GMOs Won’t Feed The World (Video)

YouTube Added: 04.11.2012


Monsanto, DuPont and the other biotech company’s biggest marketing myth about GMOs is that they are going to feed the world…the opposite is true.

At a conference filled with experts on world hunger and agriculture, I asked the Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack a question about GMOs. When he suggested that GMOs were needed to feed the world, the audience began hissing and booing him.

Enjoy this excerpt from our full length documentary Genetic Roulette—The Gamble of Our Lives

Florida City Warns Of Cell Phone Cancer

City warns of cell phone cancer (WTVj, Nov 29, 2012):

PEMBROKE PINES, Florida (WTVJ) — Commissioners in Pembroke Pines, Florida have passed a resolution to warn residents about potential cancer dangers related to cellphone radiation.

The resolution, believed to be the first of its kind in the state, encourages residents to keep their cellphones at least one-inch away from their bodies, use a headset or speakerphone and send messages by text or email, according to the Sun-Sentinel.

Read moreFlorida City Warns Of Cell Phone Cancer

Massachusetts City Announces: Turn In Your Guns, Get A Free Flu Shot!

Massachusetts city announces: turn in your guns, get a free flu shot! (Natural News, Dec 2, 2012):

The city of Worcester, Massachusetts has one helluva deal for ya! Turn in your guns, and you’ll get a free flu shot in return.

It’s all part of the city’s annual “Goods for Guns Buyback Program” which sounds like an April Fools joke but actually isn’t.

So here’s how it works: You locate a firearm that might protect you from violent crime or even a runaway criminal government someday, and you bring it to the police department. Then they destroy your gun and in return for this, they assault you with mercury-laced vaccines and call it “even.”

Read moreMassachusetts City Announces: Turn In Your Guns, Get A Free Flu Shot!

21 Questions For Dr. Oz: Organics-Bashing TV Doc Given Opportunity To Respond To Criticism

Twenty-one questions for Dr. Oz: Organics-bashing TV doc given opportunity to respond to criticism (opinion) (Natural News, Dec 2, 2012):

Dr. Oz’s recently article in TIME Magazine — entitled “The anti-snob diet” — has created something of a firestorm across the internet. In his article, Dr. Oz refers to people who buy organic foods or who frequent farmers markets as “snooty” “elitist” and “snobs.” He promotes feedlot beef, conventional ice cream and canned foods while implying organic foods are “elitist” foods only for the “1%.” He even says these organic, farmers market foods are “not very democratic.”

You can’t actually read the original article, as TIME Magazine doesn’t publish it online. So you’ll have to pick up a copy of the December 3rd issue of TIME in order to read the full text of the article. But I assure you that Dr. Oz has put his name on an article in TIME that contains the quotations I’m citing here.

Nowhere in his original article does he warn his readers that conventional foods are heavily laced with chemical pesticides and GMOs, nor does he mention the mercury risk from eating tuna. His message to America? If you care about what you eat, you’re a snob!

Read more21 Questions For Dr. Oz: Organics-Bashing TV Doc Given Opportunity To Respond To Criticism

Canada, Dec. 2, 2012: Radioactive Fukushima Rain Falls On Ontario (Video)

YouTube Added: 02.12.2012


Dec 2nd, 2012 eastern Ontario, 3:10 pm. I tested the my drizzle coming out of our rear, side down spout this time. {just for a change}
1pm test read 0.58 microsieverts per hour. 2pm read 0.45. This is the 3:10 pm test.
Lets call it 10 X background.

Dr. Oz Viciously Attacks Organic Foods And Farmers Markets, Pushes Feedlot Beef, Urges Clueless Consumers To Eat More Pesticides And GMO

Maybe that is why he is Dr. Oz (Illuminati) and not Dr. Nature!

Dr. Oz viciously attacks organic foods and farmers markets, pushes feedlot beef, urges clueless consumers to eat more pesticides and GMO (opinion) (Natural News, Dec 1, 2012):

Dr. Oz has finally done it: He has sold out to Big Ag by declaring organic foods to be “elitist,” “snooty” and no better than conventional foods. The man who once urged Americans to eat organic has sold his soul to the criminally-run food giants in a mind-blowing editorial piece recently published in TIME Magazine.

Look for Dr. Oz to promote GMOs next, as cozying up to Monsanto probably won’t be too far behind. The man is already on the record pushing vaccines, talking about how good they are for “public health” while failing to mention that vaccines admittedly contain mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum and MSG.

