Scientists zapped people’s brains with magnetic pulses and it changed their taste in music

Scientists zapped people’s brains with magnetic pulses and it changed their taste in music:

Participants’ enjoyment of music, and the amount they were willing to spend on it, were both affected by stimulation of neural circuits

Stimulating someone’s brain with magnetic pulses is enough to change their taste in music, according to new research.

Using a non-invasive technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation, Scientists managed to change the enjoyment of music felt by their subjects.

Not only did the treatment alter the way participants rated music, it even affected the amount of money they were willing to spend on it.

Read moreScientists zapped people’s brains with magnetic pulses and it changed their taste in music

Facebook Founder Warns “God Only Knows What It’s Doing To Kids’ Brains”

Facebook Founder Warns “God Only Knows What It’s Doing To Kids’ Brains”:

38-year-old founding president of Facebook, Sean Parker, was uncharacteristically frank about his creation in an interview with Axios. So much so in fact that he concluded, Mark Zuckerberg will probably block his account after reading this.

Confirming every ‘big brother’ conspiracy there is about the social media giant, Parker explained how social networks purposely hook users and potentially hurt our brains

“When Facebook was getting going, I had these people who would come up to me and they would say, ‘I’m not on social media.’ And I would say, ‘OK. You know, you will be.’ And then they would say, ‘No, no, no. I value my real-life interactions. I value the moment. I value presence. I value intimacy.’ And I would say, … ‘We’ll get you eventually.'”

“I don’t know if I really understood the consequences of what I was saying, because [of] the unintended consequences of a network when it grows to a billion or 2 billion people and … it literally changes your relationship with society, with each other … It probably interferes with productivity in weird ways. God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains.”

“The thought process that went into building these applications, Facebook being the first of them, … was all about: ‘How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?'”

“And that means that we need to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while, because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever. And that’s going to get you to contribute more content, and that’s going to get you … more likes and comments.”

It’s a social-validation feedback loop … exactly the kind of thing that a hacker like myself would come up with, because you’re exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology.

Read moreFacebook Founder Warns “God Only Knows What It’s Doing To Kids’ Brains”

Daily Mail: Brain chips that allow you to delete memories and fight disease will create a new breed of SUPERHUMANS in 15 years

Brain chips that allow you to delete memories and fight disease will create a new breed of SUPERHUMANS in 15 years:

  • Bryan Johnson’s firm, Kernel, is working on a microchip to be implanted in brain
  • He says the chips will allow people to buy and delete memories as they wish
  • Rather than being reserved for the rich, Mr Johnson says the chips will be ‘democratised, like smartphones’ 

Implanting a microchip into your brain to unlock its full potential may sound like the plot from the latest science fiction blockbuster.

But the futuristic technology could become a reality within 15 years, according to Bryan Johnson, an expert working on such a device.

The chips will allow people to buy and delete memories, and will soon be as popular as smartphones, Mr Johnson claims.

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Neuroscientist Prof. Dr. Dr. Gertraud Teuchert-Noodt Warns Of The Detrimental Effects Digital Media Have On Our Brain – “A Cyberattack On The Nerve Nets Of The Brain”

She warns especially on the negative effects that the digital media have on the brains of our children, where they are causing irreversible damage!

(And TPTB know all about this!)

Prof. Dr. Dr. Gertraud Teuchert-Noodt leitete den Bereich Neuroanatomie/Humanbiologie an der Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Biologie. Spezielle Forschungsgebiete: unter anderem quantitative Immunhistochemie von Neurotransmittern und neuronale Netzwerke in der Entwicklung psycho-kognitiver Hirnfunktionen. In ihren Vorträgen setzt sie sich kritisch mit der Wirkung digitaler Medien auf das Gehirn auseinander, so Anfang Mai an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt oder im Juni 2016 bei einer Veranstaltung des Netzwerks culture2business im Juni 2016. Titel des Vortrags: „Cyberangriff auf unser Gehirn? Strategien für einen gesunden Umgang mit digitalen Medien in Unternehmen.“ – Quelle:

Digitale Medien: die große Gefahr für unser Gehirn?:

„Digitale Medien erfüllen inzwischen einen fundamentalen Traum der Menschheit: Die Beherrschung von Zeit und Raum. Doch das birgt gleichzeitig ein große Gefahr in sich“, sagt Hirnforscherin Professor Dr. Dr. Gertraud Teuchert-Noodt von der Universität Bielefeld. Behalten Medien-User nicht die Oberhand über ihr Tun und Planen, erliegen sie unmerklich einer Art Cyberattacke auf die Netzwerke ihres Gehirns. 

