Scientists Growing Human Organs Inside Pigs To Produce Human-Pig Embryos Known As Chimeras

From the article:

“We think there is very low potential for a human brain to grow, but this is something we will be investigating.”

This pregnant sow is carrying human-pig chimera embryos
This pregnant sow is carrying human-pig chimera embryos

US bid to grow human organs for transplant inside pigs:

Scientists in the United States are trying to grow human organs inside pigs.

They have injected human stem cells into pig embryos to produce human-pig embryos known as chimeras.

The embryos are part of research aimed at overcoming the worldwide shortage of transplant organs.

Read moreScientists Growing Human Organs Inside Pigs To Produce Human-Pig Embryos Known As Chimeras

Dr. Michael F. Holick: Sunlight Does Your Body Good – Vitamin D – CANCER vs SUNSHINE (Video)


Michael Holick M.D.,Ph. D.: Vitamin D and Prevention of Chronic Diseases

Full interview:

Sunlight — It Does Your Body Good:

By Dr. Mercola

Sunlight: we all feel better when we’re exposed to it, but do you know why? Dr. Michael F. Holick, a foremost expert on vitamin D with an impressive list of credentials, is just the right person to explain the healing power of sunlight.

His academic credentials include chief of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Nutrition at Boston City Hospital and Boston University Medical Center from 1987 until 2000.

Read moreDr. Michael F. Holick: Sunlight Does Your Body Good – Vitamin D – CANCER vs SUNSHINE (Video)

Herpes Zoster Vaccine Made With Pig Gelatin, MSG And Residual Components Of Human DNA From An Aborted Fetus


Shingles vaccine made with pig gelatin, MSG and residual components of human DNA from an aborted fetus. Why? (Natural News, July 23, 2015):

The shingles vaccine, branded Zostavax (or Zoster), is supposed to reduce the “risk of developing shingles” and the pain incurred by some elderly people. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends this injection of carcinogenic chemicals for people 60 years of age and older and also advises that even if someone has already had shingles, they should still get the vaccine to help prevent “future occurrences.”

For starters, if you’ve had shingles, the odds of getting it again are very slim, like chicken pox. Secondly, the shingles vaccine or “Herpes Zoster” contains monosodium glutamate (MSG), a known neurotoxin which, when injected, can cause central nervous system disorders and brain damage. Thirdly, the shingles vaccine contains gelatin, which is derived from the collagen inside pig skin and bones, and injecting this hydrolyzed porcine gelatin poses the risk of infection from synthetic growth hormones. Fourthly, seniors are more likely to already have compromised immunity, thanks to other vaccines, flu shots, pharmaceuticals and food that’s lacking nutrition (if they don’t eat organic regularly).

Read moreHerpes Zoster Vaccine Made With Pig Gelatin, MSG And Residual Components Of Human DNA From An Aborted Fetus

Children Suffer Genetic Damage from Pesticides in Argentina GM Soy Region

Children Suffer Genetic Damage from Pesticides in Argentina GM Soy Region (Sustainable Pulse, March 23, 2015):

Children exposed to pesticides sprayed in a GM soy-producing region of Argentina have genetic damage, a team of researchers from the National University of Río Cuarto, Cordoba (UNRC), found in a new study.

Children Suffer Genetic Damage from Pesticides in Argentina GM Soy Region

It’s Official: Americans R Stupid


It’s Official: Americans R Stupid (Economic Collapse, March 16, 2016):

As Americans, we tend to be pretty full of ourselves, and this is especially true of our young people.  But do we really have reason for such pride?  According to a shocking new report from the Educational Testing Service, Americans between the ages of 20 and 34 are way behind young adults in other industrialized nations when it comes to literacy, mathematics and technological proficiency.  Even though more Americans than ever are going to college, we continue to fall farther and farther behind intellectually.  So what does this say about us?  Sadly, the truth is that Americans are stupid.  Our education system is an abysmal failure, and our young people spend most of their free time staring at the television, their computers or their mobile devices.  And until we are honest with ourselves about this, our intellectual decline is going to get even worse.