He’s also the same guy who was behind the “RealAge” internet scheme that recruited people into a promotional network where they were barraged by drug-pushing ads from Big Pharma. Dr. Oz also owned a huge number of option shares in a vaccine technology company.

In his TIME Magazine editorial piece, Dr. Oz declares organic foods to be “elitist” and appropriate only for “the 1%.” This clever bit of propaganda is designed to try to align conventional foods (i.e. pesticide ridden GMO foods) with the “99%” by making them sound more populist. As if, the “People’s food” is pesticides and GMOs, you see.

Does the man have no shame? Is there any corporate poison he won’t promote to his viewers?

Read moreDr. Oz Viciously Attacks Organic Foods And Farmers Markets, Pushes Feedlot Beef, Urges Clueless Consumers To Eat More Pesticides And GMO

Guess What Kills One Person Every 19 Minutes?

Guess What Kills One Person Every 19 Minutes? (Live In The Now, Nov 29, 2012):

When it comes “how you’re going to die,” many people fear things like airplane crashes or shark attacks, even though statistics show that deaths from these events are very rare. Conversely, far too many people mistakenly believe that certain common aspects of everyday life are extremely safe — when, in reality, this is often far from the truth.Once such daily ritual that is far more dangerous than many people believe is taking properly prescribed pharmaceutical drugs. Popping pills on a daily basis to “improve health” has become far too common for many Americans. In fact, according to the CDC, approximately 50% of all Americans take a pharmaceutical drug daily. When you isolate senior citizens, the number shoots up to an astonishing 90%. And perhaps even more troubling, 20% of children take a pharmaceutical drug.

At the same time, statistics are showing that deaths from pharmaceutical drugs are rising at an alarming rate. But don’t take my word for it. Just google the term “pharmaceutical drugs kill” and you’ll see headlines from major news organizations such as Fox and CNN that read:

Read moreGuess What Kills One Person Every 19 Minutes?

WHO: Fukushima Workers Had Over 10 SIEVERTS Thyroid Dose


U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Alan Thompson Reported 1,500 MICROSIEVERTS Per Hour Thyroid Dose South Of Tokyo On March 20, 2011

See also:

‘Many People From Even Tokyo Have Thyroid Problems Already’

Fukushima: More Then 42% of Children Have Thyroid Nodules Or Cysts (German TV Video, Nov 18, 2012):

More than 42% of 57,000 tested children have nodules or cyst, reports Dr. Suzuki who leads the examinations. In Chernobyl they found only 0.1 – 1%.

WHO: Fukushima workers had radiation dose over 10 sieverts in their thyroids (ENENews, Dec 1, 2012):

(Subscription Only) Title: High thyroid radiation doses in 178 Fukushima workers
Source: AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
Date: December 01, 2012

High thyroid radiation doses in 178 Fukushima workers

[…] A forthcoming WHO report, which cites the data, says two workers had an exposure of more than 10,000 millisieverts, a level widely considered to be a lethal dose when received as full-body exposure. However, a dose of this level received in the thyroid gland alone can have an impact limited to that organ and may not cause acute symptoms. […]

TEPCO has not published its thyroid test results directly. The company justifies this by noting that it publishes other test results instead.

Read moreWHO: Fukushima Workers Had Over 10 SIEVERTS Thyroid Dose

Radioactive Fukushima Beef Labeled As From ‘Hokkaido’

“Beef labelled as from Hokkaido, but the tracking code tells it’s grown in Fukushima” (Fukushima Diary, Nov 30, 2012):

Introducing important tweets as [Express] for simultaneous updates.

You can’t be reassured by the label of origin. and it’s not only the origin, but also where the feed is from..
bought beef at a supermarket in Yaita city, Tochigi. The label of origin says it’s from Hokkaido, but the tracking ID says it was in Minamisoma city from 12/25/2010 to 10/30/2011. Shouldn’t they label it as from Fukushima ?



Introducing important tweets as [Express] for simultaneous updates.


You can’t be reassured by the label of origin. and it’s not only the origin, but also where the feed is from..
bought beef at a supermarket in Yaita city, Tochigi. The label of origin says it’s from Hokkaido, but the tracking ID says it was in Minamisoma city from 12/25/2010 to 10/30/2011. Shouldn’t they label it as from Fukushima ?

