Spain’s Not Getting a Bailout… Neither is Italy… It’s the END GAME Folks

Spain’s Not Getting a Bailout… Neither is Italy… It’s the END GAME Folks (ZeroHedge, July 7, 2012):

Spain got a “bailout” or so the media claimed. Because I cannot find any entity in Europe with the funds to actually bailout Spain (the EUFN is tapped out, the ESM has major political issues, and Germany is risking a credit downgrade and insolvency based on its backdoor EU props).

As one would expect in this situation, things are rapidly going into hyper-drive in Spain. The weekend before last the country implemented capital controls including

  • A minimum fine of  €10,000 for taxpayers who do not report their foreign accounts.
  • Secondary fines of  €5,000 for each additional account
  • No cash transactions greater than €2,500
  • Cash transaction restrictions apply to individuals and businesses

Does this sound like the actions of an economy with a sound banking system?

On a related note, Italy is once again back on the brink: in the last 2 weeks Italy’s Prime Minister Mario Monti has said that the country is “flirting with economic disaster… [and] in a crisis.” He, like Spain’s PM Rajoy, has pushed for the ESM to buy sovereign bonds. He’s also asked the ECB to implement a mechanism through which it would buy Italian sovereign bonds whenever the spread between them and German bunds grows too large (a type of bailout).

Indeed, things are so desperate that he invited German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, and Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to an emergency meeting in Rome over the weekend. His goal was to convince EU leaders to allow Italy to receive funding directly from the EFSF and ESM.

The ECB and Germany have already rebuked this idea:

Read moreSpain’s Not Getting a Bailout… Neither is Italy… It’s the END GAME Folks

Italy’s Revenge: VAFFANMERKEL

Spain and Italy are NEXT on the list (to be destoryed like Greece and Ireland).

And so both of them deserve to be in the ENDGAME.

Enjoy ‘panem et circenses’ whilst you can.

Spain is too big to be bailed out and Italy is even worse.

So my guess is that Italy will win the soccer game, …

… but will be burnt to the ground like Ireland and Greece, which is the endgame for the euro!

Italy’s Revenge: VAFFANMERKEL (ZeroHedge, June 29, 2012):

In this bizarro world, in which beggars have practically convinced themselves, and certainly the S&P500, they are now choosers, the latest escalation is actually biting the hand that feeds you. Below is today’s front page of Italian Libero. It is self-explanatory.

Just a thought (and one which so many people forget): every action has a bigger (sorry Newton) and opposite reaction. Italy may enjoy its day in the sun, but one day soon the surreal Stockholm syndrome will end. Then it will be the turn of all those 82 million very angry Germans, as we described last year, to have a word or two about their broke neighbors.

The Full ‘Three-Days-To-Eurocalypse’ George Soros Interview (Video)

The Full “Three-Days-To-Eurocalypse” Soros Interview (ZeroHedge, June 25, 2012):

In a no-holds-barred interview with Bloomberg TV’s Francine Lacqua, the increasingly droopy-faced George Soros remains as sprite-minded as ever in his clarifying thoughts on Europe. His diagnosis is spot on: “Basically there is an interrelated problem of the banking system and the excessive risk premium on sovereign debt – they are Siamese twins, tied together and you have to tackle both” and summarizes the forthcoming Summit ‘fiasco’ as fatal if the fiscal disagreements are not resolved (and as of this afternoon, we know Germany’s constant position on this). His solution, however, is unlikely to prove tenable in the short-term as he notes “Merkel has emerged as a strong leader”, but “unfortunately, she has been leading Europe in the wrong direction”. His extensive interview covers what Europe needs, the Bund bubble, GRexit, post-summit contagion, and Mario Monti’s impotence.

Read moreThe Full ‘Three-Days-To-Eurocalypse’ George Soros Interview (Video)

Italy’s PM Mario Monti: We Have A Week To Save The Eurozone

International Advisor Of Goldman Sachs, Chairman Of The European Branch Of The Trilateral Commission And Bilderberg Member Mario Monti:

We have a week to save the eurozone

“The Italian leader is to hold talks with Bilderberg Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, the Bilderberg French president, François Hollande, and Spain’s prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, in the hope that the single currency’s big four countries can pave the way for a breakthrough at next week’s meeting.

Problem, reaction, solution … coming your way.

Italian prime minister warns that there is no room for failure in talks between single currency’s big four countries

Italian prime minister Mario Monti has spoken of the potentially disastrous consequences of the collapse of the eurozone. Photograph: Edgard Garrido/Reuters

Mario Monti: we have a week to save the eurozone (Guardian, June 22, 2012):

Italy’s prime minister, Mario Monti, has warned of the apocalyptic consequences of failure at next week’s summit of EU leaders, outlining a potential death spiral that could threaten the political and economic future of Europe.

