Tony Blair Received £400,000 From A Fund For Disadvantaged Children To Set Up An Office In A Five-Star Hotel

TONY Blair received £400,000 from a fund for disadvantaged children to set up an office in a five-star hotel.

Prime Minister David Cameron revealed the money came from the Department for International Development (DfID) and is meant to fund humanitarian work in developing countries.

But it was spent on rooms at the exclusive American Colony Hotel in Jerusalem, where Mr Blair spends one week a month in his role as peace envoy to the Middle East. The 19th century hotel near the old city of Jerusalem is one of the most exclusive in Israel. A suite costs £550 a night.

Read moreTony Blair Received £400,000 From A Fund For Disadvantaged Children To Set Up An Office In A Five-Star Hotel

Secret Tony Blair and George Bush Iraq letters were kept out of official records – Details from Blair’s Iraq calls were deleted

Freemason Tony Blair Makes £710,000 From Mysterious Web of Companies, Made at Least £20 Million Since Leaving Downing Street

Secret Tony Blair and George Bush Iraq letters were kept out of official records (Telegraph):

Private letters between Tony Blair and President George W Bush ahead of the war in Iraq were kept so secret that they did not officially exist.

A request by the Iraq Inquiry to publish the correspondence was rejected this week – even though both leaders have discussed their contents extensively in their recent memoirs.

A transcript of evidence given behind closed doors by Matthew Rycroft, the former prime minister’s private secretary, and released by the inquiry yesterday shows that references to the notes, sent in the year running up to the March 2003 invasion, were removed from official records.

He told the inquiry that Mr Blair considered the letters to be part of a “personal dialogue” and so he deleted references to them from minutes of phone calls between the leaders.

Sir John Chilcot, the Inquiry chairman, has expressed his “disappointment” that his request to declassify the letters, along with notes taken of meetings between the two, was rejected.

He pointed out that both leaders, and former Downing Street aides Alastair Campbell and Jonathan Powell, had referred to them in recent memoirs and diaries.

Details from Blair’s Iraq calls were deleted (Independent):

Mr Blair’s private secretary at No 10 routinely deleted any mention of his correspondence with Mr Bush from the Government minutes, the inquiry has found out. The disclosure will fuel anger over the failure to release the memos between the two leaders in the run-up to war, which could fill in gaps for when Mr Blair took key decisions over the war. David Cameron, challenged over the refusal to publish the memos, said that he was powerless to order

Mr Blair’s then private secretary, Matthew Rycroft, has recalled that Mr Bush often began telephones calls or video conferences in 2002 and 2003 by thanking the former prime minister for his letters.

Mr Rycroft said that he drew up two accounts of the conversations, omitting any reference to them in the Whitehall record because Mr Blair viewed them as “personal dialogue”. He told the inquiry: “I do recall doing it on a number of occasions. I would have thought possibly about five occasions and each time for a particular reason.

“I recall the choice I had was either only doing an expurgated version or doing two versions, and so on these occasions I decided it was better to do two versions.” Mr Rycroft said Mr Blair had always been clear that Britain would support US military action.

More on Tony Blair:

Traitor …

Tony Blair Summoned Back to Iraq Inquiry to be Quizzed Over New Evidence (Guardian)

Iraq inquiry: UK Government lied, ‘intentionally and substantially’ exaggerated WMD threat (Telegraph)

Tony Blair Was Warned By All 27 Senior Government Lawyers That Iraq War Was Illegal (Daily Express)

Tony Blair ‘knew Iraq did not have WMD before war started’ (Times)

US and UK knew that Iraq Didn’t Have WMDs

Dutch Inquiry: Iraq War Was Illegal, Had ‘No Basis In International Law’ (Guardian)

… and war criminal (GENOCIDE):

Iraq: Fallujah Doctors Report Dramatic Rise In Birth Defects (BBC News)

What Depleted Uranium Does to Children in Iraq: Japanese Journalist

Depleted Uranium Shells Worse Than Nuclear Weapons:

Inhaled or ingested DU particles are highly toxic, and DU has been classified as an illegal weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.
“More than ten times the amount of radiation released during atmospheric testing [of nuclear bombs] has been released from DU weaponry since 1991,” said Leuren Moret, a U.S. nuclear scientist. “The genetic future of the Iraqi people, for the most part, is destroyed. The environment now is completely radioactive.”
“Because DU has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, the Middle East will, for all practical purposes, be radioactive forever.”

Freemason Tony Blair Makes £710,000 From Mysterious Web of Companies, Made at Least £20 Million Since Leaving Downing Street

More information:

Traitor And War Criminal Tony Blair Summoned Back to Iraq Inquiry to be Quizzed Over New Evidence (Guardian)

Former Head of The Army General Sir Richard Dannatt: How Tony Blair and Gordon Brown Betrayed Our Troops (Telegraph)

Iraq inquiry: UK Government lied, ‘intentionally and substantially’ exaggerated WMD threat (Telegraph)

Tony Blair Was Warned By All 27 Senior Government Lawyers That Iraq War Was Illegal (Daily Express)

Tony Blair ‘knew Iraq did not have WMD before war started’ (Times)

US and UK knew that Iraq Didn’t Have WMDs

Dutch Inquiry: Iraq War Was Illegal, Had ‘No Basis In International Law’ (Guardian)

Confidential memo between Bush and Blair reveals US plan to provoke an invasion of Iraq (Observer)

Tony Blair made made a profit of at least £710,000 last year from a mysterious web of companies set up to further his business interests, it can be revealed.

Tony Blair on a visit to Kuwait this year. In the 11 months up to 31 March, his company’s net assets increased to 2.159 million pounds

The former prime minister’s companies also declared net assets of £2.2 million – four times what they were worth last year – suggesting Mr Blair’s “pulling power” is as strong as ever.