Attackiert würden speziell diejenigen Subsysteme, die für die Gedächtnisbildung und für die kognitiven Leistungen verantwortlich sind. Das könne Sucht, Burnout oder Depressionen auslösen. Eine neue Herausforderung sowohl im Studium, als auch in der Arbeitswelt werde es sein, nicht zuzulassen, dass die Medien uns in ihre Dienste stellen. Es sei deshalb nützlich, mehr über jene Nervennetze im Gehirn zu wissen, die uns stark dafür machen. Anfang Mai referierte die Hirnforscherin an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt zum Thema „Wohin führt die digitale Revolution?“. „Wenn wir den Karren so weiter laufen lassen, wird das eine ganze Generation von digitalisierten Kindern in die Steinzeit zurückwerfen“, warnt Teuchert-Noodt. Frau Professor Teuchert-Noodt,  Sie sprechen von der ,Cyberattacke auf die Nervennetze des Gehirns´. Was ist damit gemeint, was kann/muss sich der Laie darunter vorstellen?
Prof. Getraud Teuchert-Noodt: Es ist was es ist: egal, ob eine Cyberattacke mittelbar auf die für spezifische Infrastrukturen wichtigen Computernetzwerke von digital hochgerüsteten Einrichtungen oder unmittelbar auf spezifische Nervennetze des Gehirns gerichtet ist, beides hat eine entsprechende Durchschlagskraft. Also, ebenso wie Hacker die Stromversorgung eines Krankenhauses lahm legen können, können Medien User in ihrem eigenen Gehirn die Versorgungszentrale für die gesamte Informationsverarbeitung auf psycho-kognitiver Ebene außer Kraft setzen und eine emotionale/geistige Erschöpfung  herbeizuführen. Vielleicht ist ein Hirn-Crash sogar noch schlimmer. Denn die neurochemisch und hirnrhythmisch gesteuerten Funktionen in den entsprechenden höchsten Hirnarealen – dem Limbisch-präfrontalen System –  tun sich mit einer Erholung von einer digital induzierten Attacke sehr schwer, zumal diese mit einer sich unmerklich einschleichenden Symptomatik einhergeht.

Read moreNeuroscientist Prof. Dr. Dr. Gertraud Teuchert-Noodt Warns Of The Detrimental Effects Digital Media Have On Our Brain – “A Cyberattack On The Nerve Nets Of The Brain”

A “Silent Pandemic” of Toxic Chemicals is Destroying Our Children’s Brains, Experts Warn

…and not just our children’s brains,

A “Silent Pandemic” of Toxic Chemicals is Destroying Our Children’s Brains, Experts Warn

H/t reader squodgy:

“Organic, Organic, Organic.
Fresh, Fresh, Fresh.”

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Your Brain On A Runner’s High: How Aerobic Exercise Creates New Cells Through Neurogenesis

Related info:

The Tarahumara Tribe Record For A SINGLE RUN Is A Staggering 435 Miles In Just Over 48 Hours – Running Secret Revealed (Video):

“Astonishingly, the entire tribe consisting of men, women, old and young, every one of them is capable of running at least 250+ miles in a single run, without shoes. Such extreme feat of endurance has never been seen among humans anywhere else in the world.”

Your Brain On A Runner’s High: How Aerobic Exercise Creates New Cells Through Neurogenesis:

Recently, a group of scientists at the University of Ottawa published the newest evidence that getting off your duff makes your brain stronger. It’s sad news for the couch potatoes of the world. For those who wear out a pair of running shoes (or two) every year, it’s one of those studies that isn’t much of a surprise.

Physical exercise and specifically aerobic exercise does some very positive things for the brain. There’s a lot of scientific evidence that exercise allows for neurogenesis which is neuron repair and new neuron formation. Since the brain is heavily made up of neurons, high levels of neurogenesis are a good indication of a healthy brain. It’s like looking at a city and seeing a bunch of cranes and construction teams working on buildings. Only healthy systems have the resources for repairing infrastructure. Disrepair, by contrast, is a mark of wavering health.

Read moreYour Brain On A Runner’s High: How Aerobic Exercise Creates New Cells Through Neurogenesis

AlltagsAutisten – Ein Reparaturhandbuch (Video)


             Neurotherapie dient dem Gehirn

Neuro ( lat.die Nerven /das Gehirn)   Therapie (lat. das Dienen)

Sie ist gedacht für alle Störungen des Gehirns, für alle sein Syndrome, Krankheiten und seltenen Phänomene.

Read moreAlltagsAutisten – Ein Reparaturhandbuch (Video)

Plant roots grow and spread like neurons in the human brain, shocked scientists discover

Plant roots grow and spread like neurons in the human brain, shocked scientists discover:

A research project that was conducted by a team of researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California that was titled A Statistical Description of Plant Shoot Architecture and was published in the journal Current Biology, concluded that plants grow very similarly like neurons in the human brain.