The Italian leader is to hold talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, the French president, François Hollande, and Spain’s prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, in the hope that the single currency’s big four countries can pave the way for a breakthrough at next week’s meeting.

Speaking to the Guardian and a group of leading European newspapers, Monti said that, without a successful outcome at the summit, “there would be progressively greater speculative attacks on individual countries, with harassment of the weaker countries”. The attacks would be focused not only on those who had failed to respect EU guidelines, but also on those like Italy, which he said had abided by the rules “but which carry with them from the past a high debt”.

Monti warned: “A large part of Europe would find itself having to continue to put up with very high interest rates that would then impact on the states and also indirectly on firms. This is the direct opposite of what is needed for economic growth.”

Read moreItaly’s PM Mario Monti: We Have A Week To Save The Eurozone


And Now We Ramp On This Latest Non-News (ZeroHedge, June 20, 2012):

This is just getting ridiculous:


Uhm… that whole point of the bailout fund (ESM/EFSF) is to BUY BONDS. Basically Merkel just confirmed that the whole point of the ESM, which by the way still does not exist, and whose sole purpose is to buy bonds… is to buy bonds. You can’t make this up. Yes they will subordinate existing bondholders in the case of ESM, and in the case of EFSF Finland and soon Germany will demand collateral via negative pledges (as in the case of Spain – or did the market forget all about that already), but apparently that is now merely an irrelevant detail. And the EURUSD ramps on this, once again proving that nobody has any idea what is going on in the market but flashing red healines = usually good.

From the ECB itself:


Bilderberg Merkel Just Says ‘Nein’

Merkel Just Says “Nein” (ZeroHedge, June 18, 2012):

Any hopes that Germany may bend and allow Greece a little leeway in its bailout negotiations, buying at least a little goodwill with its people have just been dashed. Not only that, but readers may recall last week’s Die Zeit article that a third Greek bailout may be in the workd. Well, forget it. From Reuters:


Good luck with that, and good luck to everyone whose entire investing strategy is based on the assumption that Germany will blink when it comes to Greece.

Bilderberg Merkel Prepares To Strike Back Against Bilderberg Hollande

Related info:

Bilderberg Power Masters Meet In The US (The Last Time They Met In The US Was In 2008 – And The World Got Obama)

Francois Hollande Is Another Bilderberg Stooge (Video)

Merkel Prepares to Strike Back Against Hollande (Spiegel, May 26, 2012):

France’s new president, François Hollande, has put the German chancellor on the defensive with his growth agenda. Now Angela Merkel is planning to strike back. She is calling for structural reforms to save the euro with a six-point plan aimed at harmonizing austerity and growth in Europe once again.

The more European leaders talked at a dinner last Wednesday, the grimmer Angela Merkel looked. One after another, they spoke out in favor of the joint assumption of debt and against the strict austerity course Berlin is calling for. The chancellor stared silently at the man who was responsible for this change of mood — France’s new president, François Hollande, who noted with satisfaction that there was “an outlook for euro bonds in Europe.”

Read moreBilderberg Merkel Prepares To Strike Back Against Bilderberg Hollande

Euro Banks On The Brink – Are The Europeans About To Start The Second Half Of Our Great Depression?

Are The Europeans About To Start The Second Half Of Our Great Depression? (ZeroHedge, May 27, 2012):

“Just when we think the worst is over – and let’s face it we have been in this crisis for five years – we get the second half; are the Europeans about to start the second half our Great Depression with massive bank runs” are the Jaws-music-inspired words that recent media-favorite (yes, us too) Niall Ferguson uses in an interview with CBC. His main concern is that this kind of (bank-run) event can quickly spiral out of the control of even the ECB as he uncomfortably conjures the image of the initial US stabilization that occurred in 1930 to May 1931 only to be knocked back into a greater depression by the failure of Credit-Anstalt, which set off bank failures and eventually defaults in 1932 on many government debts. The deposit run potential is the single-biggest reason to care about Greek-exit – in itself it is not large enough economically to interfere with global growth but it is the message and contagion that it sends that is critical in bringing forth a pan-European banking crisis and implicitly spilling over to the US and Asia via global trade and banking transmission channels. An excellent brief interview that summarizes the exact fears that face Europe and implicitly the US, explains the rather simple solution of fiscal federalism and the fact that today’s German politik is very different from 1989’s Helmut Kohl-era with regard to their commitment to the Federal outcome. His conclusions are worrisome. Germany is the key – and there is not a good understanding of financial markets in Berlin.

