Zika vaccine: watch out—it will alter your DNA

Zika vaccine: watch out—it will alter your DNA:

First, I’ll lay out a little background—

In many previous articles, I’ve established there is no convincing evidence the Zika virus causes the birth defect called microcephaly. (Zika archive here)

Basically, Brazilian researchers, in the heart of the purported “microcephaly epidemic,” decided to stop their own investigation and simply assert Zika was the culprit. At that point, they claimed that, out of 854 cases of microcephaly, only 97 showed “some relationship” to Zika.

Read moreZika vaccine: watch out—it will alter your DNA

MILLIONS Of Bees Dead After South Carolina Sprays For Zika Mosquitoes

And then came the plane…

“They passed right over the trees three times,” Stanley said to ABC 4 News. After the plane left, the familiar buzzing stopped. The silence in its wake was like a morgue, she said.

As for the dead bees, as Stanley told the AP, her farm “looks like it’s been nuked.”

Millions Of Bees Dead After South Carolina Sprays For Zika Mosquitoes:

South Carolina honey bees have begun to die in massive numbers. Death of the areas bees has come suddenly to Dorchester County, S.C. Stressed insects tried to flee their nests, only to surrender in little clumps at the hive entrances. Dead worker bees littering the farms suggested that ‘colony collapse disorder’ was not the culprit.

In colony collapse disorder, workers vanish as though raptured, leaving a living queen and young bees behind. Instead, the dead heaps in S.C signal a more devastating killer. The pattern matches acute pesticide poisoning. By one estimate, at a single Bee Farm in Summerville, 46 hives died on the spot, totaling around 2.5 million bees.

Walking through the farm, one Summerville woman stated it was “like visiting a cemetery, pure sadness.”

Read moreMILLIONS Of Bees Dead After South Carolina Sprays For Zika Mosquitoes

After terrorizing America with Zika scaremongering, Washington Post now admits Zika virus doesn’t cause brain deformities after all


After terrorizing America with Zika scaremongering, Washington Post now admits Zika virus doesn’t cause brain deformities after all:

The entire leftist media is not merely dishonest and corrupt, their science writers are unbelievably stupid and ill-informed about nearly everything in the natural world. Today, after months of printing fear-inducing “Zika terrorism” stories that scared America half to death while convincing the government to funnel billions of dollars into Zika vaccine research for Big Pharma, the Washington Post now admits it had no idea what it was talking about.

Read moreAfter terrorizing America with Zika scaremongering, Washington Post now admits Zika virus doesn’t cause brain deformities after all

Zika Hoax: 12,000 women infected with Zika, all gave birth to healthy babies

As a side note:

A healthy body cannot get sick and cannot be conquered.

First you have to destroy the people’s health in order to make them sick.

TPTB are experts on how to do exactly that.


Zika Hoax: 12,000 women infected with Zika, all gave birth to healthy babies:

Evidence that the Zika virus causes birth defects is weak at best, as most studies linking the two are based on “epidemiological statistics, not rigorous scientific studies of cause and effect,” as the Health Ranger observed in recent months.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that Zika, transmitted primarily through the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, can be passed from a pregnant women to her fetus, resulting in an infection that may cause certain birth defects.

The agency maintains that a Zika infection during pregnancy can result in microcephaly, a severe birth defect causing decreased head circumference and smaller brain size.

Read moreZika Hoax: 12,000 women infected with Zika, all gave birth to healthy babies

Brazil Admits Zika Is NOT Causing Birth Defects

Brazil admits Zika is not causing birth defects:

Allegations made by the government and establishment media that birth defects in the form of microcephaly in the Americas are caused by the Zika virus are quickly waning. Doctors in Brazil are “quietly acknowledging” that Zika may not be responsible for causing birth defects after all.

“We suspect that something more than Zika virus is causing the high intensity and severity of cases,” Fatima Marinho, director of information and health analysis at Brazil’s Health Ministry told the journal Nature in a late July interview.

Research conducted by the New England Complex Systems Institute found extremely low occurrences of birth defects among Colombian women infected with the Zika virus, meaning there must be another cause.

New study finds no cases of microcephaly among pregnant women infected with Zika

The study observed 12,000 pregnant women living in Colombia infected with the virus, and none of them gave birth to a baby with microcephaly.

