Turkey Claims Syria Fired On Second Turkish Jet, Says ‘Act Won’t Go Unpunished’, Has Invoked NATO Articles 4 And 5


On record: Interview With US General Wesley Clark (Ret.): US Government Planned To ‘Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years’: ‘Starting With Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Finishing Off Iran’ (Video)

Turkey Claims Syria Fired On Second Turkish Jet, Says “Act Won’t Go Unpunished”, Has Invoked NATO Articles 4 And 5 (ZeroHedge, June 25. 2012):

At this point even those who have never heard of the Gulf of Tonkin know where this is headed:


And yet:


Just the tip, eh?

And finally this, which makes it all too clear what Hillary Clinton’s endgame here is:

  • Turkish deputy PM says Syria has also fired on a Turkish search-and-rescue plane –AP

And from Reuters:

Turkey said on Monday that Syrian forces had fired at a second Turkish plane which was searching for an F-4 reconnaissance jet shot down by Syria last week, but the second plane was not brought down.

Deputy prime minister Bulent Arinc told a news conference that Turkey would protect itself, within the framework of international law, against what it called Syria’s “hostile action” of downing its warplane last week.

He said at the end of a seven-hour cabinet meeting on the incident that Syria’s downing of the reconnaissance jet would not go unpunished.

Was that jet over Syrian airspace for “only 5 minutes” too?

Exposing Washington’s Hypocrisy Over Russian Arms In Syria

For your information.

Related info:

2012 Already A Record-Breaking Year For US Foreign Military Sales:

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Political and Military Affairs Andrew Shapiro has said that 2012 is already a record-breaking year for U.S. foreign military sales, which are government-to-government sales.

Washington’s hypocrisy over Russian arms in Syria (WSWS, June 23, 2012):

Western denunciations of Russia for sending back refurbished helicopters to Syria recall nothing so much as the old adage, “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Earlier this month, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton launched a propaganda barrage aimed at intimidating Russia, claiming that Moscow was sending advanced Russian attack helicopters to Syria for use against the country’s civilian population. Breathlessly announcing that, according to “the latest information” available to the US government, the helicopters were on their way, Clinton condemned Moscow for behavior that “will escalate the conflict quite dramatically.”

State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland rhetorically demanded: “How can the Russians conscience [sic] their continued military sales to Syria?”

Washington’s ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, while acknowledging that arms sales to Syria were not “technically obviously a violation of international law”—the United Nations has approved no arms embargo against the country—asserted that Russia’s actions were nonetheless “reprehensible.”

Read moreExposing Washington’s Hypocrisy Over Russian Arms In Syria

US Enlists Britain’s Help To Stop Ship ‘Carrying Russian Attack Helicopters’ To Syria

US enlists Britain’s help to stop ship ‘carrying Russian attack helicopters’ to Syria (Telegraph, June 16, 2012):

The US government has enlisted Britain’s help in a bid to stop a ship suspected of carrying Russian attack helicopters and missiles to conflict-riven Syria, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.

The MV Alaed, a Russian-operated cargo vessel, is currently thought to be sailing through the North Sea after allegedly picking up a consignment of munitions and MI25 helicopters – known as “flying tanks” – from the Russian Baltic port of Kaliningrad.

Washington, which last week condemned Moscow for continuing to arm the Syrian regime, has asked British officials to help stop the Alaed delivering its alleged cargo by using sanctions legislation to force its London-based insurer to withdraw its cover.

Read moreUS Enlists Britain’s Help To Stop Ship ‘Carrying Russian Attack Helicopters’ To Syria

Obama Regime Seeks US Congressional Ratification Of UN Global Gun Control Treaty

Obama Seeks US Congressional Ratification of UN Global Gun Control Treaty (Occupy Corporatism, June 14, 2012):

Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State has announced that the Obama administration is working with the United Nations (UN) to approve, through the US Congress, the Small Arms Treaty (SAT).

Clinton affirmed that the US would facilitate talks with the UN in the Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty, as long as it “operates under the rules of consensus decision-making. Consensus is needed to ensure the widest possible support for the Treaty and to avoid loopholes in the Treaty that can be exploited by those wishing to export arms irresponsibly.”

This global gun control scheme, concocted by the UN, is called the International Arms Control Treaty (IACT). Disguised as a way to combat terrorism, insurgents and international criminals, this document endeavors to secure the world’s citizens cannot defend themselves.


The IACT will empower the UN to literally force the US government to:

• Enact internationally agreed licensing requirements for Americans
• Confiscate and destroy unauthorized firearms of Americans while allowing the US government to keep theirs
• Ban trade, sale and private ownership of semi-automatic guns
• Create and mandate an international registry to organize an encompassing gun confiscation in America

Senator Jerry Moran said in a letter (signed by 44 other senators) to President Obama; warning him not to continue his push for ratification of the SAT. Moran wrote: “Our country’s sovereignty and the Second Amendment rights of American citizens must not be infringed upon by the United Nations. Today, the Senate sends a powerful message to the Obama Administration: an Arms Trade Treaty that does not protect ownership of civilian firearms will fail in the Senate. Our firearm freedoms are not negotiable.”


The US is the world’s largest exporter of firearms; while private sales between citizens, collectors and sportsmen would all be internationally regulated with the approval of IACT. This includes rules over ammunition, and procurement.

