Insiders Come Forward, Proof Of Benghazi Stand Down Order, It Was Obama


Related info:

400 Missiles Stolen in Benghazi … 20,000 Missiles Stolen in Tripoli … 20,000 M-16s Stolen in Kuwait … Related?

(More info down below.)

Insiders Come Forward, Proof of Benghazi Stand Down Order, It was Obama (AUN-TV, Sep 6, 2014):

This story is being censored by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC.

Yesterday on Fox, three of the front line fighters for the USA at Benghazi, came forward. They verified that three separate stand down orders were given that prevented a rescue of the Benghazi Consulate.

Those same men say that likely all four Americans that died that day, would not of died if not for those stand down orders. A stand down order means to do nothing.  In this case it means to abandon Ambassador Stevens and his guards, even though they were less than a mile away, and could have been saved.   This is proof of another major lie by Obama, he has claimed for two years that no stand down order was given.

The USA fighters were private guards hired by the CIA to protect their officers at Benghazi.  The stand down orders were a de facto death sentences for the Americans at the consulate.  The American guards eventually decided to disobey orders and do a rescue, by themselves.  It worked and they saved some, but due to the three stand down orders,  Ambassador Stevens was gone by the time they got there.


Friday Bret Baier and Fox News put out a news special on this that goes into great detail.  We highly recommend viewing the whole special.  AUN-TV has pulled some highlights from that special in the following video so that this article can better be understood.

Read moreInsiders Come Forward, Proof Of Benghazi Stand Down Order, It Was Obama

400 Missiles Stolen in Benghazi … 20,000 Missiles Stolen in Tripoli … 20,000 M-16s Stolen in Kuwait … Related?

400 Missiles Stolen in Benghazi… 20,000 Missiles Stolen in Tripoli… 20,000 M-16s Stolen in Kuwait… Related? ( The Daily Sheeple, Aug 14, 2013):

By now most have probably heard about the 400 surface-to-air missiles that were stolen in Benghazi. An attorney for the witnesses/whistleblowers came out in an interview with WMAL yesterday to drop this bombshell.

WMAL reports:

“I do not know whether [the missiles] were at the annex, but it is clear the annex was somehow involved in the process of the distribution of those missiles,” said DiGenova in an interview Monday with WMAL’s Mornings On The Mall.

How did DiGenova get this information? He told WMAL that ever since he and his wife and law partner, Victoria Toensing, began representing the Benghazi whistleblowers last spring, they have been contacted by several people eager to share information about what really happened the night of September 11, 2012, when four Americans were killed in the Consulate attack, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.

Read more400 Missiles Stolen in Benghazi … 20,000 Missiles Stolen in Tripoli … 20,000 M-16s Stolen in Kuwait … Related?

Hillary Clinton Asked To Inscribe ‘Hard Choices’ To Ambassador Stevens

Hillary Clinton Asked To Inscribe “Hard Choices” To Ambassador Stevens (Daily Surge, June 19, 2014):

“What difference does it make?”

Jason Mattera caught up with Hillary Clinton at one of the DC stops on her book tour this week, and asked the former Secretary of State if she would mind signing a copy of Hard Choices… but with a twist. “If you could make it out to Christopher Stevens,” Mattera queried. “I think you knew him.”

Christopher Stevens, of course, was the U.S. ambassador to Libya who was murdered along with three other Americans on Clinton’s watch, when Jihadists attacked two U.S. outposts in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

Hillary, surprised by the request, replied, “Yeah, I’m not gonna make it out to Chris Stevens.”  Mattera followed-up with, “What difference does it make?” a reference to Clinton’s infamous 2013 Senate testimony before the Foreign Relations Committee.