Six minutes well-spent on a Saturday evening…

Europe is a part of North America’s destiny because the financial systems are so intertwined – and remember even the all-knowing Fed massively under-estimated the second-order effects of Lehman.

“It’s a total fantasy to think that the meltdown that I am discussing that could happen in a matter of weeks would not have a major impact on North America’s prospects of sustained recovery.”

Bilderberg Angela Merkel’s Party Humiliated By Shock Election Defeat

Just to put elections in Germany in perspective, here are a few German members of the Bilderberg group:

Helmut Schmidt, Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Schröder and Angela Merkel.

The elitists have always won!

In Germany it’s basically the same situation as in the US (with just a few more small parties in Germany to give you a more sophisticated version of the illusion of choice):

Vote all you want , the flight plan doesn’t change!

As a side note: Sarkozy and Hollande are also both Bilderberg members:

Francois Hollande Is Another Bilderberg Stooge (Video)

George Carlin sums it up best:

George Carlin: The American Dream (Video)

George Carlin: The Illusion Of Freedom – ‘This Country Finshed!’

Now continue to enjoy the election charade in your elitist controlled country!

Angela Merkel’s party humiliated by shock election defeat (Independent, May 14, 2012):

German voters reject austerity programme in favour of pro-growth opposition in state poll

Angela Merkel’s ruling conservatives suffered a humiliating defeat in key elections in Germany’s most populous state yesterday when voters rejected her party’s austerity policies and handed a resounding victory to her pro-growth Social Democratic Party opponents.

Ms Merkel’s Christian Democrats were shell-shocked by the devastating result they returned in the poll in North Rhine Westphalia, which has a total population of 18 million. Exit polls showed that they secured a mere 25.5 per cent of the vote – their worst performance ever in the state.

Read moreBilderberg Angela Merkel’s Party Humiliated By Shock Election Defeat

The Rebellion Has Begun: Spain’s Sovereign Thunderclap And The End Of Merkel’s Europe

Spain’s sovereign thunderclap and the end of Merkel’s Europe (Telegraph, Mar 5, 2012):

The Spanish rebellion has begun, sooner and more dramatically than I expected.

As many readers will already have seen, Premier Mariano Rajoy has refused point blank to comply with the austerity demands of the European Commission and the European Council (hijacked by Merkozy).

Taking what he called a “sovereign decision”, he simply announced that he intends to ignore the EU deficit target of 4.4pc of GDP for this year, setting his own target of 5.8pc instead (down from 8.5pc in 2011).

In the twenty years or so that I have been following EU affairs closely, I cannot remember such a bold and open act of defiance by any state. Usually such matters are fudged. Countries stretch the line, but do not actually cross it.

Read moreThe Rebellion Has Begun: Spain’s Sovereign Thunderclap And The End Of Merkel’s Europe

Germany, Greece Quietly Prepare For ‘Plan D’

See also:

GREEK 1 YEAR BONDS HIT 639 PERCENT As Market Slowly Figures Out ECB Fake Out Is Euro And Greece Negative

Message to the people of Greece: Got physical gold and silver?

Germany, Greece Quietly Prepare For ‘Plan D’ (ZeroHedge, Feb. 18, 2012):

For several weeks now we have been warning that while the conventional wisdom is that Europe will never let Greece slide into default, Germany has been quietly preparing for just that. This culminated on Friday when the schism between Merkel, who is of the persuasion that Greece should remain in the Eurozone, and her Finmin, Wolfgang “Dr. Strangle Schauble” Schauble, who isn’t, made Goldman Sachs itself observe that there is: “Growing dissent between Chancellor Merkel and finance minister Schäuble regarding Greece.” We now learn, courtesy of the Telegraph‘s Bruno Waterfield, that Germany is far deeper in Greece insolvency preparations than conventional wisdom thought possible (if not Zero Hedge, where we have been actively warning for over two weeks that Germany is perfectly eager and ready to roll the dice on a Greek default). Yet it is not only Germany that is getting ready for the inevitable. So is Greece.

