Ukraine Truce Lasts ‘Several Seconds’ Before Latest Fighting Involving ‘4000 Troops, Tanks, APC’ Breaks Out

Ukraine Truce Lasts “Several Seconds” Before Latest Fighting Involving “4000 Troops, Tanks, APC” Breaks Out (ZeroHedge, June 19, 2014):

It took all of “several seconds”, in the NYT’s own words, for the latest proposal for a ceasefire, issued by Ukraine’s new president Petro Poroshenko, to be “rejected.”

Here is how the NYT framed it, and why the truce proposal is seen as a “lose-lose” idea from the perspective of the rebels: “After Ukraine’s new president, Petro O. Poroshenko, told reporters in Kiev on Wednesday that he might soon order a temporary, unilateral cease-fire as part of a broader 14-point peace plan, it took all of several seconds for pro-Russian militants to rule it out.”

Read moreUkraine Truce Lasts ‘Several Seconds’ Before Latest Fighting Involving ‘4000 Troops, Tanks, APC’ Breaks Out

Hillary Clinton Asked To Inscribe ‘Hard Choices’ To Ambassador Stevens

Hillary Clinton Asked To Inscribe “Hard Choices” To Ambassador Stevens (Daily Surge, June 19, 2014):

“What difference does it make?”

Jason Mattera caught up with Hillary Clinton at one of the DC stops on her book tour this week, and asked the former Secretary of State if she would mind signing a copy of Hard Choices… but with a twist. “If you could make it out to Christopher Stevens,” Mattera queried. “I think you knew him.”

Christopher Stevens, of course, was the U.S. ambassador to Libya who was murdered along with three other Americans on Clinton’s watch, when Jihadists attacked two U.S. outposts in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

Hillary, surprised by the request, replied, “Yeah, I’m not gonna make it out to Chris Stevens.”  Mattera followed-up with, “What difference does it make?” a reference to Clinton’s infamous 2013 Senate testimony before the Foreign Relations Committee.

Read moreHillary Clinton Asked To Inscribe ‘Hard Choices’ To Ambassador Stevens

‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ – WW3: U.S. Plan For Nuclear First Strike Attack On Russia And China In 2016 (Video)

Added: June 1, 2014



HIGH TREASON: 9/11 & Operation Gladio (RT Video)

Remote Viewing UPDATE: Major Ed Dames On … The ‘Kill-Shot’, Solar Flares, Safe Zones, Fukushima, Gold & Silver, Economic Collapse, Mad Max, ‘Obama Is The Last President’, Martial Law & Chaos 

Kyrgyzstan Bans All GMO Products And GM Crops

Kyrgyzstan Bans All GMO Products and GM Crops (Sustainable Pulse, June 11, 2014):

Kyrgyzstan has Wednesday become one of the first countries in the World to ban the cultivation of GM Crops alongside the import and sale of all GMO products, the news agency has announced.

The Kyrgyz Members of Parliament approved the third reading of the bill ‘On the prohibition of cultivation, production, import and sale in Kyrgyzstan of products containing GMOs’.

Read moreKyrgyzstan Bans All GMO Products And GM Crops

Veteran Arrested For Anti-Obama Facebook Post (Video)

Added: 13.06.2014


People across America are getting arrested for posting non-violent criticisms of Barack Obama. In the case you’re about to see, one Marine veteran was sent to psychiatric training and diagnosed with ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder) for his criticism of the way government is being run.

UN: 356 Killed, Incl 257 Civilians, In E. Ukraine Military Campaign

UN: 356 killed, incl 257 civilians, in E. Ukraine military campaign (RT, June 18, 2014):

At least 356 people, including 257 civilians, have died since the beginning of the “anti-terrorist” operation in Ukraine’s eastern regions of Lugansk and Donetsk, according to UN calculations. There were 14 children among the dead.

The results prepared by the UN special commission in Ukraine have been presented by Gianni Magazzeni, head of European Department of the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights.

According to Magazzeni, the final body count includes 257 civilians (of them 14 children), 11 more died in Mariupol plus two staff members of Voda Donbassa company . The remaining 86 victims are the servicemen of Ukrainian army, including several dozen paratroopers and nine crew members of Ilyushin-76 who died in the recent plane crash not far from Lugansk airport.

