The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
– ‘Soft coup’ in Belgrade? Tony Blair becomes advisor to Serbian government as Wall Street plunders state assets (, March 1, 2015):
With most of the Balkans firmly under the grip of the Atlantic Empire, the empire now seem to be placing their dirty paws on the only place in the region that is left for them to further pillage, plunder and colonize: Serbia. War criminal Tony Blair is back in town, and so are some of the criminals that were directly involved in bombing Serbia in the 1990s. Once Blair arrives in town, fellow warmongering psychopaths can’t be far behind.In 2014 former CIA Director David Petraeus, now chairman of KKR Global Institute, subsidiary of Wall Street vulture capitalist firm KKR & Co., visited Serbia and met with Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, who welcomed him and his plans with open arms. The theme of their conversation was about ‘attracting foreign investors’ – neoliberal economic-speak for plundering Serbian companies, workers and resources. Petraeus emphasized that KKR Global Institute wanted to contribute to the ‘economic development’ of the country, and that it wanted to turn Belgrade into a ‘center for digitalization’ in the region. We all know what that really means. It seems that they’re following through on such plans: in the last year a significant portion of Serbian media has come under KKR management.
– Obama Issues Statement On The Death Of Saudi King Abdullah, Praises “Vision”, US-Saudi Relationship (ZeroHedge, Jan 22, 2015):
Just released by the White House:
Statement by the President on the Death of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz
It is with deep respect that I express my personal condolences and the sympathies of the American people to the family of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz and to the people of Saudi Arabia.
King Abdullah’s life spanned from before the birth of modern Saudi Arabia through its emergence as a critical force within the global economy and a leader among Arab and Islamic nations. He took bold steps in advancing the Arab Peace Initiative, an endeavor that will outlive him as an enduring contribution to the search for peace in the region. At home, King Abdullah’s vision was dedicated to the education of his people and to greater engagement with the world.
As our countries worked together to confront many challenges, I always valued King Abdullah’s perspective and appreciated our genuine and warm friendship. As a leader, he was always candid and had the courage of his convictions. One of those convictions was his steadfast and passionate belief in the importance of the U.S.-Saudi relationship as a force for stability and security in the Middle East and beyond. The closeness and strength of the partnership between our two countries is part of King Abdullah’s legacy.
May God grant him peace.
And while Obama was impressed by Abdullah’s vision to the “education of his people” he had no comment on the one US “ally” which has beheaded a record number of people in recent years making even ISIS blush by comarpison, as reported in US Ally, Saudi Arabia Beheads 87 In 2014, Up Over 10% From 2013 and also Record Beheadings And The Mass Arrest Of Christians.
Don’t miss:
– Western Politicians and Media Rush To Issue Tributes To King That Led The World In Beheadings, Whipped Bloggers For Criticism & Banned Women From Driving (Washington’s Blog, Jan 23, 2015):
American politicians and mainstream media are falling all over themselves praising the late Saudi King Abdullah.
King Abdullah was a man of wisdom & vision. US has lost a friend & Kingdom of #SaudiArabia, Middle East, and world has lost a revered leader
— John Kerry (@JohnKerry) January 23, 2015
I extend my deepest condolences to ppl of #SaudiArabia on passing of King Abdullah. My stmt:
— John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) January 23, 2015
President Obama on the death of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz.
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) January 23, 2015
” Wolf Blitzer and Fareed Zakaria are almost as devastated as the sons of the King”
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) January 23, 2015
Other Western leaders are singing from the same hymn sheet.
UK orders flags flown at half-mast for King Abdullah. Will return to lecturing the world about democracy tomorrow
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) January 23, 2015
IMF chief @Lagarde hails Saudi King Abdullah a ‘strong advocate of women’ – watch
— Channel 4 News (@Channel4News) January 23, 2015
Obituary: Saudi King Abdullah, seen as a reformer & vocal advocate of peace in Middle East
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) January 22, 2015
“He was loved by his people and will be deeply missed.” Tony Blair on the death of King Abdullah.