According to this new report from the Educational Testing Service, at this point American Millennials that have a four year college degree are essentially on the same intellectual level as young adults in Japan, Finland and the Netherlands that only have a high school degree:

Read moreIt’s Official: Americans R Stupid

Judge Orders NYPD To Release Records On Backscatter Vans

‘Designed’ to destroy your DNA …


NYPD To Begin Testing New High-Tech Device That Scans For Concealed Weapons … And Can Tear Apart Your DNA

TSA Naked Body Scanners Are Not Safe

Inside TSA Body Scanners: How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart Human DNA

How Body Scanner Terahertz Waves Can Tear Apart DNA

Review of the TSA X-ray backscatter body scanner safety report: hide your kids, hide your wife

Dr. Russell Blaylock: Body Scanners More Dangerous Than Feds Admit

Related info:

DNA-Destroying Chip Being Embedded Into Mobile Phones

Backscatter van

Judge Orders NYPD to Release Records on X-ray Vans (ProPublica, Jan 9, 2015):

The NYPD has a secretive program that uses unmarked vans with X-ray machines designed to detect bombs. ProPublica tried to find out more about it, but the NYPD refused to answer for three years.

This story was updated at 12:55 p.m.

A state judge has ordered the New York City Police Department to release records on a secretive program that uses unmarked vans equipped with X-ray machines to detect bombs.

The ruling follows a nearly three-year legal battle by ProPublica, which had requested police reports, training materials, contracts and any health and safety tests on the vans under the state’s Freedom of Information Law.

Read moreJudge Orders NYPD To Release Records On Backscatter Vans

Controversial DNA Startup Wants To Let Customers Create Creatures

What could possibly go wrong?

Controversial DNA startup wants to let customers create creatures (SFGate, Jan 3, 2015):

In Austen Heinz’s vision of the future, customers tinker with the genetic codes of plants and animals and even design new creatures on a computer. Then his startup, Cambrian Genomics, prints that DNA quickly, accurately and cheaply.

“Anyone in the world that has a few dollars can make a creature, and that changes the game,” Heinz said. “And that creates a whole new world.”

The 31-year-old CEO has a deadpan demeanor that can be hard to read, but he is not kidding. In a makeshift laboratory in San Francisco, his synthetic biology company uses lasers to create custom DNA for major pharmaceutical companies. Its mission, to “democratize creation” with minimal to no regulation, frightens bioethicists as deeply as it thrills Silicon Valley venture capitalists.

Read moreControversial DNA Startup Wants To Let Customers Create Creatures

Global News Update: Nov 22, 2014

Obamas Historic Immigration Decree

Obama the tyrant king unleashes dictatorial order that will now invoke “open rebellion” – Senate aide:

With the stroke of a pen, President Obama has now set America on the path toward open rebellion and revolt. By declaring that he alone has the right to dictate immigration policy without the legislative approval of Congress, he has committed yet another lawless act in a long series of illegal schemes that cement his position in history as nothing more than a sociopathic liar and destroyer of nations.


Obama extends deportation reprieve to 5 million undocumented immigrants:

President Barack Obama announced an executive order on immigration reform Thursday, which he will sign on Friday. The actions will affect up to 5 million undocumented immigrants in the US, many of whom are the parents or spouses of legal residents.

Obama announced his plan for unilateral action on immigration via a prime-time address from the White House. He will sign the executive order during a rally in Las Vegas on Friday. Because the plan will not be passed by Congress, it could also be easily reversed by a new president after Obama’s term runs out in just over two years.


“Accidental discharge”…:


The FBI Is Very Excited About This Machine That Can Scan Your DNA in 90 Minutes

The FBI Is Very Excited About This Machine That Can Scan Your DNA in 90 Minutes:

Rapid-DNA technology makes it easier than ever to grab and store your genetic profile. G-men, cops, and Homeland Security can’t wait to see it everywhere.


Least Transparent Ever – Obama Administration Fighting to Prevent Release of C.I.A. Torture Report:

His latest intervention on behalf of the forces of opacity, revolves around the release of a report on CI.A. torture put together by The Senate Intelligence Committee, which is 6,000 pages long and has been five years in the making. Naturally, the Obama Administration is taking painstaking efforts to block its release.

