProf. Chris Busby: Airborne Radiation In Japan 1,000 Times Higher Than Radioactive ‘Fallout’ At 1963 Peak Of H-Bomb Detonations And At Least 300 Times Worse than Air During The Chernobyl Disaster

Fukushima Prefecture To Test Wild Mushrooms Harvested In Fukushima (What???)

Fukushima Prefecture to Test Wild Mushrooms Harvested in Fukushima (EX-SKF, Aug 3, 2011):

Is it even an issue at this point?

There was absolutely no information in March and April warning against radioactive fallout in the countryside in Fukushima, where many residents ate the wild mountain vegetables – seasonal delicacy. On the contrary, as we all know now throughout the world (I hope), the national government and the Fukushima prefectural government were busily dispatching the two Nagasaki University professors (Yamashita and Takayama) to brainwash the residents.

Now the Fukushima prefectural government says it will test wild mushrooms. About the only reason I can think of is that the prefectural government just wants to make sure they are contaminated beyond 500 becquerels/kg level, so that they can send the bill to TEPCO for non-sales. If they are contaminated but with less than 500 becquerels/kg level and people still don’t buy the mushrooms, they will send the bill to TEPCO anyway for damages from “baseless rumor”, also known as “radiation”.

The testing probably has nothing to do with safety for the consumers. Remember, they, and everyone in the government or with strong ties with the government have been saying all along that if you eat food that contains radioactive cesium well exceeding 500 becquerels/kg, it is safe.

From Yomiuri Shinbun (8/3/2011):


Fukushima Prefecture announced on August 3 that it will test wild mushrooms in Fukushima for radioactive materials. The harvest season for wild mushrooms will start soon.

Read moreFukushima Prefecture To Test Wild Mushrooms Harvested In Fukushima (What???)

CNN Reports On Comet Elenin (= ‘Extinction Level Event Notable Impact November’ – ‘Nov 9, 2011’ = 9/11)


As I’ve said here about the coming earth changes:

Second Super-Fast Flip Of Earth’s Magnetic Poles Found:

And that time is ‘maybe’ now, but a real master said it won’t be in 2012, but years later (This master could heal the sick, manifest out of thin air, could make cars invisible for the military during night curfew. She put a baby, that has been (accidentally) fully aborted and discarded back into the mothers womb with her mind. She could easily point out where to dig for wells, that are still flowing 30 years later on.  You cold ask her any question and she knew the answer. For example if your question was about a book, then she was able to read it in seconds, knowing it in and out, incl. knowing everything about the author and his thoughts when he was writing the book.)


NASA: Incoming Comet Elenin 3D Orbit Visualization Tool (Elenin Or Is It Planet X, Nibiru, Nemesis, Tyche, Hercolubus?)

Melancholia Trailer: Planet X Finally Reaches HOLLYWOOD

Nemesis, Nibiru, Planet X, Tyche, Hercolubus Admitted by Scientists – NASA shuts down Space Telescope ‘WISE’!

Dark Jupiter-Sized Object May Haunt Edge of Solar System

Second Super-Fast Flip Of Earth’s Magnetic Poles Found

NASA Scientists Search For ‘Nemesis’ (‘Nibiru’, ‘Planet X’) An Invisible ‘Death Star’ That Circles The Sun

Large ‘Planet X’ May Lurk Beyond Pluto

The debt ceiling kindergarten was probably more interesting than this…

Comet ELENIN, Earthquakes, And YOU. (CNN Report, July 25, 2011):

iReport —

Nov 9, 2011 the earth will supposedly cross the threshold of the debris tail of ELENIN on the same plain (assuming ELENIN is a real object that would be catastrophic).

This is a cool interactive NASA chart displaying the comets trajectory through the solar system:

ELENIN, according to some researchers stands for Extinction Level Event Notable Impact November — also encoded into the name is Elevin Nine (Nov. 9), and LEONID (a meteor shower that peaks in November).

So is NASA worried? Not on the surface. They did release  this internal video for their employees concerning emergency  preparedness, though:

This also ties in with the massive gearing up of underground bases  recently built, specifically under the new Denver International Airport.

This incoming object appears to be massive. The strange thing is that only a select few sources worldwide have seen the object a few of which we traced back to DARPA directly.

Read moreCNN Reports On Comet Elenin (= ‘Extinction Level Event Notable Impact November’ – ‘Nov 9, 2011’ = 9/11)

And Now … Japanese Schoolchildren Given Radioactive Compost To Plant Flowers

See also:

WAKE-UP CALL: Prof. Tatsuhiko Kodama of Tokyo University To Japan Government ‘Shaking With Anger’: ‘What Are You Doing?’ (Part 1, 2, 3)

#Radioactive Leaf Compost Spreads to Schools (EX-SKF, August 1, 2011):

possibly irradiating children as they planted flowers as part of school curriculum.