Read moreHillary Clinton Asked To Inscribe ‘Hard Choices’ To Ambassador Stevens

US Captures The Benghazi Killings Mastermind (And Scapegoat): Meet Ahmed Abu Khatallah

–  US Captures The Banghazi Killings Mastermind (And Scapegoat): Meet Ahmed Abu Khatallah (ZeroHedge, June 17, 2014):

With Hillary Clinton still plagued by relentless confrontations about her role in the Benghazi fiasco, which apparently are “making a difference”, and certainly distracting from Obama’s otherwise impeccable domestic (and foreign) reign, it was about time the US finally exposed a much more “appropriate” scapegoat for the public anger surrounding the events in Libya on September 11, 2011. Which is precisely what it did earlier today, when it was revealed not only who it believes the “mastermind” of the Benghazi attack is, but that the person in question, Ahmed Khatallah, had been captured.

Read moreUS Captures The Benghazi Killings Mastermind (And Scapegoat): Meet Ahmed Abu Khatallah

Pulitzer-Prize Winning Reporter Seymour Hersh: Benghazi Is A HUGE Scandal … But Not For The Reason You Think

Pulitzer-Prize Winning Reporter Sy Hersh: Benghazi Is a HUGE Scandal … But Not For the Reason You Think (Washington’s Blog, April 15, 2014):

Beyond Partisan Politics: What Benghazi Is Really About

Pulitzer-prize winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh – who broke the stories of the Mai Lai massacre in Vietnam and the Iraq prison torture scandals, which rightfully disgraced the Nixon and Bush administrations’ war-fighting tactics – reported last week:

In January, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the assault by a local militia in September 2012 on the American consulate and a nearby undercover CIA facility in Benghazi, which resulted in the death of the US ambassador, Christopher Stevens, and three others. The report’s criticism of the State Department for not providing adequate security at the consulate, and of the intelligence community for not alerting the US military to the presence of a CIA outpost in the area, received front-page coverage and revived animosities in Washington, with Republicans accusing Obama and Hillary Clinton of a cover-up.

That’s the part you’ve heard about: failure to protect the personnel at the embassy.

But then Hersh breaks the deeper story wide open:

Read morePulitzer-Prize Winning Reporter Seymour Hersh: Benghazi Is A HUGE Scandal … But Not For The Reason You Think

Unclassified Navy Map Shows U.S. Military Had Multitude Of Forces In The Region During Benghazi Attack

… but stand down orders were given.

Don’t miss:


Deputy Of Slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens: U.S. Special Forces Told To Stand Down During Benghazi Attacks

Unclassified Navy map

JW Gets Map of Military Fleet Positions During Benghazi Attack (Judical Watch, Feb 12, 2014):

The U.S. military had a multitude of forces in the region surrounding Libya when terrorists attacked the Special Mission in Benghazi and murdered four Americans, according to an unclassified Navy map obtained by Judicial Watch this week.

The map features the Navy fleet positions in the North Africa Area of Responsibility (AOR) on September 11, 2012, the day Islamic jihadists raided the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the first diplomat to be killed overseas in decades, and three other Americans were murdered in the violent ambush.

Dozens of vessels were stationed in the region on that day, including two aircraft carriers (Dwight D. Eisenhower and Enterprise), four amphibious ships, 13 destroyers, three cruisers and more than a dozen other smaller Navy boats as well as a command ship. Carriers are warships, the powerhouse of the naval fleet with a full-length flight deck for aircraft operations. During the Benghazi attack, two carriers were based to the east in the Arabian Sea, the Navy map shows.

Two amphibious assault ships (Iwo Jima and Gunston Hill) were situated to the east in the Gulf of Oman and one (New York) was in the Gulf of Aden, the map shows. A fourth (Fort McHenry) was located on the west side of the African continent in the Atlantic Ocean. Amphibious ships resemble small aircraft carriers and have air-craft strips for vertical and short take-offs and landings. The destroyers are scattered throughout the region, but the closest appear to be four (Cole, Forrest Sherman, Jason Dunham and Aboon) in the Mediterranean Sea north of Libya. The rest of the fleet includes cruisers, minesweepers, patrols and a command ship.

