Autoradiography Of Dead Fukushima Bird By Prof. Mori Of Tokyo University

How contaminated a bird is in Fukushima (Fukushima Diary, April 29, 2012):

Prof. Mori of Tokyo university took a picture of a bush warbler in Fukushima by autoradiography.

It took one month to capture the radiation from cesium 137.

The bush warbler was found dead in Iidate mura last December.

This photo was taken from the stomach of the bird. Black spots in the wing parts show radioactive particles stuck to the wings.

The ones in the body parts show the radioactive particles taken into the body.

Biological concentration is assumed to have happened through contaminated worms.

Read moreAutoradiography Of Dead Fukushima Bird By Prof. Mori Of Tokyo University

Thyroid Nodules Rate 20 Times Higher In Fukushima Than In Chernobyl


Over 30% Of Tested Fukushima Children Have Thyroid Lumps

See also:

Prof. Takeda Kunihiko From Chubu University: ‘March 31, 2015 Is The Last Day Of Japan’

Fukushima: Member Of Minamis?ma City Council: ‘The Wind Of One Thousand Bq’ – ‘All Black Dust Has Been Also Blown Away And Gone’ (Video)

“If you don’t educate yourself now and fast, you’ll die.”
– Prof. Hayakawa of Gunma University

Thyroid nodules rate in Fukushima is 20 time higher than in Chernobyl (Fukushima Diary, April 29, 2012):

Following up this article..Thyroid pandemic

In March, Fukushima government conducted thyroid test for under 18 in 13 cities and towns such as Minamisoma city, Namiemachi, Iidatemura, Tomiokamachi etc..

The result shows thyroid nodules (?5.0mm) or cyst (?20.0mm) were seen in 13,460 from 38,114 people (35.3%).

Compared to their pre-test result of January, it increased from 29.7% to 35.3%. (? 5.6%)

? January

? March

By the way, Yamashita Shunichi conducted thyroid test for 120,000 people in Chernobyl from 5.1991 to 4.1996, when was 5 years ~ 10 years after Chernobyl.

According to the research of Yamashita, in Homyel, the most contaminated city in Belarus, the thyroid nodules ratio (*) was 1.74%, which is only one in twenties of that 35.3%.

( Even if (*) excludes the ratio of cyst, the exclusive nodule ratio in Fukushima is 1.0%, which is almost the same as the ratio in Belarus of 1.74%. )

The statistics of Chernobyl was taken 5~10 years later than the accident where it has been only 1 year since 311 in Fukushima.

Source 1234

Read moreThyroid Nodules Rate 20 Times Higher In Fukushima Than In Chernobyl

Fukushima On Steroids: ‘Japan Is In The Process Of Contaminating The Entire Pacific Ocean’

From the article:

At Chernobyl no spent-fuel pools were destroyed.

Fukushima on Steroids (Dr. Mark Sircus, April 30, 2012):

I wish everything I am reporting on were not true, or at least were less true than it appears. It does seem that Japan is in the process of contaminating the entire Pacific Ocean via continued uncontrolled releases of radioactivity at Fukushima. After low-balling initial estimates of radiation releases, the Japanese authorities now acknowledge that substantial amounts of radioactive material leaked from the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi reactors.[1]

The nuclear disaster in Japan has released radioactive isotopes that have poisoned the country’s soil, food, and water. The fallout is being rapidly taken up by living things and passed up the food chain with airborne radioactive isotopes reaching around the world but especially in the northern hemisphere where most of the radioactive particles will settle.

Most Americans have no idea what is happening. But within days of the accident at Fukushima radioactive contaminants were detected at monitoring stations in the Pacific Coast states. Nearly 1% of the “hot” sulfur released from the plant is estimated to have traversed the Pacific to reach southern California beaches.[2]

Read moreFukushima On Steroids: ‘Japan Is In The Process Of Contaminating The Entire Pacific Ocean’

UK Funds FORCED Sterilisation Of India’s Poor

UK aid helps to fund forced sterilisation of India’s poor (Guardian, 15 April 2012):

Money from the Department for International Development has helped pay for a controversial programme that has led to miscarriages and even deaths after botched operations

Tens of millions of pounds of UK aid money have been spent on a programme that has forcibly sterilised Indian women and men, the Observer has learned. Many have died as a result of botched operations, while others have been left bleeding and in agony. A number of pregnant women selected for sterilisation suffered miscarriages and lost their babies.

The UK agreed to give India £166m to fund the programme, despite allegations that the money would be used to sterilise the poor in an attempt to curb the country’s burgeoning population of 1.2 billion people.