— Tony Blair Office (@tonyblairoffice) January 23, 2015
Chinese Kids Driving Supercars: Inside the Secret Southern California Meet-up
Nov 18, 2014
China’s ultra-rich are growing in number and in wealth – and are sending billions of dollars out of the country. Much of it is landing up in the U.S. where many children of the wealthy elite are sent to get an American college education — and they’re living large. Vocativ found a sub-culture of these Chinese students in California. They drive luxury cars like Maseratis and Ferraris and flaunt their wealth at discreet private parties and in online groups, like “Super Cars in America”.
– ‘Diabolical & absurd’: Outrage as Save the Children gives Tony Blair Global Legacy Award:
A decision by UK charity Save the Children to give Tony Blair its annual Global Legacy Award has unleashed a torrent of criticism highlighting the former PM’s role in Britain’s 2003 Iraq war and his controversial business dealings in the Middle East.
The former Labour leader, who is currently a key focus of a public inquiry into Britain’s invasion of Iraq, received the honor on Wednesday night at a star-studded gala hosted by the charity in New York.
Save the Children’s decision to offer Blair the award has provoked outrage across the UK, with critics insisting the move utterly discredits the charity.
– Dramatic Drone’s-Eye View Of The Record Upstate New York Snowfall:
With half the nation covered in snow, according to ABC, nowhere appears to have had it worse (or more suddenly) than upstate New York. As images pour in from lake-effect snow, to The Buffalo Bills stadium, and from scenes caught in a snow storm to pandas playing, we thought the following stunning drone’s-eye-view over Erie County was both incredible in its beauty and cruel in its GDP-destroying reality.
A Drone’s eye view of the beauty (and GDP cruelty) of a snow-buried upstate New York
– 141-year-old cold record shattered in Jacksonville:
For the second morning in a row, Jacksonville, Florida, dropped to a new record low.
– Climatologist: 30-Year Cold Spell Strikes Earth:
With nasty cold fronts thrusting an icy and early winter across the continental U.S. — along with last winter described by USA Today as “one of the snowiest, coldest, most miserable on record” — climatologist John L. Casey thinks the weather pattern is here to stay for decades to come.
In fact, Casey, a former space shuttle engineer and NASA consultant, is out with the provocative book “Dark Winter: How the Sun Is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell,” which warns that a radical shift in global climate is underway, and that Al Gore and other environmentalists have it completely wrong.
The earth, he says, is cooling, and cooling fast.
And yes, you read that one right:
– The Wrath of Draghi: Biggest German Banks Impose “Negative Interest Rates”:
Commerzbank, Germany’s second-largest bank, a toppling marvel of ingenuity during the Financial Crisis that was bailed out by ever dutiful if unenthusiastic taxpayers, will now reward these very folks with what Germans have come to look forward to: the Wrath of Draghi.
It started with Deutsche Skatbank, a division of VR-Bank Altenburger Land. The small bank was the trial balloon in imposing the Wrath of Draghi on savers and businesses. Effective November 1, those with over €500,000 on deposit earn a “negative interest rate” of 0.25%. In less euphemistic terms, they get to pay 0.25% per year on those deposits for the privilege of giving their money to the bank.
“Punishment interest” is what Germans call this with Teutonic precision.
– Amazon robots prepare for Christmas:
The squat, wheeled machines move stocked shelves to workers
In its latest bid to boost productivity and speed delivery, Inc. is deploying a robot army.
The Seattle online retailer has outfitted several U.S. warehouses with squat, orange, wheeled robots that move stocked shelves to workers, instead of having employees seek items amid long aisles of merchandise, according to people familiar with the matter. At a 1.2-million-square-foot warehouse in Tracy, Calif., about 60 miles east of San Francisco, Amazon this summer replaced four floors of fixed shelving with the robots, the people said.
Now, “pickers” at the facility stand in one place and wait for robots to bring four-foot-by-six-foot shelving units to them, sparing them what amounted to as much as 20 miles a day of walking through the warehouse. Employees at some robot-equipped warehouses are expected to pick and scan at least 300 items an hour, compared with 100 under the old system, current and former workers said.
