32nd Largest US city Ends Water Fluoridation

See also:

Former Governor Jesse Ventura: It Was The Nazis That First Put Fluoride Into Water! Fluoride Is the MAIN INGREDIENT In Prozac! (Video)

Albuquerque, NM, 32nd largest US city, ends water fluoridation (Natural News, May 01, 2012):

A major health victory has been achieved in New Mexico where officials in the state’s largest city, Albuquerque, have made the historic decision to stop artificially fluoridating the municipal water supply. This means that more than half a million local residents will no longer be forcibly medicated with a toxic byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer manufacturing industry, and the city itself will save hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars a year in the process.

KOB News 4 in Albuquerque reports that, after much deliberation, officials from the Albuquerque Water Authority decided that it is no longer necessary to fluoridate the city’s water supply. Since some naturally-occurring fluoride is already present in the Albuquerque water supply, the city will instead “err on the side of caution,” to quote the words of the Water Authority‘s David Morris.

And why, exactly, is the city employing “caution” in the matter? First, the fluoride that continues to be added to many water supplies across America is not actually fluoride at all. It is either sodium fluoride, sodium fluorosilicate, or fluorosilicic acid, all of which are highly-toxic, industrial waste byproducts with no scientifically demonstrable health benefits.

In fact, these poser fluoride compounds have been shown in many recent studies to cause severe health problems, including tooth decay. Synthetic fluorides are also responsible for causing developmental problems in children, brain damage, lowered IQ, thyroid disorders, bone damage, hormone disruption and cancer (http://www.fluoridealert.org/fluoride-dangers/health/index.aspx).

According to Shane Ellison, M. Sc., also known as The People’s Chemist, fluoride directly attacks the structural integrity of the body, including collagen, a vital protein in the body that composes connective tissues like tendons, bones, cartilage, blood vessels, and even gut lining. Fluoride has also been shown to be mutagenic, which means it damages DNA and can lead to the development of cancer.

The foundation of oral health is not found in ingesting fluoride, in other words, but rather in maintaining optimal nutrition and oral health. Avoiding refined carbohydrates like processed sugars and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), for instance, which easily ferment in the mouth and cause tooth decay, is a practical, sensical way to stave off cavities.

Regular consumption of raw, grass-fed butter and dairy products can also help prevent the development of cavities, according to research conducted by the late Weston Price, a dentist whose nutritional protocols have helped many people improve their health and mitigate disease (http://www.naturalnews.com/031477_teeth_cavities.html).

You can proactively help to get fluoride removed from your own town or city by learning more about fluoride, and using this information to educate your friends, neighbors, and local officials about its many dangers:

Sources for this article include:


Fluoride is THE main ingredient in rat poison.

Fluoride is THE main ingredient in Sarin nerve gas.

Fluoride is THE main ingredient in Prozac.

Fluoride destroys the brain (accumulates in the pineal gland and causes it to calcificate), the bones, the organs, rips the DNA apart and causes cancer.

Hitler and Stalin used it in concentration camps and gulags as mass control instrument to make the prisoners docile and infertile.

More on fluoride (and lithium):

Former Governor Jesse Ventura: It Was The Nazis That First Put Fluoride Into Water! Fluoride Is the MAIN INGREDIENT In Prozac! (Video)

New Hampshire Passes Fluoride Warning Bill: Water Fluoridation Persists Despite Being Unhealthy for Infants

Interview With Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock On MSG And Brain-Damaging Excitotoxins (Video)

The Great Culling – A Hard-Hitting Film About Water, Fluoride, Food, Vaccines And More

The Bizarre History Of Fluoride (Documentary)

Mobile Fluoride Vans To Target Communities That Voted To Remove Chemical From Public Water Supply

The Beautiful Truth (Video – Full Documentary – The Many Reasons For Chronic Diseases And The Cure)

Ireland: Psychiatrist Dr. Moosajee Bhamjee Calls For Lithium To Be Added To Water

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Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson: Chemtrail ‘Death Dumps’ Must Be Stopped! – ‘This Is Genocide … This Is Murder By The United Nations!’

ALERT: Stunning Undercover Video Footage Of Toxic Fluoride Chemicals Being Pumped In Austin, Texas Water Supply

New Study: Fluoride Can Damage the Brain – Avoid Use in Children

And Now: Lithium – The Next Fluoride – To Be Added To Your Drinking Water For Mental Health (Mind-Control)

Ministers Unveil Plans To Fluoridate All Drinking Water In England And Wales

The Fluoride Deception (Mini Documentary): Industrial Highly Toxic Waste Chemicals Passed Off As Medicine

EXPOSED Drinking Water Contains Chinese Industrial Fluoride Which Has Additional UNKNOWN Substance In It

Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed

CDC Reduces Fluoride Poisoning of America’s Water Supply, Admits That 2 in 5 Children Show Signs of Fluoride Poisoning

Study: Fluoride in Water Linked to Lower IQ in Children

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: Worldwide Water Conspiracy

Fluoride: A Chronological History (Must-read!)

Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of Fluoride

The Drugging Of America with Fluoride

Fluoride & The Manhattan Project (Declassified Government Documents)

Fluoride: A Toxic Poison That Accumulates In The Pineal Gland

Fluoridation: A Horror Story

Fluoride: The Phosphate Connection

Fluoride Poisoning Affects Millions in China’s Guizhou Province

The Age of Treason: 1958 Book Exposes Current Chemical Attack on Humanity

Guess where your fluoride contaminated with heavy metals comes from? China!

India: Fluoride Poisons Children in Jharkhand, Causes Acute Dental and Skeletal Disorders

Chinese Fluoride In Mass. Water Raises Concern

Govt. Report Says Fluoride Added to Water Supply May Harm Population

California Begins Poisoning Millions with Toxic Synthetic Fluoride Chemicals

Health Professionals Call for End to Water Fluoridation:

Over 1,600 Professionals Call for an End to Fluoridation of Drinking Water

Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water

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