‘Survival Of The Fattest’: It’s A Fat, Fat World After All – Presenting The Cure For Obesity

The cure for obesity:

A MUST-SEE: ‘Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead’ (Full Documentary):

100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross is at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. In the mirror he saw a 310lb man whose gut was bigger than a beach ball and a path laid out before him that wouldn’t end well- with one foot already in the grave, the other wasn’t far behind. FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD is an inspiring film that chronicles Joe’s personal mission to regain his health. With doctors and conventional medicines unable to help long-term, Joe turns to the only option left, the body’s ability to heal itself.

“Survival Of The Fattest”: It’s A Fat, Fat World After All (ZeroHedge, Nov 24, 2012):

Back in March, we first presented a rather stunning finding: by 2020 75% of Americans will be obese or overweight. This was promptly followed up with a post showing just how it is transpired that America became the fattest nation in the world in less than 20 years. What however may not be known, is that America’s fatness epidemic is not localized to the country that gave the world the McDonalds burger (and the McMansion): it really is a fat, fat world, after all. Behold – survival of the fattest:

It is hardly surprising in this light, then, that the estimate for number of people living with diabetes has been increased, to 371 million – an increase of 11% over 2011.

Read more‘Survival Of The Fattest’: It’s A Fat, Fat World After All – Presenting The Cure For Obesity

Montana GOP Rep.: ‘Pay Me In Gold Before Dollars Have No Value’

Related article:

Montana Lawmaker Asks To Be Paid In Gold Coins (Politico, Nov 13, 2012)


Movie ‘Rollover’ (1981): World Economic Collapse – ‘The Great Depression Will Look Like Kindergarten’ (Video)


Montana GOP Rep.: “Pay Me In Gold Before Dollars Have No Value” (ZeroHedge, Nov 24, 2012):

Jerry O’Neil, six-term GOP state representative in Montana, has asked to receive his salary (which at $10.33 per hour is around $1800 per month) in gold or silver. The long-standing legislator was driven to this decision by his constituents’ concerns about the nation’s massive debt-load and fears of our country’s collapse as “only so many dollars can be printed before they have no value.” The long-time Ron Paul supporter, according to Time, cited Article 1, Section 10 of the US Constitution, which says, in part, that “No State shall… make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.” State administrators have denied his request and added that “a bill could be introduced to accomplish this result.” O’Neil, like many other, believes “The Keynesian era of financing government with debt appears to be close to its demise.”

From O’Neil’s Letter (via HuffPo):

It is very likely the bottom will fall out from under the U.S. dollar. Only so many dollars can be printed before they have no value. The Keynesian era of financing government with debt appears to be close to its demise.

If and when that happens, how can we in the Montana Legislature protect our constituents? — The only answer I can come up with is to honor my oath to the U.S. Constitution and request that your debt to me be paid in gold and silver coins that will still have value when the U.S. dollar is reduced to junk status. I therefore request my legislative pay to be in gold and silver coins that are unadulterated with base metals.

Via Time:

A GOP state representative in Montana who asked to receive his salary in gold and silver coins has been rebuffed by the state’s Office of Legislative Services. Rep. Jerry O’Neil, who hails from the small town of Columbia Falls in the northwest corner of the state, sent a letter earlier this month requesting that his salary from here on in be paid in coins.

Read moreMontana GOP Rep.: ‘Pay Me In Gold Before Dollars Have No Value’

Israel To Test-Fire New Missile System After Iron Dome Failed To Intercept Hundreds Of Rockets An Missiles

The Israeli military launch a missile from the Iron Dome missile shield in the southern city of Beer Sheva into the Gaza Strip on November 15, 2012.

Israel to test-fire new missile system after Iron Dome failure (PressTV, Nov 24, 2012):

The Israeli regime is set to test-fire a new missile shield developed by US company Raytheon after its Iron Dome missile system failed to intercept hundreds of rockets and missiles fired from Gaza.
Israel has turned to engineers from the American company to help the regime develop the next-generation missile shield called the Stunner.

According to Boston Globe newspaper, the new missile interceptor is scheduled to be test-fired in “Negev Desert in coming days.”

If the system proves viable, Tel Aviv will add the system to its missile shield, known as David’s Sling, which is designed to complement Iron Dome.

