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Veterans Today’s Gordon Duff:
Added: 04.06.2014
Stew Webb & Jim Fetzer both believe this is one of Gordon Duff’s best interviews! Gordon unloads on a wide range of topics. Some of the topics covered are:
The 350 stolen W54 nuclear warheads that were illegally sold out the back door when they were supposed to be destroyed by US facilities and how those weapons have been traced to Israel and were used to take down the towers during 9/11
Proof of the stolen W54 warheads through pictures of a UN recovery operation of the nuclear pits in South Africa
The nano thermite theory was a government psyop from the beginning and all who pushed it are being paid as intelligence assets including Alex Jones and many others.
How Alex Jones has been outed as controlled opposition now by pushing the Israeli Mossad asset Edward Snowden who pushes fairy tales concerning 9/11 to take blame away from the Israelis and the Bushes.
It can now be reported that the US Navy sank 2 Israeli submarines in the May 2013 time frame that were attempting to start the war with Syria. One of these submarines was sank in partial retaliation over the deliberate Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. It was reported that Israel contracted with Germany to replace the two lost submarines and paid for them with nuclear weapons.
Nuclear pits used to take down the towers were machined and modified in Israel.
Victor Booth as portrayed by Nicholas Cage in the movie “Lord of War” sold these stolen nuclear pits of the US W54 nuclear weapons.
The nuclear bombs used on 9/11 were Neutron Bombs withs 3% fission initiator that vaporized much of the buildings. Dimitri Khalezov was basically right all along and that’s why his videos were taken down relentlessly when they first came out!
Russian and French Intelligence are dumping a huge amount of Intelligence files to stop the US insanity of trying to start wars in Ukraine, China, Syria, etc.
US News is now being completely fabricated by the mainstream news sources. The US has no elections and is the most corrupt country on Earth at this time. Our judges are corrupt, our law enforcement is corrupt and our government doesn’t answer to the people in any way.
Gordon Duff calls on everybody to get on the winning team now or be destroyed in the future.
Gordon Duff calls on all US Citizens to quit financially supporting and sending out information from known disinformation sources in the alternative media such as Alex Jones, Glenn Beck etc or wake up in a FEMA cell wishing you would have instead pushed the articles written by VeteransToday personnel – the largest and most accurate news organization on the planet that are actually doing something about things now!
– Sandy Hook Redux: Obama officials confirm that it was a drill and no children died (Veterans Today, June 13, 2014):
By Jim Fetzer (with Paul Preston as interviewed by Sofia Smallstorm)
“I have a lot of sources in regards to as to what’s going on with the president and the administration and so on, and every one of my sources said it was a false flag”--Paul Preston
Sofia Smallstorm, who produced and directed the documentary, “Unraveling Sandy Hook”, which many regard as the best video study of the Sandy Hook event, recently interviewed a Los Angeles school expert, Paul Preston, about Sandy Hook and his knowledge of what had transpired.
Governor Malloy had held a press conference that day, explaining that he and the Lt. Governor had been “spoken to” that something like this might happen, which raised the question, what “something like this” did he mean? Had he been told a school shooting massacre would take place? or a drill that would be presented as a real event, which appears to be what took place?
Remarkably, we now have confirmation from an unexpected source. Paul Preston had obtained information from officials in the U.S. Department of Education of the Barack Obama administration, who confirmed to him on the basis of their own personal knowledge that:
(1) it had been a drill;
(2) no children had been killed; and,
(3) it had been done to promote an anti-gun agenda.
Given his background of 41 years in the California public school system (from custodian to district superintendent) and having served as a teacher, coach, vice-principal and principal before retiring in 2012 as the superintendent of two charter schools, I thought what he had to say about Sandy Hook deserved widespread dissemination.
Read moreSandy Hook A TOTAL HOAX … VETERANS TODAY: ‘Sandy Hook Redux: Obama Officials Confirm That It Was A Drill And No Children Died’