The profits, funnelled through an “opaque” and highly complex web of financial structures, was declared to Companies House as it closed for business for Christmas last week.

The money is believed to have come from his often controversial private work, including his six-figure speaking fees, his banking and insurance consultancies, including work for JP Morgan, and his pay from advising Middle Eastern and African regimes.

Mr Blair – who has made at least £20million since leaving Downing Street – has a commercial consultancy, called Tony Blair Associates, plus paid jobs advising a US bank and a Swiss insurer.

In addition, millions of pounds have passed through two parallel company structures, called Windrush Ventures and Firerush Ventures, in the last three years.

Mr Blair has so far refused to discuss what these financial structiures, centered on a pair of mysterious limited partnerships, are for.

Read moreFreemason Tony Blair Makes £710,000 From Mysterious Web of Companies, Made at Least £20 Million Since Leaving Downing Street

Traitor And War Criminal Tony Blair Summoned Back to Iraq Inquiry to be Quizzed Over New Evidence

Traitor …

Iraq inquiry: UK Government lied, ‘intentionally and substantially’ exaggerated WMD threat (Telegraph)

Tony Blair Was Warned By All 27 Senior Government Lawyers That Iraq War Was Illegal (Daily Express)

Tony Blair ‘knew Iraq did not have WMD before war started’ (Times)

US and UK knew that Iraq Didn’t Have WMDs

Dutch Inquiry: Iraq War Was Illegal, Had ‘No Basis In International Law’ (Guardian)

… and war criminal (GENOCIDE):

Iraq: Fallujah Doctors Report Dramatic Rise In Birth Defects (BBC News)

What Depleted Uranium Does to Children in Iraq: Japanese Journalist

Depleted Uranium Shells Worse Than Nuclear Weapons:

Inhaled or ingested DU particles are highly toxic, and DU has been classified as an illegal weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.
“More than ten times the amount of radiation released during atmospheric testing [of nuclear bombs] has been released from DU weaponry since 1991,” said Leuren Moret, a U.S. nuclear scientist. “The genetic future of the Iraqi people, for the most part, is destroyed. The environment now is completely radioactive.”
“Because DU has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, the Middle East will, for all practical purposes, be radioactive forever.”

Former prime minister recalled to face Chilcot panel over revelations of warnings he was given before Iraq invasion

Tony Blair giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry in January of this year. He will face the panel again early next year. Photograph: PA

Tony Blair is to be summoned back to the official inquiry into the Iraq invasion in light of damaging and conflicting evidence revealed since he appeared as a witness earlier this year.

Blair will give evidence between 18 January and 4 February next year along with Admiral Lord Boyce, the former chief of the defence staff, and Jack Straw, the former foreign secretary. Three successive cabinet secretaries who operated at the heart of Whitehall will also be called.

Members of the Chilcot panel are believed to be concerned about the revelation in documents released in June that the former prime minister was warned by his government’s chief law officer that an invasion of Iraq would be illegal the day before he privately assured George Bush he would support US-led military action.

The documents gave an unprecedented insight into how the then attorney general, Lord Goldsmith, repeatedly warned Blair of the consequences of invading Iraq without fresh UN authority, much to the prime minister’s irritation.

Read moreTraitor And War Criminal Tony Blair Summoned Back to Iraq Inquiry to be Quizzed Over New Evidence

Former Head of The Army General Sir Richard Dannatt: How Tony Blair and Gordon Brown Betrayed Our Troops


Former SAS Comander: Afghan operation is ‘worthless’:

And, addressing the use of Snatch Land Rovers, which he deemed to be unsafe and prompted his decision to stand down, he said: “I had to resign.

“I had warned (the MoD) time and time again that there were going to be needless deaths if we were not given the right equipment, and they ignored this advice. There is blood on their hands.

“There was no other vehicle to use. The simple truth is that the protection on these vehicles is inadequate and this led to the unnecessary deaths.”

The former head of the Army accuses Tony Blair and Gordon Brown of badly letting down the Armed Forces during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In a damning verdict, General Sir Richard Dannatt accuses Mr Brown of being a “malign” influence by failing to honour guarantees on defence spending during his time at the Treasury, and charges Mr Blair with lacking “moral courage” for failing to overrule his chancellor.

Gen Dannatt’s book, Leading from the Front, which begins its serialisation in The Sunday Telegraph today, is the first major public critique of the Blair/Brown administration by a senior outside figure who served under both men. He was Chief of the General Staff from 2006-09.

He describes his efforts to persuade Mr Blair and Mr Brown that the Army – fighting in both Iraq and Afghanistan and suffering heavy casualties – was facing almost unbearable pressures as “pushing a rock up a steep hill almost all the way through”.

His book is further evidence of the cripplingly dysfunctional nature of the relationship between Mr Blair and Mr Brown, which Mr Blair spelt out in his own memoir, A Journey, published this week.

The general also reveals in his book and in interviews for this newspaper that:

-By early 2009, at a time when the Army was suffering a punishing casualty rate in Afghanistan, he had not had a face-to-face meeting with Mr Brown for six months. Eventually he was forced to “ambush” the prime minister during a chance meeting in Horse Guards Parade to get his concerns across;

-The 1997-98 Strategic Defence Review (SDR), which set out a “good framework” for future defence policy, could not cope with troops being committed to Iraq and Afghanistan at the same time and was “fatally flawed” through being underfunded;

-The intelligence about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq under Saddam Hussein, cited as the main reason for Britain joining the United States in the 2003 war, was “most uncompelling”. Planning for the aftermath of the conflict was, he said, an “abject failure”.

Gen Dannatt reserves his strongest criticism for Labour’s two prime ministers, accusing them of letting down the troops they sent to Iraq and Afghanistan.