Life News reports:

Read moreBrazil Admits Zika Is NOT Causing Birth Defects

“Zika Zone” Turns Into Ghost-Town As Planes Spray Neurotoxic Insecticide Over Florida Residents

“In laboratory animals, exposure for just 3 days during pregnancy when the brain is growing quickly reduced brain size 15 percent.

“Zika Zone” Turns Into Ghost-Town As Planes Spray Neurotoxic Insecticide Over Florida Residents:

According to shop owners and managers in the town of Wynwood, Flordia – also known as the “Zika Zone” – the area has been noticeably empty of the usual crowds that form to see the local murals and shop at local businesses.

The slow down in pedestrian traffic coincides with the intensified effort by the state of Florida to combat the mosquitos which carry the Zika virus by blanketing the town of Wynwood with insecticide.


“It’s actually been pretty much a ghost town, an eclectic plant shop owner in the area, who was only able to make one sale on an otherwise busy Saturday, told CBS Miami.

Read more“Zika Zone” Turns Into Ghost-Town As Planes Spray Neurotoxic Insecticide Over Florida Residents

Before America Wanted to Eradicate Them, the U.S. Military was Weaponizing the Zika Mosquito

Before America Wanted to Eradicate Them, the U.S. Military was Weaponizing the Zika Mosquito:

After months of anticipation, the Zika virus has finally arrived to the continental U.S., with 15 non-travel cases being reported in Florida as of August 2. The virus is carried primarily by a species of mosquito called Aedes aegypti.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued its first-ever warning for within the U.S., urging pregnant women to avoid travel to a Miami neighborhood where the Zika investigation is centered.

Read moreBefore America Wanted to Eradicate Them, the U.S. Military was Weaponizing the Zika Mosquito

ZIKA DOOMSDAY HOAX UNRAVELS: Predicted ‘explosion’ of brain defects didn’t happen … entire scare campaign was manufactured


ZIKA DOOMSDAY HOAX UNRAVELS: Predicted ‘explosion’ of brain defects didn’t happen… entire scare campaign was manufactured:

From the very first day Zika hysteria was catapulted into mass awareness, I have correctly called it a massive hoax. My most recently article spells out the real agenda behind the obvious quackery of Zika hysteria. It’s entitled Staged Zika pandemic was engineered by globalist governments to justify the aerial bombardment of awakening populations with toxic chemicals.

Now, the Zika fraud has started to unravel as the Zika doomsday predictions failed to materialize. (How could the predictions be correct in the first place? It was all based on infectious disease quackery and viral voodoo.) “Brazil’s Ministry of Health has launched an investigation into the cluster of babies born with brain defects linked to the Zika virus, after an expected ‘explosion’ of cases across the country did not occur,” reports The Globe and Mail (Canada).

It turns out that even though Zika-carrying mosquitoes spread across Brazil and infected untold millions of people, those infections never translated into neurodevelopmental birth defects (shrunken brains).

Read moreZIKA DOOMSDAY HOAX UNRAVELS: Predicted ‘explosion’ of brain defects didn’t happen … entire scare campaign was manufactured

Pregnant women to serve as human guinea pigs for experimental Zika vaccine


Pregnant women to serve as human guinea pigs for experimental Zika vaccine:

Researchers from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) have developed a brand new vaccine – in just seven days, believe it or not – that they claim is capable of treating everything from Ebola and H1N1 influenza, to the newest villain on the block: the Zika virus that’s on everyone’s minds as the 2016 Summer Olympics in mosquito-ridden Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, rapidly approaches.

Omar Khan, a chemical engineer who helped conduct research into the new vaccine, says it uses messenger RNA, or mRNA, to provoke an immune response in the body. mRNA is a special type of genetic material that’s responsible for manufacturing proteins in cells, which can be customized and coded to target a variety of illnesses. And according to experts, it’s already been shown to have a 100 percent success rate in mice.