Shock Study: Mammograms A Medical Hoax, Over 1 Million American Women Maimed By Unnecessary ‘Treatment’ For Cancer They Never Had

See also:

CAD Mammography Useless

Mammograms produce more false positives than legitimate tumor detections in young women

Mammograms cause breast cancer, groundbreaking new research declares

Shock study: Mammograms a medical hoax, over one million American women maimed by unnecessary ‘treatment’ for cancer they never had (Natural News, Nov 28, 2012):

Mammography is a cruel medical hoax. As I have described here on Natural News many times, the primary purpose of mammography is not to “save” women from cancer, but to recruit women into false positives that scare them into expensive, toxic treatments like chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.

The “dirty little secret” of the cancer industry is that the very same oncologists who scare women into falsely believing they have breast cancer are also the ones pocketing huge profits from selling those women chemotherapy drugs. The conflicts of interest and abandonment of ethics across the cancer industry is breathtaking.

Now, a new scientific study has confirmed exactly what I’ve been warning readers about for years: most women “diagnosed” with breast cancer via mammography never had a cancer problem to begin with!

93% of “early detection” has no benefit to the patient

That’s the conclusion of a groundbreaking new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).

Read moreShock Study: Mammograms A Medical Hoax, Over 1 Million American Women Maimed By Unnecessary ‘Treatment’ For Cancer They Never Had

Digital TDS-Water Quality Tester

Steam distilled water: 0 ppm TDS

Lauretana (Engl., German): 7 ppm TDS

Most tap water ranges from 150 to 420 ppm TDS.

Water with a TDS of 500 ppm or more is regarded as unfit for consumption.

Sea water has a TDS of around 35,000 ppm.

Related info:

24 Doctors With The Courage To Tell The Truth About Distilled Water

Amazing Story Of 70 Year Old Woman Finds The Fountain Of Youth – Ageless Woman Annette Larkins Interview (Video) HM Digital TDS-EZ TDS Water Quality Tester with Auto-off Function TDS-EZ Price: $13.19 EZ Digitales TDS-Messgerät zur Überprüfung der Wasserqualität – TDS-3A Blau Preis: EUR 16,99


Digitales TDS-Wassermessgerät (TDS = total dissolved solids = Gesamtmenge der gelösten Feststoffe) das den Gehalt an nicht-organischen und organischen Substanzen in Ihrer Wasserprobe erkennt und misst. Dieses Messgerät ist sehr nützlich wenn Sie einfach nur wissen wollen, wie sauber Ihr Wasser wirklich ist. Testen Sie Ihr Leitungswasser. Sie können die Leistung Ihrer Wasserfilter messen und sich vergewissern, wann der beste Zeitpunkt ist, einen Wasserfilter zu wechseln. Geldverschwendung durch den zu häufigen Filterwechsel wird somit vermieden, ebenso schlechtes Wasser, weil Sie nicht früh genug gewechselt haben. Das Messgerät ist sehr leicht und tragbar, so dass Sie auch die Wasserqualität im Haus Ihrer Freunde, in Restaurants und anderen öffentlichen Orten messen können. Das Messgerät misst in ppm mit einer Auflösung von 1 ppm und einer Genauigkeit von + / – 2%. Das Messgerät schaltet sich automatisch nach 10 Minuten aus, um Batterien zu sparen. Hold-Funktion: Speichert Messungen für komfortable Erfassung und Aufzeichnung. Messbereich: 0-9990 ppm. Zwischen 0-999 ppm erfolgt die Auflösung in Schritten von 1 ppm. Von 1000 bis 9990 ppm ist die Auflösung in Schritten von 10 ppm, angezeigt durch ein blinkendes ‘x10’ Icon. Werksmässig kalibriert/geeicht: Rekalibrierung ist nicht erforderlich, kann aber leicht mit einem Uhrenschraubendreher erfolgen.

‘Many People From Even Tokyo Have Thyroid Problems Already’

Watch: “All who met with Fukushima’s radioactive fallout are probably to have some problem with the thyroid” — Many in Tokyo already with problems (VIDEO) (ENENews, Nov 26, 2012):

Title: Report on the “Learn from Chernobyl” tour in Japan
Source: ERF2012 (Cinema Forum Fukushima)
Date: Nov 25, 2012

Ms. Kazuko Kawai, Founder of Voices for Lively Spring (a Japan-based human rights organization and a grass-root organization): Unfortunately, I have to say many people from even Tokyo have thyroid problems already developing.

It’s not a problem only in Fukushima, but all the people who met with this radioactive fallout are probably have some problem with the thyroid.

Watch the video here


U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Alan Thompson Reported 1,500 MICROSIEVERTS Per Hour Thyroid Dose South Of Tokyo On March 20, 2011

See also:

Fukushima: More Then 42% of Children Have Thyroid Nodules Or Cysts (German TV Video, Nov 18, 2012):

More than 42% of 57,000 tested children have nodules or cyst, reports Dr. Suzuki who leads the examinations. In Chernobyl they found only 0.1 – 1%.

