“There is a list, the Bush administration’s “working group” that green-lighted 9/11. Of the five names on it, three are Jews. “
Last week, responding to a deluge of news reports tying Israel to Wikileaks, Julian Assange announced he finally planned to release 3700 cables from the US Embassy in Tel Aviv, documents previously withheld from the public. In a press release, Assange said he planned the “dump” in 6 months but didn’t indicate how many other documents involving Israel were being withheld.
Veterans Today has been informed by sources within the ADL that, in coordination with Julian Assange’s announcement, they were “tasked” by the Tel Aviv government to begin operations against journalists and online publications that had let to Wikileaks being discredited as an Israeli intelligence operation. Sources indicate that Tel Aviv values Wikileaks as a vital asset in molding public opinion and providing cover for high risk operations.
ADL’s website is loading up with warnings and attacks, all defending Wikileaks and Julian Assange and attacking news sources that print materials either critical of Julian Assange or citing Israel’s involvement in Wikileak’s agreement to allow material critical of Israel to be censored.
“If we had Wikileaks up to speed, the Goldstone Report would never have been heard of at all. There isn’t anything that can’t be covered up by a Julian Assange scandal. I just hope something doesn’t come up where it gets so serious that Assange will have to be assassinated. He is really a loveable dupe.” (ADL source)
The ADL source cited publications www.opinion-maker.org and www.veteranstoday.com as the largest threats, followed by author Jeff Gates.
“We know we aren’t going to be able to reach their audience. Our job is to insulate our own base, America’s Jewish population, one increasingly sympathetic to progressive alternative publications. With Israel and President Obama at each others throats and 78% of America’s Jewish population having supported Obama in the presidential election, we could be playing with fire here.” (ADL source)
It isn’t a very well kept secret that the ADL and AIPAC are agencies of Israeli intelligence. Their litany of transgressions is being dragged into the open by former AIPAC Lobbyist Steve Rosen in his defamation lawsuit against that organization. In 2004, the FBI tried to close AIPAC down for spying, only to see their criminal cases blocked by Bush administration officials.
Now, with the ADL openly going after the press for reporting ties between Julian Assange and Israel and Assange’s agreement to allow Wikileaks to be censored by both Israel and press organizations working with them, has exposed Wikileaks to even more embarrassment.
ADL actions to publicly defend Wikileaks is blowing up in their faces.
“I have no idea what they were thinking back in Tel Aviv. What kind of idiot would try to keep the Wikileaks and Israel thing quiet and then have the ADL run around like maniacs calling people names. The ADL should keep to spray painting swastika’s on synagogues and sending articles to “Stormfront” and leave the thinking to people better equipped, if there still are people like that around….which I am not so sure of.” (ADL source)
With 9/11 more and more in the public eye, especially with Fox News and Jesse Ventura’s “Conspiracy Theory” building a powerful case for involvement by the Bush administration in the planning and execution of 9/11 as a “false flag” terror attack, it is likely that Israel feels particularly vulnerable. If a solid tie between Israel and 9/11 is made, Israel will have its first real security problem since 1973.
“I never knew Assange was working for us, not even when he started attacking the 9/11 Truth movement. I really didn’t know for sure until a couple of days ago. As for 9/11, that’s something else. There are a couple of senior guys running around, saying they planned 9/11, not Mossad, military guys. I don’t know if they are bullshitters or not. They say it like this…’Of course, we did it, who else? We don’t care, say whatever you want, who needs to hide anything, we can do whatever we want there’
This is how the put it. I just don’t know what they are saying this or why they are saying it now. What I do know is that this Wikileaks thing, somehow 9/11 may be behind it.
There is a list, the Bush administration’s “working group” that green-lighted 9/11. Of the five names on it, three are Jews. ” (ADL Source)
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
December 27, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff
Source: Veterans Today
More on Wikileaks:
– Wikileaks: Julian Assange Released From Jail, His Lawyer Is Connected To The Rothschilds
– Who Is Really Behind Wikileaks?
– Wikileaks: A US Government Con Job
– Wikileaks: Brought to you by the CIA or Mossad
More on the Rothschilds:
– 30 Facts – The Rothschild Bankers Planned The Gulf Disaster