Read morePregnant women to serve as human guinea pigs for experimental Zika vaccine

Staged Zika pandemic was engineered by globalist governments to justify the aerial bombardment of awakening populations with toxic chemicals

“75% of the population in some countries have been infected with Zika, with NO BIRTH DEFECTS resulting”


Staged Zika pandemic was engineered by globalist governments to justify the aerial bombardment of awakening populations with toxic chemicals:

In case you didn’t already know, everything is rigged these days, meaning it’s contrived, fabricated or distorted to fit an official narrative that feeds a nefarious agenda. The Zika virus hysteria is no different: it was all engineered from the start for a specific purpose, and this article explains exactly what’s really behind the Zika pandemic and why it’s being pushed so aggressively by globalist governments nearing collapse.

First, a little background that you won’t get from any mainstream news source. The Zika virus has been around for more than 70 years, and it was originally harvested, isolated and turned into a research product by none other than the Rockefeller Foundation, the same globalist cabal of medical criminals who sought to destroy alternative medicine and grant western chemical medicine a monopoly over society.

Read moreStaged Zika pandemic was engineered by globalist governments to justify the aerial bombardment of awakening populations with toxic chemicals

“We’re Here To Help?” Feds Go Door-To-Door In Florida Demanding Urine Samples Amid Zika Outbreak

Martial Law Exercise? Feds Going Door-To-Door In Florida Asking For Urine Samples Amid Zika Outbreak:

Officials have said that at least four people in Florida have contracted the Zika virus and warn that the virus now appears to be spreading domestically either through contact with mosquitoes or direct human-to-human transmission. Until recently, the virus only appeared in individuals infected outside of the United States, primarily in South America.

In an alarming development, according to CNN, federal, state and local officials have been deployed to canvas neighborhoods in Florida. The stated purpose is to ask questions, request urine samples and determine the spread of the virus.

Read more“We’re Here To Help?” Feds Go Door-To-Door In Florida Demanding Urine Samples Amid Zika Outbreak

10 shocking reasons why Zika virus fear is another fraudulent medical hoax and vaccine industry funding scam


10 shocking reasons why Zika virus fear is another fraudulent medical hoax and vaccine industry funding scam:

Think the Zika virus is responsible for all the cases of microcephaly in South America? Think again: There is no reliable scientific evidence linking the two. The developmental deformities are actually caused by exposure to toxic insecticide and larvicide chemicals, not Zika virus.

But because Zika virus fear fits a convenient funding narrative for chemical giants and vaccine manufacturers, it is being played up by the corrupt, criminally-run CDC and the Obama administration to funnel billions of dollars into the hands of vaccine corporations while ignoring the real causes of microcephaly.

Here are the top 10 reasons why the Zika virus fear mongering is a total scam:

Read more10 shocking reasons why Zika virus fear is another fraudulent medical hoax and vaccine industry funding scam

Ebola, Swine Flu, Zika, SARS – The Anatomy of a False Flag Disease


Ebola, Swine Flu, Zika, SARS – The Anatomy of a False Flag Disease:

There’s no better example of the deceptive world we live in than the manufacture of a disease. Epidemic or pandemic, whether it’s the zika virus or others such as ebola, swine flu, bird flu, SARS… all these diseases share a number of common repetitive patterns throughout their deceptive histories.

So, here are 10 common repetitive patterns making up the anatomy of a manufactured, ‘false flag’ disease.

Read moreEbola, Swine Flu, Zika, SARS – The Anatomy of a False Flag Disease

FDA Ready to Unleash Genetically-Modified Mosquitoes In US To Combat Zika Virus


FDA Ready to Unleash Genetically-Modified Mosquitoes in US to Combat Zika Virus:

(NATURALSOCIETY) Genetically modified mosquitoes designed to limit the spread of the Zika virus will likely soon be unleashed in the southern United States, as the federal government said today it decided to permit a field test in the Florida Keys.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said it had made a preliminary determination that the GM mosquitoes are unlikely to harm humans, animals, or the environment.

Read moreFDA Ready to Unleash Genetically-Modified Mosquitoes In US To Combat Zika Virus

Jim Stone: Do NOT Fall For The Pesticide/Zika Scam – Real Cause Are Fingered Vaccines – Doctors Prove Zika Mosquitoes Dropped From Helicopters – Real Threat To Our Future Is The T4 Nanobot Bacteriophage


Video mentioned in the following article:


By Jim Stone:



The NWO got busted for Zika and need a new scapegoat ~ pesticides ~ to take the rap for vaccine damage

Tdap shot and other vaccines being fingered by doctors as the real cause of problems


The doctors in Mexico are on to the scam. They have proven that Ades mosquitos are turning up in impossible areas and have to be getting air dropped.