Fracking The Great Lakes


– Former governor Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: ‘Worldwide Water Conspiracy’ (FULL LENGTH)

(Links on fracking are down below.)

Fracking The Great Lakes (Nation Of Change, Nov 25, 2012):

The Great Lakes hold 20 percent of the world’s fresh surface water. The good news is that legacy contaminants are decreasing more quickly than previously reported in three of the Great Lakes, but have stayed virtually the same in two other lakes, according to new research. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), the pesticide DDT and other banned compounds dropped about 50 percent in fish in Lakes Michigan, Ontario and Huron from 1999 through 2009, although there were no significant changes in Lakes Superior and Erie fish, according to the study to be published this month in Science of the Total Environment.

“These are very positive results. The lakes are improving and slowly cleaning themselves up,” said Thomas Holsen, co-director of Clarkston University’s Center for the Environment and co-author of the study. “Even with the decreases, it will be 20 to 30 years until the decades-old contaminants in Great Lakes fish decline to the point that consumption advisories can be eliminated,” Holsen said.

All good news, except as we clean up the old chemicals like Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), the pesticide DDT and other banned compounds they are being replaced by newer ones, such as flame retardants that are building up in fish and wildlife and chemicals we are not yet even looking for from oil and gas development.

Today, the natural gas industry is beginning horizontal hydraulic fracturing all around the Great Lakes to extract gas. It is against the law to frack under the lakes but there are no laws about fracking near streams, creeks, rivers that empty into the lakes. This is insane. Hundreds of toxic chemicals are injected under pressure into the ground to fracture the shale formation. Not all of these chemicals are retrieved after the fracking is done. In fact the common gas well leaves behind about 30 percent of the chemicals, radioactive materials and brine. It’s unbelievable, hundreds of chemicals injected all around our fresh water lakes that both the U.S. and Canada have worked for decades to clean up.

Read moreFracking The Great Lakes

Japan, Ishikawa Pref.: Norovirus, Rotavirus Up 700% In a Year

Gastroenteritis of norovirus cases are 7 times more than last year in Ishikawa (Fukushima Diary, Nov 25, 2012):

In Ishikawa prefecture, gastroenteritis caused by norovirus and rotavirus started to spread earlier than usual year and are 7 times more than the same term of last year.

According to the prefectural government, the number of patients who have gastroenteritis from norovirus is 534 at 29 medical institutions from 11/5 to 11/11/2012, which is about 7.1 times much as the same term of last year.

Usually it starts spreading from mid-November but this year it started to spread earlier than usual.

Source (NHK deleted the original article)

Related article..Pneumonia is unusually increasing around in hotspot, “80% of the patients are under 14?


Obamacare’s Real Costs


Judge Napolitano On The 2012 Election, Obamacare, And The Future Of Liberty (Video)

18 New Tax Hikes On Their Way Via Obamacare

Obamacare, The Great Swindle: A Costly New Tax On The Middle Class – Government Monopoly For Big Pharma – How It Will Lead To Mandatory Vaccinations For Everyone

Judge Napolitano On Obamacare: ‘Individual Mandate Most Bizarre Tax In The History Of The Country’ (Video)

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare … AS A TAX!!!


CHANGE: Obamacare Creates $17 TRILLION In Unfunded Liabilities (Video)

The Obamacare Mandate: Obama VERSUS Obama (Video) (Hilarious!!!)

Judge Napolitano On Obamacare And The Supreme Court (Video)

New Obamacare Regulation Calls For Free Sterilization For All College Women

Obamacare’s Real Costs (Personal Liberty Digest, Nov 19, 2012):

“The Obama Care Health Care Reform Plan or Health Care For America Plan will cost the average American around $70.”–

First of all, allow me to disabuse you of the notion that Obamacare has anything to do with “health” care. Obamacare is not about health. It’s not about lowering the cost of health insurance. And it’s not about ensuring that everyone is insured.

It is about locking more Americans into the clutches of the Big Pharma/Medical Industrial complex, providing more customers for Big Insurance and confiscating more wealth from individuals and businesses.

The American healthcare system should properly be called “sickcare.” It’s a subtle and esoteric system of population control with prescription drugs issued at the public expense by the drug cartel — the conglomerate of pharmaceutical houses.