“They are working hard to get David’s Sling operational. The hope is it will be able to knock out a variety of targets,” said Theodore A. Postol, professor of science, technology, and national security policy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and former adviser to the US Navy.

Israel developed the Iron Dome with a 200-million-dollar fund from the United States. The US plans to give Tel Aviv another $600 million for additional batteries and replacement missiles.

The US will also help finance the Stunner project if it proves viable. The Israeli firm Rafael has spent a total of $130 million over the past three years to complete the system.

Read moreIsrael To Test-Fire New Missile System After Iron Dome Failed To Intercept Hundreds Of Rockets An Missiles

Iran Accuses US Navy Of ‘Illegal Acts’ In Gulf

Iran accuses US Navy of ‘illegal acts’ in Gulf (RT, Nov 24, 2012):

Iran has blamed the US Navy for “illegal and provocative acts” near its coastline, including violations of country’s airspace. Formal accusations of these charges were filed with both the UN chief and the UN Security Council.

The two identical letters to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the UNSC were delivered on Friday by Iran’s envoy to the United Nations, Ambassador Mohammad Khazaee.

He cited several incidents of reported unauthorized flights over the coastal regions around Bushehr in October, where a Russian-built nuclear power plant is located. Khazaee also said that a US drone crossed into Iranian airspace on November 1, despite radio warnings.

Tehran urged Ban to warn the US against “the continuation of acts in violation of international law and of the adverse consequences of any provocative and dangerous acts for which the United States government would be held responsible.”

The White House did not immediately comment on the allegations.

Read moreIran Accuses US Navy Of ‘Illegal Acts’ In Gulf

Whistleblower Warns Of Japan’s ‘Collective Economic Suicide’

I told you even before Fukushima that Japan is finished.

And again, this is the ‘Greatest Depression’ & the greatest financial/economic collapse in world history is coming.

Whistleblower Woodford warns of Japan’s ‘collective economic suicide’ (Independent, Nov 23, 2012):

In the case of Japan these days, no news is ever good. The third-biggest economy in the world will next week release another set of numbers that will, in all likelihood, paint more detail of an economy laid up on the terminal ward.

In the third quarter of the year, Japan’s GDP crashed 0.9 per cent. In the West, we talk about Japan’s “lost decade” of zero growth and deflation, but in reality, they’ve lost two decades and are about to lose the third.

Meanwhile, its politics lurch from one crisis to the next. New parties are now uniting to kick out an old guard of politicians who have brought such listless drift to the country for so long.

But the new parties are of the right, sending worrying signals about how the general population is starting to think about getting itself out of the mire.

Recent days have seen shocking numbers from Panasonic and Sony, whose debt has been downgraded to junk status.

Sharp is like a walking zombie, warning earlier this month that it may not be able to survive, and the country’s “megabanks” have declared $6.7bn (£4.2bn) in losses on the value of their equity investments.

Meanwhile, the population is ageing faster than Dorian Gray’s portrait. The birth rate is so low that the country’s population shrinks each year, while the pensioners live ever longer. National debt as a proportion of GDP is running at 235 per cent – that’s even worse than Greece.

This is the compelling narrative of the country told by Michael Woodford, the whistleblower who won The Independent’s businessman of the year award last year for his brave exposure of a multibillion-dollar fraud at the heart of the Olympus cameras empire.

As the former chief told The Independent yesterday: “Japan is on an inevitable decline to oblivion.”

Read moreWhistleblower Warns Of Japan’s ‘Collective Economic Suicide’

Netanyahu Agreed To Ceasefire After Obama Promised US Troops In Sinai Next Week?

Hmmh. (‘Mossad’s Debkafile reports’)

See also:

Russia Sends Warships To Gaza Coast

Netanyahu agreed to ceasefire after Obama promised US troops in Sinai next week? (RT, Nov 23, 2012):

Israel and Palestine are momentarily at a ceasefire, but the potential reasoning behind the recess could have some real international implications. Israel’s Debka reports that the pause in fighting comes after the US promised to send troops to Sinai.