Gold Repatriation Stunner: Dutch Central Bank Secretly Withdrew 122 Tons Of Gold From The New York Fed:

A week ago, we penned “The Real Reason Why Germany Halted Its Gold Repatriation From The NY Fed“, in which we got, for the first time ever, an admission by an official source, namely the bank that knows everything that takes place in Germany – Deutsche Bank – what the real reason was for Germany’s gold repatriation halt after obtaining a meager 5 tons from the NY Fed:

… the gold community paid great attention to the decision of the German Bundesbank to “bring German gold home”. At the beginning of 2013, the Bundesbank announced it would repatriate 300 tonnes of gold stored in the US by 2020. It is well behind schedule, citing logistical difficulties. Yet diplomatic difficulties are more likely to be the chief cause of the delay, especially seeing as the Bundesbank has proven its capacity to organise large-scale gold transports. In the early 2000s, the Bundesbank incrementally repatriated 930 tonnes of German gold held by the Bank of England.

Some took offense with this, pointing out, accurately, that the gold held at the NY Fed in deposit form for foreign institutions had continued to decline into 2014 despite the alleged German halt. Well, today we know the answer: it wasn’t Germany who was secretly withdrawing gold from the NYFed contrary to what it had publicly disclosed.  

It was the Netherlands.

Rothschild agent

“Gold Is Money And Nothing Else” – JP Morgan’s Full December 1912 Testimony To Congress:

In December 1912, no lessor man than J.P.Morgan testified to Congress to “justify Wall Street,” during investigations over alleged manipulation and collusion. The transcript reads like it could have been given yesterday (as nothing ever changes) but at its heart the banker laid out 33 “Morgan Epigrams” which appear – in the ensuing 102 years – have been lost to greed and arrogance… The irony is wondrous: “Securities do not always prove good”, “Money is gold, and nothing else”, “I think manipulation is always bad.”


12 Charts Show Connection Between Roundup and Disease:

Roundup is found in 75% of air and water samples.  Many farmers drench crops with Roundup right before harvest. About 100 million pounds are applied to U.S. farms and lawns every year, according to the EPA.

Monsanto claims that Roundup is totally safe, and can be dumped on everything without problem.

Is it true?

In reality, Roundup is linked to a number of diseases. And the ingredients in Roundup are deadly to human cells.

A study from the Journal of Organic Systems includes the following 12 charts which show the correlation between Roundup (technically known as “glyphosate”) and disease:

CIA wants to delete thousands of emails as Obama administration stalls release of torture report:

The CIA wants to erase tens of thousands of internal emails sent by most covert and counterterror officers after they leave the agency, leading US senators and transparency advocates to fear the plan would mean the loss of vital government records.

10 Examples Of The Social Decay That Is Eating Away At America Like Cancer:

It isn’t just our economy that is crumbling.  Something is happening to America that no amount of money will be able to fix.  Everywhere around us we can see evidence of the social decay that is systematically eating away at the foundations of our society.

Wall Street Stunned As Iceland Dares To Jail Banker Involved In 2008 Crash:

The impossible is possible. Never say never. Wall Street bankers are staring agog at headlines coming from Europe where, in Iceland, the former chief executive of one of the largest banks in the country which was involved in crashing the economy in 2008 has been sentenced to jail time. As Valuewalk reports, in receiving a one year prison sentence, Sigurjon Arnason officially became the first bank executive to be convicted of manipulating the bank’s stock price and deceiving investors, creditors and the authorities between Sept. 29 and Oct. 3, 2008, as the bank’s fortunes unwound, crashing the economy with it. It appears he was as shocked by the verdict as Wall Street-ers are, “this sentence is a big surprise to me as I did nothing wrong.” It was likely all for the people’s own good…

Europe’s New Scariest Chart:

Recent polls show pro-default parties growing popular in peripheral euro-area countries such as Greece, Italy and Spain. As Bloomberg Brief’s Maxime Sbaihi notes, in a depressed economic environment, their promises to restructure public debt might soon bring them to power and tempt traditional parties to adopt their ideas. This return of political risk in the euro area doesn’t appear to be priced in by market participants. As Italy’s Beppe Grillo recently exclaimed, “we will leave the Euro and bring down this system of bankers, of scum.”



‘AIDS, Ebola, Obama – Thanks Africa’ roadside sign causes a stir in Nebraska:

A homemade sign proclaiming “AIDS, Ebola, Obama – Thanks Africa” caused a commotion in the town of Minden, Nebraska this week after a local man drew the ire of area residents when he erected it on his own property.

