ADL Trying to Criminalize Free Speech & Thought

Philip Giraldi is a former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer and a columnist and television commentator. He is also the executive director of the Council for the National Interest.

ADL Trying to Criminalize Free Speech & Thought:

Freedom of speech is in a sad state these days. You can only exercise your First Amendment rights in certain restricted areas, and, if you hold conservative viewpoints, those areas are growing even smaller.

By Phillip Giraldi

Recent debates about “safe spaces” at universities and declarations of states of emergency to prevent alleged white supremacists from speaking are part of a much broader movement to manage the information that the American public should be allowed to access. In its most recent manifestations, an anonymous group produced a phony list of 200 websites that were guilty of serving up Russian propaganda, a George Soros-funded think tank identified thousands of individuals who are alleged to be “useful idiots” for Moscow, and Twitter announced that it is no longer taking ads paid for by two Russian media outlets, RT International and Sputnik.

Apparently, the exposure of dissident sites, the outing of dissident individuals, including myself, and the banning of a small number of ads will preserve American democracy and allow the truth tellers at The New York Times and MSNBC to inform us regarding what we need to know and not one iota more lest we draw some false conclusions.

Read moreADL Trying to Criminalize Free Speech & Thought

ADL’s Hate Symbols In Reverse (Video)

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H/t reader kevin a.

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AND NOW: YouTube Moves To Censor “Controversial” Content – Brings Anti-Defamation League (ADL) On Board As Flagger

YouTube Moves To Censor “Controversial” Content – Brings ADL On Board As Flagger:

With the war between mainstream and independent media heating up, YouTube has weaponized a new content censorship program, calling it an effort to “fight terror content online.” With standards set by groups like the Anti-Defamation League, political agendas are sure to intrude.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA — Ever since “fake news” found its place among the various explanations used by the Clinton campaign and supporters to account for their candidate’s loss, there has been a quiet but concerted effort on the part of establishment media, technology, and telecommunications companies to thwart the surging popularity of independent media.

The rise of the independent media has been hugely detrimental to the once privileged position of the mainstream media, who have now lost the trust of the vast majority of Americans and – along with that trust – their ability to control political and social narratives.

Read moreAND NOW: YouTube Moves To Censor “Controversial” Content – Brings Anti-Defamation League (ADL) On Board As Flagger

ADL hires technology director to combat cyber anti-Semitism



Former Israeli Minister: ‘It’s a Trick, We Always Use It.’ (calling people ‘anti-Semitic’) (Video)

UK Baroness: “The constant accusation of Anti-Semitism to silence Israels critics is vindictive”

ADL hires technology director to combat cyber anti-Semitism

H/t reader squodgy.

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Veterans Truth Network: Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Exposes U.S. Government Lies & Corruption (Video)

May 5, 2015

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney joins Stew Webb and Bruce Campbell to discuss the corruption she witnessed in Washington DC.

“It Strikes Me Mighty Strange That You Would Have Seven Latin American Leaders All Come Down With Cancer At The Same Time.”

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Hugo Chavez On Cancer Inducing Technology – Why He Had To Be Eliminated – To Obama: “You Are The Shame Of All Black People! Leave Us Alone!” (Videos)

Former US Lawmaker Cynthia McKinney: US Lawmakers Forced To Sign Support Of Israel (Video)

Former Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney Exposes THE LIE Used To Attack And Destroy Libya: ‘Truth is the First Casualty of War. No Justice, No Peace, No Truth..’

Cynthia McKinney at Munich Germany NATO Peace Rally: ‘My Country Has Been Hijacked By A Criminal Cabal’ (Video)

US Lawmakers Forced To Sign Support Of Israel:


Read moreVeterans Truth Network: Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Exposes U.S. Government Lies & Corruption (Video)

Worldwide Financial Criminal Network Revealed (Part 1)

Don’t miss:

Worldwide Financial Criminal Network Revealed Part1 (Veterans Today, June 15, 2014):

(MDC-NYSE) Denver Headquarters of Organized Crime. Illegal Mortgage Backed Securities $100 Trillion, Bank Bailouts, Derivatives $5,000 Trillion and the theft of 12 million American’s Homes through illegal foreclosures.
Denver’s Organized Crime Boss Hogs Leonard Millman and Larry Mizel who run MDC a Financial Conglomerate of Organized Crime who are the Bankers behind the Illegal Mortgage Backed Securities Frauds that lead to the 2008 Bank Bailout which was set up by their partner in crime U.S. President George W Bush to loot the U.S. Treasury and hide their crimes. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and his Law partner Lanny Breuer maintained the cover up without any prosecutions of these horrendous crimes. Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer head of the Justice Department’s criminal division were partners for years at a Washington law firm that represented a Who’s Who of big banks and other companies at the center of foreclosure fraud. Breuer resigned last year from the Justice Department after a series on the Bank Frauds done by PBS