They did this by doing precipitation and temperature analysis, and have proven that in the areas the Ades mosquitos have shown up, there has been both inadequate precipitation, and temperatures that are a full 10 degrees celsius too low for Ades to hatch, or even live when released alive.

This is first hand information from speaking to the doctors directly.


Additionally, there have been many crappy looking 30 plus year old very large helicopters no one has seen before flying low over neighborhoods in Mexico, and when they fly over, the mosquitos show up. Even I have seen these. They look like old RAF Sea Kings that have not had maintenance for 20 years. They looked like they flew out of a junk yard. It is obvious this is where the mosquitos, which clearly do not belong, are coming from. (the helicopter to the left here is a similar type, and is not in bad condition)

The doctors have stated also that it is obvious the mosquitos are being dropped, because areas go from high levels of infestation to zero infestation in only 2 days, because the winter temperatures are too cold and are killing the released mosquitos outright. The helicopters have shown up in even my neighborhood and the mosquitos subsequently showed up in my house that afternoon, but were killed by the cold overnight.

They have also said there have been cases of microcephaly in Mexico, and that not one baby born with it had been exposed to Zika. They are investigating the new Tdap shot.

They are stressed out, and are blown away by the fact that they have proven that even the world health organization is involved in a political scam to scare the masses, and are additionally stressed out by the complicity of the media, which keeps parroting the lies despite being told in no uncertain terms what is really going on.

When I conducted similar interviews a month ago, they were interested. But this time around, it was like their world was shattered.

This is current info, I did the interviews on the 11th. The helicopters and mosquitos showed up on the 8th.


They got busted for Zika and need a new scapegoat ~ pesticides ~ to take the rap for vaccine damage

The New World Order has been busted for what it did in Brazil via the medical system and vaccination programs, and it woke up doctors everywhere because it was too easy to prove Zika was not the cause of the problems. This has made doctors question why the “official” story is still Zika. The World Health organization, media, and many other scam outlets have taken a major credibility hit. The doctors clearly know it was vaccines that caused the birth defects, and know it was done intentionally. This is the main reason why “their worlds were shattered” as I mentioned above.

To cover for vaccine damage, certain people in high places are pushing a pesticide scam to divert attention away from the vaccines. They do not care if people know it was not zika, but they DO care if the greater public becomes fully aware of vaccines doing it all. They are not focusing on fooling the doctors, who know the pesticides being blamed are in use everywhere, not only Brazil, and that there is no way the pesticides are going to pick Brazil only, or suddenly morph into birth defect monsters when they have no history of causing problems on such a massive scale.

The NWO info hoaxers are also now trying to diminish the impact by undermining reported cases of microcephaly and pawning it all off on statistical variations. Be aware of these scams, the NWO has been totally busted and they may be able to fool the general public, but they are now going to have to kill an awful lot of doctors to keep it all buried.

Zika will turn back mankind by two million years??

Now we know what the goal of the NWO is!

Take a look at this report, and keep in mind that not only is the dumbing down of populations via sabotage of vaccines and destruction of education taking place, We now know Zika is a probable scapegoat for it all, and how they are going to front the scam. This report is basically a red alert, and now I will repeat an old report that lays out precisely how vaccines will be used to destroy mankind:

NO MATTER WHAT the story, DO NOT get vaccinated, a new DNA modifying virus based bioweapon designed to make people less intelligent in a way that gets passed along to the children is being distributed via vaccines, and the “zika” scam is the first test run.

Modified bacteriophage viruses were the original go-to choice for gene manipulation by tyranny

Unlike ordinary viruses which can infect or live in several species of animal, bacteriophages – which prior to being engineered to do otherwise – only infected bacteria and additionally were so selective, they only infected one bacteria sub group. This could be compared to a dog disease that only killed golden retrievers, while leaving a golden lab untouched.

This selectivity that phages are capable of has been used in Israel’s race specific bioweapons program, and additionally, can be used in brain eating vaccines which contain “viruses” that only attack a specific type of neuron.