Read moreUK Funds FORCED Sterilisation Of India’s Poor

32nd Largest US city Ends Water Fluoridation

See also:

Former Governor Jesse Ventura: It Was The Nazis That First Put Fluoride Into Water! Fluoride Is the MAIN INGREDIENT In Prozac! (Video)

Albuquerque, NM, 32nd largest US city, ends water fluoridation (Natural News, May 01, 2012):

A major health victory has been achieved in New Mexico where officials in the state’s largest city, Albuquerque, have made the historic decision to stop artificially fluoridating the municipal water supply. This means that more than half a million local residents will no longer be forcibly medicated with a toxic byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer manufacturing industry, and the city itself will save hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars a year in the process.

KOB News 4 in Albuquerque reports that, after much deliberation, officials from the Albuquerque Water Authority decided that it is no longer necessary to fluoridate the city’s water supply. Since some naturally-occurring fluoride is already present in the Albuquerque water supply, the city will instead “err on the side of caution,” to quote the words of the Water Authority‘s David Morris.

And why, exactly, is the city employing “caution” in the matter? First, the fluoride that continues to be added to many water supplies across America is not actually fluoride at all. It is either sodium fluoride, sodium fluorosilicate, or fluorosilicic acid, all of which are highly-toxic, industrial waste byproducts with no scientifically demonstrable health benefits.

Read more32nd Largest US city Ends Water Fluoridation

Gold Bug Bill Gross Will Gladly Pay You Tuesday For A Hamburger Today, Hoping ‘Tuesday Never Comes’

Gold Bug Bill Gross Will Gladly Pay You Tuesday For A Hamburger Today, Hoping “Tuesday Never Comes” (ZeroHedge, May 1, 2012):

We will forgive Bill Gross for taking the chart that Zero Hedge first presented (oddly enough correctly attributed by his arch rival Jeff Gundlach) as the centerpiece of his just released monthly musings, and wrongfully misattributing it, for the simple reason that everything else in his latest monthly letter “Tuesday Never Comes” is a carbon copy of the topics covered and discussed extensively on these pages both recently and over the past 3 years. However something tells us that the man who manages over $1 trillion in bonds in the form of the world’s largest bond portfolio will be slowly in getting branded a gold bug by the idiot media even with such warnings as “real assets/commodities should occupy an increasing percentage of portfolios.” Neither will his warnings that an inflationary spike courtesy of the tens of trillions in loose money added to the system will be inflationary: “inflation should creep higher. Do not be mellowed by the affirmation of a 2% target rate of inflation here in the U.S. or as targeted in six of the G-7 nations. Not suddenly, but over time, gradually higher rates of inflation should be the result of QE policies and zero bound yields that were initiated in late 2008 and which will likely continue for years to come.” Finally, since Zero Hedge is the only venue that has been pounding the table on the whole “flow” vs “stock” debate which is at the heart of it all (see here), we were delighted to see this topic get a much needed mention by the world’s now most influential gold bug: “The Fed appears to have a theory that is somewhat incomprehensible to me, stressing the “stock” of Treasuries as opposed to the “flow.” And there you have it. In summary: to anyone who has read Zero Hedge recently, don’t expect much new ground covered. To anyone else, this is a must read.

From Bill Gross

Tuesday Never Comes
  • The current acceleration of credit via central bank policies will likely produce a positive rate of real economic growth this year for most developed countries, but the structural distortions brought about by zero bound interest rates will limit that growth and induce serious risks in future years.
  • Not suddenly, but over time, gradually higher rates of inflation should be the result of QE policies and zero bound yields that will likely continue for years to come.
  • Focus on securities with shorter durations – bonds with maturities in the five-year range and stocks paying dividends that offer 3%–4% yields.  In addition, real assets/commodities should occupy an increasing percentage of portfolios.

Vaccines Based On Medical Fraud … For Over A Hundred Years

Vaccines have been based on medical fraud for over a hundred years (Natural News, April 29, 2012):

The concept of vaccinating to immunize began in 1796, when British apothecary (pharmacist) Edward Jenner inserted cowpox pus under the skin of an eight year old boy. Jenner based his experiment on an unsubstantiated rumor that anyone who had experienced cowpox would be immune to smallpox.

Over the next couple of years, Jenner vaccinated others with cowpox to immunize them against smallpox. Without any actual proof of efficacy and safety, Jenner impressed King George III enough with a bogus immunization guarantee that he was awarded the equivalent of today’s $500,000.

Read moreVaccines Based On Medical Fraud … For Over A Hundred Years

GMO Alert: Top 10 Genetically Modified Foods To Avoid Eating

Nearly all of the processed foods in the US contain GMO.

