Glenn Greenwald: More Israel Disclosures In Snowden’s Trove Of ‘Significant Stories’

More Israel disclosures in Snowden’s trove of ‘significant stories’ – Greenwald (RT, Jan 7, 2013):

Glenn Greenwald, the investigative journalist who first published Edward Snowden leaks, said that the NSA whistleblower still has “a huge number of very significant stories to reveal,” including those relating to Israel.

“There definitely are stories left that involve the Middle East, that involve Israel. The reporting is going to continue at roughly the same pace that has been happening,” the former Guardian journalist said in an interview with Channel 10 television station that aired Monday night.

Read moreGlenn Greenwald: More Israel Disclosures In Snowden’s Trove Of ‘Significant Stories’

William Engdahl On Syria: Is Obama Arming Al Qaeda To Topple Assad?

Is Obama arming Al Qaeda to topple Assad? (Veterans Today, June 25, 2013):

By F. William Engdahl

After two years of hesitating, US President Barack Obama announced he will deliver arms to the Syrian rebels, citing unverified “proof” that the troops of the Syrian Bashar Al-Assad government used Sarin gas against so-called opposition rebels. The Obama flip-flop is bizarre and reveals a President under enormous pressure to detonate a war whose consequences may well bring the world into a Third World War.

Clinton and Netanyahu allied

According to a report in the New York Times, it was nasty pressure from former US President Bill Clinton, along with a series of nasty initiatives from Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, Republican warhawks like John McCain, who tipped Obama to active intervention.[1] Even former Presidential national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, by no means a peace dove, went on US national TV to deride the Obama decision: “I think our posture is baffling, there no strategic design, we’re using slogans,” stated Brzezinski on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Friday. “It’s a tragedy and it’s a mess in the making. I do not see what the United States right now is trying to accomplish.” [2]

He added, “we are running the risk of getting into another war in the region which may last for years and I don’t see any real strategic guidance to what we are doing. I see a lot of rhetoric, a lot emotion, a lot of propaganda in fact.” [3]

The same Brzezinski in an interview with a Paris daily, boasted it had been his policy to arm the Mujihadeen Muslim Salafists, including a then-young Saudi named Osama bin-Laden, to actually provoke a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979.[4]

Also according to reliable sources close to the Pentagon, the US military is opposed to another war in the Islamic world after suffering the debacles of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Read moreWilliam Engdahl On Syria: Is Obama Arming Al Qaeda To Topple Assad?

Veterans Today’s Gordon Duff: Caught, Israel Orchestrating World War


On record: Interview With US General Wesley Clark (Ret.): US Government Planned To ‘Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years’: ‘Starting With Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Finishing Off Iran’ (Video)

Caught, Israel orchestrating world war (PressTV, by Gordon Duf, April 27, 2013):

The Israeli “security publication,” DEBKA, a key part of their “war through deception” campaign against the world, has now made it inexorably clear, Israel is putting into motion their “final solution,” a campaign to pit nation against nation.

The result, the planet a smoldering ruin, Israel ruling over the ashes and mass graves, is a foregone conclusion, at least to Netanyahu and his worldwide terrorist network.

DEBKA openly admits plans to move Israeli troops into Syria and Iraq, to “con” Turkey, Jordan and the Arab and Gulf States into a war intended to, not just destroy Iran and Pakistan but China and Russia as well, pitting them against NATO in the fatal Armageddon they and their followers believe will ensure Satan’s dominion over man.

Do people really think like that?

Yes, they actually do, the Zionists, the Neocons, and the Dominionists, a vast worldwide network of financial criminals, corrupt politicians and power-mad tyrants. In America, those now seeking to stage a military coup in the United States, submit to full Israeli control and lead the world into a new “dark age.”

Conspiracy theory? Of course, very much so, but not just a theory but plans long whispered now made clear, plans impossible to misconstrue.

Read moreVeterans Today’s Gordon Duff: Caught, Israel Orchestrating World War

Netanyahu Agreed To Ceasefire After Obama Promised US Troops In Sinai Next Week?

Hmmh. (‘Mossad’s Debkafile reports’)

See also:

Russia Sends Warships To Gaza Coast

Netanyahu agreed to ceasefire after Obama promised US troops in Sinai next week? (RT, Nov 23, 2012):

Israel and Palestine are momentarily at a ceasefire, but the potential reasoning behind the recess could have some real international implications. Israel’s Debka reports that the pause in fighting comes after the US promised to send troops to Sinai.

According to Debka, US troops will soon be en route to the Sinai peninsula, Egyptian territory in North Africa that’s framed by the Suez Canal on the West and Israel on the East. In its northeast most point, Sinai is but a stone’s throw from Palestinian-controlled Gaza, and according to Debka, Hamas fighters there have been relying on Iranian arms smugglers to supply them with weaponry by way of Egypt.

