US Postal Service, Costing $250 MILLION Daily, Posts Record $15.9 BILLION Loss, May Run Out Of Cash Soon

US Postal Service, Costing $250 Million Daily, Posts Record $15.9 Billion Loss, May Run Out Of Cash Soon (ZeroHedge, Nov 15, 2012):

That the biggest government source of employment just posted a record $15.9 billion loss (bigger than the $15 billion expected previously), is no surprise to anyone: after all most are openly expecting the USPS to fold, the only outstanding question is whether it will transform into a company that is actually competitive with the private sector (unlikely), or liquidate (also unlikely in an era where government jobs are becoming the only form of employment available). Sadly, keeping this zombie alive costs all other taxpayers $250 million each day: money that could be used much more effectively in other areas of the economy, but won’t. Because there are USPS votes that have to be purchased at cost. Perhaps the biggest surprise is that while the USPS had a total of 607,400 employees in October, this was the lowest number of total employees for the non-profit (but certainly loss-driven) government run organization since the 1960s! Perhaps most shocking is that the USPS peaked at over 900K employees in 1999 when it was still if not profitable (as it doesn’t need to be by its charter) then certainly breakeven. Sadly those days are now gone, and the next thing to go will be all the promised benefits for the 600K or so employees.

From Bloomberg:

The U.S. Postal Service said its net loss last year widened to $15.9 billion, more than the $15 billion it had projected, as mail volume continued to drop, falling 5 percent.

Without action by Congress, the service will run out of cash on Oct. 15, 2013, after it makes a required workers compensation payment to the U.S. Labor Department and before revenue typically jumps with holiday season mailing, Chief Financial Officer Joe Corbett said.

Read moreUS Postal Service, Costing $250 MILLION Daily, Posts Record $15.9 BILLION Loss, May Run Out Of Cash Soon

Fact Check: Texas Has Both The Legal And Moral Right To Secede From A Corrupt Union

Fact check: Texas has both the legal and moral right to secede from a corrupt union (Natural News, Nov 15, 2012):

The reaction to my recent article on why Texas is uniquely positioned to secede from the union and run itself as an independent nation state reveals that very few people on the internet have any real knowledge of history. (Gee, is anyone surprised that people on Facebook have no clue what they’re talking about?)

For the purpose of educating those who simply don’t know these facts, I’m publishing selections from the Texas state constitution that make it perfectly clear: Texas voluntarily joined the union but did not surrender power to the union. It reserves the eternal right to run its own affairs.

From the Texas Constitution, article 1, section 1:

“Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States…”

Read moreFact Check: Texas Has Both The Legal And Moral Right To Secede From A Corrupt Union

Autism Cures Do Exist

Cures To Autism Do Exist (Waking Times, Nov 14, 2012):

Far too many medical professionals swiftly encourage the route of standard (yet outdated) medications for autism and ignore the abundance of science and research that currently supports effective recovery protocols. Such protocols do lead to cures for many children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) and as healers, we must embrace them at all levels if we’re to ever unleash reliable methods of treatment to the over one million children with autism.

The first perception we must eliminate from our discourse on this subject is that vaccines are the primary cause of autism. There are few advocates more against vaccinations than myself. I have asserted repetitively over the years that when it comes to vaccines, don’t sit on the fence and that most of the evidence now suggests that the healthiest children in the future will be unvaccinated.

Read moreAutism Cures Do Exist

Pioneering Self-Contained ‘Smart Village’ Offers World Model For Rural Poverty Relief

Pioneering self-contained ‘smart village’ offers world model for rural poverty relief (EurekAlert, July 16, 2012):

California innovation experts counseling Malaysia’s development drive

An innovative, high-tech “smart village” built in Malaysia provides a potential global template for addressing rural poverty in a sustainable environment, say international experts meeting in California’s Silicon Valley.

Rimbunan Kaseh, a model community built north-east of Kuala Lumpur, consists of 100 affordable homes, high-tech educational, training and recreational facilities, and a creative, closed-loop agricultural system designed to provide both food and supplementary income for villagers.

