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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
Australian nurses and midwives are being forced to announce their ‘white privilege’ before treating Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander patients – a move which has been slammed as ‘racist to its core’.
The term ‘white privilege’ defines the unearned social and cultural advantages awarded to people with white skin which are not enjoyed by people of colour or non-white backgrounds.
The Nursing and Midwifery Board believes the cultural safety of Indigenous or Torres Strait Islander patients is just as important as their clinical safety.
– IDIOCY: Two university profs claim that “Farmer’s markets” are harbingers of WHITE racism:
There are photos of former first lady Michelle Obama shopping at one of them. Throughout the country, depending on the region, many vendors are minorities at them.
But to hear a couple of lunatic professors from San Diego State University tell it, farmer’s markets are inherently racist because they are strictly the construct and domain of white people.
Seriously. You can’t make this stuff up, folks, though it’s a shame that someone did anyway.
As reported by the Washington Times, Profs. Pascale Joassart-Marcelli and Fernando J. Bosco write in a new book that farmer’s markets in urban environments are “white spaces” that are responsible for…oppression.
Read moreIDIOCY: Two university profs claim that ‘Farmer’s markets’ are harbingers of WHITE racism
– Editor Apologizes For Running ‘White Death’ Opinion Piece:
An editor for a student paper apologized for an op-ed a student journalist asserted that “white death will mean liberation for all,” according to a Wednesday report.
Rudy Martinez, a Texas State University student journalist for The University Star, wrote an article entitled “Your DNA Is An Abomination,” referring to the DNA of white people, reported The College Fix.
“The original intent of the column was to comment on the idea of race and racial identities,” said Denise Cervantes, The University Star’s editor-in-chief, in a statement.
“We acknowledge that the column could have been clearer in its message and that it has caused hurt within our campus community.
We apologize and hope that we can move forward to a place of productive dialogue on ways to bring our community together.”
The publication removed Martinez’s article from its website, but the writer still insists that the piece was not racist.
Read moreEditor Apologizes For Running ‘White Death’ Opinion Piece Photo of Rob Shimshock
– RACE ATTACK: Horrific head injuries of woman battered by thugs in ‘racist’ attack:
A TERRIFIED woman suffered horror injuries when she was battered by thugs in what police believe was a race hate attack.
Nikki Hurst was left with serious facial injuries and a head wound after she was pushed and kicked in what police are treating as a “racially aggravated” assault.
The 32-year-old had been out walking in Batley, West Yorks, when she was approached by the three Asian men.
Read moreUK: RACE ATTACK: Horrific head injuries of woman battered by thugs in ‘racist’ attack
– Apple Diversity Chief Forced Out After Saying White Men Can Also Be ‘Diverse’:
Silicon Valley’s disdain for its mostly white, mostly male tech workforce has reached absurd new heights.
The New York Post is reporting that, after just six months on the job, Apple Diversity Chief Denise Young Smith, who was named vice president of diversity and inclusion in May, has resigned her post after making a “controversial” comment last month during a summit in Bogota, Colombia.
What was Young’s crime? She insinuated that “diversity” can still exist among a group of white men because of their different life experiences.
“There can be 12 white, blue-eyed, blond men in a room and they’re going to be diverse too because they’re going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation,” the inaugural diversity chief said.
“Diversity is the human experience,” she said, according to Quartz. “I get a little bit frustrated when diversity or the term diversity is tagged to the people of color, or the women, or the LGBT.”
That’s right: Young, who is – for the record – a black woman, has been forced out of Apple because her views on diversity were too inclusive.
Read moreApple Diversity Chief Forced Out After Saying White Men Can Also Be ‘Diverse’
H/t reader kevin a.
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– Democrat Lawmaker Supports Call To Ban “Racist” National Anthem:
California’s NAACP is pushing for state lawmakers to support a campaign to remove “The Star Spangled Banner” as the country’s national anthem.
In possibly the greatest ‘virtue signal’ yet, the organization last week began circulating among legislative offices two resolutions that passed at its state conference in October: one urging Congress to rescind “one of the most racist, pro-slavery, anti-black songs in the American lexicon” as the national anthem, and another in support of former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick.
Read moreAND NOW: Democrat Lawmaker Supports Call To Ban “Racist” National Anthem
– Government Race Audit Used to Claim Britain ‘Institutionally Racist’:
The UK government has published one of the world’s most extensive audits of racial disparity, picking out various differences to imply the nation is institutionally racist.