There have been many reports about genetically engineered nanobot viruses being developed that will destroy people. Once these viruses are received via a tainted vaccine, they insert DNA into your cells which instructs your own cells to produce more copies of the virus, which then goes to other cells and repeats the process. While doing so, a virus that has been programmed to put new DNA into a cell and then allow that cell to live can make permanent changes to the DNA of people, and make the children those people have turn out completely different from what the parent originally was.

The elite are now going for a huge push to get genetically modified bacteriophage based “vaccines” put into the entire world public via mandated injections AT ONCE. They already tried this with ebola and failed. Zika is likely to be the next scam, and this time around they are already saying that the “virus” is causing permanent genetic changes to make people stupid. This is being done by them in an effort to meet their goals of subverting mankind by creating inferior sub groups while having people be oblivious to the fact that the real dumbing down happened via the vaccine they received to “protect them from it”.

Anyone who is with it enough to find a web site like this one ought to know about the NWO plan for global depopulation and the establishment of compact slave cities that can be managed with ease. What better way could there be to manage a massive depopulation than a fake outbreak, with the real disease being in mandated shots, peddled as vaccines that are supposed to protect? What better way could there possibly be to, while administering death shots, give all the survivors a massive reduction in intelligence that will stay with all future children, forever?

Mark my word: THIS is why they are pushing vaccines so hard, and now actively working to destroy completely legitimate dissent.


Here is the original report that spoke about this, that I published years ago. Same method, new disease, new face on it all.

The real threat to our future is the T4 nanobot Bacteriophage

An alarming development regarding the topic of viral phages has occurred

T4 nanobot bacteriophage

To provide a background on this, I have a really close friend who is a doctorate of pharmacology and an expert in the related microbiology fieldsn(and have now discussed this with other doctors who know about this.) While having lengthy discussions about the future of weaponized medicine, this friend went on and on about how bacteriophages were being re engineered to attack our brain cells rather than their normal host – bacteria, implant DNA directly into our cells to change us immediately and forever change future generations by delivering a DNA payload to the egg cells in the ovaries and also to the male reproductive system. This would have a permanent impact on the future of mankind. Once this type of phage was received via a vaccination, those vaccinated would have the vaccine induced traits passed along via DNA insertion by the phage to all future generations.

Though phages (which are viruses that attack bacteria,) of various types have been around virtually forever, they have thus far been harmless to anything other than bacteria, and are even highly selective in the exact type and species of bacteria they will attack.

When discussing this topic, I raised the question WHY were they modifying phages instead of common viruses that have a history of attacking people. One answer is in the fact that phages, more so than ordinary viruses which can cross the species divide, are highly selective in their targets and are programmed to only attack precisely what they were designed to – a bacteriophage will prefer only one variant of a particular type of bacteria. For example, there are many different types of salmonella bacteria, and among salmonella bacteria, a particular phage will attack only one variant while leaving other variants of salmonella alone. In the brain, not all neurons are identical, but all are similar so when administered via an intentionally tainted vaccine, the high selectivity of a modified bacteriophage can be used to target precisely the type of neuron a sabotaged vaccine would be intended to wipe out.

Another reason why bacteriophages were chosen as prime candidates for brain and DNA modification is the fact that they are not designed to attack people to begin with, so if any make it into the wild, re infection of people who never received the tainted vaccine would be impossible – a phage would not be likely to make it through the lungs or skin and into the blood stream simply because it was never designed to breach those biological barriers. But a needle, injecting it directly into the blood stream would bypass those barriers. So the elite, who would either want us emotionally numbed, dumbed down, or genetically altered would have little to fear while being amongst their victims, even as the disease raged inside them.

I cannot stress how freaked out my friends in the medical community were over this technology, one basically said it represented the end of mankind because it was in the hands of evil people, and that it would be used to divide humanity into two different groups – one which was rendered inferior by permanent DNA replacement, with the new DNA becoming a permanent part of what is passed on through the generations.

There are two modes of action phages operate with, one is the active assault, and one is a dormant mode. The active assault type of phage, called a lytic phage would be used for immediate personality modification of individuals, and the lysogenic type, which simply invades and makes changes to DNA while leaving whatever it is attacking alive, would be used for genetic modification of people, modifications that would span generations and be permanent.