Read moreGermany, Greece Quietly Prepare For ‘Plan D’

It’s Official: German Economy Minister Demands Surrender Of Greek Budget Policy, Says It Is First Of Many Such Sovereign ‘Requests’

It’s Official: German Economy Minister Demands Surrender Of Greek Budget Policy, Says It Is First Of Many Such Sovereign “Requests” (ZeroHedge, Jan. 29, 2012):

While over the past 2 days there may have been some confusion as to who, what, how or where is demanding that Greece abdicate fiscal sovereignty (with some of our German readers supposedly insulted by the suggestion that this idea originated in Berlin, and specifically with politicians elected by a majority of the German population), today’s quotefest from German Economy Minister Philipp Roesler appearing in Germany’s Bild should put any such questions to bed. And from this point on, Greece would be advised to not play dumb anymore vis-a-vis German annexation demands. So from Reuters, “Greece must surrender control of its budget policy to outside institutions if it cannot implement reforms attached to euro zone rescue measures, the German economy minister was quoted as saying on Sunday. Philipp Roesler became the first German cabinet member to openly endorse a proposal for Greece to surrender budget control after Reuters quoted a European source on Friday as saying Berlin wants Athens to give up budget control.” And some bad news for our Portuguese (and then Spanish) readers: you are next.


We need more leadership and monitoring when it comes to implementing the reform course,” Roesler, also vice chancellor, told Bild newspaper, according to an advance of an interview to be published on Monday.

“If the Greeks aren’t able to succeed themselves with this, then there must be stronger leadership and monitoring from abroad, for example through the EU,” added Roesler, chairman of the Free Democrats (FDP) who share power with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Read moreIt’s Official: German Economy Minister Demands Surrender Of Greek Budget Policy, Says It Is First Of Many Such Sovereign ‘Requests’

Endgame: UK ‘Foreign Office Sources Say Merkel Now Thinks Greece Will Default’

See also:

Germany Formally Requests That Greece Hand Over Its Fiscal Independence!

Got gold and silver?

Endgame Begins – UK “Foreign Office Sources Say Merkel Now Thinks Greece Will Default” (ZeroHedge, Jan. 27, 2012):

Courtesy of the BBC’s Andrew Neil, on the back of the previously noted formal annexation demand of Greece by Germany:

Of course, this is what we, and everyone else whose frontal lobe has not bee hijacked by the status quo, said back in January 2010…

JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley better pray they are right when they say they are 100% insulated from contagion, because we are all about to find out.

Verkaufen Verboten: Germany Considers Ban On Sovereign Bond Sales

You can’t make this stuff up!

Der Verkauf Ist Verboten – Germany Considers Ban On Sovereign Bond Sales (ZeroHedge, Jan 14, 2012):

When back in August, Europe declared a short selling ban of any financials (here we are willing to channel Romney, and make a $10,000 bet with anyone that said ban will never be lifted), and which as we predicted has had no favorable impact on bank stocks which have since tumbled, we suggested that the next step will also be the final one: the passage of laws prohibiting sales of any kind. As usual we were partially joking. And as so often happens, we are about to be proven right again. As the FT reports in its headline article today, whose gist is simple enough, that Europe is on the verge, it is the tactically-placed final paragraph that is of particular curiosity. It says the following: “Speaking on the fringes of a start-of-year retreat of her Christian Union lawmakers in the city of Kiel, Ms Merkel said she would consider calls from her party colleagues for legislation to bar institutional investors such as insurance companies from selling bonds when ratings were downgraded, or fell below investment grade.” Allow us to recopy and repaste the key part: legislation to bar institutional investors such as insurance companies from selling bonds.”

And there you have it: after everything else has failed, the state, not the politically independent, if at least on paper central bank, is about to formally enter the capital markets. And yes, first it will be a ban of selling on downgrades, then it will be a ban of selling on any downtick, and finally it will be a ban of selling anything and everything.

Read moreVerkaufen Verboten: Germany Considers Ban On Sovereign Bond Sales

Mike Krieger of KAM LP Exposes Mario ‘Three Card’ Monti

Mike Krieger Exposes The Three Card Monti (ZeroHedge, Nov. 17, 2011):

Submitted by Mike Krieger of KAM LP

We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.  It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.
– David Rockefeller

The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, The Trilateral  Commission — founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller — and the  Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens.
– Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl

Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Germany is ready to cede some sovereignty to strengthen the euro area and restore confidence in the common currency…“Germany sees the need in this context to show the markets and the world public that the euro will remain together, that the euro must be defended, but also that we are prepared to give up a little bit of national sovereignty,” Merkel said. Germany wants a strong EU and a euro “of 17 member states that is just as strong and inspires confidence on international markets.”
– Bloomberg article November 16, 2011…