Malaysian Dato’ Tan Say Jim detailed the project Monday at a special meeting in San Jose of the Global Science and Innovation Advisory Council (GSIAC) — a unique assembly of all-star international and Malaysian experts and leaders created to guide sustainable Malaysian development.

The “smart village,” located on 12 hectares in the Malaysian state of Pahang, includes a four-level aquaculture system whereby water cascades through a series of tanks to raise, first, fish sensitive to water quality, then tilapia (“the world’s answer to affordable protein,” says Mr. Tan), then guppies and finally algae. The latter two products are used to feed the larger fish.

Read morePioneering Self-Contained ‘Smart Village’ Offers World Model For Rural Poverty Relief

Israel Releases Another Aistrike Video As It Prepares To Send Troops Into Gaza Strip

Israel Releases Another Aistrike Video As It Prepares To Send Troops Into Gaza Strip (ZeroHedge, Nov 15, 2012):

Update: the following tweet from Israel’s ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, will hardly help: “ALERT: Tel Aviv area was just hit by a rocket attack from #Gaza

Despite having lost its prominent headline position in the global media, the things in Gaza are going from bad to worse with news reports that Israeli ground forces are preparing to enter the Gaza Strip which will take the confrontation to an effective ground war level, even as a separate news report claims that Egypt has now closed its border with Israel, in yet another escalation. It is unclear how soon until Egypt also halts gas supplies to Israel as it did back in April – we assume not too long. So as the world awaits the next major step in a conflict that has a Katyusha rocket’s chance in the Iron Dome of going away on its own, we present the latest clip provided by the handy, if oddly boastful, Israeli Defense Forces, this time showing how a rocket warehouse in Gaza just became one with the ether. Tangentially, and once again, we can’t help but lament how a Plan X involving the US military would be an option here, if only the entire US military and intelligence hadn’t become a gonzo reality TV show virtually overnight.


Street Battles Across Europe As General Strike Turns Violent (Video)

YouTube Added: 14.11.2012


Hundreds of thousands of Europe’s beleaguered citizens went on strike or snarled the streets of capitals of Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal, at times clashing with riot police, as they demanded that governments stop cutting benefits and create more jobs.

IDF On ‘Pillar of Defense’: Israel Needs No Justification To Strike (Video)


On record: Benjamin Netanyahu: ‘America is something that can easily be moved.’ ‘The world won’t say a thing.’ ‘The world will say we’re defending.’ (Video)

So this is what Israel calls self-defense to ensure it’s security and survival???

Looks like a war of conquest to me. (Click on image to enlarge.)



Israel has launched a deadly military offensive against Gaza, with fighter jets and warships attacking the occupied territory. The operation began with the airstrike assassination of the military leader of Hamas. The Palestinian group pledged to open the gates of hell in retaliation. Israel Defense Force spokesperson Lt Col Avital Leibovich has told RT that Israel doesn’t need justification for its military operation against Hamas

Obama Damage (Forbes)


Obama Damage (Forbes, Nov 15, 2012):

America has decided to reappoint Barack Obama as President of the United States. This is quite surprising, considering a number of facts: a $5 trillion increase in government debt to $16 trillion (a higher per capita number than any European country, including Greece); an unemployment rate of 7.9 % (higher than when Obama took office) ; 50 million people on food stamps and economic growth less than 2 %. Winning an election with such a poor track record is remarkable, considering that concern about the economy was the main issue for voters this year.

Read moreObama Damage (Forbes)

Fukushima Must Be Still Leaking About 300 Billion Becquerels Every Month Into The Pacific Ocean

Researchers: Continuing radioactive leaks from Fukushima Daiichi — “There must be a source” — 300,000,000,000 becquerels a month thought entering Pacific (ENENews, Nov 14, 2012):

Title: Ocean still suffering from Fukushima fallout
Source: Nature
Author: Geoff Brumfiel
Date: 14 November 2012
h/t Enformable

Continuing leaks and contaminated sediment keep radiation levels high.