Saket Navlakha, assistant professor in Salk’s Center for Integrative Biology and lead author of the study, said they were interested in finding the basic elements involved in a plant’s growth, noting, “Our project was motivated by the question of whether, despite all the diversity we see in plant forms, there is some form or structure they all share.”

Read morePlant roots grow and spread like neurons in the human brain, shocked scientists discover

Is The US Government On The Verge Of Reading Minds?

Is The US Government On The Verge Of Reading Minds?:

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University recently made a scientific breakthrough using machine algorithms to accurately guess what people are thinking. In other words, as the university referred to it, they have “harness[ed] ‘mind reading’ technology to decode complex thoughts.”

The researchers report that they cannow use brain activation patterns to identify complex thoughts, such as, ‘The witness shouted during the trial.’

Though the technology does not identify the actual words, lead researcher Marcel Just, D.O. Hebb University Professor of Psychology in the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, has made enough progress that “machine learning algorithms with brain imaging technology” can effectively ‘read minds.’

As the researchers’ press release explains:

Read moreIs The US Government On The Verge Of Reading Minds?

Brain-Infecting ‘Rat Lungworm’ Spreads in Florida

Brain-Infecting ‘Rat Lungworm’ Spreads in Florida:

A parasitic worm that can infect people’s brains has been found throughout Florida, according to a new study.

The researchers found the parasite, called rat lungworm, living in rats and snails in five Florida counties in both the central and northern parts of the state. Rat lungworm was previously found in southern Florida, and the new study is one of the first to show the extent of the parasite’s spread across the state.

Read moreBrain-Infecting ‘Rat Lungworm’ Spreads in Florida

The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed – Episode 3 (Video) – #Cannabis, #CBD

Related info:

The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed – Episode 1 (Video) – #Cannabis, #CBD, #Cancer, #Lyme, #PTSD

The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed – Episode 2 (Video) – #Cannabis, #CBD

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The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed – Episode 2 (Video) – #Cannabis, #CBD

Episode 1:

The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed – Episode 1 (Video) – #Cannabis, #CBD, #Cancer, #Lyme, #PTSD

More info on cannabis/CBD here:

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David Icke: What You Really Are (Video) – #Consciousness, #Brain, #Science, #Spirituality, #Meditation, #Reality, #MindControl


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Scientists Are About to Perform an Experiment to See if The Human Mind Is Bound by Physics

Scientists Are About to Perform an Experiment to See if The Human Mind Is Bound by Physics:

Perhaps one of the most intriguing and interesting phenomena in quantum physics is what Einstein referred to as a “spooky action at a distance” – also known as quantum entanglement.

This quantum effect is behind what makes quantum computers work, as quantum bits (qubits) generally rely on entanglement to process data and information. It’s also the working theory behind the possibility of quantum teleportation.

Read moreScientists Are About to Perform an Experiment to See if The Human Mind Is Bound by Physics

Advanced Melanoma Tumours DISAPPEAR Thanks to ‘game-changing’ Immunotherapy Drug Treatment – After Doctors Gave Him Just Two Months To Live

Young father’s advanced melanoma tumours DISAPPEAR thanks to ‘game-changing’ drug treatment – after doctors gave him just two months to live:

A young father who was told he had only two months to live has had his brain tumours disappear after receiving groundbreaking drug treatment.

Sydney man Leigh Miller, 29, was diagnosed with advanced melanoma last year that spread to his liver, lung, blood and brain. 

Read moreAdvanced Melanoma Tumours DISAPPEAR Thanks to ‘game-changing’ Immunotherapy Drug Treatment – After Doctors Gave Him Just Two Months To Live

Stunned researchers discover that the impact of walking dramatically boosts blood flow to the brain, boosting cognitive function

The shamans in Kamchatka recommend to walk 40 km before going to work every day to cure diabetes.


And 40 km are really a piece of cake for them.

Stunned researchers discover that the impact of walking dramatically boosts blood flow to the brain, boosting cognitive function:

It’s spring time, with summer on the horizon, and many people are looking to get in shape, get back in shape, or just simply get outside and get some fresh air daily. There are several benefits to going for a brisk walk, especially in the morning, some of which you may not realize. Now, even science is proving that your feet’s impact increases blood flow to not only the heart and other muscles, but walking sends pressure waves through the arteries that increase the supply of blood to the brain.

Did you know that walking just two miles daily reduces the risk of death by nearly 50 percent? Walking in the morning reduces that risk even more. Even the risk of cancer is reduced by walking. But wait, there’s lots more walking does for you. Let’s take an inside look at this simple, enjoyable way to increase longevity and cognitive function.

Read moreStunned researchers discover that the impact of walking dramatically boosts blood flow to the brain, boosting cognitive function