A “little” late:

Charles Schwab Urges The Fed To Raise Interest Rates “As Quickly As Possible”:

Authored by Charles Schwab (yes, that Charles Schwab), originally posted op-ed at The Wall Street Journal,

For America’s 44 million senior citizens, plus tens of millions of others who are on the threshold of retirement, last month marked a watershed moment that is worth celebrating. At the end of October, the Federal Reserve announced the first step in returning to a more normal monetary policy. After nearly six years of near-zero interest rates and quantitative easing, the Fed is ending its bond-buying program and has signaled a plan to eventually begin raising the federal-funds rate, raising interest rates to more normal levels by 2017.

U.S. households lost billions in interest income during the Fed’s near-zero interest rate experiment.

Jerusalem mayor: Revoke citizenship for terrorists’ families:

The mayor of Jerusalem has called on Israeli authorities to revoke the citizenship of family members of terrorists. This proposal was made in response to growing tensions between Palestinians and Israelis.

40,000 to 60,000 tons of sulphur dioxide spewing out of Bárðarbunga volcano per DAY:

A few days ago I posted an article saying that Iceland’s Bardarbunga volcano was pumping out 35,000 tons of sulphur dioxide per day, more than twice the amount spewed from all of Europe’s smokestacks.

Turns out that it’s even worse than that.

According to the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service, RUV, some 40,000 to 60,000 tons […]

TV: US nuclear workers’ brains eaten away, hallucinating, mental capacity of preschooler — Wife films frightened, trembling husband on deathbed — It’s indescribable what they’ve done and they don’t care — They want you to die — Gov’t Experts: It’s allergies from cats or feathers… or B-12 deficiency — Doctor: Quit helping workers get help (VIDEO):

KING 5 News, Oct 14, 2014: Gary Sall… [worked at Hanford] for 28 years… 10 years ago… his brain function got worse and worse. Within 5 years he… could barely speak, hallucinated, and operated on the level of a 4-year-old… Doctors diagnosed him with work-related toxic encephalopathy, a degenerative brain disorder… [His wife] Barb documented the suffering in a difficult to watch video taken in 2011… in a hospital bed, trembling and frightened and on a feeding tube… The DOE’s insurer wrote that not Hanford, but alcohol consumption or a B-12 deficiency could be making him sick… He died 3 years ago at the age of 57.

Twice as much Fukushima radiation near California coast than originally reported; Highest levels found anywhere in Eastern Pacific — Scientist: Very little we can do… It’s unprecedented… God forbid anything else happens — Gundersen: Multiple plumes now along west coast… Will be coming “for century or more” (AUDIO)

Ice forces earliest closure EVER of upper Mississippi:

Halts shipments of corn, soybeans, wheat, fertilizer, salt and other goods from the most northern reaches of the nation’s busiest waterway.

New York State officials – Things will only get worse:

Another three feet (1 meter) of snow forecast for Buffalo.

Buffalo – 30 major roof collapses, 100 minor collapses:

More collapses expected. Homeowners and store employees scrambling to remove the snow before rainfall adds even more weight to overloaded roofs.


‘We will hunt you down’: KKK threatens to shoot Anonymous ‘n***** lovers’:

A bitter war of words between hacker collective Anonymous and the Klu Klux Klan risks spilling over into real violence, with the right-wing hate group allegedly threatening to shoot dead activists wearing the Guy Fawkes mask in southern Missouri.

Obesity price tag: $2trn annually and ‘rapidly getting worse’:

Around 30 percent of the world’s population is now obese, while 50 percent is expected to fall into the category by 2030. Meanwhile, 5 percent of global deaths each year are linked to the condition, creating a drag on the global economy.

Stocks Close At Recordest Highs As All Central Banks Go All In:

Despite the knee-trembling awesomeness of a double-whammy promise of liquidity, US equity markets ended the week on a decidedly down note. The realization that Draghi’s all talk (no impact on US stocks) and PBOC’s move is not a liquidity surge and has limited impact on the economy left stocks tumbling once the opening OPEX levels had printed. The USD rose notably on the day after EUR plunged under 1.24 on Draghi (USD +0.9% on the week). Despite USD strength, gold rose 1% (as did Silver) on the week, rising for the 3rd week in a row for the first time in 4 months (and the 3rd Friday surge in a row). Oil rose 1% on the week, breaking an 8-week losing streak but Copper prices fell around 0.3% on the week, having given back the kneejerk gains post-PBOC today. Treasury yields dropped after kneejerking higher on PBOC. 30Y at 3.01% had its 2nd lowest weekly close since May 2013. VIX melted down into the close to 13.01. Late-day buying panic lifts stocks off their lows leaving Dow & S&P at all-time recordest highs of all-time ever in history (as small caps closed red).