Debka reports this week that Sinai will soon be occupied by US troops, who were promised by President Barack Obama to Israel’s leaders as a condition that a ceasefire be called. Once deployed, the Americans will intervene with the rumored arms trade orchestrated by Iranians, ideally cutting off supplies for Hamas while at the same time serving as a thorn in the side of Iran.

Read moreNetanyahu Agreed To Ceasefire After Obama Promised US Troops In Sinai Next Week?

Ahmadinejad Cameraman Hands Nuclear Tapes To CIA, Israel’s Debkafile Reports

A report brought to you by Mossad’s Debkafile. Getting desperate Bibi?

See also:

Should The US Destroy Israel’s Submarines? (Veterans Today)

No.1 Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente: The Big War of 21st Century Has Begun (Video)

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: How The Government’s Lies Become Truth

Netanyahu Caught Ignoring Top IAEA ‘No Iran Bomb’ Report

Ahmadinejad cameraman hands nuclear tapes to CIA, Israel’s Debka reports (RT, Oct 5, 2012):

The Iranian cameraman assigned to document President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s recent trip to the UN has defected, and new reports claim that with his exit he has handed the US a trove of never-before-seen footage of his homeland’s nuclear facilities.

Hassan Golkhanban, a journalist for the Iranian News Network, was among the 140-people that accompanied President Ahmadinejad to the United Nations headquarters in New York last week. Unlike the rest of the Iran head’s entourage, however, the videographer vanished before returning home and has since asked the US State Department to grant him political asylum.

Now Israel’s Debka news agency reports that with his application for asylum, Golkhanban has made good with America’s request for information on a rumored nuclear warhead program being ramped up overseas.

According to Debka, the trusted member of President Ahmadinejad’s crew took with him to the States two suitcases full of “the most complete and updated footage” that US intelligence has ever been offered of Iran’s top secret military facilities and other related structures, something the site claims to include “exclusive interior shots of the Natanz nuclear complex, the Fordo underground enrichment plant, the Parchin military complex and the small Amir-Abad research reactor in Tehran.”

Read moreAhmadinejad Cameraman Hands Nuclear Tapes To CIA, Israel’s Debkafile Reports

US Troops Imitate Invasion Of Iran With Arab Allies

US troops imitate invasion of Iran with Arab allies (RT, May 29, 2012):

Around 12,000 troops from more than 19 nations are wrapping up a massive military training drill in the Middle East. But for some of those servicemen, these exercises might be just the beginning of something much bigger to come.

The United States, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan are just a sampling of the many countries — along with European allies — that have been involved in the nearly month-long Eager Lion 2012 exercise expected to end this week. Although much of the drills have been kept under wraps, it isn’t a secret that these states have spent the last month cooperating together through mock combat drills and comprehensive training. Some sources overseas report, however, that as many as 3,000 troops aligned with US forces have conducted a simulated landing and attack on Iran, preparing America and its allies for a war that becomes more likely by the day.

Intelligence sources speaking to Israel’s Debka news agency report that US troops and other forces aligned with America recently staged a landing on a Jordanian beach that was immediately followed by a military seizure of fortified mountain bases and command posts. The exercise was meant to emulate an attack on Iran and accompanies other drills that witnesses say show off just what America’s foes face if they continue to put the heat on the United States and its pals abroad.

Read moreUS Troops Imitate Invasion Of Iran With Arab Allies

DEBKAfile: Russia Prepares To Send ‘Spetsnaz’ For Syria

YouTube Added: 28.08.2006


Russian spetsnaz demo of secret, non-contact techniques for american marines

Ling Kong Jing (Empty Force) is real …

Ling Kong Jing (Empty Force) Demo by Master Shr on Bill Moyers Special

Brought to you by Mossad’s DEBKAfile:

Russia vetoes motion after preparing Special Forces for Syria (DEBKAfile, Feb. 4, 2012):

The West and Russia had a major showdown Saturday Feb. 5 over the Arab League resolution calling on Bashar Assad to step down and allow the formation of a national unity government. US President Barack Obama demanded a UN stand against the Syrian president’s “relentless brutality” and a vote before the end of the day. It was put to the vote and defeated by Russian and China vetoes.

Moscow sources charged that the motion had been intended to pave the way for war in Iran and a bid to overthrow the Tehran regime.
debkafile’s military sources report that the Russians backed their hard line against the West by putting Rapid Reaction Force (aka Spetsnaz) units in Black Sea bases on the ready to set out for Syria and defend Damascus. A Cold War dimension has been injected into the Syrian crisis, which is fast descending into a sectarian war between Syria’s ruling Alawites (Shiites) and the majority Sunnis. The regional dimension is provided by pitting Iran and Syria against Turkey and the Gulf Arabs.

Read moreDEBKAfile: Russia Prepares To Send ‘Spetsnaz’ For Syria