The robots are the fruits of Amazon’s 2012 purchase of Kiva Systems Inc. for $775 million. In May, Amazon Chief Executive Jeff Bezos told investors at Amazon’s annual meeting that he planned to deploy 10,000 Kiva robots by year-end, up from 1,400 at the time.
– A Quick Look At Goldman’s Takeover Of The US Judicial System: NY Fed Edition:
One really just can’t make this up. Perhaps the Fed inspector general, when he is done “fixing” the corruption at the NY Fed will be so kind to take a look at the Goldman takeover of the US judicial system next.
And the saddest thing: it cost the banks (and their lawyer lackeys) under a million to buy America’s judicial system off: American justice is not only for sale, it goes at firesale prices!
– The NY Fed’s Attempt To Explain That It Is Not A Subsidiary Of Goldman Sachs:
The most shocking, if already completely buried, news of the day was that – in yet another confirmation that Goldman Sachs is in charge of the New York Fed – a NY Fed staffer was colluding and leaking confidential, material information to a 29-year-old Goldman vice president, himself a former Federal Reserve employee. This only happened because on the day Carmen Segarra disclosed her 47 hours of “secret Goldman tapes” on This American Life, Goldman executives asked the former Fed staffer where he had gotten what appeared to be confidential information from. To nobody’s surprise the answer was: The New York Fed. So as the latter, also known as the biggest hedge fund of the western world with $2.7 trillion in AUM, is scrambling to once again prove it is shocked, shocked, that it has become merely the latest subsidiary of Goldman Sachs, Inc., it released the following statement explaining what “really” happened.
– “Some Folks Lied” – How The Administration Fabricated Obamacare Enrollment Numbers:
Two months ago, to much fanfare by the progressive community, HHS, if not Dr. Jonathan Gruber, were delighted to report that as of August 15, Obamacare enrollment had hit 7.3 million sign ups, well above the 7.0 million goal. Then a week ago we learned that “projection mistakes were made” after the “Obama administration revised its estimate for Obamacare enrollment, now saying – with the bruising midterms safely in the rearview mirror – that it expects some 9.9 million people to have coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s insurance exchanges in 2015, millions fewer than outside experts predicted.” Fast forward to today when moments ago Bloomberg reported, that “the Obama administration included as many as 400,000 dental plans in a number it reported for enrollments under the Affordable Care Act, an unpublicized detail that helped surpass a goal for 7 million sign-ups.“
– Dutch government refuses to reveal ‘secret deal’ into MH17 crash probe:
The Dutch government has refused to reveal details of a secret pact between members of the Joint Investigation Team examining the downed Flight MH17. If the participants, including Ukraine, don’t want information to be released, it will be kept secret.
– Neo-Feudalism Has Officially Arrived – Congressman Suggests Building A Moat Around White House:
“While the general population is aware something is seriously wrong, people remain extremely confused about the root of the problem. This is because what’s happening all around us isn’t socialism and it isn’t free market capitalism. It is actually a return to something much more ancient and much more oppressive. It is a return to serfdom, neo-fedualism and oligarchy.”
– Giant sinkhole swallows up old mine in Russia’s Urals (PHOTOS):
A sinkhole 20 by 30 meters (65 by 98 feet) in size has been found near a Uralkali mine in Russia’s Perm region. While the company says the development is of no further threat, locals fear the whole nearby town could go underground.
— ??????? ?????? (@nasonovkirill) November 20, 2014
– As The “Sanctions War” Heats Up, Will Putin Play His ‘Gold Card’?:
The topic of ‘currency war’ has been bantered about in financial circles since at least the term was first used by Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega in September 2010. Recently, the currency war has escalated, and a ‘sanctions war’ against Russia has broken out. History suggests that financial assets are highly unlikely to preserve investors’ real purchasing power in this inhospitable international environment, due in part to the associated currency crises, which will catalyse at least a partial international remonetisation of gold. Vladimir Putin, under pressure from economic sanctions, may calculate that now is the time to play his ‘gold card’.