And now onto this spooky robot like six legged fully hexagonal T4 phage that now totally dominates the web – I would like to know why the people who are pulling this tainted vaccine scam off on the people have somehow made this particular variant so dominant in the public spectrum. So let me ask WHY is this thing almost completely dominant online, when MANY different types of phages exist and why no pictures of this thing were ever in Google images prior to September of 2007?

Let me take a WILD EYED GUESS. It’s a matter of national pride. A form of cult like religious orgasm. All phages depicted now not only have six legs, but they also have a star of david body. This is NOT NATURAL, BLATANTLY OBVIOUS, AND DOWN RIGHT DANGEROUS. You know what the future holds now? It is something FAR MORE SPOOKY than any micro drone – it is the brain eating phage, specifically engineered to eat your emotional neurons and render you incapable of free will. I have been told (long ago, in 2010) it is being developed as a vaccine additive to be administered under strict controls and not be something that can survive outside the body, because that certain six pointed group of individuals has the same genetics as the rest of us, so they have no doubt made it certain that their own weapon cannot leap out of the wild and haunt them.

Tainted Nightmare needs an update, because it only speaks about vaccine adjuvants. This entire phage thing is something new, four years advanced beyond that article. I suggest you take Alex with a grain of salt and watch this video, it really is dead on.


I suggest everyone save a copy of the photo to the left of a different type of natural phage, because through expungement of history “they” no doubt want to drool in a religious stupor over how their little hexagonal leg patterns and star of david phage bodies wreak havoc on the rest of mankind. And on that note, I may have stated above that the reason for re engineering a phage to do the job rather than a known infectious virus would be to make good and sure it could not spread to other people in the wild, but I can’t help but imagine that such a profoundly Jewish looking micro organism would not be selected simply for its appearances. That stupid phage has six points on the body when viewed from above, six points on the body when viewed from the side, and six legs. PERFECT, DON’T YA KNOW!

. . . . . But I am sure it is just coincidence . . . . . . . .

The following discusses an OBVIOUS test run of this nanobot.

Doctors say “it’s like your brain is on fire”

READ THE FOLLOWING REPORT CLOSELY: It is OBVIOUS the Gardasil vaccine is not for Papaloma, it is for attacking the emotional centers, and the following report PROVES IT.

“PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – It’s a mysterious, newly discovered disease that strikes mainly young women, and it’s often misdiagnosed. Doctors who discovered it, here in Philadelphia, say it’s like your brain is on fire.

It starts with personality changes, and then young women lay dazed, restrained in hospital beds, acting possessed and then become catatonic. They’d been so normal, when suddenly their lives went haywire.

“One minute I’d be sobbing, crying hysterically, and the next minute I’d be laughing, said Susannah Cahalan, of New Jersey.

My comment:

Personality changes? That is EXACTLY what will happen if your emotional centers, which largely control personality, get attacked. And HOW can doctors just blatantly state that “it’s like your brain is on fire” if they were not in on the program and had no insight into what was going on? Furthermore, IT STRIKES MAINLY YOUNG WOMEN, THE GROUP THAT WOULD GET THE GARDASIL VACCINE. They state later in this rag article that “It’s an autoimmune response, where the immune system is attacking the brain” but oh so responsibly omit the fact that it is blatantly obviously caused by vaccines administered to a controlled group, and that vaccines are responsible for virtually ALL auto immune disorders.

The fact that this is a controlled administration of an illness is proven by the fact that it is so selective to “young women”, not middle aged women, teenagers, boys, children, men or anything else, just YOUNG WOMEN. YOUNG WOMEN GET THE GARDASIL VACCINE FREQUENTLY, WHICH IS VIRTUALLY BEYOND QUESTION, JUST BY WHO IS IMPACTED BY THIS ILLNESS, THE MEDIUM THAT CAUSED THIS “DISEASE” IN PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia no doubt got a custom batch.

