Thousands Sue Merck for Shingles Vaccine Zostavax “Causing What It’s Supposed to Prevent”

Thousands Sue Merck for Shingles Vaccine Zostavax “Causing What It’s Supposed to Prevent”:

Source: Annabelle Bamforth

Attorney Troy Bouk was recently interviewed by Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins to discuss the shingles vaccine Zostavax, the issues related to its effectiveness and the problems that are associated with the product, including the fact that the drugmaker’s vaccine seems to cause the very affliction that it seeks to prevent — and, according to a massive lawsuit, thousands of victims agree.

While we have everyone from attorneys to biologists, to political scientists who contribute to the Free Thought Project, none of us are doctors, so we do not make recommendations about what you and your family should do in regards to vaccination. That being said, the drug makers have an incentive for you not to see this information which means it will not be reported on in the mainstream media as their advertising dollars are tied directly to these companies. So, we find that it is our duty to spread this information and with your help sharing it, we can have a massive effect.

In the interview with Cousins, Bouk explained that Zostavax is made with a live strain of the shingles virus and described the complications that are associated with shingles. Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the same virus that causes chicken pox. The varicella-zoster virus lies dormant in people who have had chicken pox, but sometimes the virus reawakens and produces shingles.

Read moreThousands Sue Merck for Shingles Vaccine Zostavax “Causing What It’s Supposed to Prevent”

Herpes Zoster Vaccine Made With Pig Gelatin, MSG And Residual Components Of Human DNA From An Aborted Fetus


Shingles vaccine made with pig gelatin, MSG and residual components of human DNA from an aborted fetus. Why? (Natural News, July 23, 2015):

The shingles vaccine, branded Zostavax (or Zoster), is supposed to reduce the “risk of developing shingles” and the pain incurred by some elderly people. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends this injection of carcinogenic chemicals for people 60 years of age and older and also advises that even if someone has already had shingles, they should still get the vaccine to help prevent “future occurrences.”

For starters, if you’ve had shingles, the odds of getting it again are very slim, like chicken pox. Secondly, the shingles vaccine or “Herpes Zoster” contains monosodium glutamate (MSG), a known neurotoxin which, when injected, can cause central nervous system disorders and brain damage. Thirdly, the shingles vaccine contains gelatin, which is derived from the collagen inside pig skin and bones, and injecting this hydrolyzed porcine gelatin poses the risk of infection from synthetic growth hormones. Fourthly, seniors are more likely to already have compromised immunity, thanks to other vaccines, flu shots, pharmaceuticals and food that’s lacking nutrition (if they don’t eat organic regularly).

Read moreHerpes Zoster Vaccine Made With Pig Gelatin, MSG And Residual Components Of Human DNA From An Aborted Fetus