[…] New data presented at a conference held on 12–13 November at the University of Tokyo show that levels of radioactivity in the sea around the plant remain stable, rather than falling as expected. […]

Read moreFukushima Must Be Still Leaking About 300 Billion Becquerels Every Month Into The Pacific Ocean

Meditation Affects Brain After Weeks: Improves Stress Response, Increases Empathy

Meditation Affects Brain after Weeks: Improves Stress Response, Increases Empathy (Natural Society, Nov 14, 2012):

Dedicated meditation affects the brain and emotional response even after we’ve finished meditating, according to a new study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.“

This is the first time that meditation training has been shown to affect emotional processing in the brain outside of a meditative state,” says Gaelle Desbordes.

Read moreMeditation Affects Brain After Weeks: Improves Stress Response, Increases Empathy

Washington County Bans Growing Of GMOs!

Washington County Bans Growing of GMOs (Natural Society, Nov 12, 2012):

While some anti-GMO legislation like Prop 37 was shot down through corporation-funded projects and deceptive campaign tactics, one county in Washington state was massively successful in establishing a landmark ruling against Monsanto and GMO crops as a whole. The concerned citizens of San Juan County were able to pass what is known as Initiative Measure No. 2012-4, which actually bans the growth of genetically modified organisms within the county.And it doesn’t just affect traditional GMO crops.

Read moreWashington County Bans Growing Of GMOs!

Jupiter ‘Juicepresso’ Entsafter – Jupiter ‘Juicepresso’ Juicer

Here is a very good & inexpensive juicer for my German readers: Jupiter 868100 Juicepresso Entsafter for only EUR 251,96

The Jupiter ‘Juicepresso’ juicer is almost a clone of the Hurom juicer:

The Hurom Juicer Is The Best Juicer Out There … And Easily Beats The Green Star Juicer (Video)

Desription in German:

Effizient, Komfortabel, Geräuscharm, Smart- Extraction-System (SMEX(TM) ); Jupiter Juicepresso: Wenn’s um das Beste aus Obst und Gemüse geht, dann sind Top-Qualität undinnovative Technik gefragt. Mit dem Jupiter Juicepresso verarbeiten Sie Früchte,Ge müse, Soja, Weizengras, Mais und vieles mehr in wenigen Augenblicken, zufrischen, naturbelassenen, gesunden Säften. Superschnell, superleise und supersanftwerden selbst harte Früchte zu frischen, gesunden Säften. Der erste Entsafter mit dem weltweit patentierten revolutionären Smart- Extraction-System (SMEX™). Die andere Art des Entsaftens. Der Jupiter Juicepresso arbeitet mit 40 Umdrehungen pro Minute, anstatt unter hoher Drehzahl mittels Siebkörben zu reiben. Die Entsafterschnecke aus hochwertigem, kohlefaserverstärktemPolyetherimid (PEI), Handelsname ULTEM, sorgt für ein gleichmäßiges Pressergebnis. Durch das schonende Entsaften mit Juicepresso wird nur geringe Wärme freigesetzt und die Zellstruktur des Press-gutes wird nicht zerstört. Vitamine, Enzyme und Mineralstoffe bleiben erhalten, ebenso wie der naturbelassene Geschmack des Saftes. Der Juicepresso-Saft überzeugt durch gleichmäßige Konsistenz, kein Schaum trübt den Saftgenuss und das Fruchtfleischsetzt sich nicht ab. Der Saft ist zudem länger haltbar.Ein automatisches Auswurf-System trennt Schalen,Kerne und Stiele vom Fruchtfleisch und sorgt dafür,dass keine Blockaden auftreten.Und auch die Reinigung des Geräts ist schnell erledigt.Einfach mit fließendem Wasser durchspülen und weitergeht’s. So können Sie einfach zwischen verschiedenen Frucht- und Gemüsesorten wechseln, ohne denJuicepresso zu demontieren.Der langlebige Gleichstrommotor läuft 20 Minuten im Dauerbetrieb.

Will The Wealthy Race To Dump Stocks And Other Financial Assets Before The Fiscal Cliff Kicks In?

From the article (Famous investor Marc Faber):

In fact, Faber is absolutely convinced that a full-blown stock market crash is coming no matter what happens with the fiscal cliff…

“I think the whole global financial system will have to be reset and it won’t be reset by central bankers but by imploding markets — either the currency [markets, debt market or stock markets,” he said. “It will happen — it will happen one day and then we’ll be lucky if we still have 50 percent of the asset values that we have today.”