Three Card Monti

Just like the con (confidence) game Three Card Monte through which people have been swindled out of their hard earned money in alleyways and street corners all over the world for half a millennium, the previously sovereign nations of Greece and Italy have now officially been placed into the receivership of “technocratic governments” and are now in the final phase of their looting.  It truly is sad to watch these proud nations whose histories form the very core of Western civilization be taken down one by one but what is even more nauseating is watching the corporate media pundits, Wall Street analysts and financial experts cheer the news because it is ostensibly “good for markets.”  First of all, it doesn’t take a genius to see that the people that screw up the most get promoted and advanced in the Western world’s current political/economic structure.  The primary reason for this is that there is a very serious agenda of TPTB and that consists on using crisis to consolidate power in a one-world government, headed by a global central bank that issues a global fiat currency.  People have been saying this on the fringe for decades and have been called conspiracy theorists the whole time but if you look at how things are progressing today you’d have to be asleep to not notice that the guys in charge are completely and totally determined to bring this sick, twisted dream into place.  That is why the agenda moves forward despite the repeated, desperate cries of the citizenry for them to stop.

Let’s take a look at Mario Monti, the “soft” dictator that has been thrust upon the people of Italy by TPTB.  He is a member of the Bilderberg Group, he is the European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission (a think tank founded by David Rockefeller in 1973, see quote at the top) and is international advisor to none other than Goldman Sachs.  This guy was put into place by design.  Anyone in Italy that thinks they achieved a victory in by ridding themselves of Berlusconi you better think again.  You just got the biggest insider, crony financial terrorist around put in charge of your country without having a say in it.  Even for someone like me that expects these things, I am amazed by how badly Italy was just screwed.  Speaking of the unreported coup that just happened in Italy I will let my friend Jared Dillian of the Daily Dirtnap add his two cents.  From his piece today:

So I read recently that Italy wasn’t going to have elections because of “market crisis” or something like that, and I am the last guy who should be writing about this, since I know very little about political systems in any European country, for example, how can you just announce or not announce an election? Aren’t these things on a schedule? So already I don’t know what I am talking about. But I am worried about Greece and Italy that have chosen not to have elections to choose their leaders, I am actually quite concerned about that. You can’t use “market crisis” as an excuse to not hold elections. Even if elections take time and are messy and (most importantly) don’t produce the desired result, it is a part of gosh darn democracy, and if they are going to suspend elections for this, then they can suspend elections for anything. Like, say, pretend Mario Monti is a closet dictator and they just put a guy in there who is never going to hold another election again.

So this is a bad precedent.

This is way worse than a bad precedent but well said my friend.  Oh and another thing.  If you are looking at the gold market and wondering why it is so weak stop wondering. In my opinion, all you have to look at is Mario “three card” Monti (credit to Gerald Celente for that name). If I were anyone in Italy that cared I would be checking the gold in the vault every single day.  I have zero doubt that Monti is letting the country’s treasure out the back door by the ton in the name of “global stability” and ECB bond purchases.  The backroom deals that are happening right now at the expense of the people of Italy have got to be completely off the charts.  As I have said many times before, the reason Europe doesn’t announce a solution is because there is no solution.  They also know that the minute they announce massive monetization gold and silver will go no offer and the gig will be up. This is also why the FED hasn’t announced QE3 despite their desire to do so.  So the strategy is to announce nothing, sell sovereign gold behind the scenes and perform all sorts of market manipulations behind closed doors.  While the sheep in most nations will be completely unaware until way after the looting is over and then they are left with chaos and then a real dictator, the leaders of nations of China, Russia and others know exactly what is happening and will happily take Italy’s gold (and whatever Greece hasn’t already sold without telling anyone).  I love how leaders keep coming out with stuff like “we need to stop freedom of speech and we need to manipulate markets and we need to take your sovereignty away to create confidence.”  The worst part is people actually fall for this crap!  On what planet does robbing someone, taking their freedom away and saying you and your children will be slaves forever inspire confidence?

Read moreMike Krieger of KAM LP Exposes Mario ‘Three Card’ Monti

Bilderberg Angela Merkel Said She Would ‘Give Up A Piece Of National Sovereignty’ To Save The Euro

See also:

Masonic Goldman Sachs Controls Europe (France 24 – Video)

Chairman Of The European Branch Of The Trilateral Commission And Bilderberg Member Mario Monti Member Is Italy’s New Prime Minister

Goldman Sachs International Advisor Mario Monti Is Italy’s New Prime Minister – In Under Two Weeks, Goldman Has Taken Over The ECB And Italy

Adrian Salbuchi For RT: Socializing Losses: Trilateral Commission Takeover Of Europe?


German Chancellor Angela Merkel Calls For NEW WORLD ORDER (ARD – Tagesthemen, June 4, 2011)

Angela Merkel said she would “give up a piece of national sovereignty” to save the euro, amid explosive rows between Germany and its neighbours over bail-outs, fiscal policy and financial taxes.