– Missing Gold – Precious Metals in WTC 4 Vault: Only a Fraction Recovered?:
Why is there this huge discrepancy between the value of gold and silver reported recovered, and the value reported to have been stored in the vaults? There are a number of possible explanations, from outright theft using the attack as cover, to insurance fraud. Until there is a genuine investigation that probes all the relevant facts and circumstances surrounding the attack, we can only speculate.
– Retail Rapture: UK Grocery Sales Drop 1st Time In 20 Years, Dollar General To Shut 4000 Stores:
For the first time since it began collecting data in 1994, Kantar Worldpanel, the market researcher, reported a decline in UK grocery sales by value, as The FT reports the biggest UK grocers were “losing market share hand over fist,” as analysts warn “there are phoney price wars, and there are real price wars. This is a real price war.” This comes on the heels of Goldman report claiming 20% of British grocers are surplus to requirements. But it’s not just Britain… in the the cleanest dirty shirt world-economic-growth supporting decoupled economy of the USA, Reuters reports Dollar General may need to divest more than 4,000 stores to win approval from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission for its acquisition of Family Dollar.
– 5-foot-tall ‘Robocops’ start patrolling Silicon Valley:
Autonomous “Robocop”-style robots, equipped with microphones, speakers, cameras, laser scanners and sensors, have started to guard Silicon Valley.
The security robots, called Knightscope K5 Autonomous Data Machines, were designed by a robotics company, Knightscope, located in Mountain View, California.
The robots are programmed to notice unusual behavior and alert controllers. It also has odor and heat detectors, and can monitor pollution in carpets as well. Last but not least: with cameras, the Robocops can remember up to 300 number plates a minute, monitoring traffic.
– The New World Order: Does It All Just Boil Down To A Battle For Your Soul?:
This problem extends into the oligarchy of globalists, who adore the theories expressed in Plato’s “The Republic,” in which an elite cadre of “philosopher kings,” men who have achieved a heightened level of academic knowledge, are exalted as the most qualified leaders. However, leadership requires more than knowledge, even if that knowledge is profound. Leadership also requires compassion and informed consent, two things for which the elites have no regard.
– American-born London mayor refuses to pay US taxes, threatens to renounce citizenship:
The Internal Revenue Service reportedly wants London Mayor Boris Johnson to write a check for taxes he owes to the United States government, but the UK politician says he isn’t paying.
Those ‘brilliant’ Japanese ‘visionaries’ never heard of Fukushima:
– Living under the sea: Japanese visionaries unveil underwater city plan:
Will people ever live in underwater cities? Japanese construction firm says it is possible by 2030. The visionaries revealed a $25 billion deep-sea eco-city plan called Ocean Spiral for 5,000 people that will produce energy from sea resources.
Many have pondered the idea of living under the sea while sci-fi film directors such as George Lucas tempted our imagination with stunning images of underwater cities. Such was the Gungan city consisting of a mass of hydrostatic bubbles shown in the first part of the “Star wars” epic space film series.
Now a Japanese construction firm Shimizu Corp. says that building an underwater residential area is not a fantasy and aims to build one by 2030 – in just 15 years.
– China and others can cripple US power grid, NSA admits for the first time:
The head of the National Security Agency warned Congress on Thursday that China and “one or two” other nations currently possess the capability of crippling the American power grid through cyberattacks.
– 6 Months Before The Fed Is Said To Hike Rates, It Still Has No Idea How It Will Do That:
It has become quite clear that the Fed neither has the intention, nor the market mechanism to do any of that, and certainly not in a 3-6 month timeframe. Which may explain the Fed’s hawkish words on any potential surge in market vol. After all, if the nearly $3 trillion in excess reserves remain on bank balance sheets for another year, then the only reason why vol could surge is if the Fed lose the faith of the markets terminally. At that point the last worry anyone will have is whether and how the Fed will tighten monetary policy.
– Initial Jobless Claims Hit 2-Month Highs, Continuing Claims Tumble To 14-Year Lows:
It is still far too early to call a turn in the long-term trend of initial jobless claims but this is the 5th week that new lows have not been made, 4th miss in a row, and (despite last week’s upward revision) claims sit at 2-month highs. Initial claims printed 291k (against 284k expectations) down very slightly from an upwardly revised 293k last week. However, continuing claims continue to tumble to fresh cycle lows at 2.33 million (below expectations and well down from last week’s jump).