Read moreUN: 356 Killed, Incl 257 Civilians, In E. Ukraine Military Campaign

‘100% Aimed Action’: Ukraine Military Shelled Refugees, Russian Journalists, Survivor Says
Civilians seen evacuating Lugansk (top) – seconds after a shell explodes just near them (bottom)

‘100% aimed action’: Ukraine military shelled refugees, Russian journalists, survivor says (RT, June 17, 2014):

Having survived a ruthless mortar attack by Kiev armed forces on a group of refugees escorted by local militia in Eastern Ukraine, the cameraman of Rossiya TV channel recalls details of the shelling that took the lives of his two colleagues.

He was standing just a few hundred meters from a spot where the mortar shells fell, Viktor Denisov of Rossiya TV states.

“We were heading towards the location where, according to our information, the local militia was trying to secure refugees, leading them away from possible attacks. I was walking together with a representative of the self-defense forces, when I saw a group of about eight people – the refugees,” Viktor Denisov of the Rossiya TV crew said.

Read more‘100% Aimed Action’: Ukraine Military Shelled Refugees, Russian Journalists, Survivor Says

Putin Advisor Proposes ‘Anti-Dollar Alliance’ To Halt US Aggression Abroad

–  Putin Advisor Proposes “Anti-Dollar Alliance” To Halt US Aggression Abroad (ZeroHedge, June 18, 2014):

It has been a while since both Ukraine, and the ongoing Russian response to western sanctions (which set off the great Eurasian axis in motion, pushing China and Russia close together, and accelerating the “Holy Grail” gas deal between the two countries) have made headlines. It is still not clear just why the western media dropped Ukraine coverage like a hot potato, especially since the civil war in Ukraine’s Donbas continues to rage and claim dozens of casualties on both sides. Perhaps the audience has simply gotten tired of hearing about mixed chess/checkers game between Putin vs Obama, and instead has reverted to reading the propaganda surrounding just as deadly events in the third war of Iraq in as many decades.

However, “out of sight” may be just what Russia’s political elite wants. In fact, as VoR’s  Valentin Mândr??escu reports, while the great US spin and distraction machine is focused elsewhere, Russia is already preparing for the next steps. Which brings us to Putin advisor Sergey Glazyev, the same person who in early March was the first to suggest Russia dump US bonds and abandon the dollar in retaliation to US sanctions, a strategy which worked because even as the Kremlin has retained control over Crimea, western sanctions have magically halted (and not only that, but as the Russian central bank just reported, the country’s 2014 current account surplus may be as high as $35 billion, up from $33 billion in 2013, and a far cry from some fabricated “$200+ billion” in Russian capital outflows which Mario Draghi was warning about recently). Glazyev was also the person instrumental in pushing the Kremlin to approach China and force the nat gas deal with Beijing which took place not necessarily at the most beneficial terms for Russia.

Sergey Glazyev

It is this same Glazyev who published an article in Russian Argumenty Nedeli, in which he outlined a plan for “undermining the economic strength of the US” in order to force Washington to stop the civil war in Ukraine. Glazyev believes that the only way of making the US give up its plans on starting a new cold war is to crash the dollar system.

Read morePutin Advisor Proposes ‘Anti-Dollar Alliance’ To Halt US Aggression Abroad

FUBAR II: China Must Import More Water Than The US Imports Oil

Draining the Great Lakes and shipping the water to China:

–  Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: ‘Worldwide Water Conspiracy’ (FULL LENGTH):

See also:

Nestle’s Wet Dream: They Mark Up Water 53 MILLION PERCENT!!!


FUBAR II: China Must Import More Water Than The US Imports Oil (Sovereign Man, June 17, 2014):

In one of the most comprehensive studies ever conducted of China’s bubblicious property market, Professor Gan Li at Texas A&M University estimates that there are a whopping 49 million vacant homes in China right now.

As a percentage, this is twice the vacancy rate that the US housing market experienced at the peak of its recent bubble… suggesting that China has a rather painful housing collapse in store.

This should be a brutal blow to the economy given that housing comprised 15% of GDP last year. And the slowdown is already apparent.

Read moreFUBAR II: China Must Import More Water Than The US Imports Oil

The Most Destructive Presidencies In American History, Part 2: The Fatal Incoherence Of Bush/Obama Foreign Policy

Obama Bush111

The Most Destructive Presidencies In American History, Part 2: The Fatal Incoherence Of Bush/Obama Foreign Policy (OfTwoMinds, June 17, 2014):

The tragic reality is the Bush II/Obama administrations have made the world a far more dangerous place.