Angela Merkel in bold unity bid to save the euro (Telegraph, Nov. 16, 2011):

The German Chancellor’s bid for unity, made at a summit with Ireland, was lost on a day of division and deadlock which led to Europe’s core economies being punished by the bond markets yet again.

Italian borrowing costs were pushed to 7.1pc, back into the “bail-out zone”, despite radical intervention by the European Central Bank (ECB). Spanish 10-year bond yields at 6.4pc were dangerously close to the danger area, while French bonds remained at record peaks above German bunds.

With political tensions already high, the sudden and immediate resignation of the International Monetary Fund’s European chief Antonio Borges led to speculation of discord at the global lender.

Read moreBilderberg Angela Merkel Said She Would ‘Give Up A Piece Of National Sovereignty’ To Save The Euro

Game Over? Reuters Says Germany, France Exploring Idea Of Core Euro Zone, End Of Existing Structure

Game Over? Reuters Says Germany, France Exploring Idea Of Core Euro Zone, End Of Existing Structure (Nov. 9, 2011):

If anyone needed the proper epitaph for the insane stupidity out of Europe, Reuters may have just provided it. In an exclusive article, Reuters stuns us with the following: “German and French officials have discussed plans for a radical overhaul of the European Union that would involve establishing a more integrated and potentially smaller euro zone, EU sources say. French President Nicolas Sarkozy gave some flavour of his thinking during an address to students in the eastern French city of Strasbourg on Tuesday, when he said a two-speed Europe — the euro zone moving ahead more rapidly than all 27 countries in the EU — was the only model for the future.” It gets much worse: “The discussions among senior policymakers in Paris, Berlin and Brussels go further, raising the possibility of one or more countries leaving the euro zone, while the remaining core pushes on towards deeper economic integration, including on tax and fiscal policy.” Not sure how to further clarify this: Europe is preparing for its own end, and the dissolution of the existing structure of the Eurozone, which likely means an end to the EU in its current format, a reshaping of the customs union, and the overhaul of the zEURq.PK in its current form. Ironically, this may end up being favorable for the Euro… and detrimental for Germany. So the question is: will Germany go for it? At this point, it probably has no choice, unless it wants a mutiny on its hands.

More from Reuters on this shocker:

Read moreGame Over? Reuters Says Germany, France Exploring Idea Of Core Euro Zone, End Of Existing Structure

Did German Chancellor Angela Merkel Just Usher In The Deutsche Mark?

Did Merkel Just Usher In The Deutsche Mark? (Zero Hedge, Nov. 9, 2011):

Rather worryingly, Bloomberg is reporting a Handelsblatt report (due tomorrow) that Mrs. Merkel is investigating ways to enable countries to leave the Euro.

Merkel’s CDU Seeks to Make Euro Exits Possible (via Bloomberg)

RMBS patents ruled invalid German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party wants to make it possible for European Union members to exit the euro area, Handelsblatt reported in a preview of an article to be published tomorrow, citing unnamed participants in the discussion.

A commission within the party, that is crafting a framework to be presented at a party meeting, has proposed allowing a euro member who doesn’t want to or isn’t able to comply with the common currency rules to leave the euro region without losing membership in the EU, the newspaper said.


Former White House Advisor & UBS Global Strategy Deputy Head And CFR Member: The Germans Announce They Are Re-Introducing The Deutschmark – They Have Already Ordered The New Currency And Asked That The Printers Hurry Up

Bilderberg Merkel Warns Of War In Europe If Euro Fails – EU Summit Seals 1 Trillion Euro Deal – Banks Agree On 50% Write-Off Of Greek Debt

“Another half century of peace and prosperity in Europe is not to be taken for granted. If the euro fails, Europe fails.”
– German Chancellor Angela ­Merkel

And the euro will fail.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague Condemns Crumbling Euro As A ‘Historical Monument To Collective Folly’, Says Euro Is A ‘Burning Building With No Exits’ Claim Is Correct

Prof. Dr. Schachtschneider: ‘EU Super State Was Doomed To Failure’ – ‘The Euro Will Inevitably Fail’

The Multi-Trillion Euro Bailout Plan Has Already FAILED

Don’t miss:

European Stability Mechanism (ESM) Exposed (Video)

Prepare for collapse.


JUST hours after Germany issued a chilling warning that war could again engulf Europe, EU leaders made a desperate 1 trillion bid to save the euro.

Eurozone leaders sealed a three-part deal in the hope that the markets would be convinced there had been effective response to the crisis.