He writes in his book: “History will pass judgment on these foreign adventures in due course, but in my view Gordon Brown’s malign intervention, when chancellor, on the SDR by refusing to fund what his own government had agreed, fatally flawed the en tire process from the outset.

“The seeds were sown for some of the impossible operational pressures to come.”

Mr Blair “lacked the moral courage to impose his will on his own chancellor”.

The general also admits he was “bemused” by Mr Brown’s decision to write his book, Wartime Courage, about the generation that suffered so much in winning the Second World War. He adds: “I am still not sure whether he ever realised that by denying the proper funding of his own government’s declared policy, he was condemning more young men and women to the same sacrifices he railed against in a previous generation.”

Asked why he thought Mr Blair did not overrule Mr Brown, he replied: “To me it seems extraordinary that the prime minister, the No 1 guy, cannot crack the whip sufficiently to his very close friend apparently, his next door neighbour, the chancellor.

“In the war Cabinet that Margaret Thatcher put together in 1982 [during the Falklands conflict] there was no one from the Treasury. It’s tough to criticise lack of moral courage, but moral courage is what you need. Physical courage is a wonderful thing, but moral courage is actually doing the right thing at the right time.”

Gen Dannatt warns the Coalition that carrying on with the current rate of casualties in Afghanistan – where more than 100 servicemen were killed last year – would be unacceptable. “We’ve got to have cracked it by 2014, 2015,” he said.

By Patrick Hennessy and Melissa Kite
Published: 10:00PM BST 04 Sep 2010

Source: The Telegraph

More on the war on terror:

American Deaths In Afghanistan Surpass Highest Annual Record

US Colonel Lawrence Sellin Sacked After Afghan Rant

Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist or How The US Created Al Qaeda (Documentary)

575 American Soldiers Have Died In Afghanistan During Barack Obama’s Presidency, The Same Number As During George Bush’s Entire Time In Office

Afghanistan Discovers 1.8 Billion Barrel Oilfield

US Afghan War: Unsustainable, Un-Winnable

President Obama Kills 66 More US Soldiers in July

Afghanistan War Logs: US Marines Sanitised Record of Bloodbath

‘Sangingrad’ Troop Withdrawal: Four Years In Hell, And Taliban Remain Undefeated

Audit: US Can’t Account For $8.7 Billion In Iraqi Cash

U.S. War Crimes: Cancer rate in Fallujah worse than Hiroshima

Gordon Brown On Saddam Hussein: ‘This New World Order That We Were Trying To Create Was Being Put At Risk’

Iraq inquiry: UK Government lied, ‘intentionally and substantially’ exaggerated WMD threat

U.S. To Buy Russian M-17 Helicopters For Afghan Air Force

The Truth About Afghanistan: ‘We’re f***ing losing this thing.’

Sacked General Stanley McChrystal created special forces military command centre ‘Death Star’ with ‘Kill TV’, led secret war raids

General Stanley McChrystal Recalled To Washington Over Rolling Stone Article

US ‘Discovers’ Vast Mineral Riches Worth Nearly $1 Trillion In Afghanistan

US ’secret war’ expands globally as Special Operations forces are deployed in 75 countries

German President Horst Köhler had to resign for telling the truth (!)

Afghans Are Convinced That The US Is Funding The Taliban

Taliban get £1,600 bounty for each Nato soldier killed

Taliban attack biggest NATO base in Afghanistan

President Obama Wins The Right to Detain People With No Habeas Review

Law Prof. David Glazier: CIA Drone Pilots Could Be Tried for ‘War Crimes’

German troops in Afghanistan call on Angela Merkel to explain why they are at war

Rioters vent fury at US after Nato troops kill Afghan civilians on bus

WikiLeaks Release: Classified US Military Video Depicts The Indiscriminate Slaying of Over a Dozen People in Iraq – Incl. Two Reuters News Staff

WikiLeaks Plans to Post Video Showing US Massacre of Afghani Civilians

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld ‘Knew Guantánamo Prisoners Were Innocent’

Obama Administration Approves Targeted Killing of American Cleric

WikiLeaks Release: Classified US Military Video Depicts The Indiscriminate Slaying of Over a Dozen People in Iraq – Incl. Two Reuters News Staff

US special forces soldiers dug bullets out of their victims’ bodies in the bloody aftermath of a botched night raid, then washed the wounds with alcohol before lying to their superiors about what happened

John Pilger: Have a Nice World War III, Folks

US shipping hundreds of powerful bunker buster bombs for coming attack on Iran

Secret Pentagon Spy Network Hired To ‘Track And Kill’

Rep. Ron Paul: Five Minute Speech in Support of Rep. Kucinich’s Afghanistan Resolution

US Drone Strikes in Pakistan: 1 in 3 Killed Are Civilians

US officials puzzle over millions of dollars in cash, well over $1 billion a year, leaving Afghanistan by plane for Dubai

Blackwater Guards Stole Hundreds Of Weapons In Kabul And Went On Deadly Rampage

Judge Napolitano and Angela Keaton on Freedom Watch: Obama’s Bush Foreign Policy

Cynthia McKinney at Munich Germany NATO Peace Rally: ‘My Country Has Been Hijacked By A Criminal Cabal’

The New Vision of the Obama Administration: War Without End

International Fund to Buy Off Taliban Leaders in Afghanistan Will Cost Hundreds of Millions

Ron Paul: US Foreign Policy is Bankrupting America

Pentagon backtracks after Defense Secretary Robert Gates ‘admits’ Blackwater operating in Pakistan

US Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret ‘Jesus’ Bible Codes (ABC News Investigation)

US Marine Commander: Afghan surge troops won’t target drug crops

Nobel Peace Laureate Obama seeks additional $33 billion for wars, on top of a record request for $708 billion for the Defense Department