A great many rationales have been floated for the most destructive foreign policy in American history, i.e. the fatally incoherent policies of the Bush II/Obama presidencies.

These rationales come in several flavors:

Read moreThe Most Destructive Presidencies In American History, Part 2: The Fatal Incoherence Of Bush/Obama Foreign Policy

Sandy Hook A TOTAL HOAX … VETERANS TODAY: ‘Sandy Hook Redux: Obama Officials Confirm That It Was A Drill And No Children Died’


Don’t miss:

Veterans Today’s Gordon Duff:

Added: 04.06.2014


Stew Webb & Jim Fetzer both believe this is one of Gordon Duff’s best interviews! Gordon unloads on a wide range of topics. Some of the topics covered are:

The 350 stolen W54 nuclear warheads that were illegally sold out the back door when they were supposed to be destroyed by US facilities and how those weapons have been traced to Israel and were used to take down the towers during 9/11

Proof of the stolen W54 warheads through pictures of a UN recovery operation of the nuclear pits in South Africa

The nano thermite theory was a government psyop from the beginning and all who pushed it are being paid as intelligence assets including Alex Jones and many others.

How Alex Jones has been outed as controlled opposition now by pushing the Israeli Mossad asset Edward Snowden who pushes fairy tales concerning 9/11 to take blame away from the Israelis and the Bushes.

It can now be reported that the US Navy sank 2 Israeli submarines in the May 2013 time frame that were attempting to start the war with Syria. One of these submarines was sank in partial retaliation over the deliberate Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. It was reported that Israel contracted with Germany to replace the two lost submarines and paid for them with nuclear weapons.

Nuclear pits used to take down the towers were machined and modified in Israel.

Victor Booth as portrayed by Nicholas Cage in the movie “Lord of War” sold these stolen nuclear pits of the US W54 nuclear weapons.

The nuclear bombs used on 9/11 were Neutron Bombs withs 3% fission initiator that vaporized much of the buildings. Dimitri Khalezov was basically right all along and that’s why his videos were taken down relentlessly when they first came out!

Russian and French Intelligence are dumping a huge amount of Intelligence files to stop the US insanity of trying to start wars in Ukraine, China, Syria, etc.

US News is now being completely fabricated by the mainstream news sources. The US has no elections and is the most corrupt country on Earth at this time. Our judges are corrupt, our law enforcement is corrupt and our government doesn’t answer to the people in any way.

Gordon Duff calls on everybody to get on the winning team now or be destroyed in the future.

Gordon Duff calls on all US Citizens to quit financially supporting and sending out information from known disinformation sources in the alternative media such as Alex Jones, Glenn Beck etc or wake up in a FEMA cell wishing you would have instead pushed the articles written by VeteransToday personnel – the largest and most accurate news organization on the planet that are actually doing something about things now!

Sandy Hook Redux: Obama officials confirm that it was a drill and no children died (Veterans Today, June 13, 2014):

By Jim Fetzer (with Paul Preston as interviewed by Sofia Smallstorm)

“I have a lot of sources in regards to as to what’s going on with the president and the administration and so on, and every one of my sources said it was a false flag”--Paul Preston


Sofia Smallstorm, who produced and directed the documentary, “Unraveling Sandy Hook”, which many regard as the best video study of the Sandy Hook event, recently interviewed a Los Angeles school expert, Paul Preston, about Sandy Hook and his knowledge of what had transpired.

Governor Malloy had held a press conference that day, explaining that he and the Lt. Governor had been “spoken to” that something like this might happen, which raised the question, what “something like this” did he mean? Had he been told a school shooting massacre would take place? or a drill that would be presented as a real event, which appears to be what took place?

Remarkably, we now have confirmation from an unexpected source. Paul Preston had obtained information from officials in the U.S. Department of Education of the Barack Obama administration, who confirmed to him on the basis of their own personal knowledge that:

(1) it had been a drill;

(2) no children had been killed; and,

(3) it had been done to promote an anti-gun agenda.

Given his background of 41 years in the California public school system (from custodian to district superintendent) and having served as a teacher, coach, vice-principal and principal before retiring in 2012 as the superintendent of two charter schools, I thought what he had to say about Sandy Hook deserved widespread dissemination.