According to Debka, US troops will soon be en route to the Sinai peninsula, Egyptian territory in North Africa that’s framed by the Suez Canal on the West and Israel on the East. In its northeast most point, Sinai is but a stone’s throw from Palestinian-controlled Gaza, and according to Debka, Hamas fighters there have been relying on Iranian arms smugglers to supply them with weaponry by way of Egypt.

Debka reports this week that Sinai will soon be occupied by US troops, who were promised by President Barack Obama to Israel’s leaders as a condition that a ceasefire be called. Once deployed, the Americans will intervene with the rumored arms trade orchestrated by Iranians, ideally cutting off supplies for Hamas while at the same time serving as a thorn in the side of Iran.

Read moreNetanyahu Agreed To Ceasefire After Obama Promised US Troops In Sinai Next Week?

NDAA 2013: Let’s Identify The Traitors to The US Constitution

NDAA 2013: Let’s Identify The Traitors to The US Constitution (Activist Post, Nov 23, 2012):

By now anyone who pays attention to politics knows that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012 contained a provision that allows for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without charge or trial.

Section 1021 of the 2012 NDAA states that anyone suspected of being involved in terrorism or “belligerent acts” against the U.S. can be detained by the military under the so-called Authorization for Use of Military Force, including American citizens.

In other words, the war on terror has been officially declared on U.S. soil and everyone is now considered a potential combatant in this war.

Read moreNDAA 2013: Let’s Identify The Traitors to The US Constitution

Woman Suffers Cardiac Arrest After Cop Tasers Her 3 Times During Traffic Stop (CBS Los Angeles Video)

YouTube Added: 20.11.2012

See also:

Woman Suffers Heart Attack After Tasered By Police – Tasers Have Killed At Least 500 Americans

New Mexico Policeman Tasered A 10-Year-Old Child On A Playground Because The Boy Refused To Clean His Patrol Car

Police Officer Tasers 12-Year-Old Inside Victoria’s Secret (Video)

Cop Tasers 14 Year-Old Schoolgirl (Video)

Cop Tasers Waiter For FUN!

Read moreWoman Suffers Cardiac Arrest After Cop Tasers Her 3 Times During Traffic Stop (CBS Los Angeles Video)

Russia Sends Warships To Gaza Coast

Russia Sends Warships To Gaza Coast (ZeroHedge, Nov 24, 2012):

For the entire 8 day duration of Operation Pillar of Defense, there was one major geopolitical player who had been largely quiet and certainly absent from the scene: the same player whose unflinching position over the Syria conflict has so far prevented any intervention in the civil war torn country: Russia. The same Russia which has a military base in the Syrian port city of Tarsus, and thus in its own eyes, a very substantial “national interest” role to play in the middle east, one that is certainly opposing that of the US and the pro-NATO forces, a tension that will surely boil to the surface now that war between Iran and Israel is always at most “hours away” depending on who is asked, and which one day will be more than just a war of words. Today, Russia decided that it had kept quiet for too long over the Gaza conflict, with Voice of Russia reporting, courtesy of Al Arabiya, that Russian warships anchored off the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea will be put on military alertness should the conflict in Gaza escalate and brought in proximity, according Russian Navy Command source on Friday.

Sure enough, there is a diplomatic reason for the escalation: evacuation preparedness. To wit: “The detachment of combat ships of the Black Sea Fleet, including the Guards missile cruiser Moskva, the patrol ship Smetliviy, large landing ships Novocherkassk and Saratov, the sea tug MB-304 and the big sea tanker Ivan Bubnov, got the order to remain in the designated area of the Eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea for a possible evacuation of Russian citizens from the area of the Gaza strip in case of escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict”, the spokesperson said. He added that ship crew members will continue routine combat training, maintenance of equipment and weapons along with other military services.

A missile cruiser, which just happens to be the flag ship of the Russian Black Sea naval fleet, and whose purpose is “to destroy hostile surface ships” in order to aid evacuation? Odd…

Naturally, only very naive people would buy this “explanation”, which does nothing to mitigate the factor that Russia, too, is now implicitly involved in the Gaza conflict. How soon until China sends a few of its own warships to the region. Just in case China nationals needs evaluation too.