Top US intelligence officer: ‘Afghan Insurgency Can Sustain Itself Indefinitely’ and ‘Time Is Running Out’

Afghanistan: Suicide bomber ‘kills four CIA agents’ after attacking CIA base, at least 8 Americans killed

Afghan CIA suicide bomber ‘was courted as potential informant’

857 US Soldiers Died in Afghanistan Region Since 2001

Obama’s surge comes at a cost: At least $57,077.60 per minute

Nato appeals to Russia for more help with the war in Afghanistan

US Forces Chief Admiral Mike Mullen Warns of More Fighting And Casualties in Afghanistan

Robert Fisk, The Independent’s award-winning Middle East correspondent: Obama is a Disaster, Worse than Bush

Rep. Dennis Kucinich: ‘These Wars Are Corrupting The Heart Of Our Nation!’

Rep. Dennis Kucinich: The Truth About Afghanistan

Obama administration tells Pakistan: Tackle Taliban or we will

Dennis Kucinich: ‘The war in Afghanistan is a threat to our national security’; ‘America is in the fight of its life and that fight is not in Afghanistan – it’s here’

Dennis Kucinich: Afghans ‘don’t want to be saved by us, they want to be saved from us.’

MSNBC Rachel Maddow: War President Obama

Ron Paul: ‘Obama is Actually Preparing Us For Perpetual War’

Afghanistan Surge to Cost At Least $40 Billion, That Is $1.333.333 For One US Soldier Per Year

President Obama ‘to deploy 30,000 troops to Afghanistan’

Obama: ‘I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am President, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank.’ (!)

CIA Secret ‘Torture’ Prison Found at Fancy Horseback Riding Academy Outside Vilnius, Lithuania

British military forces told to ‘bribe’ the Taliban with ‘bags of gold’

Afghanistan: New 67-Million-Dollar US Prison At Bagram

The ‘Obama Market’ in Kabul: US Military Rations, Sleeping Bags, Tactical Goggles on Sale

Paul Craig Roberts: Republic of Fools & The Evil Empire

Rep. Eric Massa on Afghanistan: 2950 Days, 300 Billion Dollars, 911 Dead Americans – End the War, Bring back the Troops

Former UK ambassador: CIA sent people to Uzbekistan for extreme torture, to be ‘raped with broken bottles,’ ‘boiled alive’ and ‘having their children tortured in front of them’ (Must-read):

Murray asserts that the primary motivation for US and British military involvement in central Asia has to do with large natural gas deposits in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. As evidence, he points to the plans to build a natural gas pipeline through Afghanistan that would allow Western oil companies to avoid Russia and Iran when transporting natural gas out of the region.

Murray alleged that in the late 1990s the Uzbek ambassador to the US met with then-Texas Governor George W. Bush to discuss a pipeline for the region, and out of that meeting came agreements that would see Texas-based Enron gain the rights to Uzbekistan’s natural gas deposits, while oil company Unocal worked on developing the Trans-Afghanistan pipeline.

“The consultant who was organizing this for Unocal was a certain Mr. Karzai, who is now president of Afghanistan,” Murray noted.

“There are designs of this pipeline, and if you look at the deployment of US forces in Afghanistan, as against other NATO country forces in Afghanistan, you’ll see that undoubtedly the US forces are positioned to guard the pipeline route. It’s what it’s about. It’s about money, it’s about oil, it’s not about democracy.”

US official resigns over Afghan war: Foreign Service officer and former Marine captain says he no longer knows why his nation is fighting:

“I have lost understanding of and confidence in the strategic purposes of the United States’ presence in Afghanistan,” he wrote Sept. 10 in a four-page letter to the department’s head of personnel. “I have doubts and reservations about our current strategy and planned future strategy, but my resignation is based not upon how we are pursuing this war, but why and to what end.”

Three US helicopters crash in Afghanistan, 14 Americans killed

Morale dips for American marines in Afghanistan:

“I’m not much for this war. I’m not sure it’s worth all those lives lost,” said Sergeant Christian Richardson as we walked across corn fields that will soon be ploughed up to plant a spring crop of opium poppy.

Afghanistan opium production reaches 6,900 tons:

Opium production rate has soared to 6,900 tons in Afghanistan in the past 10 years ‘despite‘ the presence of 100,000 foreign troops in the country for nearly eight years.

A report by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime said on Wednesday that Afghanistan produces 92 percent of the world’s opium that has devastating global consequences.

The UN report also noted that Afghanistan’s illegal opium production is worth 65 billion dollars.

The heroin and opium market feeds 15 million addicts, with Europe, Russia and Iran consuming half the supply, UNODC reported.

Ron Paul: ‘The more troops we send the worse things get!’

Ron Paul On The US Afghanistan War Policy

Italians bribed the Taleban all over Afghanistan, say two senior Afghan officials

Pentagon spends $400 per gallon of gas in Afghanistan

I was ordered to cover up President Karzai election fraud, sacked UN envoy says

President Obama quietly deploying 13,000 more US troops to Afghanistan

Congressman Alan Grayson on Afghanistan

Ten more US soldiers killed in Afghanistan

Leaked Report: US Top Commander In Afghanistan Calls For More Troops Or War ‘Will Likely Result In Failure’

‘We’re pinned down:’ 4 US Marines die in Afghan ambush

Top US commander in Afghanistan: The Taliban have gained the upper hand:

The Taliban have gained the upper hand in Afghanistan, the top American commander there said, forcing the U.S. to change its strategy in the eight-year-old conflict by increasing the number of troops in heavily populated areas like the volatile southern city of Kandahar, the insurgency’s spiritual home. Gen. Stanley McChrystal warned that means U.S. casualties, already running at record levels, will remain high for months to come.