– Another Triple-Fat-Finger VIX Day Saves Stocks:
Ugly data in Asia, Europe, and US PMI meant US equities opened gap-down… that was unacceptable to ‘someone’ and so the “most shorted” names were squeezed. However, after 10 minutes the ramp started to fade… and so the big boys ‘fat-fingered’ VIX and that rescued the dip. That would be fine… but it happened again at 958ET when stocks started to fade again and suddenly VIX was lit up and zoom… stock momentum was ignited and all was well in the world… Broken record? Yes! But clearly someone has to take note of this rigging…
– Ice on the Mississippi River in Iowa:
“I’ve seen ice like this or even worse, but it’s usually not until the middle of December,” says lockmaster.
Game 9 – 2014 World Chess Championship – Magnus Carlsen vs Viswanathan Anand
WTF: A Night With Japan’s Highest Paid Male Gigolo
Related info:
– I’m Confused, Can Anyone Help Me?
– I’m confused, can anyone help me? Part 2 (RT, July 15, 2014):
I’m confused. Jen Psaki, US State Department spokesperson, says that the Ukrainian government has ‘every right’ to use air strikes against its opponents in Ukraine on the grounds that it ‘is defending the country’.
Yet in 2011, alleged air strikes by Libyan government forces against its opponents were used as a reason for the imposition of a ‘no-fly zone’ which was followed by a NATO-led military intervention against Libya. We were told that the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was ‘killing his own people’ and had to be stopped. The deaths of over 200 people in Libya was, according to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, ‘unacceptable’. But the Ukrainian government is killing its own people today, and despite more than 200 people being killed (as of 10th July the number of civilian deaths was 478, including seven children), western leaders do not say that the Ukrainian leader, Petro Poroshenko, has to be stopped, or that the bloodshed is ‘unacceptable’ and nor are there any calls for a ‘no-fly zone’ to be imposed. Why is it acceptable for the Ukrainian government to launch a military offensive, including air strikes against its own people, but unacceptable for the Libyan government in 2011 to do likewise? I’m confused. Can anyone help me?
WMD LIES – Bush Cheney Rumsfeld – THE ULTIMATE CLIP
– Iraq: The things warmongers said (RT, June 28, 2014):
Iraq is in turmoil – with ISIS controlling large areas of the country – but the truth is that it’s been in turmoil since the illegal 2003 invasion.
2013 was Iraq’s bloodiest year since 2008, but as I wrote here members of the elite political class and warmongers in the West weren’t interested.
Iraq post-invasion had become the greatest non-news story of the modern era. The people who could not stop talking about Iraq in 2002/3 and telling how much they cared about ordinary Iraqis were strangely silent. Instead they were devoting their energies into propagandizing for another Middle Eastern military ‘intervention’, this time against Syria.
Now that Iraq is back in the western news headlines again, with calls for ‘intervention’ to counter ISIS, it’s worth bearing in mind what the architects of the Iraq war and the cheerleaders for it said in the lead up and during the invasion about the ‘threat’ from Saddam’s WMDs and how toppling a secular dictator would help the so-called ‘war on terror’ and bring peace and security to the region.
Do we really want to take these people’s advice on what ‘we’ should do now in Iraq? Up to a million people have been killed since the illegal invasion and as critics predicted at the time, the war led to enormous chaos and instability and boosted radical Islamic extremism. By their own words, let the warmongers be damned.
– Bush & Blair: Blackmailed pedophiles or just war criminals? (Veterans Today, June 20, 2014):
Today, after more than a million dead and several millions exiled, as the “too extreme for al-Qaeda” ISIL is grabbing more and more of Iraq, the question once again arises:
Why did George Bush and Tony Blair drag us into the Iraq quagmire?
They told us it was about Saddam’s WMD. But that was a preposterous lie. Bush even camped it up about looking for WMD under his desk. He thought it was fabulously hilarious that anyone had ever believed in Iraqi WMD.