Officials in Brussels said an accord had been reached with banks on a 50% write-off of Greek debt and they also approved a complex mechanism to boost the eurozone’s main bailout fund to 1tr euro (£880bn).

Read moreBilderberg Merkel Warns Of War In Europe If Euro Fails – EU Summit Seals 1 Trillion Euro Deal – Banks Agree On 50% Write-Off Of Greek Debt

German Push For A ‘Hard’ Greek Default Risks EMU-Wide ‘Snowball’

See also:

IMF Advisor Robert Shapiro: Could See Eurozone ‘MELTDOWN’ in 2 Or 3 Weeks, Crisis ‘More Serious Than The Crisis In 2008?

Germany ‘Won’t Give More To EU Bailout Fund’ – Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble Rules Out Larger German EFSF Contribution

Germany Must Hit The Eject Button (Stratfor)

Former White House Advisor & UBS Global Strategy Deputy Head And CFR Member: The Germans Announce They Are Re-Introducing The Deutschmark – They Have Already Ordered The New Currency And Asked That The Printers Hurry Up

British Foreign Secretary William Hague Condemns Crumbling Euro As A ‘Historical Monument To Collective Folly’, Says Euro Is A ‘Burning Building With No Exits’ Claim Is Correct

The Dangerous Subversion Of Germany’s Democracy (Telegraph) – Wolfgang Schäuble’s Lies Exposed

Bilderberg German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Bilderberg Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou. Officials in Berlin told The Telegraph it is ‘more likely than not’ that investors will suffer fresh losses on holdings of Greek debt Photo: AFP

German push for Greek default risks EMU-wide ‘snowball’ (Telegraph, Oct. 10, 2011):

Germany is pushing behind the scenes for a “hard” default in Greece with losses of up to 60pc for banks and pension funds, risking a chain-reaction across southern Europe unless credible defences are established first.

Officials in Berlin told The Telegraph it is “more likely than not” that investors will suffer fresh losses on holdings of Greek debt, beyond the 21pc haircut agreed in July.

Read moreGerman Push For A ‘Hard’ Greek Default Risks EMU-Wide ‘Snowball’

Angela Merkel Reads Benjamin Netanyahu The Riot Act Over Settlement Plan


Netanyahu on record:

Benjamin Netanyahu: ‘America is something that can easily be moved.’ ‘The world won’t say a thing.’ ‘The world will say we’re defending.’ (Video)

See also:

Former Head of Mossad Meir Dagan: Israel Government ‘Reckless And Irresponsible’ – ‘I Decided To Speak Because When I Was In Office, Diskin, Ashkenazi And I Could Block Any Dangerous Adventure. NOW I AM AFRAID THAT THERE IS NO ONE TO STOP BIBI AND BARAK’

Angela Merkel reads Benjamin Netanyahu the riot act over settlement plan (Independent, Oct. 3, 2011):

Israel has infuriated its most reliable West European ally, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, by announcing expansion of a Jewish settlement in Jerusalem in defiance of a US-backed warning to both parties in the Middle East conflict to avoid “provocative actions”.

Ms Merkel’s anger, expressed in unequivocal terms in a personal telephone call to Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was all the greater because of the prodigious efforts she had made on Israel’s behalf to thwart the Palestinians’ UN recognition bid and persuade Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, to re-enter direct negotiations.

Israel yesterday formally accepted – albeit with “some concerns” – the statement by the international Quartet of the US, EU, Russia and the UN calling on both sides to hold direct talks. But the decision to build around 1,000 new homes in the Gilo settlement came as the Palestinian leadership was still deliberating on whether to do so. In the event, the Palestinians have stuck to their line that while there were encouraging elements in the Quartet’s statement, they will not agree to return to negotiations without a settlement freeze. Mr Abbas’s spokesman, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, told the official Palestinian news agency Wafa yesterday that “returning to negotiations requires the commitment of Israel to halt settlement activities and to recognise the 1967 borders without any equivocation”.

Read moreAngela Merkel Reads Benjamin Netanyahu The Riot Act Over Settlement Plan

Germany: Head Of The Constitutional Court Demands Referendum Over EU Bailout

And all these bailouts are doomed to fail, will further destroy the middle class, make the elitists even more rich and will just buy a little more time before the then even greater total collapse will occur.

The Multi-Trillion Euro Bailout Plan Has Already FAILED


AND NOW: Germany, France Propose COLLECTIVE ‘GOVERNMENT’ For The Eurozone Led By UNELECTED EU President

German turmoil over EU bail-outs as top judge calls for referendum (Telegraph, Sep. 26, 2011):

Andreas Vosskuhle, head of the constitutional court, said politicians do not have the legal authority to sign away the birthright of the German people without their explicit consent.