(Source: The Wall Street Journal)

General Sir David Richards: Afghanistan will take 30 to 40 years

Former SAS Comander: Afghan operation is ‘worthless’

US soldier in opium field




Paul Craig Roberts on Chelsea Clintons’s Wedding: ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ – Where did the money come from?

US Department of Agriculture concludes that 50 million people in the US–one in six of the population–were unable to afford to buy sufficient food to stay healthy in 2008.”

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Paul Craig Roberts

It is not unusual for members of the diminishing upper middle class to drop $20,000 or $30,000 on a big wedding. But for celebrities this large sum wouldn’t cover the wedding dress or the flowers.

When country music star Keith Urban married actress Nicole Kidman in 2006, their wedding cost $250,000. This large sum hardly counts as a celebrity wedding. When mega-millionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump married model Melania Knauss, the wedding bill was $1,000,000.

The marriages of Madonna and film director Guy Ritchie, Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren, and Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones pushed up the cost of celebrity marriages to $1.5 million.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes upped the ante to $2,000,000.

Now comes the politicians’s daughter as celebrity. According to news reports, Chelsea Clinton’s wedding to investment banker Mark Mezvinsky on July 31 is costing papa Bill $3,000,000. According to the London Daily Mail, the total price tag will be about $5,000,000. The additional $2,000,000 apparently is being laid off on US Taxpayers as Secret Service costs for protecting former president Clinton and foreign heads of state, such as the presidents of France and Italy and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who are among the 500 invited guests along with Barbara Streisand, Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey, Ted Turner, and Clinton friend and donor Denise Rich, wife of the Clinton-pardoned felon.

Before we attend to the poor political judgment of such an extravagant affair during times of economic distress, let us wonder aloud where a poor boy who became governor of Arkansas and president of the United States got such a fortune that he can blow $3,000,000 on a wedding.

The American people did not take up a collection to reward him for his service to them.
Where did the money come from? Who was he really serving during his eight years in office?

How did Tony Blair and his wife, Cherrie, end up with an annual income of ten million pounds (approximately $15 million dollars) as soon as he left office? Who was Blair really serving?

These are not polite questions, and they are infrequently asked.

Read morePaul Craig Roberts on Chelsea Clintons’s Wedding: ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ – Where did the money come from?

Iraq inquiry: UK Government lied, ‘intentionally and substantially’ exaggerated WMD threat

“But this process led to highly misleading statements about the UK assessment of the Iraqi threat that were, in their totality, lies.”

In their totality TREASON:

Tony Blair Was Warned By All 27 Senior Government Lawyers That Iraq War Was Illegal (Daily Express)

Tony Blair ‘knew Iraq did not have WMD before war started’ (Times)

US and UK knew that Iraq Didn’t Have WMDs

Dutch Inquiry: Iraq War Was Illegal, Had ‘No Basis In International Law’ (Guardian)

How many soldiers died for NOTHING, but elite criminal interests and profits?’

‘War Is Peace’:

Tony Blair to Receive US Peace Medal (BBC NEWS)

Tony Blair’s government ‘intentionally and substantially’ exaggerated the threat from Saddam Hussein ahead of the war in Iraq, a former senior British diplomat has claimed.

Tony Blair’s govermnet accused of telling ‘lies’ about Iraq’s WMD potential

Carne Ross, who was First Secretary responsible for the Middle East at the United Nations, accused the former government of issuing “lies” to the public about the dictator’s capacity to launch weapons of mass destruction.

He said that it was a “disgrace” that ministers failed to exhaust all peaceful options before going to war against Iraq.

“There was no deliberate discussion of available alternatives to military action in advance of the 2003 invasion,” Mr Ross added.

“There is no record of that discussion, no official has referred to it, no minister has talked about it, and that seems to me to be a very egregious absence in this history – that at some point a Government before going to war should stop and ask itself, ‘are there available alternatives?”‘

Giving evidence before the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq war, Mr Ross said that “nuanced” intelligence about the threat from Iraq was “massaged” into “more robust and terrifying” messages about Saddam’s supposed WMD.

Mr Carne, who served at the UN between 1997 and 2002, claimed that the British and United States governments were fully aware that there was no “substantial threat” from Iraq ahead of the war.

He said: “It remains my view that the internal Government assessment of Iraq’s capabilities was intentionally and substantially exaggerated in public Government documents during 2002 and 2003.

“Throughout my posting in New York, it was the UK and US assessment that while there were many unanswered questions about Iraq’s WMD stocks and capabilities, we did not believe that these amounted to a substantial threat.

“At no point did we have any firm evidence, from intelligence sources or otherwise, of significant weapons holdings.”

Read moreIraq inquiry: UK Government lied, ‘intentionally and substantially’ exaggerated WMD threat

Tony Blair to Receive US Peace Medal

Tony Blair receives the medal for being a TRAITOR to his country …

Tony Blair Was Warned By All 27 Senior Government Lawyers That Iraq War Was Illegal (Daily Express)

Tony Blair ‘knew Iraq did not have WMD before war started’ (Times)

US and UK knew that Iraq Didn’t Have WMDs

Dutch Inquiry: Iraq War Was Illegal, Had ‘No Basis In International Law’ (Guardian)

… and for GENOCIDE:

Iraq: Fallujah Doctors Report Dramatic Rise In Birth Defects (BBC News)

What Depleted Uranium Does to Children in Iraq: Japanese Journalist

Depleted Uranium Shells Worse Than Nuclear Weapons:

Inhaled or ingested DU particles are highly toxic, and DU has been classified as an illegal weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.
“More than ten times the amount of radiation released during atmospheric testing [of nuclear bombs] has been released from DU weaponry since 1991,” said Leuren Moret, a U.S. nuclear scientist. “The genetic future of the Iraqi people, for the most part, is destroyed. The environment now is completely radioactive.”
“Because DU has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, the Middle East will, for all practical purposes, be radioactive forever.”