Hillary Clinton laundered over $2.5 Billion of Narcotics Money from the Iran Contra Drugs for Guns run out of Mena, Arkansas to MDC’s cutout M&L Business Machines Company while her husband Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas. Hillary Clinton and her Rose Law firm had created Foreign Trusts for Bush, Millman and Mizel that Norman Brownstein is now the Trustee in order to avoid U.S. Taxes and to hide the true identity of who is behind these trusts. Brownstein is one of six of the CIA Council to then CIA Director George HW Bush. Bush-Millman-Clinton Zionist Organized Crime Family Flow Chart (1) Leonard Millman, Larry Mizel and Norman Brownstein control AIPAC the American Israeli PAC, the ADL Anti Defamation League and the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Both Mizel and Browstein are Directors of AIPAC and The Simon Wiesenthal Center. Leonard Millman’s other partner in crime Convicted HUD figure Philip Winn and a major player in the fake Mortgage Backed Securities and former Director of MDC is a Director of the ADL.

Veterans Today’s Gordon Duff: Ukraine Jew Registration Hoax Traced

Riot police confronting peaceful protesters in Ukraine

– Ukraine Jew registration hoax traced (PressTV, April 19, 2014):

By Gordon Duff

Email intercepts that included the original copies of anti-Semitic leaflets distributed in Eastern Ukraine have now been shown to be part of an elaborate false flag hoax to sabotage recent US-Russian talks.

The hoax, a “game theory warfare” operation, was meant to “sucker punch” both Russia and the US.  If those responsible, in this case the New York based ADL, were caught, and they have been, there would be no consequences.

The ADL is “untouchable.” When Secretary of State Kerry expressed his revulsion at Nazi leaflets demanding that Jews in Ukraine “register” with a non-existent government agency, little did he know he was the victim of an elaborate and highly dangerous false flag hoax.

Anonymous Ukraine, the group that intercepted emails outlining false flag terror attack plans made by the US Embassy in Kiev in March, has done it again. Emails intercepted between Washington DC offices tied to the Anti-Defamation League sent to neo-Nazi extremists in the Ukraine were the sources of the outrageous materials.

Earlier intercepted emails outlined plans for an attack on Melitopol Airport scheduled for March 10, 2014.  When those plans and the attached maps showing where explosives were to be planted were leaked, the planned attack failed to materialize.

Those emails showed direct ties between the US State Department and terrorist groups within the Ukrainian military. According to Anonymous, the current intercepted emails included several attachments, each different version of the anti-Semitic leaflets passed out in the pro-Russian Eastern Ukraine, particularly in the city on Donetsk.

Read moreVeterans Today’s Gordon Duff: Ukraine Jew Registration Hoax Traced

Veterans Today’s Gordon Duff: US National Security Agency (NSA) ‘Spies On US For Israel’

Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, a combat infantryman, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. His career has included extensive experience in international banking along with such diverse areas as consulting on counter insurgency, defense technologies or acting as diplomatic representative for UN humanitarian and economic development efforts. Gordon Duff has traveled to over 80 nations. His articles are published around the world and translated into a number of languages. He is regularly on TV and radio, a popular and sometimes controversial guest.

US National Security Agency (NSA) ‘spies on US for Israel’ (PressTV, by Gordon Duff, Dec 2, 2013):

An American company bids on a military project in Africa. It finds its prime competitor is an Israeli company that submitted not just a superficially identical proposal but the same typographical and syntax errors as well.

The Anti-Defamation League publishes the names of Americans invited to Iran for a film festival. Ten days later, Iran contacts the same journalists asking if they would be interested in attending.

The source of this information was the National Security Agency (NSA), in this case, not just spying on Iran or American journalists but American defense contracting firms, and doing so on behalf of foreign competitors.

Read moreVeterans Today’s Gordon Duff: US National Security Agency (NSA) ‘Spies On US For Israel’

Syria: Iranian Minister Travels To Russia For Talks About US War Threats

Russia and Iran probably ‘coordinate’ how to NOT respond to a U.S. military strike, …

… am I right Senator McCain?:

Senator John McCain On Syria: ‘We’re Not Going To Be Intimidated By Russia And China’ – ‘I Guarantee You That Russia, China And Iran Will Not Act’ If The U.S. Attacks Syria (Video)

Syria: Iranian Minister travels to Russia for talks about US war threats (Syria News, Sep 8, 2013):

Iranian analyst: Zionists extort Obama for war on Syria.

The Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African affairs, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, will travel to the Russian capital Moscow next week in order to talk with several Russian officials about the turmoil and conflict in and around Syria, but especially about the increased possibility of a US-led war on Syria and methods to prevent such a horrible escalation and to find a political and diplomatic solution to the Syrian conflict and to decrease the possibility of a foreign military strike on Damascus.

While the prominent Iranian analyst and political commentator, Dr. Ismail Salami, said in principle that U.S. President Barack Obama is under a huge pressure by the Israel Lobby and the regime in Tel Aviv to launch the war on Syria while they even deceive the US administration, the Iranian Foreign Ministry has announced that the Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran will visit Moscow to discuss the Syrian issues and current turmoil in and around the Arab country with Russian officials.

Read moreSyria: Iranian Minister Travels To Russia For Talks About US War Threats

YouTube Bans Press TV’s New Account

YouTube bans Press TV’s new page (PressTV, Aug 20, 2013):

YouTube has disabled Press TV’s new account under pressure from the Israeli-American Anti-Defamation League (ADL) that ordered the video-sharing site to end the Iranian channel’s live broadcast.

“On August 20, YouTube’s parent company Google deactivated Press TV’s new account weeks after disabling the channel’s official page,” said Press TV Newsroom Director Hamid Reza Emadi.

“YouTube broadcasts a variety of obscene images and provides a platform for terrorists to propagate their dangerous ideologies, but it cannot tolerate the broadcast of an alternative media channel from Iran,” he said, adding that YouTube is doing what the ADL is ordering it to do.

Read moreYouTube Bans Press TV’s New Account

FBI Terrorism And The False Flag War Against America (Veterans Today)

FBI And False Flag War Against America

The scene of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City 

FBI Terrorism and the False Flag War (Veterans Today, Feb 19, 2013):

“Terrorism isn’t just bombs. It is also the pre-staging of the public through game theory warfare, a subset of chaos theory. The public is propagandized and indoctrinated, not just through media, entertainment and news, but through control of education and the internet.”

A recent book has exposed the FBI as the world’s largest terrorist recruiting organization. However, evidence indicates that, not only is the majority of terrorism, “false flag,” but that creating and curing the “disease of terrorism,” has become one of the biggest rackets in the world.

The Case against the FBI

Trevor Aaronson’s exhaustive investigative work on the FBI role in creating terrorism, The Terror Factory has exposed, not just manufactured “false flag terror,” but opens the door to investigation of many other organizations as well, some operating around the world.

Read moreFBI Terrorism And The False Flag War Against America (Veterans Today)

U.S. Bent On Eventual Destruction Of Russia (PressTV – Veterans Today)

Don’t miss:

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: ‘The Ozarks’ – Illuminati Underground Base For The End Of The World (S03E04 – Full Length Video)

From the article:

“The only answer, the only way of pushing the program forward, however, is a nuclear war.

Russia has to be isolated, cornered, humiliated and eventually destroyed, Russia and one hundred million Americans that are likely to die in the process.”

United States bent on eventual destruction of Russia (PressTV/Veterans Today, Dec 14, 2012):

By Gordon Duff and Press TV

When the US threatened to move a missile defense system into Poland, Russia countered by threatening to move by preparing to deploy the Iskander missile system in Kalingrad, a Russian enclave along the Baltic.

The Iskander, a very unusual missile with an equally unusual mission will prove a very sticky adversary and, as it seems, Russia is beginning to show itself as having adversaries.

All intelligence is based on testing a working hypothesis, much as with any research. In this case, the political hypothesis is that, not only Israel but key groups that represent divisions within the US are, in fact, Bolsheviks.

An examination of a real history of the Cold War, not the one sold to small children and TV addicts, shows Israel to be, not just a member of the Eastern Bloc, but more “communist” than Cuba or East Germany, in fact much more like North Korea than any would imagine.

Thus, when Israel supplied North Korea with a working nuclear weapon in 2009, one of a small stockpile left over from their proliferation adventure during the 70’s and 80’s in partnership with South Africa, we saw this as a “confirmation.”

The Pollard spy incident, all transferred from Israel to Russia, all NATO battle plans, the CIA NOC (Non-Official Cover) agent list and enough dirt to blackmail half of Washington was the biggest intelligence coup of all time.

Read moreU.S. Bent On Eventual Destruction Of Russia (PressTV – Veterans Today)

Israel Backers Worried About Murdoch’s Pro-Israel Media Empire

Rupert Murdoch (left) with Abraham Foxman of the Anti- Defamation League at a 2010 dinner in honor of the News Corp. chairman. JTA photo by David Karp Photography.