Read moreUnclassified Navy Map Shows U.S. Military Had Multitude Of Forces In The Region During Benghazi Attack

Senate Probers: U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens Didn’t Have To Die in Benghazi


TREASON: Judge Jeanine Pirro On Benghazi: ‘The Obama Administration Lied To Us, They Mislead Us And Left Americans To Die’ (Video)

Committing Treason And Benghazi Murder Cover-up

Benghazi: CIA Trusted Local Militia That Melted Away

Benghazi’s Dirty Little Secret (Veterans Today)

US Alerts Two ‘Elite Military Units’ To Be On Standby Over Deteriorating Libyan Situation

Deputy Of Slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens: U.S. Special Forces Told To Stand Down During Benghazi Attacks

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Testimony – ‘Complete Bullshit’

Benghazi: CIA Trusted Local Militia That Melted Away

Senate Probers: Stevens Didn’t Have to Die in Benghazi (ABC News, Jan 15, 2014):

A rare bipartisan report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released Wednesday attempted to put to rest conspiracy theories and politically-driven allegations about the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attacks that killed four American officials.

The panel’s 85-page report placed blame for the incident first and foremost on armed Islamist militants — mostly associated with five groups closely tied to core-al Qaeda — but also with the State Department run by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose staff failed to heed incessant warnings that security was evaporating there.

The committee’s majority Democrats, led by Chairman Dianne Feinstein of California, concluded that the attacks “were likely preventable.”

Read moreSenate Probers: U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens Didn’t Have To Die in Benghazi

TREASON: Judge Jeanine Pirro On Benghazi: ‘The Obama Administration Lied To Us, They Mislead Us And Left Americans To Die’ (Video)


President ‘Obama Bin Bush’ strikes again.

YouTube Added: 11.05.2013


Judge Jeanine Pirro, who attended this week’s Congressional hearing on Benghazi, says the testimony she witnessed proved President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are liars.

More info:

Committing Treason And Benghazi Murder Cover-up

Benghazi: CIA Trusted Local Militia That Melted Away

Benghazi’s Dirty Little Secret (Veterans Today)

US Alerts Two ‘Elite Military Units’ To Be On Standby Over Deteriorating Libyan Situation

Deputy Of Slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens: U.S. Special Forces Told To Stand Down During Benghazi Attacks

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Testimony – ‘Complete Bullshit’

Benghazi: CIA Trusted Local Militia That Melted Away

Deputy Of Slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens: U.S. Special Forces Told To Stand Down During Benghazi Attacks

Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told “you can’t go” to Benghazi during attacks (CBS News, May 7, 2013):

The deputy of slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens has told congressional investigators that a team of Special Forces prepared to fly from Tripoli to Benghazi during the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks was forbidden from doing so by U.S. Special Operations Command Africa.

The account from Gregory Hicks is in stark contrast to assertions from the Obama administration, which insisted that nobody was ever told to stand down and that all available resources were utilized. Hicks gave private testimony to congressional investigators last month in advance of his upcoming appearance at a congressional hearing Wednesday.

According to excerpts released Monday, Hicks told investigators that SOCAFRICA commander Lt. Col. Gibson and his team were on their way to board a C-130 from Tripoli for Benghazi prior to an attack on a second U.S. compound “when [Col. Gibson] got a phone call from SOCAFRICA which said, ‘you can’t go now, you don’t have the authority to go now.’ And so they missed the flight … They were told not to board the flight, so they missed it.”

No assistance arrived from the U.S. military outside of Libya during the hours that Americans were under attack or trapped inside compounds by hostile forces armed with rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and AK-47 rifles.

Read moreDeputy Of Slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens: U.S. Special Forces Told To Stand Down During Benghazi Attacks

The Petraeus Affair vs. The CIA’s Long Criminal History (Global Research)

The Petraeus Affair vs. the CIA’s Long Criminal History (Global Research, Nov 15, 2012):

The Petraeus Affair has demonstrated yet again how a sex scandal story can be fed into the U.S. media to serve both as a trigger for “political assassination” and as “the tree hiding the forest.” Even though what lies behind the salacious smoke screen is still the object of speculation, most of those speculations are more credible than a simple extramarital affair.