Read moreSandy Hook A TOTAL HOAX … VETERANS TODAY: ‘Sandy Hook Redux: Obama Officials Confirm That It Was A Drill And No Children Died’

ISIS Attacks Iraq’s Largest Refinery In Baiji With Mortars, Gunfire

ISIS attacks Iraq’s largest refinery in Baiji with mortars, gunfire (RT, June 18, 2014):

ISIS militants have launched an attack on Iraq’s largest oil refinery with mortars and machine gun fire, refinery employees say. The extremist group has been gaining ground in Iraq, seizing control of territory in its mission to create an Islamic state.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) surrounded the refinery last week as it seized control of Iraq’s second-largest city of Mosul. In response to the escalation in violence management at the refinery halted operations at the facility and evacuated foreign workers.

Read moreISIS Attacks Iraq’s Largest Refinery In Baiji With Mortars, Gunfire

This Is Not Going As Planned: Iraq Prime Minister Defies US, Accuses Saudi Arabia Of “Genocide”


This Is Not Going As Planned: Iraq Prime Minister Defies US, Accuses Saudi Arabia Of “Genocide” (ZeroHedge, June 17, 2014):

Shortly after the US revealed that, in addition to aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships it was also sending a few hundred “special forces” on the ground in Iraq, contrary to what Obama had stated previously, Washington made quite clear it wants Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to embrace Sunni politicians as a condition of U.S. support to fight a lightning advance by forces from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Then something unexpected happened: Iraq’s Shi’ite rulers defied Western calls on Tuesday to reach out to Sunnis to defuse the uprising in the north of the country, declaring a boycott of Iraq’s main Sunni political bloc and accusing Sunni power Saudi Arabia of promoting “genocide.”

In fact, as Reuters reported moments ago, the Shi’ite prime minister has moved in the opposite direction of Obama’s demands, announcing a crackdown on politicians and officers he considers “traitors” and lashing out at neighbouring Sunni countries for stoking militancy.

Read moreThis Is Not Going As Planned: Iraq Prime Minister Defies US, Accuses Saudi Arabia Of “Genocide”

The Most Destructive Presidencies In U.S. History: George W. Bush & Barack H. Obama


The Most Destructive Presidencies In U.S. History: George W. Bush & Barack H. Obama (OfTwoMinds, June 16, 2014):

Powers once granted are almost impossible to take back.

After 13.5 years, there is more than enough evidence for reasonable people to conclude that the presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama are easily the most destructive in U.S. history.

When historians speak of failed presidencies or weak presidencies, they are typically referring to presidencies characterized by uneven leadership, petty corruption by self-serving cronies or in extreme cases such as the Nixon presidency, abuses of executive power.

But weak or failed presidencies are not destructive to the rule of law and the foundations of the nation. The failed president leaves office and the basic structure of the nation continues: the rule of law, the balance of powers and a free-market economy.

Read moreThe Most Destructive Presidencies In U.S. History: George W. Bush & Barack H. Obama

FYI: Putin Holding Back WW3 – Why Israel Will Strike IRAN In 2014 (Video)


Added: June 11, 2014

Related info:

Netanyahu Orders Israel Army To Prepare For Possible Military Strike Against Iran In 2014

My commentary:

(First my apoogies for not proofreading my comment. Hope you can nevertheless understand what I want to tell you.)

Unlike stated in the video the elitists do have plans for WW3.

Keep in mind that I do not want you to get scared.

I just want to help you to get prepared spiritually, mentally and physically.

That’s all.

I know for a fact that … “life is an echo, what you send out comes back”.

And so I better be very careful what I am telling you.

Does WW3 really have to happen?


The question really is:

Will we allow it to happen???

( … like we have allowed the Patriot Act, the NDAA, all those (NWO) executive orders, GMOs, vaccines, water fluoridation, chemtrails, depleted uranium & genocide, food additives like Aspartame & MSG, Fukushima, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, deficit spending, quantitative easing and the greatest bank robbery in world history.)

If your answer to that question is that we will probably allow WW3 to happen, then I suggest you better prepare.

Many seers have seen very similar WW3 scenarios and the reason for that is that WW III is planned, which could cause all those normally infinite future timelines to collapse into a predictable future:

When you see civil war breaking out simultaneously in Germany, France and Italy (probably because of the financial/economic collapse), then we are getting very close to the beginning of WW3 as it has been predicted.

If you see Pope Francis (= Petrus Romanus) fleeing the Vatican and Italy, then the start of WW3 is very close.