Amid Murdoch scandal, Israel backers worry about muting of pro-Israel media voice (JTA, July 19, 2011)

Israel backers worried about Murdoch’s pro-Israel media empire (Jewish Community Voice, July 27, 2011):

Pro-Israel leaders in the United States, Britain and Australia are warily watching the unfolding of the phone-hacking scandal that is threatening to engulf the media empire of Rupert Murdoch, founder of News Corp.

Murdoch’s sudden massive reversal of fortune—with 10 top former staffers and executives under arrest in Britain for hacking into the phones of public figures and a murdered schoolgirl, and paying off the police and journalists—has supporters of Israel worried that a diminished Murdoch presence may mute the strongly pro-Israel voice of many of the publications he owns.

“His publications and media have proven to be fairer on the issue of Israel than the rest of the media,” said Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice-chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. “I hope that won’t be impacted.”

Murdoch’s huge stable encompasses broadsheets such as The Wall Street Journal, the Times of London and The Australian, as well as tabloids, most notably The Sun in Britain and the New York Post. It also includes the influential Fox News Channel in the United States and a 39 percent stake in British Sky Broadcasting, or BSkyB, a satellite broadcaster. Murdoch founded the neoconservative flagship The Weekly Standard in 1995, and sold it last year.

Jewish leaders said that Murdoch’s view of Israel’s dealings with the Palestinians and with its Arab neighbors seemed both knowledgeable and sensitive to the Jewish state’s self-perception as beleaguered and isolated.

Read moreIsrael Backers Worried About Murdoch’s Pro-Israel Media Empire

Veterans Today: ADL To Attack Journalists And Publications Tying Israel To Wikileaks

There is a list, the Bush administration’s “working group” that green-lighted 9/11.  Of the five names on it,  three are Jews.  “

Last week, responding to a deluge of news reports tying Israel to Wikileaks, Julian Assange announced he finally planned to release 3700 cables from the US Embassy in Tel Aviv, documents previously withheld from the public.  In a press release, Assange said he planned the “dump” in 6 months but didn’t indicate how many other documents involving Israel were being withheld.

Veterans Today has been informed by sources within the ADL that, in coordination with Julian Assange’s announcement, they were “tasked” by the Tel Aviv government to begin operations against journalists and online publications that had let to Wikileaks being discredited as an Israeli intelligence operation.  Sources indicate that Tel Aviv values Wikileaks as a vital asset in molding public opinion and providing cover for high risk operations.

ADL’s website is loading up with warnings and attacks, all defending Wikileaks and Julian Assange and attacking news sources that print materials either critical of Julian Assange or citing Israel’s involvement in Wikileak’s agreement to allow material critical of Israel to be censored.

“If we had Wikileaks up to speed, the Goldstone Report would never have been heard of at all.  There isn’t anything that can’t be covered up by a Julian Assange scandal.  I just hope something doesn’t come up where it gets so serious that Assange will have to be assassinated.  He is really a loveable dupe.” (ADL source)

The ADL source cited publications and as the largest threats, followed by author Jeff Gates.

“We know we aren’t going to be able to reach their audience.  Our job is to insulate our own base, America’s Jewish population, one increasingly sympathetic to progressive alternative publications.  With Israel and President Obama at each others throats and 78% of America’s Jewish population having supported Obama in the presidential election, we could be playing with fire here.” (ADL source)


It isn’t a very well kept secret that the ADL and AIPAC are agencies of Israeli intelligence.  Their litany of transgressions is being dragged into the open by former AIPAC Lobbyist Steve Rosen in his defamation lawsuit against that organization.  In 2004, the FBI tried to close AIPAC down for spying, only to see their criminal cases blocked by Bush administration officials.

Now, with the ADL openly going after the press for reporting ties between Julian Assange and Israel and Assange’s agreement to allow Wikileaks to be censored by both Israel and press organizations working with them, has exposed Wikileaks to even more embarrassment.

ADL actions to publicly defend Wikileaks is blowing up in their faces.

“I have no idea what they were thinking back in Tel Aviv.  What kind of idiot would try to keep the Wikileaks and Israel thing quiet and then have the ADL run around like maniacs calling people names.  The ADL should keep to spray painting swastika’s on synagogues and sending articles to “Stormfront” and leave the thinking to people better equipped, if there still are people like that around….which I am not so sure of.”  (ADL source)

Read moreVeterans Today: ADL To Attack Journalists And Publications Tying Israel To Wikileaks