“The sovereignty of the German state is inviolate and anchored in perpetuity by basic law. It may not be abandoned by the legislature (even with its powers to amend the constitution),” he said.

“There is little leeway left for giving up core powers to the EU. If one wants to go beyond this limit – which might be politically legitimate and desirable – then Germany must give itself a new constitution. A referendum would be necessary. This cannot be done without the people,” he told newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine.

The extraordinary interview comes just days before the Bundestag votes on a bill to revamp the EU’s €440bn bail-out fund (EFSF), enabling it to purchase EMU bonds pre-emptively and recapitalise banks.

Tensions are running high after it emerged over the weekend that officials are working on plans sketched by the US Treasury and the European Commission to “leverage” the firepower of the EFSF to €2 trillion, in conjunction with lending from the European Central Bank.

Carsten Schneider, finance spokesman for the Social Democrats, demanded that Chancellor Angela Merkel and finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble clarify their “true intentions ” before the vote on Thursday.

“A new multi-trillion programme is being cooked up in Washington and Brussels, while the wool is being pulled over the eyes of Bundestag and German public. This is unacceptable,” he said.

Prince Hermann Otto zu Solms-Hohensolms-Lich, the Bundestag’s deputy president and finance chief for the Free Democrats (FDP) in the ruling coalition, expressed outrage over the secret plans.

“Unless the German finance minister can give an immediate assurance that there will be no leveraged formula, I will not vote for this law. We might as well dispense with months of negotiations if all this means is that the Bundestag will be circumvented and served cold left-overs,” he said.

Read moreGermany: Head Of The Constitutional Court Demands Referendum Over EU Bailout

US Taxpayers Could Be On The Hook For Europe Bailout

US taxpayers could be on hook for Europe bailout (MSNBC, Sep. 16, 2011):

The U.S. is coming to Europe’s financial rescue.

So far, America’s role is fairly limited. But if the crisis continues to grow and the U.S. takes on a wider role, U.S. consumers and taxpayers could feel a bigger impact. The biggest exposure could come from America’s status as the single largest source of money for the International Monetary Fund.

The latest round of American financial assistance came Thursday with a promise by the Federal Reserve to swap as many dollars for euros as European bankers need. In the short run, those transactions won’t have much impact because the central banks are simply swapping currencies of equal value. If the move helps avert a wider crisis, it could help spare the global economy from another recession.

But over the long term, consumers could feel the impact of central bankers flooding the financial system with cash, according to John Ryding, chief economist at RDQ Economics.

“This is a lender of last resort function,” he told CNBC. “With the dollar injections that the Fed has done, it’s like giving a patient medicine with really bad side effects.”  Ryding said the bad side effect in the U.S. has been inflation, which has picked up to 3.8 percent year over year.

Read moreUS Taxpayers Could Be On The Hook For Europe Bailout

Germany: Angela Merkel’s CDU Party Loses Home-State Election

German Stocks Fall as Merkel’s Party Loses Home-State Election (Bloomberg, September 5, 2011):

Sept. 5 (Bloomberg) — German stocks retreated to the lowest level since November 2009 after German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party suffered its fifth election loss this year and European services and manufacturing growth weakened in August.

Deutsche Bank AG fell to the lowest since March 2009 as the lender is among 17 sued by the U.S. for $196 billion. BASF SE and Bayer AG lost more than 2 percent after Clariant AG, a Swiss maker of chemicals and paints, cut targets for sales and profitability this year.

Read moreGermany: Angela Merkel’s CDU Party Loses Home-State Election

AND NOW: Germany, France Propose COLLECTIVE ‘GOVERNMENT’ For The Eurozone Led By UNELECTED EU President



EU President Herman Van Rompuy Announces 2009 as ‘First Year of Global Governance’

New EU president confirms New World Order desire

What could possibly go wrong???

Bilderberg & Jesuit Herman Van Rompuy

Germany, France propose collective ‘government’ for the eurozone led by EU president (CNBC NEWS, Aug 16, 2011 ):

PARIS – Germany, France propose collective ‘government’ for the eurozone led by EU president.

Merkel, Sarkozy want tighter EU budget controls (CBC NEWS, Aug 16, 2011):

The French and German leaders called Tuesday for all countries using the euro to have mandatory balanced budgets and better co-ordination of economic policy.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel also pledged to harmonize their countries’ corporate taxes after meeting in Paris.

Sarkozy said he and Merkel want a “true European economic government” that would consist of the heads of state and government of all eurozone nations.

The new body would meet twice a year and be led by EU President Herman Van Rompuy.