Right before or better immediately before the outbreak of WW3 (by then it is too late to prepare yourself if you haven’t done so yet) there will be an assassination taking place of up to 3 people in leading positions (Could be Putin, Obama or …).

(Probably by then NATO has provoked the Russians ‘enough’, because then …)

The next thing those seers saw were Russian tanks running all over Europe, destroying everything in their path. 

The big fight will take place in Germany.

The Russians will be stopped and defeated (… probably with the help of a third power coming (back) right out of the Inner Earth?).

The beginning of the real earth changes will also put a sudden end to the fighting.

Shortly after the fighting has stopped the real earth changes will take place.

3 days of darkness are coming (asteroid impacts?), where you shouldn’t leave the house and better be in the safest and airtight place that you know of and have available to you.

Don’t go outside, don’t open the windows as the air outside will be deadly.

Water and food stored in safe rooms (metal shielded) should be safe, otherwise all food and water that is not stored in sealed metal containers will turn bad.

(Living near the ocean and at sea level is not the place you want to be. Also living next to steep mountansides is not a good idea.)

Why do I give credence to those seers?

Alois Irlmaier for example clearly foresaw smartphones and drones in a time when they did not exist.

He foresaw rising inflation, hyperinflation, the people getting taxed into oblivion and the collapse of the euro, when he couldn’t even possibly know that the euro was planned.

I myself have seen the future several times as it came to pass. So I know that it is possible to do these things.

One of my best friends grew up as a young child with a real master who taught his parents (his father being a bank manager!) and some other people. Among them several medical doctors.

A real master?

After my friends mother had a full abortion of her sixth child this master said that she has put the child back into the womb, because the child belongs to the family and the family belongs to this child.

The next months went by and my friends mum wasn’t sure if she really was pregnant.

Then at a birthday party that master was the one who felt the labour pains and sent my friends mum to the hospital.

Where she gave birth to a healthy girl.

This master could heal the sick instantly (but she also said in some cases that the disease was due to Karma and told them when it will go away and it did) and could manifest out of thin air.

Whenever she needed money she pulled a brandnew dollar note out of her pocket.

These are just some of so many, many stories that I’ve been told.

Here is why this is important …

Many, many years ago this master predicted that after the earth changes you can choose your land wherever you want to (because there are obviously not many humans left).

As young children she showed my friend and his brothers & sisters ‘her friends’ that are here to help us (unlike the ones our governments are currently dealing with) and he remembers that she took them outside during a starry night and the stars were moving like they were riding in a rollercoaster. She told them that this are UFO’s. My friends dad (the bank manager!) saw one of these UFOs landing in close proximity.

When studying acupuncture in China I came to know my good friend (from the other side of the planet) and got told all these wonderful stories from him and later also from his entire family.

Having already experienced some tiny, tiny miracles (in comparison) myself, I had no reason to doubt him, especially because there were several stories that pointed to her being the real deal.

When her students started getting attached to her she warned them, but when they did not listen she left them.

A real master will never allow people getting to attached to him, or even start to worship him, as he only wants to show them the way, helping to speed up their spiritual growth.

If then the students become too attached to the teacher the whole purpose for the master being there in the first place is lost …

… and so he has to go. Usually that’s the beginning of a new religion. When the truth is getting lost religion appears.

If all hell breaks loose and  you don’t know where to go and turn to, go inside and connect yourself to the source, the creator, God, your inner self or whatever you may want to call it.

Know you are protected, know you are eternal.

I do not pretend to know what will happen and when, but this master said that it will come like a thief in the night.

Hopefully we can find ways to avoid WW3 and to minimize the earth changes.

If you think all of this is comlete BS then why have the elitists built the Doomsday Seed Vault?

US Captures The Benghazi Killings Mastermind (And Scapegoat): Meet Ahmed Abu Khatallah

–  US Captures The Banghazi Killings Mastermind (And Scapegoat): Meet Ahmed Abu Khatallah (ZeroHedge, June 17, 2014):

With Hillary Clinton still plagued by relentless confrontations about her role in the Benghazi fiasco, which apparently are “making a difference”, and certainly distracting from Obama’s otherwise impeccable domestic (and foreign) reign, it was about time the US finally exposed a much more “appropriate” scapegoat for the public anger surrounding the events in Libya on September 11, 2011. Which is precisely what it did earlier today, when it was revealed not only who it believes the “mastermind” of the Benghazi attack is, but that the person in question, Ahmed Khatallah, had been captured.