Further deepening the pile of B.S. in the CBS report is the fact that the doctors called it an auto immune disorder at all. There is no way they could know that for certain, unless they knew there was a trial vaccination campaign happening locally to Philadelphia, and they assumed it was auto immune. My guess? My guess is this little six legged monster was being tested in a trial run, with a controlled group of the elite’s primary target – young women, to see how well it destroyed them. No doubt any woman who got these vaccines has it in her medical record, and they will use that record to see if “after complete recovery” from this illness she becomes the perfect wage slave they want her to be. They will no doubt track EVERYTHING she does, from the number of abortions to how many days her children spend in daycare, and how well she follows the programming inserted into her life via various media control mechanisms. Obamacare will be PERFECT for that.

“I was very paranoid and manic. There was something wrong. I thought trucks were following me,” said Emily Gavigan, of Pennsylvania.

And it got worse for Emily Gavigan, who was a sophomore at the University of Scranton. Hospitalized, and out of it, she couldn’t control her arm movements. Then there were seizures, and she needed a ventilator. Her parents were watching their only child slip away.

“It was life and death for weeks,” said Grace Gavigan, Emily’s mom.

“We were losing her. This is something that I couldn’t control,” said Bill Gavigan, Emily’s dad.

Doctors also couldn’t figure out what was wrong with Susannah.

“I had bizarre abnormal movements, would leave my arms out extended, you know, in front of me. I was a relatively normal person, then the next minute I’m hallucinating and insisting that my father had kidnapped me,” said Susannah.

Turns out, Susannah and Emily weren’t mentally ill. They both had an auto immune disease called Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis, when antibodies attack the brain, causing swelling.

My comment Cool name for it – “Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis” and let me quickly explain what that means. NMDA receptor encephalytis means swelling of NMDA receiving axons in the brain. Anti is spurious. It gives absolutely no indication of AUTOIMMUNE, that is B.S. The bottom line, from that terminology, is that something caused swelling of the nmda receptor sites.

And now I got my weapon, to clear the BS with

Those doctors know exactly what caused this. Wanna know why? Because they said the NMDA receptors swelled up, and there is NO WAY YOU CAN KNOW THAT, UNLESS YOU DO BRAIN SURGERY AND REMOVE SOME OF THOSE RECEPTORS TO PUT THEM ON A MICROSCOPE SLIDE AND CONFIRM THEY ARE INDEED SWOLLEN. Those doctors KNEW this was a test, and that it would CAUSE those receptors to swell up. They KNEW THERE WAS A BIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENT GOING ON, AND THEY WERE THE OBSERVERS, ABSENT A BRAIN BIOPSY THERE IS NO OTHER WAY FOR THEM TO SAY WHAT THEY DID, OTHER THAN FOREKNOWLEDGE OF WHAT WAS REALLY GOING ON. No biopsies were ever spoken of. Conveniently, the probable death part of those receptors was left out.

Anything regarding “doctors could not figure out BLAH” is smoke and mirrors, if they spat an answer too quickly someone might ask how they knew. And the fact that this subsided after a few weeks proves that it was NOT any sort of autoimmune malfunction as this article states, because autoimmune disorders do not go away in a few weeks. Something other than auto immune caused this. I believe this was a GM bacteriophage virus test, where the virus phages went in, did their job, and when complete those receptor sites were not transmitting random trash anymore because they were DEAD. END of symptoms. Dead is SILENT.

The fact that such obvious fallacious statements from the doctors made it into this CBS report without getting caught proves that CBS is not qualified to cover topics of this nature. Autoimmune disorders clearing up in a few weeks? YEAH RIGHT.

Susannah says this is how doctors explained it to her parents, “He told them her brain is on fire. He used those words: ‘Her brain is on fire.’

If you did not watch this Alex video, I strongly suggest you do, it really is dead on.

You can see the original article here, the one released before everyone parroted it. However, this CBS news site runs like garbage. Feb 11 2016

An important Zika update: The medical community in Mexico knows someone is releasing mosquitos for this

I talked to the same high class Mexican doctor (Not a doctor SIMI, which is OK too, but some doctors are better than others, and the highly respected doctor said that the upper level of the medical community in Mexico has rejected Zika as a threat. He said it is perfectly clear that it is all a public manipulation and political game, and that there have been zero cases of pregnant women with zika in Mexico. He also knew there was absolutely no tie in with zika and birth defects in Brazil. The doctors that matter are not stupid about this, and that is a good thing to know.