So what was the real reason for the Iraq war?
Read moreBush & Blair: Blackmailed Pedophiles Or Just War Criminals?
Traitor and war criminal Tony Blair (Links are down below.)
– Tony Blair should be prosecuted for war crimes – not just judged by history (Guardian, May 7, 2014):
Boris Johnson is right, Blair is ‘eel-like’ – but if the Chilcot inquiry is published soon, he might not wriggle off the hook
Boris Johnson’s sympathy isn’t worth much; his sentiments during his LBC interview this week were touching, but he does not have the conviction to back the campaign to see Tony Blair face justice for his crimes. Johnson does, however, offer an insight into Blair’s character which I have experienced first-hand – that Blair is slippery. The London mayor described him as “eel-like” and a “very adept and agile lawyer”. A prosecution for war crimes in Johnson’s words was “not going to happen”.
Read moreTony Blair Should Be Prosecuted For War Crimes – Not Just Judged By History
Traitor and war criminal Tony Blair (Links are down below.)
– Tony Blair: How I became Prime Minister of the world (Independent, Oct 28, 2013):
The former Prime Minister is now advising the governments of now fewer than 20 countries, he revealed in a Q&A chaired by The Independent’s John Rentoul. So which successes – and failures – of his years in office can they learn from?
JOHN RENTOUL: Jack Straw said that he thought that the Prime Minister had too much power in the British constitutional system, and I was hoping you would respond to that.
TONY BLAIR: I learnt a lot in government, and I’ve learnt a lot since leaving government. The kind of journey of being in government is that you start at your most popular and least capable, and you end at your most capable and least popular. And that transition is really all about the education: about what government today is about. And since leaving office – I mean, by the end of this year there will probably be 20 different governments in different parts of the world that myself and my team will cooperate with. And with most political leaders the challenge they face today is not so much one of ideology, not so much to do with issues of honesty or transparency, although that is an issue in many countries, and the media tends to focus on that, the challenge is the challenge of efficacy: how do you get things done?
– PAEDOPHILE RINGS … AND 10 DOWNING STREET (David Icke, Nov 18, 2012)
See also:
– The Prince and The Pedophile: Charles’ Connections To Pedophilia Networks
– Paedophile Beast Jimmy Savile Advised His Friend Prince Charles Over The Appointment Of A Royal Aide
Savile’s connections to the political and royal elite are undeniable.
– JIMMY SAVILE … DOORMAN TO THE CESSPIT (David Icke, Oct 13, 2012)
– ELITE CHILD ABUSE: ‘JIMMY SAVILE… DOORMAN TO THE CESSPIT’ (21st Century Wire, Oct 15, 2012, By David Icke)
Something of massive significance has happened in Britain in the last two weeks which might have been lost on most of the rest of the world. It concerns the revelations about serial child abuse over decades by a man considered by many to be a British ‘icon’ and ‘national treasure’.
His name is Jimmy Savile and the reason the significance of what is happening may have passed most people by outside the UK is that Savile was a major figure in these islands, but little known beyond them. What, and who, he was involved with, however, is global in nature and has the potential to expose both the staggering scale of child sexual abuse and many of the mega-famous names for whom it is a way of life.
YouTube Added: 09.08.2012
Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gets David Icke’s reaction to the Tony Blair confrontation on Bilderberg.
YouTube Added: 28.07.2012
In this episode, Max Keiser presents a double header with co-host, Stacy Herbert, to discuss crime and punishment in the financial sector. In London, JP Morgan banker, Tony Blair, has responded to the Keiser Report with his claim that hanging 20 bankers will not help and that, in fact, he asserts, public anger with the financial crisis is wrong. They also discuss the ‘blazer over cuffs look’ being the new black this season as Sean Fitzpatrick is arrested in Dublin, while over in Pennsylvania, Joe Paterno’s statue is draped in blue tarpaulin and hauled away as bond investors punish the university with higher rates and Moody’s threatens a downgrade. Finally, in Los Angeles, victims of vandalism are shocked to discover that it was a senior UBS banker who was smashing windows with a slingshot.