Read moreUS Captures The Benghazi Killings Mastermind (And Scapegoat): Meet Ahmed Abu Khatallah

Ukraine-Russia Near ‘Serious Conflict’ Following Explosion In Largest European Gas Transit Pipeline

Related info:

Russia Halts Gas Supplies To Ukraine


Ukraine-Russia Near “Serious Conflict” Following Explosion In Largest European Gas Transit Pipeline (ZeroHedge, June 17, 2014):

With 2 Russian TV journalists killed in recent days and on the heels of Russia’s cutting off Ukraine’s gas supply for non-payment, Interfax is reporting that:


Witnesses say flames are reaching 200 metres high. Gazprom shares are tumbling on the news (as should European stocks) and Russia’s Foreign Affairs Committee Chief Aleksei Pushkov warned relations between Ukraine and Russia have entered a new stage and are “moving closer towards a serious conflict.”

As RT reports,

Read moreUkraine-Russia Near ‘Serious Conflict’ Following Explosion In Largest European Gas Transit Pipeline

Greece: 2/3rds Of Wages Paid In Barter


Argentina’s Economic Collapse (Documentary)

Catherine Austin Fitts at the IRTA 08 Barter Convention:

Former Assistant Secretary of Housing: The U.S. is the Global Leader in Illegal Money Laundering (Video)

Greek employees: salary delays up to 12 months & “coupons” instead of “money” (Keep Talking Greece, June 17, 2014):

Do you remember the serfs and servants and villeins and peasants in the good old times of feudalism and the Middle Ages? If you don’t, I have good news for you! The custom of working in return of goods instead of salary revives in Greece of modern European Union and of exquisite Euro area. The results of a survey conducted by the Labor Institute of the Confederation of Labor Union (GSEE) are shocking but not unexpected. KTG has often reported in the four years of blogging about these sweet little working and payment conditions of modern Greek slaves living under the feudal law of austerity, recession and  competitiveness.

Read moreGreece: 2/3rds Of Wages Paid In Barter

The Latest News Out Of Iraq – Full Overnight Update

The Latest News Out Of Iraq – Full Overnight Update (ZeroHedge, June 17, 2014):

Events in Iraq are changing by the hour, now that US combat boots are “on the ground”, expect them to change even faster. For those looking to catch up on the most recent overnight news out of this latest civil war torn country, here is the full update.

Read moreThe Latest News Out Of Iraq – Full Overnight Update

Obama Sends 275 Troops To Iraq As Explosions Rock Baghdad Airport

–  Obama Sends 275 Troops To Iraq As Explosions Rock Baghdad Airport (ZeroHedge, June 16, 2014):


If you like your boots on the ground, you can keep them – as long as they are Special Forces boots. Following promises that there would be no American “combat” ‘boots on the ground’, AP reports that President Obama is considering sending a small number of special forces to help the government in Baghdad. According to the official rules of “boots-on-the-ground”-edness, CIA and Special Forces do not count so ‘officially’ no promises have been broken. It’s not clear how quickly the special forces could arrive in Iraq; or whether they would remain in Baghdad or be sent to the nation’s north. With rumors of explosions rocking Baghdad airport, we suspect the former.

Read moreObama Sends 275 Troops To Iraq As Explosions Rock Baghdad Airport

Bill And Hillary Clinton Support The Estate Tax … They Just Don’t Want To Pay It

Bill And Hillary Clinton Support The Estate Tax… They Just Don’t Want To Pay It (ZeroHedge, June 17, 2014):

“Do as we say, not as we do” continues to be the policy of the ruling elites in America (and around the world). Having claimed in her book that the Clintons were ‘dead broke’ after leaving The White House and that she understood the financial struggles of Americans, Bloomberg reports that the Clintons are using financial planning strategies befitting the top 1% of U.S. households in wealth, creating residence trusts and shifting ownership. Crucially, this is all designed to shield their assets from the estate tax (that now tops out at 40% of assets upon death) – a tax that Bill and Hillary Clinton have long supported. “The estate tax has been historically part of our very fundamental belief that we should have a meritocracy,” Hillary Clinton said at a December 2007 appearance, as long as she doesn’t have to pay it, it seems.


As Bloomberg reports,

Bill and Hillary Clinton have long supported an estate tax to prevent the U.S. from being dominated by inherited wealth. That doesn’t mean they want to pay it.

Read moreBill And Hillary Clinton Support The Estate Tax … They Just Don’t Want To Pay It