One of the possible explanations of Petraeus’ departure is his stance on Israel which he saw as a liability to US interests in the Middle East:

“The enduring hostilities between Israel and some of its neighbors present distinct challenges to our ability to advance our interests in the AOR [Area of Operations]. Israeli-Palestinian tensions often flare into violence and large-scale armed confrontations. The conflict foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of U.S. favoritism for Israel. Arab anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of U.S. partnerships with governments and peoples in the AOR and weakens the legitimacy of moderate regimes in the Arab world. Meanwhile, al-Qaeda and other militant groups exploit that anger to mobilize support. The conflict also gives Iran influence in the Arab world through its clients, Lebanese Hizballah and Hamas.” (Ali Abunimah, When Former CIA Chief David Petraeus Enraged the Israel Lobby, Electronic Intifada, November 12, 2012.)

As Stephen Lendman observes, sex scandals don’t necessarily lead to resignations unless state secrets are at stake:

Read moreThe Petraeus Affair vs. The CIA’s Long Criminal History (Global Research)

General Petraeus And ‘The Spy Who Loved Him’

General Petraeus and “the spy who loved him” (Jon Rappoport’s Blog, Nov 12, 2012):

by Jon Rappoport

It’s absurd to think the FBI just found out about CIA Director Petraeus’ affair with Paula Broadwell, his biographer. The timing is too convenient.The FBI knew about the affair some time ago and, under strict orders, kept their mouths shut until just after Election Day. If they hadn’t, the scandal would have blown up during Obama’s campaign run.

During the period the FBI knew about Petraeus’ affair, they also knew he was completely vulnerable to blackmail. In FBI and CIA circles, to have done nothing about it is considered treasonous. Putting a gag on these FBI people had to been done by the White House.

Read moreGeneral Petraeus And ‘The Spy Who Loved Him’

Why Did CIA Director David Petraeus Suddenly Resign … And Why Was the U.S. Ambassador to Libya Murdered?

Why Did CIA Director Petraeus Suddenly Resign … And Why Was the U.S. Ambassador to Libya Murdered? (ZeroHedge, Nov 11, 2012):

The Deeper Questions Behind the Ambassador’s Murder … and the CIA Boss’ Sudden Resignation

While the GOP is attacking (and Dems defending) the Obama administration in connection with the murder of the U.S. ambassador to Libya, there is a deeper story.

Sure, it is stunning that the State Department never requested backup or that people such as Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer allege that President Obama personally watched in real time the attacks as they occurred via video feeds from drones flying over the Benghazi consulate.

But these claims only can be assessed – and the whole confusing mess only makes sense – if the deeper underlying story is first exposed.

Read moreWhy Did CIA Director David Petraeus Suddenly Resign … And Why Was the U.S. Ambassador to Libya Murdered?

Did Petreaus Betray Us (And If Not Us, His Wife … After The Election Of Course) – Update: Petraeus Won’t Testify on Benghazi Next Week

Did Petreaus Betray Us (And If Not Us, His Wife… After The Election Of Course) (ZeroHedge, Nov 9, 2012):

Update, in which we find the true reason for the affair: Petraeus Won’t Testify on Benghazi Next Week, Senate Aide Says. In other words, next time one is called to testify before a panel over the deaths of 4 people including one US ambassador, one just pulls the infidelity “get out of testimony” card and all is well.* * *

A mere few days after the re-election of our president, CIA Director David Petraeus annoucnes his resignation:


The reason – an extra-marital affair…


Of course, the defense is already known: Petreaus did not commit that affair… the government did it for him

Via AP:

Read moreDid Petreaus Betray Us (And If Not Us, His Wife … After The Election Of Course) – Update: Petraeus Won’t Testify on Benghazi Next Week

Benghazi Massacre: Fox/Huffington CIA Tale Nonsense (Veterans Today)

AC 130 Gunships, Typically in Aviano, 1700 miles away if at all, providing radio hadn’t been jammed

Benghazi Massacre: Fox/Huffington CIA Tale Nonsense (Veterans Today, Oct 26, 2012):

A trained team of up to 120 special forces personnel with radio jammers and heavy weapons killed the US ambassador.  There were only two America CIA employees in Libya.  The news stories are all fabrications.