…, because burning them is so much more cost-efficient.
– Tony Blair: Don’t Hang Bankers (ZeroHedge, July 25, 2012):
Mainstream economist Nouriel Roubini said recently:
Nobody has gone to jail since the financial crisis. The banks, they do things that are illegal and at best they slap on them a fine. If some people end up in jail, maybe that will teach a lesson to somebody. Or somebody hanging in the streets.
Former British prime minister Tony Blair – currently employed as a senior adviser to JP Morgan – said today:
We must not start thinking that society will be better off “if we hang 20 bankers at the end of the street” ….
Where’s all of this coming from?
The American government’s top official in charge of the bank bailouts writes:
Americans should lose faith in their government. They should deplore the captured politicians and regulators who distributed tax dollars to the banks without insisting that they be accountable. The American people should be revolted by a financial system that rewards failure and protects those who drove it to the point of collapse and will undoubtedly do so again.
Only with this appropriate and justified rage can we hope for the type of reform that will one day break our system free from the corrupting grasp of the megabanks.
Economics professor Randall Wray writes today:
Read moreTony Blair, Currently A Senior Adviser To JP Morgan: Don’t Hang Bankers
“Public anger over the financial crisis is wrong”
And Blair is the one who knows what’s right! Got it?
But wait, this must be the first time I totally agree with Tony Blair:
‘Hanging Bankers Won’t Help’
… unless we forget to hang all those elite puppet politicians and the elitists!
“If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts.
– George H. W. Bush
But then again violence will not be the solution to the problems WE have allowed the elitists to create for us.
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
– Albert Einstein
Traitor and war criminal Tony Blair (Links are down below.)
– Tony Blair: hanging bankers won’t help (Telegraph, July 23, 2012):
In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, the former prime minister launches a defence of the free market and liberal economic rules established by the Thatcher government.
The approach promoted by Baroness Thatcher’s government is not to blame for the recent financial and economic crisis, Mr Blair says, warning against taking vengeance on bankers and increasing State intervention in the private sector.
We must not start thinking that society will be better off “if we hang 20 bankers at the end of the street”, Mr Blair says.
Read moreTraitor And War Criminal Tony Blair: Hanging Bankers Won’t Help
There is no ‘heroin war’ in Afghanistan.
But after 9/11, the US military-industrial complex quickly invaded Afghanistan and began facilitating the reinstatement of the country’s poppy industry. According to the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP), opium cultivation increased by 657 percent in 2002 after the US military invaded the country under the direction of then-President George W. Bush
– Afghan drug war debacle: Blair said smashing opium trade was a major reason to invade but 10 years on heroin production is up from 185 tons a year to 5,800 (Daily Mail, Feb. 17, 2012):
The West is losing the heroin war in Afghanistan – ten years after Tony Blair pledged that wiping out the drug was one of the main reasons for invading the country.
Despite spending £18billion and a conflict which has so far cost the lives of almost 400 British troops, production of the class-A drug by Afghan farmers rose between 2001 and 2011 from just 185 tons to a staggering 5,800 tons.
It increased by 61 per cent last year alone.
Such has been the failure to combat the problem that more than 90 per cent of the heroin sold on Britain’s streets is still made using opium from Afghanistan.
The United Nations yesterday warned that the situation was out of control.
Tony Blair channelled millions of pounds through a complicated web of companies. Photo: Getty
– Tony Blair and the £8million tax ‘mystery’ (Telegraph, Jan. 7. 2012):
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair channelled millions of pounds through a complicated web of companies and paid just a fraction in tax, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.
Official accounts show a company set up by Mr Blair to manage his business affairs paid just £315,000 in tax last year on an income of more than £12 million. In that time, he employed 26 staff and paid them total wages of almost £2.3 million.
The accounts provide the strongest evidence yet of the huge sums generated by Mr Blair through his various activities since quitting Downing Street in June 2007.