I stumbled across two mind blowing charts yesterday that had me pondering how generations of Americans had frittered their lives away, spending money they didn’t have  on things they didn’t need, utilizing easy to acquire debt, and saving virtually nothing for their futures or a rainy day. We are a nation of Peter Pans who never grew up. While I was driving home from work, one of my favorite Pink Floyd tunes came on the radio and the lyrics to Time seemed to fit perfectly with the charts I had just discovered.

– HFT War Stories: The Algo that Couldn’t Count:

This is the first in MKTSTK’sHFT War Stories series. Submitted anonymously by a high frequency trader. Names of people, places, and products have been omitted:

Algo trading has a way of making your hair turn white. Sometimes it’s the wild market action. The response then is to cut risk and keep on trading. The big losses come from avoidable human errors. Those are the losses you might not come back from.

The trading world is increasingly automated. Every year there are fewer human eyes watching the market at any given time. Traders employ algorithms to cut latency and market impact. Dealers find automation indispensable in quoting thousands of different exchange traded derivatives.

Russia Can Survive An Oil Price War:

After a frosty reception at the G20 summit in Australia this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin required some much needed rest, at least according to the official explanation given for his conspicuously early departure from the proceedings. All things considered it could have been a lot worse. Russia finds itself in familiar territory after a controversial half-year, highlighted by the bloody and still unresolved situation in Ukraine. Nonetheless, the prospect of further sanctions looms low and Russia’s stores of oil and gas remain high.

Did The Tech Bubble Just Quietly Pop?:

While some might scoff at the idea of there even being a bubble in hi-tech start-ups, it appears the massive wall of money that has been thrown at dot-com 2.0 names – all money-losing, social, mobile, cloud name-droppers – has dried up. As The TechCrunch Bubble Index shows, the last 90 days have seen startup-funding announcements collapse over 40% to their lowest level in almost 3 years

 – Gold Tops $1200 As China Cuts, Draghi Jawbones:

First Mario Draghi made some strong statements speaking in Asia that “It is essential to bring back inflation to target and without delay,” which sent EURUSD tumbling BUT did not spark moves in the S&P 500 (though Gold slipped). It was not until the PBOC cut rates (and sent AUD surging) that the US equity market perked up and started ripping… along with gold and as the morning progressed, gold has kept going as it is clear the Central Banks of the world have only one policy left… (no wonder the Dutch want their gold back)

Almost half the population infected with mysterious virus that literally makes people stupid


Real science: Almost half the population may be infected with a mysterious virus that makes people stupid (Natural News, Nov 11, 2014):

Scientists at Johns Hopkins Medical School have identified a mysterious virus that literally makes people stupid, and it has so far been found in about 45% of the people tested.

The discovery of the “stupid” virus, normally found in algae, was revealed at the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The study, entitled “Chlorovirus ATCV-1 is part of the human oropharyngeal virome and is associated with changes in cognitive functions in humans and mice” is found at this link on the website.

The rather shocking take away from the study is that the virus alters the gene expression of brain cells, literally making people perform more poorly on cognitive tests, visual processing and spatial awareness.

Read moreAlmost half the population infected with mysterious virus that literally makes people stupid

Indiana Stored Babies’ DNA, Blood For Research Without Parental Consent Since 1991

Indiana stored babies’ DNA, blood for research without parental consent (RT, July 13, 2014):

The Indiana State Department of Health has been collecting babies’ blood and DNA without their parents’ permission since 1991, according to an investigation by a local news station. Now the state wants to know what to do with the blood samples.

When a baby is born in Indiana, as with other states, the state conducts a newborn screening test. A nurse or midwife takes a few drops of blood from the heel of each infant. The blood is collected on a specialized filter paper, which is then sent to the state’s Newborn Screening Lab in downtown Indianapolis.

Read moreIndiana Stored Babies’ DNA, Blood For Research Without Parental Consent Since 1991

Scientists Create 1st Living Organism From Artificial DNA

Scientists Create 1st Living Organism From Artificial DNA (US News, May 7, 2014):

Move over, Frankenstein! Your 21st-century counterpart has just been announced.