Read moreRussia Sends Warships To Gaza Coast

French MPs Caught Playing Online Poker & Chess And Buying Wine & Clothes During Debates

French MPs use their iPads and tablets

French MPs caught out playing online poker on their tablets to stave off boredom during debates (Telegraph, Nov 23, 2012):

French MPs have been caught playing online poker and chess and buying wine and clothes on their electronic tablets in the National Assembly, sparking calls for the new Socialist speaker to scramble wireless signals in the chamber for the sake of democracy.

In the past, French “députés”, its members of parliament, would discreetly stuff a newspaper in a serious political document to stave off boredom during tedious debates.

Read moreFrench MPs Caught Playing Online Poker & Chess And Buying Wine & Clothes During Debates

Britain: House Of Lords Member Lord Gilbert Suggests To Drop Neutron Bomb On Pak-Afghan Border

New idea of halting militancy: UK’s Lord Gilbert suggests govt to drop neutron bomb on Pak-Afghan border (The News Tribe, Nov 23, 2012):

London: Britain’s House of Lords member Lord Gilbert on Friday advised his government to drop a neutron bomb in the border areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan, in order to eliminate the safe heavens of militant outfits.

During a debate over eliminating nukes across the world, the member of the upper house of the UK’s parliament said that the borders could be made safe after dropping ERRB warheads commonly known as neutron bombs in the respective areas.

“Your Lordships may say that this is impractical, but nobody lives up in the mountains on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan except for a few goats and a handful of people herding them. If you told them that some ERRB warheads were going to be dropped there and that it would be a very unpleasant place to go, they would not go there. You would greatly reduce your problem of protecting those borders from infiltration from one side or another.”

Read moreBritain: House Of Lords Member Lord Gilbert Suggests To Drop Neutron Bomb On Pak-Afghan Border

The United Nations Wants To Use Drones In Democratic Republic Of Congo Conflict

UN wants to use drones in DR Congo conflict (AFP, Nov 23, 2012):

UNITED NATIONS — The United Nations wants to use drones for the first time to monitor fighting in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, where Rwanda has been accused of aiding rebels, officials said Friday.

Peacekeeping chiefs have been in contact with the governments of DR Congo and of Rwanda about the sensitive move, which could set a precedent that would worry some United Nations members, diplomats said.

Rwanda itself was one of the first to register concerns. Olivier Nduhungirehe, first counselor for Rwanda’s UN mission, said: “This is controversial, not all countries agree with this.”

Read moreThe United Nations Wants To Use Drones In Democratic Republic Of Congo Conflict

Syrian Rebels Capture Three Military Bases In A Week

Syrian rebels capture three military bases in a week (Guardian, Nov 23, 2012):

Syrian rebels’ success in seizing three military bases in less than a week has underscored the growing difficulty faced by Damascus in securing its outposts and stopping a rebel encroachment that has claimed large swaths of the east and north of the country.

Attacks on the bases, one north-east of Aleppo, a second at Mayedin in the far east and a third near Damascus, yielded a large number of weapons, which had been in desperately short supply, especially in positions across Syria’s second city.

Read moreSyrian Rebels Capture Three Military Bases In A Week

Veterans Today’s Gordon Duff: Darkness Of Western Media Over Gaza

See also:

Interview With John Pilger: Israel’s Gaza Rampage: It’s Not Just War

Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, a combat infantryman, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. His career has included extensive experience in international banking along with such diverse areas as consulting on counter insurgency, defense technologies or acting as diplomatic representative for UN humanitarian and economic development efforts. Gordon Duff has traveled to over 80 nations. His articles are published around the world and translated into a number of languages. He is regularly on TV and radio, a popular and sometimes controversial guest.

Darkness of Western media over Gaza (PressTV, Nov 24, 2012):

The fighting in Gaza, for now at least, is over. Both sides are claiming a victory, for the press. What escapes the media is truth and reality. If this were only incompetence and not complicity.

Some say the conflict started when Israel used military force in assassinating a top Hamas leader inside Gaza.

A more realistic view would also include this minor sub note, that Gaza has been bombed nearly continually. I was “live” (Skype) with Ken O’Keefe, not so long ago; when Israel bombed, what they claimed was a “rocket factory” in a residential neighborhood.

O’Keefe, a Veterans Today correspondent and US Marine, walked into the burning rubble, his camera operator filming it all. Before the ceiling collapsed, with me yelling at him to “get out of there, Ken,” he picked through what had actually been destroyed.