The killing of Ambassador Stephens in Benghazi has become a ghoulish election ploy played by Fox News, Huffington Post and others.  All are printing and broadcasting conjecture, total falsehood and the usual biased and unreliable garbage they are famous for.

Read moreBenghazi Massacre: Fox/Huffington CIA Tale Nonsense (Veterans Today)

Benghazi-Gate Continues: CIA Operators Were Told To ‘Stand Down’ (Washington Times)

Related info:

Benghazi Massacre: Fox/Huffington CIA Tale Nonsense (Veterans Today)

Benghazi-gate continues: CIA operators were told to ‘stand down’ (Washington Times, Oct 26, 2012):

SAN DIEGO, October 26, 2012 — Fox News broke chilling new facts today regarding the September destruction in Benghazi.

According to Fox,“an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later on the annex itself was denied by the CIA chain of command — who also told the CIA operators twice to “stand down” rather than help the ambassador’s team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.”

It’s almost unimaginable that the Obama administration could spin their way out of this one. They’ll try, but there aren’t too many cards left to play. The video narrative has ridden off into the horizon and can help them no longer.

They’ll probably dismiss Fox News as a right wing, hence unreliable source. They’d be wise not to try it. A quick trip down memory lane takes us back to September, when DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz claimed the conservative Washington Examiner misquoted her, only to discover that her words had been recorded. (Washington Examiner, Sept 7, 2012).

Read moreBenghazi-Gate Continues: CIA Operators Were Told To ‘Stand Down’ (Washington Times)

Benghazi: CIA Agents Asked 2 Times For Permission To Help Ambassador Chris Stevens … Were Told To ‘Stand Down’

… like NORAD was told to stand down on 9/11 … by Darth Cheney???:

Related info:

Benghazi Massacre: Fox/Huffington CIA Tale Nonsense (Veterans Today)

CIA agents in Benghazi twice asked for permission to help Ambassador Chris Stevens as bullets were flying and twice were told to ‘stand down’ (Daily Mail, Oct 26, 2012):

  • Revelations shed new light on the effectiveness of the CIA at Benghazi and the level of support they were given
  • When the CIA annex come under attack the field agents were denied a request for military help despite a counter terrorism team being two hours away in Italy
  • There was full communication between operatives on the ground and headquarters – with the ability to laser guide drones, planes or special forces to enemy targets
  • It has been claimed that CIA agents on the ground during the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi twice asked for permission to help Ambassador Chris Stevens and twice were told to stand down.

    Furthermore sources present during the deadly six-hour assault have said that a desperate last request for military assistance once the CIA themselves came under attack was denied, even though elite counter-terrorism units were only two hours away.

    Read moreBenghazi: CIA Agents Asked 2 Times For Permission To Help Ambassador Chris Stevens … Were Told To ‘Stand Down’

    Obama Told ’60 Minutes’ On Sept 12 That Attackers ‘Were Targeting Americans From The Start’ (Video)

    Obama Told ’60 Minutes’ On Sept 12 That Attackers ‘Were Targeting Americans From The Start’ (Breitbart, Oct 24, 2012):

    See also:

    Veterans Today’s 30 Day Old Story On Benghazi Had It Right (Veterans Today)

    Benghazi Consulate Was Tasked With Training Islamist Militia Members (FRONTPAGEMAG)

    Change: Benghazi, Take Two (The Daily Beast)

    Former CIA Commander Says US ‘Too Slow’ To Act As Predator Drone Cam Captured Benghazi Attack: ‘They Stood, And They Watched, And Our People Died’ (New York Post)