GMO alert: top 10 genetically modified foods to avoid eating (Natural News, May 01, 2012):

There is a conspiracy of selling out happening in America. Politics and personal interest it would seem determine government policies over and above health and safety issues. When President Obama appointed Michael Taylor in 2009 as senior adviser for the FDA, a fierce protest ensued from consumer groups and environmentalists. Why? Taylor used to be vice president for Monsanto, a multinational interested in marketing genetically modified (GM) food. It was during his term that GMO’s were approved in the US without undergoing tests to determine if they were safe for human consumption.

The danger of GMO’s

The question of whether or not genetically modified foods (GMO’s) are safe for human consumption is an ongoing debate that does not seem to see any resolution except in the arena of public opinion. Due to lack of labeling, Americans are still left at a loss as to whether or not what is on the table is genetically modified. This lack of information makes the avoiding and tracking of GM foods an exercise in futility. Below are just some of the food products popularly identified to be genetically modified:

Read moreGMO Alert: Top 10 Genetically Modified Foods To Avoid Eating

CISPA Passes The House; Epic Privacy Battle Moves To The Senate

CISPA passes the House; epic privacy battle moves to the Senate (Natural News, April 30, 2012):

If you’re not familiar with “Washingtonspeak” – that odd, unique variance of the English language in which words don’t really mean what they are supposed to mean – you might not know that the lawmakers who wrote the new Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) aren’t really too concerned about the protection aspect of the legislation, at least as it applies to the general public’s concern about privacy.

Yes, the word “protection” is in the title, but a closer examination of the language of the bill, as well as its intent, by those who know how things works on Capitol Hill, find that the only “protection” the bill offers is that afforded the federal government.

According to a summary of the bill by the Congressional Research Service, the legislation amends “the National Security Act of 1947 to add provisions concerning cyber threat intelligence and information sharing.” In particular, cyber threat intelligence is defined “as information in the possession of an element of the intelligence community directly pertaining to a vulnerability of, or threat to, a system or network of a government or private entity […]”

What that means, essentially, is that it will be easier for the government and the private sector to share information about cyber threats, which, truthfully, is a major emerging national security problem.

Making conditions ripe for privacy violations – again

Read moreCISPA Passes The House; Epic Privacy Battle Moves To The Senate

FDA Refuses To Ban Antibiotics In Livestock, Resorts To VOLUNTARY Phase Out That Will Be Ignored By The Industry

See also:

FDA Withdraws Plan To Limit Antibiotics Use in Healthy Livestock Intended For Human Consumption

FDA refuses to ban antibiotics in livestock, resorts to voluntary phase out that will be ignored by industry (Natural News, April 30, 2012):

In a desperate attempt to avoid implementing an actual ban on the non-therapeutic use of antibiotic drugs in factory animal feed, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has once again made it abundantly clear that it favors corporate interests over public health. In a recent announcement, the FDA publicly petitioned the factory food industry to voluntarily stop using antibiotics, claiming that this hands-off, non-regulatory approach will somehow be more effective at curbing antibiotic overuse than a mandatory ban would be.

The announcement comes just weeks after a federal judge took the FDA to task for its blatant disregard for public health, and ordered the agency to begin withdrawing approval for the non-therapeutic use of certain antibiotics in animal feed ( But instead of stepping up to the plate to fulfill these federally-mandated legal duties, the FDA has instead chosen to stage a meaningless publicity stunt that will do absolutely nothing to fix the problem.

Read moreFDA Refuses To Ban Antibiotics In Livestock, Resorts To VOLUNTARY Phase Out That Will Be Ignored By The Industry

Weapons Expert Who Worked With Dr. David Kelly At Secret Government Chemical Warfare Lab Found Dead In Field

– ?Suicide riddle of weapons expert who worked with David Kelly: Scientist tells wife he is going for a walk, then takes his life in a field… just like his friend (Daily Mail, April 21, 2012):

  • Body of Dr Richard Holmes discovered in a field four miles from the Porton Down defence establishment
  • Police said there were no suspicious circumstances in latest case but revealed scientist was ‘under a great deal of stress’
  • He resigned from Porton Down last month, but it is unclear why

??A weapons expert who worked with Dr David Kelly at the Government’s secret chemical warfare laboratory has been found dead in an apparent suicide.

In circumstances strongly reminiscent of Dr Kelly’s own mysterious death nine years ago, the body of Dr Richard Holmes was discovered in a field four miles from the Porton Down defence establishment in Wiltshire. It is not yet known how he died.

Mr Holmes, 48, had gone missing two days earlier after telling his wife he was going out for a walk – just as Dr Kelly did before he was found dead at an Oxfordshire beauty spot in July 2003.

Read moreWeapons Expert Who Worked With Dr. David Kelly At Secret Government Chemical Warfare Lab Found Dead In Field