It was a pharmaceutical and medical supply warehouse. The debris made it clear, pill bottles, medicines, bandages, items Israel has typically considered the tools of terrorism.

These bombings had been nightly. Maybe they will stop for a while; if so, rockets will have bought the respite, not Israeli “good will.”

Read moreVeterans Today’s Gordon Duff: Darkness Of Western Media Over Gaza

Interview With John Pilger: Israel’s Gaza Rampage: It’s Not Just War

Interview With John Pilger: Israel’s Gaza Rampage: It’s Not Just War (CounterPunch, Nov 21, 2012):


Dennis Bernstein:  Noted Documentary Filmmaker, John Pilger,  is somebody who knows a great deal about  the Gaza Strip, and about the extreme conditions Palestinians there have been forced to endure under a Brutal Israeli Occupation. Pilger has actually made two films about it with the same name, twenty-five years apart: “Palestine is Still the Issue.”  Pilger, a London based Australian journalist, is a widely respected, Emmy award winning documentarian. His articles regularly appear world-wide in newspapers such as the Guardian of London, the Independent, the New York Times, Los Angeles Times.

JP:  Thank you Dennis.

DB:  You know a great deal about the situation.  You’ve made not one film, Palestine is the Issue, but two.  Let me get your initial response to we’re continuing to hear reports of massive bombing and injury, and death to civilian life, to children.

JP:  Well, the first thing is the….we should be disgusted.  That is a normal, human response, to this.  And the second is that we ought not to be surprised, but we should understand this has nothing to do with Hamas, or rockets.  It is an ongoing assault on the Palestinian people.  And especially the people of Gaza, which began a very long time ago and the plan is to effectively get rid of them as an entity.   And I’m not exaggerating, it’s often difficult to reach back to the history in times like this, but it’s very important that we contextualize it.

The infamous Plan D that was executed in the late 1940s  just before Israel came into being was to expel the population of Palestine; to get rid of them.  And 369 villages were attacked, the people thrown out, the record is there.  Historical record is very clear, Israeli historians, Benny Morris through, have documented this, the Hebrew archives have thrown it up.

The sum of it is that we see a form of genocide under way in Palestine.   And this is the later stage.  And what your listeners should be in no doubt about is that although Israelis  are doing the bombing, it’s really the United States that is really pushing the buttons.  Because it’s only Israelis who are flying, the American planes.  Those are American planes supplied for this very exercise, and if you look at the response of President Obama you understand that this is, in effect, an American/Israeli assault on a people who live in effectively in an open prison.

The United Nations special reporter, Richard Falk has likened their situation to the Warsaw Ghetto.  When in Warsaw and Poland the Jewish Ghetto there rose up against the Nazis, who were crushed.  These days fascism is not a word easily used, nor should it be.  But we have as close to a fascist state in Israel, and those historic parallels that Faulk draws, actually to be correct.  So we’re seeing an historical process at work here, and it is up to the rest of the world to recognize that, and do something about it.

Read moreInterview With John Pilger: Israel’s Gaza Rampage: It’s Not Just War

DARPA Building DRONE SUBMARINES To Patrol The Oceans

DARPA building drone submarines to patrol the sea (RT, Nov 24, 2012):

Surveillance drones in US airspace is soon to be inevitable, but what about unmanned vehicles patrolling the seas? The Pentagon is working hard at perfecting a stealth underwater drone for maritime monitoring.

Science Applications International Corporation of McLean, Virginia was recently awarded a contract from the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, valued at over $58 million. With that funding, researchers have already begun working on an underwater vessel that will take the surveillance abilities that make aerial drones such a hot commodity and use it to send an unmanned submarine to sweep the sea for potential hazards.

According to DARPA, enemy submarines are being built right now with competing technology, allowing America’s foes to perhaps find a way to sneak unmanned vessels of their own around US bases across the globe. That’s why the Pentagon has contracted a team to work on an Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel, or ACTUV, which they say will be able to address a serious emerging threat.

“The growing number of adversaries able to build and operate quiet diesel electric submarines is a national security threat that affects US and friendly naval operations around the world,” writes DARPA.