Tony Blair
Tony Blair currently works as a Middle East peace envoy

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair is to receive a prestigious US medal and $100,000 (£67,000) prize for his work in conflict resolution.

The National Constitution Centre is awarding him its Liberty Medal for “steadfast” efforts to broker peace in Northern Ireland and the Middle East.

Previous winners include Nelson Mandela and former US presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush senior.

Mr Blair said he was driven by values of “freedom, liberty and justice”.

Mr Clinton, the centre’s chairman, will present the medal in Philadelphia on 13 September.

Read moreTony Blair to Receive US Peace Medal

John Pilger: Have a Nice World War III, Folks

US shipping hundreds of powerful bunker buster bombs for coming attack on Iran

(Image: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t; Adapted: The U.S. Army, Reto Stöckli / NASA)

Here is news of the Third World War. The United States has invaded Africa. US troops have entered Somalia, extending their war front from Afghanistan and Pakistan to Yemen and, now, the Horn of Africa. In preparation for an attack on Iran, American missiles have been placed in four Persian Gulf states, and “bunker-buster” bombs are said to be arriving at the US base on the British island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.

In Gaza, the sick and abandoned population, mostly children, is being entombed behind underground American-supplied walls in order to reinforce a criminal siege. In Latin America, the Obama administration has secured seven bases in Colombia, from which to wage a war of attrition against the popular democracies in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Paraguay. Meanwhile, the Secretary of “Defense” Robert Gates complains that “the general [European] public and the political class” are so opposed to war they are an “impediment” to peace. Remember this is the month of the March hare.

According to an American general, the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan is not so much a real war as a “war of perception.” Thus, the recent “liberation of the city of Marja” from the Taliban’s “command and control structure” was pure Hollywood. Marja is not a city; there was no Taliban command and control. The heroic liberators killed the usual civilians, poorest of the poor. Otherwise, it was fake. A war of perception is meant to provide fake news for the folks back home, to make a failed colonial adventure seem worthwhile and patriotic, as if “The Hurt Locker” were real, and parades of flag-wrapped coffins through the Wiltshire town of Wooten Basset were not a cynical propaganda exercise.

Read moreJohn Pilger: Have a Nice World War III, Folks

Tony Blair Was Warned By All 27 Senior Government Lawyers That Iraq War Was Illegal

See also:

Dutch Inquiry: Iraq War Was Illegal, Had ‘No Basis In International Law’

US and UK knew that Iraq Didn’t Have WMDs

Tony Blair ‘knew Iraq did not have WMD before war started’

Sir Michael Wood, the Foreign Office’s chief legal adviser at the time of the 2003 invasion

TONY Blair was warned two months before the invasion of Iraq that it would be illegal to go to war without UN backing, it was revealed yesterday.

Senior Government lawyers told the Iraq inquiry that they advised the action had “no legal basis in international law”.

Last night it was reported every one of the 27 lawyers in the department advised the war was illegal.

Yesterday Sir Michael Wood, who was the Foreign Office’s chief legal adviser, told the hearing he warned the then Foreign Secretary Jack Straw an invasion would “amount to the crime of aggression”.

Sir Michael said he considered resigning in protest at the decision to join the US-led attack. He described how he was sidelined after he made clear his objections to military action.

His deputy, Elizabeth Wilmshurst, quit in protest on the eve of the invasion in March 2003.

In her first public account of the circumstances leading to her resignation she described the Government’s treatment of the legal advice as “lamentable”.

The explosive revelations intensified pressure on the former Prime Minister, who will face the Chilcot inquiry on Friday.

Read moreTony Blair Was Warned By All 27 Senior Government Lawyers That Iraq War Was Illegal

Dutch Inquiry: Iraq War Was Illegal, Had ‘No Basis In International Law’

“This is the authoritative view of seven commissioners including the former president of the Dutch supreme court, a former judge of the European court of justice, and two legal academics.”

See also:

US and UK knew that Iraq Didn’t Have WMDs

Tony Blair ‘knew Iraq did not have WMD before war started’

Inquiry says conflict had no sound mandate in international law as it emerges UK denied key letter to seven-judge tribunal

US Marines on the city limits of Kut, 100 miles south of Baghdad in April 2003 AP

The war in Iraq had “no basis in international law”, a Dutch inquiry found today, in the first ever independent legal assessment of the decision to invade.

In a series of damning findings, a seven-member panel in the Netherlands concluded that the war, which was supported by the Dutch government following intelligence from Britain and the US, had not been justified in law.

“The Dutch government lent its political support to a war whose purpose was not consistent with Dutch government policy,” the inquiry in the Hague concluded. “The military action had no sound mandate in international law.”

In a further twist, it emerged that the UK government refused to disclose a key document requested by the Dutch panel.

The document – allegedly a letter from Tony Blair asking for the support of the Dutch prime minister, Jan Peter Balkenende – was handed over in a breach of diplomatic protocol and on the basis that it was for Balkenende’s eyes only, an inquiry official told the Guardian.

“It was a surprise for our committee when we discovered information about this letter,” said Rob Sebes, a spokesman for the Dutch inquiry. “It was not sent with a normal procedure between countries – instead it was a personal message from Tony Blair to our prime minister Jan Peter Balkanende, and had to be returned and not stored in our archives.

“We asked the British government to hand over the letter but they refused,” Sebes said.

Details of the Dutch inquiry’s findings and the refusal of the British government to disclose the letter are likely to increase international scrutiny on the Chilcot inquiry, as it emerged that the UK was instrumental in influencing the Dutch decision to back the war.