Zika Virus HOAX Exposed By South American Doctors: Brain Deformations Caused By Larvicide Chemical Linked To Monsanto


Zika HOAX exposed by South American doctors: Brain deformations caused by larvicide chemical linked to Monsanto; GM mosquitoes a ‘total failure’:

Despite all the public hoopla, all the cases of microcephaly being discovered in Brazil have never been scientifically linked to the Zika virus. A group of doctors from South America are now saying the brain deformations the world is witnessing are caused by the mass fumigation of low-income Brazilian people with a chemical larvicide, not by mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus.

What we’re seeing with the brain deformations of children, in other words, is more like the history of thalidomide, a prescription medicine given to pregnant women that caused children to be born with limbs missing. But the official narrative on all this is pushing a false link with Zika in order to justify more chemical fumigation, more vaccines and more genetically engineered mosquitoes.

Read moreZika Virus HOAX Exposed By South American Doctors: Brain Deformations Caused By Larvicide Chemical Linked To Monsanto

BANG: Not Zika: Brazilian/Argentine Doctors Say: Pesticides


BANG: Not Zika: Brazilian/Argentine doctors say: pesticides:

BANG: Not Zika: Brazilian/Argentine doctors say: pesticides

Why would a poisonous, birth-defect-causing chemical cause birth defects? I mean, that’s absurd, right? Ridiculous. Let’s blame the whole thing on a virus that causes nothing.

A poison intentionally added to the water supply in 2014? Who cares? Means nothing.

The manufacturer of the poison is a strategic partner of Monsanto? That couldn’t be a clue. Of course not.

Read moreBANG: Not Zika: Brazilian/Argentine Doctors Say: Pesticides

As The Economic System Crashes We Will See The Spread Of Tyrannical Governments (Video)


Read moreAs The Economic System Crashes We Will See The Spread Of Tyrannical Governments (Video)

Zika: GMO Mosquitoes Bite, Deliver Flying Vaccine?


Bill Gates Spends $1 Million On Laser Defence System – To Repel Mosquitoes

Scientist Investigating How Mosquitoes Transmit Diseases Dies From Ingested Cyanide

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Funds Sweat-Triggered Vaccines

Gates Foundation: Funding for a proposal to turn mosquitos into ‘flying syringes’ delivering vaccines

Zika: GE mosquitoes bite, deliver flying vaccine?:

Zika: the ideal fake epidemic to stir “need” for airborne vaccination: “we must do something to stop the spread of the virus”

No need to mandate shots: release mosquitoes to deliver them

by Jon Rappoport

February 9, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

People are discussing whether genetically engineered mosquitoes could have spread Zika, the virus that causes nothing. Rather, look to the future, when such biting mosquitoes could deliver flying vaccinations against the virus that causes nothing.

Read moreZika: GMO Mosquitoes Bite, Deliver Flying Vaccine?

Zika distracts from real damage: the playbook – “Medical CIA” provides the cover story

Zika distracts from real damage: the playbook:

“Medical CIA” provides the cover story

by Jon Rappoport

February 8, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

There several reasons I keep writing about the “Zika phenomenon.” One is: I want to reveal the playbook. I want to show how this covert op distracts people from the real ongoing damage caused by other factors.

Two quick background stories:

Read moreZika distracts from real damage: the playbook – “Medical CIA” provides the cover story

Zika: Who launched the fake-epidemic story in Brazil? – Explosive: The invention of an epidemic

Zika: Who launched the fake-epidemic story in Brazil?:

Explosive: The invention of an epidemic

by Jon Rappoport

February 7, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

This is an article that explains a great deal—but, with apologies, it involves a line of reasoning, in order to reach a conclusion. That means some readers (not my regular readers) may find it odd. Some readers with short attention spans may suddenly want to switch to a wrestling show or a shopping network. To them I say: give this a try; it does have a payoff; it has its own kind of shock and surprise; explosions do go off in the mind; it is like a ten-car pile-up on the interstate in the fog, late at night; and there is a very nasty plot.

Read moreZika: Who launched the fake-epidemic story in Brazil? – Explosive: The invention of an epidemic