He runs a business consultancy – Tony Blair Associates – which has deals with the governments of Kuwait and Kazakhstan among others and is a paid adviser to JP Morgan, an American investment bank, and to Zurich International, a global insurance company based in Switzerland. Mr Blair makes a further £100,000 a time from speeches and lectures while also presiding over a number of charities including a faith foundation.
Mr Blair has previously been criticised for cashing in on contacts made in Downing Street and these accounts will likely add to those concerns.
The documents also reveal that in the two years until March 31 last year, Mr Blair’s management company had a total turnover of more than £20 million and paid tax of about £470,000.
YouTube Added: 22.11.2011
Former US president George Bush and his former counterpart Tony Blair were found guilty of war crimes by the The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal which held a four day hearing in the Malaysia.
The five panel tribunal unanimously decided that Bush and Blair committed genocide and crimes against peace and humanity when they invaded Iraq in 2003 in blatant violation of international law.
The judges ruled that war against Iraq by both the former heads of states was a flagrant abuse of law, act of aggression which amounted to a mass murder of the Iraqi people.
In their verdict, the judges said that the United States, under the leadership of Bush, forged documents to claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
– Tony Blair’s six secret visits to Col Gaddafi (Telegraph, Sep. 24, 2011):
Tony Blair’s close relationship to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has come under fresh scrutiny after it emerged he had six private meetings with the dictator in the three years after he left Downing Street.
Five of those meetings took place in a 14-month period before the release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber.
Mr Blair is coming under increasing pressure to make public details of all his meetings and discussions with Gaddafi. It follows the disclosure in The Sunday Telegraph last week that on at least two occasions Mr Blair flew to Tripoli on a private jet paid for by the Libyan regime.
Read moreTony Blair’s Six Secret Meetings With Muammar Gaddafi
– Tony Blair’s Byzantine world of advisers and lucrative deals (Telegraph, Sep. 24, 2011):
Since leaving office, Tony Blair has adopted many roles. The international statesman. The guardian of Africa. The religious leader. The global businessman.
He travels the world, a highly publicised diplomatic mission in the morning and a private, never mentioned, business deal signed in the afternoon.
Combining these myriad, sometimes apparently conflicting, personas requires skill and dexterity – and a global organisation he has quietly built to service them.
Read moreTony Blair’s Byzantine World Of Advisers And Lucrative Deals
Mr Blair was flown to Libya twice at Gaddafi’s expense on one of the former dictator’s private jets
– Tony Blair ‘visited Libya to lobby for JP Morgan’ (Telegraph, Sep. 18, 2011):
A senior executive with the Libyan Investment Authority, the $70 billion fund used to invest the country’s oil money abroad, said Mr Blair was one of three prominent western businessmen who regularly dealt with Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, son of the former leader.
Saif al-Islam and his close aides oversaw the activities of the fund, and often directed its officials on where they should make its investments, he said.
The executive, speaking on condition of anonymity, said officials were told the “ideas” they were ordered to pursue came from Mr Blair as well as one other British businessman and a former American diplomat.
“Tony Blair’s visits were purely lobby visits for banking deals with JP Morgan,” he said.
He said that unlike some other deals – notably some investments run by the US bank Goldman Sachs – JP Morgan’s had never turned “bad”.
– Playboy Saif’s web of connections to the rich and powerful (and that includes Mandy) (Daily Mail, August 24, 2011):
Visitors to the luxurious Tripoli compound of Saif al-Islam were treated until recently to a piece of machismo theatre designed to show their host in the most fearless of lights.
After lobbing pieces of raw meat into a cage for his two snarling Bengal tigers, Freddo and Barney, to fight over, Colonel Gaddafi’s son and heir would have a flunky show his guests inside the house to be served tea.
Read moreSaif Gaddafi’s Web Of Connections To The Elitists (Rothschilds)
“Tony Blair’s Private Info is getting leaked tonight, so is his Personal Adivsors CV and UK MPs & Lords who supported the war in Iraq.”
– Tony Blair’s personal details ‘hacked’ (Telegraph, June 25, 2011):
The file, which also included the names, addresses and phone numbers of Mr Blair’s contacts, was being tweeted by users on Twitter on Friday night.