Don’t miss:

MUST-SEE: The Eight Scariest Charts For Equity Bulls

Famous Investor Marc Faber’s Asset Protection Plan: ‘Buy A Machine Gun’, No Really, ‘You’re Right, Buy A Tank’ (Video)

A 21% Chance Of A 50% Plunge In The S&P 500?

Stock Market Fragility Fast Approaching ‘Flash Crash’ Levels

Will The Wealthy Race To Dump Stocks And Other Financial Assets Before The Fiscal Cliff Kicks In? (Economic Collapse Nov 13, 2012):

The election results made it abundantly clear that taxes are going to be going up, and right now a lot of wealthy people all over America are trying to figure out how to best position themselves for the hit that is coming.  There are a whole host of tax cuts that are set to expire on December 31st, and many analysts are now speculating that we could see a race to dump stocks and other financial assets before 2013 in order to get better tax treatment on those sales.  Of course it is still possible that Congress may reach a bargain which would avoid these tax increases, but with each passing day that appears to be increasingly unlikely – especially regarding the tax increases on the wealthy.  Whatever you may believe about this politically, the truth is that we should all be able to agree that these looming tax increases provide an incentive for wealthy people to sell off financial assets now rather than later.  After all, there are very few people out there that would actually prefer to pay higher taxes on purpose.  If the race to dump financial assets becomes a landslide, could this push stocks down significantly late in the year?  Already there are all sorts of technical signs that indicate that stocks are ready for a “correction” at the very least.  For example, the S&P 500 has already closed below its 200 day moving average for several days in a row.  Could the “sell off” that has already begun become a race for the exits?

Read moreWill The Wealthy Race To Dump Stocks And Other Financial Assets Before The Fiscal Cliff Kicks In?

House Republicans Find Corzine Guilty Of MF Global Collapse, Missing Funds; Democrats Refuse To Endorse Findings

And again, it makes no difference whether elite puppet Republicans or elite puppet Democrats govern America.

The people get screwed all of the time:

George Carlin: The Illusion Of Freedom – ‘This Country Finshed!’ (Video)

George Carlin: The American Dream (Video)

An absolute MUST-SEE!!!, …

Rep. Ron Paul’s Farewell To Congress (Video)

… especially for all real Americans out there.

House Republicans Find Corzine Guilty Of MF Global Collapse, Missing Funds; Democrats Refuse To Endorse Findings (ZeroHedge, Nov 14, 2012)


CNBC’s Rick Santelli Says It All In This Blockbuster Rant (Video)

Missing $1.6 Billion MF Global Funds: Traced!

Congressional Investigators: MF Global’s Jon Corzine Ordered Funds Moved To JP Morgan

CFTC Pulls ‘JPMorgan Whistleblower’ Letter

Max Keiser And Gerald Celente On MF Global Bankruptcy Implications – The JP Morgan Connection – Goldman Sachs – CME (‘Chicago Mafia Exchange’) – Gold, Silver – Syria, Iran – Entire Financial System Collapsing, One Big Global Ponzi Scheme – False Flag, WW III – Bank Holiday, Economic Martial Law – ‘YOUR MONEY ISN’T SAFE’

Gerald Celente: ‘IT’S FASCIST. CAN’T YOU SEE IT?’ – ‘It’s A TAKEOVER’ – ‘Hail Obama!’ – ‘The United States Has Become One Big Warsaw Ghetto’

If Nostradamus were alive today, he’d have a hard time keeping up with Gerald Celente.
– New York Post

When CNN wants to know about the Top Trends, we ask Gerald Celente.
– CNN Headline News

There’s not a better trend forecaster than Gerald Celente. The man knows what he’s talking about.

Those who take their predictions seriously … consider the Trends Research Institute.
– The Wall Street Journal

A network of 25 experts whose range of specialties would rival many university faculties.
– The Economist

Germany: Poverty Rate In Duisburg And Dortmund ‘Dramatic’

Some now call the Ruhr region (‘Ruhrgebiet’) Germany’s biggest slum:

Articles in German: Here and here

Google translation here and here.

(I do NOT agree on Kopp‘s general view on foreigners. And I can prove that Udo Ulfkotte is dead wrong on many things he says about foreigners.)