“In its depiction of Iraq’s [weapons of mass destruction] programme, the [Dutch] government was to a considerable extent led by public and other information from the US and the UK,” the Dutch report says.

“This report is an objective finding – it was not political, we searched for the truth,” said Sebes. “We think that over 10 months the seven members of committee made a real effort to make a finding of high quality.”

Philippe Sands QC, a professor of international law, who gave evidence to the Dutch inquiry, said: “There has been no other independent assessment on the legality of the war in Iraq and the findings of this inquiry are unambiguous. It concludes that the case argued by the Dutch and British governments, including the then attorney general, Lord Goldsmith, could not reasonably be argued.

“This is the authoritative view of seven commissioners including the former president of the Dutch supreme court, a former judge of the European court of justice, and two legal academics.”

Read moreDutch Inquiry: Iraq War Was Illegal, Had ‘No Basis In International Law’

Paul Craig Roberts: The Obama Puppet – The World’s Least Powerful Man

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Paul Craig Roberts

It didn’t take the Israel Lobby very long to bring President Obama to heel regarding his prohibition against further illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land. Obama discovered that a mere American president is powerless when confronted by the Israel Lobby and that the United States simply is not allowed a Middle East policy separate from Israel’s.

Obama also found out that he cannot change anything else either, if he ever intended to do so.

The military/security lobby has war and a domestic police state on its agenda, and a mere American president can’t do anything about it.

President Obama can order the Guantanamo torture chamber closed and kidnapping and rendition and torture to be halted, but no one carries out the order.

Essentially, Obama is irrelevant.

President Obama can promise that he is going to bring the troops home, and the military lobby says, “No, you are going to send them to Afghanistan, and in the meantime start a war in Pakistan and maneuver Iran into a position that will provide an excuse for a war there, too. Wars are too profitable for us to let you stop them.”

And the mere president has to say, “Yes, Sir!”

Obama can promise health care to 50 million uninsured Americans, but he can’t override the veto of the war lobby and the insurance lobby. The war lobby says its war profits are more important than health care and that the country can’t afford both the “war on terror” and “socialized medicine.”

The insurance lobby says health care has to be provided by private health insurance; otherwise, we can’t afford it.

The war and insurance lobbies rattled their campaign contribution pocketbooks and quickly convinced Congress and the White House that the real purpose of the health care bill is to save money by cutting Medicare and Medicaid benefits, thereby “getting entitlements under control.”

Read morePaul Craig Roberts: The Obama Puppet – The World’s Least Powerful Man

US and UK knew that Iraq Didn’t Have WMDs

The ‘Axis of Liars’

Everyone knew the WMD claims were fake.

For example, Tony Blair – the British Prime Minister – knew that Saddam possessed no WMDs. If America’s closest ally Britain knew, then the White House knew as well.

And the number 2 Democrat in the Senate -who was on the Senate intelligence committee – admitted that the Senate intelligence committee knew before the war started that Bush’s public statements about Iraqi WMDs were false. If the committee knew, then the White House knew as well.

But we don’t even have to use logic to be able to conclude that the White House knew.

Specifically, the former highest-ranking CIA officer in Europe says that Bush, Cheney and Rice were personally informed that Iraq had no WMDs in Fall 2002 (and see this).

Former Treasury Secretary O’Neil – who was a member of the National Security Council – said:

In the 23 months I was there, I never saw anything that I would characterize as evidence of weapons of mass destruction.

The CIA warned the White House that claims about Iraq’s nuclear ambitions (using forged documents) were false, and yet the White House made those claims anyway.

Indeed, a former high-level CIA analyst (who chaired National Intelligence Estimates and personally delivered intelligence briefings to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, their Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and many other senior government officials) says that falsified documents which were meant to show that Iraq’s Saddam Hussein regime had been trying to procure yellowcake uranium from Niger can be traced back to Dick Cheney, and that:

CIA Director George Tenet told his “coterie of malleable managers” at the CIA to create a National Intelligence Estimate “to the terms of reference of Dick Cheney’s speech of August 26, 2002, where Dick Cheney said for the first time Saddam Hussein could have a nuclear weapon in a year, he’s got all kinds of chemical, he’s got all kinds of biological weapons.”

Read moreUS and UK knew that Iraq Didn’t Have WMDs

Tony Blair ‘knew Iraq did not have WMD before war started’

How may people have died for nothing (except more profit for the elite)?

And in Afghanistan it’s the same thing:

Former UK ambassador Craig Murray:

Murray alleged that in the late 1990s the Uzbek ambassador to the US met with then-Texas Governor George W. Bush to discuss a pipeline for the region, and out of that meeting came agreements that would see Texas-based Enron gain the rights to Uzbekistan’s natural gas deposits, while oil company Unocal worked on developing the Trans-Afghanistan pipeline.

“The consultant who was organizing this for Unocal was a certain Mr. Karzai, who is now president of Afghanistan,” Murray noted.

“There are designs of this pipeline, and if you look at the deployment of US forces in Afghanistan, as against other NATO country forces in Afghanistan, you’ll see that undoubtedly the US forces are positioned to guard the pipeline route. It’s what it’s about. It’s about money, it’s about oil, it’s not about democracy.”

Former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Paul Craig Roberts:

Amb. Murray learned too much and was fired when he vomited it all up. He saw the documents that proved that the motivation for US and UK military aggression in Afghanistan had to do with the natural gas deposits in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The Americans wanted a pipeline that bypassed Russia and Iran and went through Afghanistan. To insure this, an invasion was necessary. The idiot American public could be told that the invasion was necessary because of 9/11 and to save them from “terrorism,” and the utter fools would believe the lie.