Ever since the March 11 start of the Fukushima I Nuke Plant accident, unthinking, order-following school teachers and administrators throughout Japan from kindergarten/nursery school on (with a few exceptions) have made small children:

Now the latest: they made them plant flowers using the leaf compost which turned out to be highly radioactive.

As journalist Takashi Hirose said, they are “killing the children”.

First, from Shinano Mainichi Shinbun (local paper in Nagano Prefecture, 8/2/2011):

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The leaf compost that may contain high concentration of radioactive materials have been sold in the Prefecture. On July 31, it was discovered that one elementary school and one junior high school used the total of 40 bags (14 liters per bag) of the compost. According to the Prefecture’s agricultural division, the schools used it in planters to grow flowers. The division says it has instructed the schools to move the planters away from school children.

Read moreAnd Now … Japanese Schoolchildren Given Radioactive Compost To Plant Flowers

Richard Gage, Founder Of Architects And Engineers For 9/11 Truth, Backed By 1,500 Architects And Engineers On Press TV – 9/11 Thermite Evidence Haunts US Liars

Don’t miss:

BBC News Reported WTC7 Collapse 20 Minutes BEFORE It Fell! (Enhanced Video)

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9/11 thermite evidence haunts US liars (Press TV, Jul 25, 2011):

The implosion and fall of building 7 on September 11, 2001, the third building, not hit by an airplane and the presence of molten metal and thermite particles only made in military labs backs NIST into corner.

Press TV talks with Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth who, backed by 1,500 architects and engineers, claims that NIST the official investigating committee has hidden much of the evidence and ignored first hand testimonials concerning building 7 in a deliberate action to support the official story by the US government. Following is a summarized transcript of the interview.

Press TV: Can you tell me the main premise of the work that you’re doing?

Richard Gage: We have 1,500 architects and engineers who are demanding a new investigation; one that accounts for all of the evidence that we haven’t seen in the official reports from NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). We want a new investigation that accounts for the molten metal seen at the base of the three skyscrapers not just two that collapsed on that day; the evidence of extreme temperatures throughout all the dust that settled and the evidence for the free-falling of World Trade Center seven that cannot be explained according to office fires as NIST has attempted to do so. So we do want a new investigation.

Read moreRichard Gage, Founder Of Architects And Engineers For 9/11 Truth, Backed By 1,500 Architects And Engineers On Press TV – 9/11 Thermite Evidence Haunts US Liars

AND NOW … Daily Mail: ‘Safest Place For Black Men Is In Prison, Says Report That Found They Are Half As Likely To Die While Behind Bars’

Safest place for black men is in prison, says report that found they are half as likely to die while behind bars (Daily Mail,  July 31, 2011):

Black men are half as likely to die at any given time if they’re in prison than if they aren’t, suggests a new report.

A study looking at inmates in North Carolina found that black prisoners seemed to be especially protected against alcohol and drug-related deaths, as well as lethal accidents and certain chronic diseases.

But that pattern didn’t hold for white men, who on the whole were slightly more likely to die in prison than outside, according to findings published in Annals of Epidemiology.

Researchers say it’s not the first time a study has found lower death rates among certain groups of inmates – particularly disadvantaged people, who might get protection against violent injuries and murder.

Read moreAND NOW … Daily Mail: ‘Safest Place For Black Men Is In Prison, Says Report That Found They Are Half As Likely To Die While Behind Bars’

Mind-Control: Harnessing The Power Of Feedback Loops

“As such, it is perhaps the most promising tool for behavioral change to have come along in decades.”

Harnessing the Power of Feedback Loops (Wired, June 19, 2011):

The premise of a feedback loop is simple: Provide people with information about their actions in real time, then give them a chance to change those actions, pushing them toward better behaviors. Photo: Kevin Van Aelst

In 2003, officials in Garden Grove, California, a community of 170,000 people wedged amid the suburban sprawl of Orange County, set out to confront a problem that afflicts most every town in America: drivers speeding through school zones.

Local authorities had tried many tactics to get people to slow down. They replaced old speed limit signs with bright new ones to remind drivers of the 25-mile-an-hour limit during school hours. Police began ticketing speeding motorists during drop-off and pickup times. But these efforts had only limited success, and speeding cars continued to hit bicyclists and pedestrians in the school zones with depressing regularity.

So city engineers decided to take another approach. In five Garden Grove school zones, they put up what are known as dynamic speed displays, or driver feedback signs: a speed limit posting coupled with a radar sensor attached to a huge digital readout announcing “Your Speed.”

Read moreMind-Control: Harnessing The Power Of Feedback Loops