In true sci-fi fashion, a team of researchers from The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) in La Jolla, Calif., has created a brand-new bacteria based on a genetic structure found nowhere on Earth.

According to lead researcher Floyd Romesberg, the feat involved artificially engineering a unique combination of DNA material — a combination not found in any living creature — and then successfully inserting it into a living cell that usually contains only natural combinations of DNA.


Stolen Nuclear Material Heading into US



In high, short doses like the Hiroshima bomb blast, radiation primarily causes direct damage to the nucleus of cells where the genes that control the functioning of the cell are located.  This high level radiation causes an alteration in the structure of the DNA, the chromosomes that carry the genetic blueprint, resulting in incorrect structure of new cells.  Damaged DNA tends to reproduce new cells very rapidly – becoming what we call cancer.  In contrast, low doses acting continuously over time produce their damage indirectly through the generation of free radicals that destroy cell-membranes, hundreds to thousands of times more efficiently than might be expected in calculations related to high-dose damage.  So the everyday amount of radiation that is released as part of the normal operation of the world’s 400 nuclear power plants is a very grave concern.  Nuclear power plants must have releases in order to function, and these releases, even though they may be partially filtered, disperse radiation into our air and drinking water, onto farmland and into our food.


DNA From Genetically Modified Crops Are Transferred Into Humans Who Eat Them


Confirmed: DNA From Genetically Modified Crops Are Transferred Into Humans Who Eat Them (Collective-Evolution, Jan 9, 2014):

In a new study published in the peer reviewed Public Library of Science (PLOS), researchers emphasize that there is sufficient evidence that meal-derived DNA fragments carry complete genes that can enter into the human circulation system through an unknown mechanism. (0) I wonder if the scientists at these biotech corporations have already identified this method? In one of the blood samples the relative concentration of plant DNA is higher than the human DNA.  The study was based on the analysis of over 1000 human samples from four independent studies. PLOS is an open access, well respected peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers primary research from disciplines within science and medicine.  It’s great to see this study published in it, confirming what many have been suspecting for years.

Read moreDNA From Genetically Modified Crops Are Transferred Into Humans Who Eat Them

DNA Results For The Famous Paracas Skulls In Peru Are In And The Results Are Absolutely Shocking

DNA Results For The Nephilim Skulls In Peru Are In And The Results Are Absolutely Shocking

DNA Results For The Nephilim Skulls In Peru Are In And The Results Are Absolutely Shocking (The Truth, Feb 10, 2014):

How can we explain elongated skulls that are thousands of years old that contain genetic material “unknown in any human, primate or animal known so far”?  For months, many of us have been eagerly awaiting the results of the first DNA tests to ever be performed on the famous Paracas skulls.  The results for one of the skulls are now in, and the scientist that did the testing is declaring that this skull represents a “new human-like creature” unlike anything that has ever been discovered before.  So are these actually Nephilim skulls?  Do they come from a time when the world more closely resembled “the Lord of the Rings” than most people living today would ever dare to imagine?  There are those who believe that extremely bizarre hybrid races once roamed the planet.  With each passing year, the scientific evidence continues to pile up on the side of those that are convinced that the Nephilim actually lived among us.  As the knowledge of this evidence becomes more widespread, what is that going to do to the commonly accepted version of history that all of us have been taught?

If you are not familiar with the Paracas skulls, the following is a pretty good summary from a recent article by April Holloway:

Read moreDNA Results For The Famous Paracas Skulls In Peru Are In And The Results Are Absolutely Shocking

DNA Analysis Of Paracas Elongated Skulls Released. The Results Prove They Were Not Human

DNA Analysis Of Paracas Elongated Skulls Released. The Results Prove They Were Not Human (Sunny Skyz, Feb 6, 2014):

Paracas is a desert peninsula located within the Pisco Province in the Ica Region, on the south coast of Peru. It is here were Peruvian archaeologist, Julio Tello, made an amazing discovery in 1928, a massive and elaborate graveyard containing tombs filled with the remains of individuals with the largest elongated skulls found anywhere in the world.

DNA Analysis Of Paracas Elongated Skulls Released. The Results Prove They Were Not Human

These have come to be known as the ‘Paracas skulls’. In total, Tello found more than 300 of these elongated skulls, which are believed to date back around 3,000 years.