Read moreDARPA Building DRONE SUBMARINES To Patrol The Oceans

Jill Kelley Received Military Civilian Honour From David Petraeus

See also:

The Petraeus Saga: Epitaph For A Four Star

The Florida socialite at the centre of the David Petraeus sex scandal was awarded one of the US military’s highest civilian honours after being nominated by the disgraced general, it has emerged.

Gen. David Petraeus and Jill Kelley

Jill Kelley received military civilian honour from David Petraeus (Telegraph, Nov 22, 2012):

Jill Kelley, whose complaint to the FBI sparked the inquiry that led to Mr Petraeus’s resignation as CIA director, received the “Outstanding Public Service” prize from him at a ceremony in March last year.

The 37-year-old “social liaison” to the US military in Florida was praised in the award citation for the lavish parties she threw at her mansion in Tampa for senior officials and their spouses.

Read moreJill Kelley Received Military Civilian Honour From David Petraeus

The Petraeus Saga: Epitaph For A Four Star


The Petraeus Saga: Epitaph for a Four Star (CounterPunch, Nov 14, 2012):


When Major General David H. Petraeus, commander of the 101st Airborne Division met Lieutenant General William Wallace, commander of the U.S. Army’s V Corps on 27 March 2003 at a site near Najaf, only five days after American forces began the attack to Baghdad Petraeus and Wallace were deeply pessimistic. They concluded, “The war was in dismal shape.” Petraeus, an officer who had risen to Major General and Division Command with no previous combat experience, was deeply worried about the level of Iraqi resistance.

The fact that 3rd Infantry Division (mechanized), an armored force of hundreds of tanks and armored fighting vehicles was already 50 miles south of Baghdad and poised to attack the city did not seem to matter.  Gen. George S. Patton, Jr. would have flown into a rage and fired them on the spot.  Yet both men went on to four stars.

Read moreThe Petraeus Saga: Epitaph For A Four Star

Black Friday Riots A Preview Of The Civil Unrest That Is Coming When Society Breaks Down?

Yes, except that the worst Black Friday will feel like ‘cuddling’ compared to the coming financial/economic collapse.

Are Black Friday Riots A Preview Of The Civil Unrest That Is Coming When Society Breaks Down? (Economic Collapse,Nov 23, 2012):

If Americans will trample one another just to save a few dollars on a television, what will they do when society breaks down and the survival of their families is at stake?  Once in a while an event comes along that gives us a peek into what life could be like when the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted is stripped away.  For example, when Hurricane Sandy hit New York and New Jersey there was rampant looting and within days people were digging around in supermarket dumpsters looking for food.  Sadly, “Black Friday” also gives us a look at how crazed the American people can be when given the opportunity.  This year was no exception.  Once again we saw large crowds of frenzied shoppers push, shove, scratch, claw, bite and trample one another just to save a few bucks on cheap foreign-made goods.  And of course most retailers seem to be encouraging this type of behavior.  Most of them actually want people frothing at the mouth and willing to fight one another to buy their goods.  But is this kind of “me first” mentality really something that we want to foster as a society?  If people are willing to riot to save money on a cell phone, what would they be willing to do to feed their families?  Are the Black Friday riots a very small preview of the civil unrest that is coming when society eventually breaks down? Once upon a time, Thanksgiving was not really a commercial holiday.  It was a time to get together with family and friends, eat turkey and express thanks for the blessings that we have been given.

But in recent years Black Friday has started to become even a bigger event than Thanksgiving itself.

Millions of Americans have become convinced that it is fun to wait in long lines outside retail stores in freezing cold weather in the middle of the night to spend money that they do not have on things that they do not need.

And of course very, very few “Black Friday deals” are actually made in America.  So these frenzied shoppers are actually killing American jobs and destroying the U.S. economy as well.

The absurdity of Black Friday was summed up very well recently in a statement that has already been retweeted on Twitter more than 1,000 times

“Black Friday: because only in America people trample each other for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have.”

It has gotten to the point where it is now expected that there will be mini-riots all over the country early on Black Friday morning each year.  The following are a few examples of the craziness that we saw this year…

Read moreBlack Friday Riots A Preview Of The Civil Unrest That Is Coming When Society Breaks Down?