Read moreObamacare’s Real Costs

‘Survival Of The Fattest’: It’s A Fat, Fat World After All – Presenting The Cure For Obesity

The cure for obesity:

A MUST-SEE: ‘Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead’ (Full Documentary):

100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross is at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. In the mirror he saw a 310lb man whose gut was bigger than a beach ball and a path laid out before him that wouldn’t end well- with one foot already in the grave, the other wasn’t far behind. FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD is an inspiring film that chronicles Joe’s personal mission to regain his health. With doctors and conventional medicines unable to help long-term, Joe turns to the only option left, the body’s ability to heal itself.

“Survival Of The Fattest”: It’s A Fat, Fat World After All (ZeroHedge, Nov 24, 2012):

Back in March, we first presented a rather stunning finding: by 2020 75% of Americans will be obese or overweight. This was promptly followed up with a post showing just how it is transpired that America became the fattest nation in the world in less than 20 years. What however may not be known, is that America’s fatness epidemic is not localized to the country that gave the world the McDonalds burger (and the McMansion): it really is a fat, fat world, after all. Behold – survival of the fattest:

It is hardly surprising in this light, then, that the estimate for number of people living with diabetes has been increased, to 371 million – an increase of 11% over 2011.

Read more‘Survival Of The Fattest’: It’s A Fat, Fat World After All – Presenting The Cure For Obesity

‘Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead’ (Full Documentary)

A MUST-SEE!!! (Download the video before it disappears!)

YouTube Added: 16.10.2012


100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross is at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. In the mirror he saw a 310lb man whose gut was bigger than a beach ball and a path laid out before him that wouldn’t end well- with one foot already in the grave, the other wasn’t far behind. FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD is an inspiring film that chronicles Joe’s personal mission to regain his health. With doctors and conventional medicines unable to help long-term, Joe turns to the only option left, the body’s ability to heal itself. He trades in the junk food and hits the road with juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for the next 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe has one goal in mind: To get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle. While talking to more than 500 Americans about food, health and longevity, it’s at a truck stop in Arizona where Joe meets a truck driver who suffers from the same rare condition. Phil Staples is morbidly obese weighing in at 429 lbs; a cheeseburger away from a heart-attack. As Joe is recovering his health, Phil begins his own epic journey to get well. What emerges is nothing short of amazing – an inspiring tale of healing and human connection. Part road trip, part self-help manifesto, FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD defies the traditional documentary format to present an unconventional and uplifting story of two men from different worlds who each realize that the only person who can save them is themselves.

You need a slow juicer to get all the benefits from juicing! (Normal juicers destroy all enzymes and heat sensitive vitamins.)

The Hurom Juicer Is The Best Juicer Out There … And Easily Beats The Green Star Juicer (Video)

Jupiter ‘Juicepresso’ Entsafter – Jupiter ‘Juicepresso’ Juicer

As you can see in ‘Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead’ juicing is the secret of longevity and perfect health (or at least one of the most important ones).

Don’t miss:

Amazing Story Of 70 Year Old Woman Finds The Fountain Of Youth – Ageless Woman Annette Larkins Interview (Video)

The health benefits of juicing are not only about enzymes, vitamins and nutrients, but are also about ‘distilled liquids’!

More info on distilled liquids:

Read more‘Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead’ (Full Documentary)

Radioactive Insects Spreading Radiation All Over Japan

Are radioactive insects spreading Fukushima contamination from lake bottoms across the land? Scientist: They grow underwater then fly out & die everywhere (ENENews, Nov 21, 2012):

Title: Fukushima Update: Radioactive Fish, Conflicts of Interest, and Filtered Vents
Source: ScienceBlogs (A National Geographic partner)
Author: Greg Laden
Date: Nov. 21, 2012

Highly Radioactive Fish Have Been Found


I have a hypothesis that explains many of these observations. Fish like trout, salmon, and char eat, among other things, insects on the surface, gorging on hatches. A hatch is a large number of insects flying around and spending time over water, or often, just falling into the water, after emerging from a body of water where they spent an aquatic phase. I’ve written before about the role that insects such as dragonflies and lake flies serve the role of moving nutrients from their “final” resting place at the bottom of ponds and lakes, out across the landscape. These animals start off as an egg, and then turn into their adult form underwater, accumulating nutrients …. and cesium? …. as they grow. Then they fly out of the water and die everywhere. Or, are eaten by selected species of fish. From clay-rich lake bottom, where radioactive cesium can accumulate in sufficient density to disqualify bottom feeders from human consumption, to the mouths of trout, salmon and char. I don’t know if the Japanese researchers are thinking about it this way, but I hope it is given some thought.