    Bombshell: State Department Withdrew 16 Member Security Special Forces Team From Libya Before Attack (Video)

    On The ‘Precision’ Consulate Attack: As Many As 15 Separate Teams Involved (Incl. At Least 50 Highly Trained Special Forces For The Assault) – Secure Communications Hacked With Unavailable Advanced Technology (Veterans Today)

    Video Shows Libyans Helping Rescue U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens After Attack (Reuters)

    Zionists, NATO Fuel Anti-Islam War (Veterans Today)

    Exclusive: America ‘Was Warned Of Embassy Attack But Did Nothing’ (Independent)

    ‘Guardian: Anti-Islam Film Never Existed’ (Veterans Today)

    US-Backed Al-Qaeda Terrorists Attack Embassies

    Embassy Killings In Libya, The Stench Of CIA/Mossad ‘False Flag (Veterans Today)

    Who Really Killed Ambassador Stevens? It’s The Zionists, Stupid! (Veterans Today)

    Israeli Filmmaker Triggers A Bloody 9/11 in Benghazi & Cairo (Veterans Today)


    Special Ops Con, Imaginary Warfare And Non-Existent Enemies (Veterans Today)

    Veterans Today’s 30 Day Old Story On Benghazi Had It Right

    VT’s 30 Day Old Story on Benghazi Had it Right (Veterans Today, Oct 22, 2012)

    See also:

    Benghazi Consulate Was Tasked With Training Islamist Militia Members (FRONTPAGEMAG)

    Change: Benghazi, Take Two (The Daily Beast)

    Former CIA Commander Says US ‘Too Slow’ To Act As Predator Drone Cam Captured Benghazi Attack: ‘They Stood, And They Watched, And Our People Died’ (New York Post)

    Bombshell: State Department Withdrew 16 Member Security Special Forces Team From Libya Before Attack (Video)

    On The ‘Precision’ Consulate Attack: As Many As 15 Separate Teams Involved (Incl. At Least 50 Highly Trained Special Forces For The Assault) – Secure Communications Hacked With Unavailable Advanced Technology (Veterans Today)

    Embassy Killings In Libya, The Stench Of CIA/Mossad ‘False Flag (Veterans Today)


    Webster Tarpley: Depression, Dictatorship & WW3 (Video)


    YouTube Added: 17.09.2012

    See also:

    Former Assistant Deputy Secretary Of State Dr. Steve Pieczenik Drops Bombshell: Israel To Start WW III On Sept. 25 (‘Yom Kippur’) – (Video)

    Max Keiser: Total Global Collapse By April 2013! (Video)

    Gerald Celente: Criminal Banksters Launching World War III (Video)


    The Truth About The Woman Who Stopped The 2007 Invasion Of Iran (Veterans Today)

    Former Assistant Deputy Secretary Of State Dr. Steve Pieczenik Drops Bombshell: Israel To Start WW III On Sept. 25 (‘Yom Kippur’) – (Video)


    YouTube Added: 16.09.2012

    Former State Dept. Veteran Drops Bombshell: WWIII Starts Sept. 25 (The Stock Market Watch, Sep 18, 2012):

    Speaking with Infowars’ Alex Jones, former Assistant Deputy Secretary of State Dr. Steve Pieczenik says Israel plans to attack Iran before the U.S. elections of Nov. 6., and, that an attack on Iran will assuredly kickoff WWIII, according to him.

    Moreover, Pieczenik, a man whose career inspired the character Jack Ryan of the Tom Clancy book series, says the ‘October Surprise’ will not take place in October.  Instead, the big surprise will come earlier, in late September.

    Dr. Pieczenik says the specific date of the strike on Iran is Sept. 25th or 26th, Yom Kippur—the Jewish holiday, which commences in the year 2012 at sundown on the 25th, and ends at nightfall, the following day.

    “It [an Israeli attack on Iran] could be earlier than October, because we have Yom Kippur.  And I predicted on your radio show, and I predicted to our national security people, privately, that Benjamin Bibi Netanyahu would start something on Rosh Hashanah,” says Pieczenick.