When she announced the audit, back in August, the prime minister promised it would make for “difficult reading”.
The report – covering health, education, and housing, for example – reveals that different groups fall behind in different areas.
Read moreGovernment Race Audit Used to Claim Britain ‘Institutionally Racist’
H/t reader kevin a.
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– Sweden’s Libraries Destroying Pippi Longstocking Children’s Books Because of Racist Phrases:
A Swedish council has admitted that local libraries have been throwing out copies of a popular children’s book because it contains racist expressions, with one local journalist even claiming the books are being burnt.
Older versions of the Pippi Langstrumpf [Pippi Longstocking] book entitled ‘Pippi in the South Seas,’ have been discarded by libraries in the Botkyrka municipality.
The Botkyrka council has denied claims by Swedish investigative journalist Janne Josefsson that libraries are specifically targeting Astrid Lindgren’s Pippi Langstrumpf books, explaining that getting rid of books is a necessary process ‘in order for the space in the shelves to be sufficient.’
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– Leading Far Left Website: WHITE MEN Must Be Stopped for Future of Mankind:
Racism? What racism?
The left declare open war on White Americans.
Whites must be wiped out for the good of mankind.
Racism against Whitey is Good.
The future of life on the planet depends on bringing the 500-year rampage of the white man to a halt. For five centuries his ever more destructive weaponry has become far too common. His widespread and better systems of exploiting other humans and nature dominate the globe.
The time for replacing white supremacy with new values is now. And just as some whites played a part in ending slavery, colonialism, Jim Crow segregation, and South African apartheid, there is surely a role whites can play in restraining other whites in this era. Beneath the sound and fury generated by GOP presidential candidates, Fox News, website trolls, police unions and others, white people are becoming aware as never before of past and present racism.
Read moreLeading Far Left Website WHITE MEN Must Be Stopped for Future of Mankind
– UK researchers push heart drug as potential ‘cure’ for racism (Natural News, March 19, 2012):
There is no doubt that soon there will be a pharmaceutical drug for every condition, feeling, emotion, and sentiment, as drugs that supposedly treat perceived notions of racism or racial preference are already in the works. Researchers from Oxford University in the U.K. recently conducted a study they claim illustrates the alleged racism-curing benefits of certain heart medications that lower blood pressure and ease anxiety.
Birthed out of an apparent curiosity as to whether or not heart medications that target areas of the brain responsible for dealing with emotions and fear could also address racism, Dr. Sylvia Terbeck and her colleagues decided to conduct a study. Using 36 “white” people as test subjects, Dr. Terbeck and her team administered propranolol, a blood pressure and heart medication, to half the group, and a placebo to the other half.
YouTube Added: 06.01.2012
Don’t miss:
– The Compassion Of Dr. Ron Paul – So Who Is Behind The Ron Paul Attacks? (Video)
YouTube Added. 05.09.2011
This letter came from the NGO that was in Tripoli – now they are back in the USA – and they just received this letter.
See also:
– Libya: NATO Destroying Sirte – Worse Than Gaza
– NATO Rebel Tactics Mean Libyans Can Never Surrender (Video)
– Gaddafi Son Saif’s Speech (Sept 01, 2011 – English)
– France Made Secret Deal With NTC For 35% Of Libya’s Oil (Libération)
– GENOCIDE: NATO Bombs Libya With Depleted Uranium (Video)
– Rep. Ron Paul on Libya (Aug 29, 2011)
– The Greatest Betrayal: Handing Over Libya To Al-Qaeda
Read moreLibya: Letter From Tripoli – Carnage of the Innocent
– Safest place for black men is in prison, says report that found they are half as likely to die while behind bars (Daily Mail, July 31, 2011):
Black men are half as likely to die at any given time if they’re in prison than if they aren’t, suggests a new report.
A study looking at inmates in North Carolina found that black prisoners seemed to be especially protected against alcohol and drug-related deaths, as well as lethal accidents and certain chronic diseases.
But that pattern didn’t hold for white men, who on the whole were slightly more likely to die in prison than outside, according to findings published in Annals of Epidemiology.
Researchers say it’s not the first time a study has found lower death rates among certain groups of inmates – particularly disadvantaged people, who might get protection against violent injuries and murder.