Missiles shown by Iraq just before the invasion to rebut claims about its arms

Intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have access to weapons of mass destruction was received by the Government ten days before Tony Blair ordered the invasion of Iraq, the inquiry into the war was told yesterday.

Inspectors in Iraq had also told the Foreign and Commonwealth Office that they believed that Saddam might not have chemical and biological weapons. But with British and US troops massed on the border, the new intelligence was dismissed.

Sir William Ehrman, the Foreign Office’s director-general of defence and intelligence at the time, told the inquiry that information was receivedjust before the invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003. “We did at the very end, I think on March 10, get a report that chemical weapons might have remained disassembled and Saddam hadn’t yet ordered their assembly,” he said. “There was also a suggestion that Iraq might lack warheads capable of effective dispersal of agents.”

Sir William said that it had not made any difference to the case for war. “I don’t think it invalidated the point about the programmes he had,” he said. “It was more about use. From the counter-proliferation point of view it just proved [Saddam] had been lying and that he had prohibited items.”

Hans Blix, the chief UN weapons inspector, told the Foreign Office at the end of February 2003 that Saddam might not have weapons of mass destruction, the inquiry was told. Mr Blair continued to say there was a risk to national security from WMD without mentioning the new intelligence.

Read moreTony Blair ‘knew Iraq did not have WMD before war started’

Tony Blair to be named EU President if Irish ratify Lisbon Treaty

Ireland Votes 67% In Favor Of Lisbon Treaty -Final Count (Wall Street Journal)

Fear won! The New World Order won. The people will lose.

– Flashback: What part of Ireland’s ‘no’ does the EU not understand?:

“As soon as the Irish people’s ballots were counted in June, their rejection of Lisbon was treated as the “wrong” answer, as if they had been taking part in a multiple-choice maths exam and had failed to work out that 2+2=4. Now, they will be given a chance to sit the exam again, “until [they] come up with the right answer,” says George Galloway, attacking EU elitism. The notion that the Irish “got it wrong” exposes gobsmacking ignorance about democracy in the upper echelons of the EU. The very fact that a majority of Irish people said no to Lisbon made it the “right answer”, true and sovereign and final. “No” really does mean no.”

“Asking the Irish to vote again on the Lisbon treaty is arrogant, insulting and undemocratic.”

“Such an appointment would restore him to the world stage as well as boost his long-term income.”

Tony Blair – the same criminal that lied the U.K. into an illegal war – as EU president?

A ‘NO’ would also be a blow for the ‘New World Order’.

Pole position: Tony Blair is set to become EU President within weeks if Ireland votes ‘Yes’ in its referendum on the Lisbon Treaty tomorrow

Tony Blair is set to become EU President within weeks if Ireland votes ‘Yes’ in its referendum on the Lisbon Treaty tomorrow.

The former prime minister’s candidacy for the new post will be rushed through as quickly as possible, according to government sources.

Mr Blair is among the favourites to become the first President of the European Union, a role that is chosen by the EU’s 27 leaders and not by voters.

Such an appointment would restore him to the world stage as well as boost his long-term income.

Read moreTony Blair to be named EU President if Irish ratify Lisbon Treaty

Confidential memo between Bush and Blair reveals US plan to provoke an invasion of Iraq

A confidential record of a meeting between President Bush and Tony Blair before the invasion of Iraq, outlining their intention to go to war without a second United Nations resolution, will be an explosive issue for the official inquiry into the UK’s role in toppling Saddam Hussein.

The memo, written on 31 January 2003, almost two months before the invasion and seen by the Observer, confirms that as the two men became increasingly aware UN inspectors would fail to find weapons of mass destruction (WMD) they had to contemplate alternative scenarios that might trigger a second resolution legitimising military action.

Bush told Blair the US had drawn up a provocative plan “to fly U2 reconnaissance aircraft painted in UN colours over Iraq with fighter cover”. Bush said that if Saddam fired at the planes this would put the Iraqi leader in breach of UN resolutions.

The president expressed hopes that an Iraqi defector would be “brought out” to give a public presentation on Saddam’s WMD or that someone might assassinate the Iraqi leader. However, Bush confirmed even without a second resolution, the US was prepared for military action. The memo said Blair told Bush he was “solidly with the president”.

The five-page document, written by Blair’s foreign policy adviser, Sir David Manning, and copied to Sir Jeremy Greenstock, the UK ambassador to the UN, Jonathan Powell, Blair’s chief of staff, the chief of the defence staff, Admiral Lord Boyce, and the UK’s ambassador to Washington, Sir Christopher Meyer, outlines how Bush told Blair he had decided on a start date for the war.

Paraphrasing Bush’s comments at the meeting, Manning, noted: “The start date for the military campaign was now pencilled in for 10 March. This was when the bombing would begin.”

Read moreConfidential memo between Bush and Blair reveals US plan to provoke an invasion of Iraq

Brown and Blair among ‘enemies of freedom’

A report on the loss of civil liberties was launched yesterday and will be sent to Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Jacqui Smith and others identified as “the 10 enemies of freedom”.

The Abolition of Freedom Act 2009 was produced by the University College London Students’ Human Rights programme. It shows how “the liberties that we assumed were somehow guaranteed by British culture have been compromised”.

Blunkett warns over ‘Big Brother’ Britain (Independent):
David Blunkett, who introduced the idea of identity cards when Home Secretary, will issue a stark warning to the Government tomorrow that it is in danger of abusing its power by taking Britain towards a “Big Brother” state.

Spy chief: We risk a police state (The Telegraph):
Dame Stella Rimington, the former head of MI5, has warned that the fear of terrorism is being exploited by the Government to erode civil liberties and risks creating a police state.

The report comes ahead of the Convention on Modern Liberty, which takes place on Saturday at the Institute of Education, London.

Sunday 22 February 2009
David Smith

Source: The Observer