    “This [prediction] was over a year ago, and I said it on your radio show.  He was as predictable as a clock, and the Israelis will be very predictable, on Yom Kippur,” he adds.

    Pieczenik says it’s clear to him that Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu has already planned to attack Iran and has been desperately trying to enlist the U.S. to back him up.  But, with or without U.S. direct help, Pieczenik is certain that Israel will attack Iran.

    Moreover, he says Netanyahu is an extremest, who will “lie” for his personal and selfish cause, a conclusion also drawn by many Israelis who protest his regime.

    “Everything Bibi is saying to the Americans and the American Jews is an absolute, unmitigated lie,” Pieczenik, a Jew, himself, says forcefully,

    “What we have here is a collusion between Saudi Arabia, neocon Jews of America and Israel, against a president, who, whether I like or dislike, and may have lied about Osama Bin Laden,” he adds, “he [President Obama] is the son . . . a son of a CIA operative, the grandson of a CIA operative, who understands very well what the issues of intelligence are.”

    With help from his neocon friends, Netanyahu threatens the entire world with the suicidal notion that Iran must be attacked, and the Israeli prime minister must be stopped, even if it means assassination, according to Pieczenik

    Read moreFormer Assistant Deputy Secretary Of State Dr. Steve Pieczenik Drops Bombshell: Israel To Start WW III On Sept. 25 (‘Yom Kippur’) – (Video)

    Video Shows Libyans Helping Rescue U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens After Attack (Reuters)

    Related info:

    Zionists, NATO Fuel Anti-Islam War (Veterans Today)

    Exclusive: America ‘Was Warned Of Embassy Attack But Did Nothing’ (Independent)

    ‘Guardian: Anti-Islam Film Never Existed’ (Veterans Today)

    US-Backed Al-Qaeda Terrorists Attack Embassies

    Embassy Killings In Libya, The Stench Of CIA/Mossad ‘False Flag (Veterans Today)

    Who Really Killed Ambassador Stevens? It’s The Zionists, Stupid! (Veterans Today)

    Israeli Filmmaker Triggers A Bloody 9/11 in Benghazi & Cairo (Veterans Today)


    Special Ops Con, Imaginary Warfare And Non-Existent Enemies (Veterans Today)

    Video shows Libyans helping rescue U.S. ambassador after attack (Reuters, Sep 17, 2012):

    An amateur video appears to show Libyans trying to rescue U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens from a room filled with smoke at the U.S. mission where he was found unconscious after last week’s attack by a mob protesting against a film that denigrates the Prophet Mohammad.

    The video, which appeared on the internet and a copy of which was obtained by Reuters in Benghazi, confirms reports that suggested the U.S. envoy died of asphyxiation after the building caught fire.

    The footage also sheds new light on the circumstances of the ambassador’s death, apparently showing for the first time that some of the people who forced their way into the U.S. compound later tried to rescue Stevens after they found him lying alone, with no security detail, in one of the rooms in the building.

    The video shows a group of young men who had earlier stormed the compound telling other protesters by the light of torches and mobile phones that they had found someone who appeared to be a foreigner lying on the floor.

    “There is someone inside … He is a foreigner, he is a foreigner. Take him out,” said one man, shouting for help.

    “Bring him out, man! Bring him out,” another said.

    “The man is alive. Bring him out, man. Bring him out,” said a third.

    “Alive, Alive! God is Greatest,” the crowd cried. Someone called for a car.

    “Make space, is there someone who is a medic around? Anyone who can get a car quickly?” another man can be heard saying.

    Stevens and three other embassy staff died when gunmen attacked the U.S. consulate and a safe house in the eastern Libyan city on Tuesday night. The attackers were part of a crowd blaming America for a film they said insulted the Prophet Mohammad.

    Read moreVideo Shows Libyans Helping Rescue U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens After Attack (Reuters)