Read moreDNA Analysis Of Paracas Elongated Skulls Released. The Results Prove They Were Not Human

EU Eco Groups Slam New ‘Agent Orange’ GM Crops

EU Eco Groups Slam New ‘Agent Orange’ GM Crops (Sustainable Pulse, Jan 27, 2014):

Testbiotech, GeneWatch UK and the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe, have today published a detailed report on the herbicide 2,4-D. They warn that the growing of genetically engineered plants is likely to increase the spraying of the “agent orange herbicide” 2,4-D and that if approved, it could be imported into the EU as GM animal feed.


Several applications for the import into the EU of genetically engineered plants that are resistant to 2,4-D are currently pending. Some of these plants have been engineered to be resistant to several herbicides at once. Especially in the US these GM plants resistant to 2,4-D are close to being allowed for commercial cultivation.

Find the Full Report Here

“2,4-D is known from its use as a compound in Agent Orange in the Vietnam War. The most visible detrimental effects on human health at that time were caused by contaminations with dioxin, which can occur as a highly toxic byproduct. Dioxin is classified a human carcinogen and is also capable of causing reproductive problems and damaging the immune system. As this report shows, dioxin still can be found in some 2,4-D”, says Hans Muilerman from PAN Europe. “For the substance 2,4-D, additionally, academic studies show toxic effects on DNA, birth deformations and endocrine disrupting effects.”

Read moreEU Eco Groups Slam New ‘Agent Orange’ GM Crops

Evolution, You’re Drunk: ‘Amoebas Have 200 Times More DNA Than Einstein’

Evolution, You’re Drunk (Nautilus, Jan 30, 2014):

DNA studies topple the ladder of complexity.

Amoebas are puny, stupid blobs, so scientists were surprised to learn that they contain 200 times more DNA than Einstein did. Because amoebas are made of just one cell, researchers assumed they would be simpler than humans genetically. Plus, amoebas date back farther in time than humans, and simplicity is considered an attribute of primitive beings. It just didn’t make sense.

The idea of directionality in nature, a gradient from simple to complex, began with the Greeks, who called nature physis, meaning growth. That idea subtly extended from changes over an organism’s lifetime, to changes over evolutionary time after Charles Darwin argued that all animals descend from a single common ancestor. When his contemporaries drew evolutionary trees of life, they assumed increasing complexity. Worms originated early in animal evolution.  Creatures with more complex structures originated later. Biologists tweaked evolutionary trees over the following century, but generally, simple organisms continued to precede the complex.

Read moreEvolution, You’re Drunk: ‘Amoebas Have 200 Times More DNA Than Einstein’

Scientists Find Ancient Plague DNA In Teeth

If ever there will be another plague pandemic you can ‘vaccinate’ yourself homeopathically (without any side effects).

Here you can (still) get nosodes in an excellent quality:

I would buy a C 200:

Yersinia pestis


Scientists Rebuild Genetic Code Of ‘Black Death’ Germ By Extracting DNA Fragments From Teeth Of Medieval Corpses Found Under The ROYAL MINT In London

Peru: Deadly outbreak of bubonic and pneumonic plague

Plague-Infested Mice Missing From New Jersey Research Lab

Return of the Plague


Scientists find ancient plague DNA in teeth (AP, Jan 28, 2014):

LONDON (AP) — Scientists say two of the deadliest pandemics in history were caused by strains of the same plague and warn that new versions of the bacteria could spark future outbreaks.

Researchers found tiny bits of DNA in the teeth of two German victims killed by the Justinian plague about 1,500 years ago. With those fragments, they reconstructed the genome of the oldest bacteria known.

They concluded the Justinian plague was caused by a strain of Yersinia pestis, the same pathogen responsible for the Black Death that struck medieval Europe. The study was published online Tuesday in the journal, Lancet Infectious Diseases.