Original Article: Armutsquote in Duisburg und Dortmund “dramatisch” (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, Nov 14, 2012)

Google translation: Poverty rate in Duisburg and Dortmund “dramatic” (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, Nov 14, 2012)

With Over 100,000 Supporting Texas Secession, Ron Paul Weighs In


Is It 1776 All Over Again?

With Over 100,000 Supporting Texas Secession, Ron Paul Weighs In (ZeroHedge, Nov 14, 2012):

With just 5 days needed for the Texas secession petition to surpass 100,000 signatories, all is not well with the Union…

… actually, not only are things not well with the Union, things are getting worse by the minute, as American society splinters into diametrical opposites to a degree not seen in decades, a process which in itself virtually assures there will be no cliff compromise before the opportunity cost of ending the stand off becomes far too great. And with the option of the Mr. Chairman “getting to work” to fix things, one wonders – is even the market a motivating enough factor given a 20, 30 or even 50% drop in the rearview mirror: after all as the Fed has demonstrated, there is no need for a fiscal compromise to get the S&P to just shy of all time highs. Certainly, even America’s politicians are very much aware of this by now (of course, this assumes that Bernanke is still in charge of the market: something we have claimed for two months is very much in question).

Regardless, with the topic of secession on everybody’s lips, here is what none other than Ron Paul has said about this suddenly very volatile issue.

Ron Paul: Secession Is an American Principle


Ron Paul: This weekend I got a couple of calls from the media asking me questions about Rick Perry, our governor here in Texas and the statements he made about possible secession. Now, he didn’t call for secession, but he was restating a principle that was long held and at least in the original time of our country, and that is that there was a right to secession.

Actually, after the Civil War, nobody believes there is a so-called right to secession, but it is a very legitimate issue to debate because all of the states that came into the Union before the Civil War believed they have a right to secede and New England in the early part of the 19th century actually considered it, and nobody questioned them about whether they had the right to do it or not.

Since the Civil War, it’s been sort of a dead issue, but he brought it up. It stirred the media and believe me, it really stirred some of the liberal media where they started really screaming about what is going on here. “This is un-American”, I heard one individual say, “This is treasonous to even talk about it.”

Well, they don’t know their history very well because if they think about it, it’s an American tradition. It’s very American to talk about secession. That’s how we came into being. Thirteen colonies seceded from the British and established a new country, so secession is very much an American principle.

Read moreWith Over 100,000 Supporting Texas Secession, Ron Paul Weighs In

There Will Be War In The Middle East

There Will Be War In The Middle East (Economic Collapse, Nov 14, 2012):

The military action that we are watching in the Middle East right now is just a preview of coming attractions.  Tensions in the region are rising with each passing day, and all sides have been anticipating future conflicts and preparing for war for decades.  It would be wonderful if everyone could sit down, forgive each other and agree to quit fighting, but that is not going to happen.  Most of us that live in the western world have a very difficult time understanding the mindset of those immersed in these conflicts.  In the Middle East, there are vendettas and grudges that go back literally thousands of years.  Children are raised in schools where they are taught to bitterly hate their enemies from the time that they are first able to speak.  As Americans, we have forgiven former enemies such as Germany and Japan and we just expect that everyone else should be able to forgive as well.  But that is simply not the way that it works over there, and there is no long-term solution in the Middle East that is going to be acceptable to all sides.  Right now, Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, Syria and Iran are all preparing for war.  Hopefully cooler heads will prevail in this current crisis, but that will only delay the inevitable.  There will be war in the Middle East.  Yes, politicians such as Barack Obama will do their best to broker more “peace agreements”, but even the declaration of a “Palestinian state” will never stop the fighting.  In fact, it would just set the stage for more war.  I don’t mean to sound pessimistic about the region, but the truth is that there will be more war until it is not possible to fight any longer.  Any “peace plan” will just be a pause in the warfare.But hopefully the current crisis in the Middle East will not immediately erupt into a full-blown regional war.  That would not be good for the global economy.  In fact, that would not be good for anyone at all.

Here are some of the most recent developments…

Read moreThere Will Be War In The Middle East