Read moreScientists Find Ancient Plague DNA In Teeth

Naked Transhumanism – Part One & Two

Naked Transhumanism: Part Two (Veterans Today, Jan 3, 2014)

Naked Transhumanism – Part One (Veterans Today, Nov 27, 2013)

DNA Evidence Debunks The ‘Out-of-Africa’ Theory of Human Evolution

DNA Evidence Debunks the “Out-of-Africa” Theory of Human Evolution (Wake Up World, Dec 16, 2013):

Scientific evidence refuting the theory of modern humanity’s African genesis is common knowledge among those familiar with the most recent scientific papers on the human Genome, Mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomes. Regrettably, within mainstream press and academia circles, there seems to be a conspicuous – and dare we say it – deliberate vacuum when it comes to reporting news of these recent studies and their obvious implications.

This article was inspired by a comment made recently by Australian historian Greg Jefferys. So before continuing a scientific assessment of DNA evidence, I will first open this discussion by outlining Greg Jefferys’ comments.

The whole ‘Out of Africa’ myth has its roots in the mainstream academic campaign in the 1990?s to remove the concept of Race. When I did my degree they all spent a lot of time on the ‘Out of Africa’ thing but it’s been completely disproved by genetics. Mainstream still hold on to it.

It did begin the early 90’s. And the academics most responsible for cementing both the Out-of Africa theory and the complementary common ancestral African mother – given the name of “Eve” – in the public arena and nearly every curriculum, were Professors Alan C. Wilson and Rebecca L. Cann. In their defense, the authors of this paper were fully aware that genealogy is not in any way linked to geography, and that their placement of Eve in Africa was an assumption, never an assertion. In their seminal paper The Recent African Genesis of Humans, they even stipulated “that all humans today can be traced along maternal lines of descent to a woman who lived about 200,000 years ago, probably in Africa.”

Read moreDNA Evidence Debunks The ‘Out-of-Africa’ Theory of Human Evolution

Researchers Show How Your Thoughts Can Change Your DNA

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Researchers Finally Show How Mindfulness and Your Thoughts Can Induce Specific Molecular Changes To Your Genes (Waking Times, Dec 5, 2013):

With evidence growing that training the mind or inducing specific modes of consciousness can have beneficial health effects, scientists have sought to understand how these practices physically affect the body. A new study by researchers in Wisconsin, Spain, and France reports the first evidence of specific molecular changes in the body following a period of intensive mindfulness practice.

The study investigated the effects of a day of intensive mindfulness practice in a group of experienced meditators, compared to a group of untrained control subjects who engaged in quiet non-meditative activities. After eight hours of mindfulness practice, the meditators showed a range of genetic and molecular differences, including altered levels of gene-regulating machinery and reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes, which in turn correlated with faster physical recovery from a stressful situation.

Read moreResearchers Show How Your Thoughts Can Change Your DNA

Study: Chemotherapy Actually Increases Cancer Growth, Cancer Cells Becoming Resistant To Treatment

Chemotherapy actually increases cancer growth, cancer cells becoming resistant to treatment: Study (Natural News, Oct 18, 2013):

The cancer treatment scam that is chemotherapy has once again been shown in the scientific literature to be a major cause of, rather than a cure for, cancer. According to a new study recently published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature, chemotherapy not only promotes the growth and spread of cancer cells by damaging the healthy tissue that surrounds tumors, but it also causes cancer cells to develop full-on resistance to the popular treatment, morphing them into “super” cancer cells.

Researchers from the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington, learned this after observing the effects of chemotherapy on healthy cell tissue. What they found is something that we here at NaturalNews have been saying for years, but that the medical system as a whole is only just now waking up to — chemotherapy, which is a recognized poison, damages the DNA of healthy, non-cancerous cells, causing them to produce molecules that in turn produce more cancer cells.

Read moreStudy: Chemotherapy Actually Increases Cancer Growth, Cancer Cells Becoming Resistant To Treatment

The Human Genome Project Suffers An ‘Epic Fail’: Human DNA Incapable Of Storing Complete Blueprint Of The Human Form

The big lie of genetics exposed: human DNA incapable of storing complete blueprint of the human form (Natural News, Sep 28, 2013):

The curse of being a critical thinker is that you can’t turn it off, I’ve discovered. So you become a critical thinker about everything you’ve been told or taught, and as it turns out, most of what we’ve all been taught about genetics is a lie.

But don’t take my word for it. Join me as we take an honest, critical look at genetics using the same kind of skepticism scientists demand we invoke when looking at medicinal herbs or acupuncture.

Read moreThe Human Genome Project Suffers An ‘Epic Fail’: Human DNA Incapable Of Storing Complete Blueprint Of The Human Form