Read moreObama Regime Seeks US Congressional Ratification Of UN Global Gun Control Treaty

Hillary Clinton: ‘There Are Attack Helicopters On The Way From Russia To Syria’ (Video)

… so that Syria can protect itself against Al-CIAda:

Syria = Libya 2.0: Journalist (Eyewitness): Rebels Did Houla Massacre

BBC News Uses ‘Iraq Photo To Illustrate Syrian Massacre’

Flashback 1:

Mossad, CIA And Blackwater Operate In Syria – Report

Syria: Clinton Admits US On Same Side As Al Qaeda To Destabilise Assad Government (Global Research)

U.S. Fighting On The Same Side As Three Terrorist Groups In Syria

Dr. Webster Tarpley: The NATO-CIA Destabilization Of Syria Is Under Way! (Video)

’15,000 Strong’ Army Gathers To Take On Syria:

An insurgent army which claims to be up to 15,000 strong is being coordinated from Turkey to take on President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, which risks plunging the region into open warfare.

– Global Research’s Michel Chossudovsky: Syria’s ‘Peaceful Protesters’ Are ‘Death Squads Directly Supported By Turkey And Israel’ Armed With Heavy Machine Guns (Video)

Flashback 2:

On record: Interview With US General Wesley Clark (Ret.): US Government Planned To ‘Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years’: ‘Starting With Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Finishing Off Iran’ (Video)

And just recently:

Obama Regime Prepares Air Strikes On Syria

Hillary Clinton: ‘there are attack helicopters on the way from Russia to Syria’ (Telegraph, June 12, 2012):

The US has accused Russia of sending attack helicopters to Syria and of telling “untruths” about the use of its arms shipments.

The regime of President Bashar al-Assad has been accused of using helicopter gunships to strafe rebel positions in cities across the country.

Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, said: “We have confronted the Russians about stopping their continued arms shipments to Syria. They have, from time to time, said that we shouldn’t worry – everything they are shipping is unrelated to their [the Syrian government’s] actions internally. That’s patently untrue.

“And we are concerned about the latest information we have that there are attack helicopters on the way from Russia to Syria, which will escalate the conflict quite dramatically.”

Read moreHillary Clinton: ‘There Are Attack Helicopters On The Way From Russia To Syria’ (Video)

Hillary Clinton Admits The U.S. Government Created Al-Qaeda (Video)

Another YouTube account that just disappeared:

“TheYouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.”

Found a replacement. The second video is an additional one:

Hillary Clinton : We created Al-Qaeda

YouTube Added: 27.12.2011

Hillary Clinton: ‘We Created al-Qaeda’

YouTube Added: 23.07.2012

YouTube Added: 10.04.2011


The Mujahideen were the “database” of Al-Qaeda assets. Al-Qaeda are a controlled opposition force of the Central Intelligence Agency to promote their middle east destabilization process. To give empirical U.S. Military Industrial Complex a reason to invade wherever they want in the ever widening “war on terror” fraud.

On Al-CIAda:

Former CIA Agent: Osama Bin Laden Died Of Natural Causes In 2006

BBC: Osama Bin Laden Was CIA Agent & Al-Qaeda Never Existed – Invented By CIA (Video)

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaeda. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US.”
– Robin Cook, Former British Foreign Secretary

Just one month after this article, published in the Guardian, Robin Cook DIED:

Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook: ‘Al-Qaida, Literally “The Database”, Was Originally The Computer File Of The Thousands Of Mujahideen Who Were Recruited And Trained With Help From The CIA To Defeat The Russians’

Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist or How The US Created Al Qaeda (Documentary)

BBC: Al-Qaeda Does Not Exist (Documentary)

<strong>On Al-CIAda:</strong>
<blockquote><span style=”color: #ff0000;”><strong><strong>“The         truth  is,   there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al         Qaeda. And  any   informed intelligence officer knows this. But   there  is      a  propaganda   campaign to make the public believe in  the   presence    of   an  identified   entity representing the ‘devil’  only   in order  to    drive  the  TV watcher to   accept a unified    international  leadership    for a war   against terrorism.   The    country behind this  propaganda is    the US.”</strong></strong></span><strong>
<strong>- Robin Cook, Former British Foreign Secretary </strong></strong></blockquote>
<strong> </strong><strong>Just one month after this article, published in the Guardian, Robin Cook DIED:</strong> 

<strong>- <a title=”Permanent Link to Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook: ‘Al-Qaida, Literally “The Database”, Was Originally The Computer File Of The Thousands Of Mujahideen Who Were Recruited And Trained With Help From The CIA To Defeat The Russians’” rel=”bookmark” href=”http://www.infiniteunknown.net/2012/03/25/2012/02/19/2012/02/12/2011/11/14/2008/01/11/former-british-foreign-secretary-robin-cook-al-qaida-literally-the-database-was-originally-the-computer-file-of-the-thousands-of-mujahideen-who-were-recruited-and-trained-with-help-from-the-c/”>Former           British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook: ‘Al-Qaida, Literally  “The          Database”, Was Originally The Computer File Of The  Thousands Of          Mujahideen Who Were Recruited And Trained With  Help From The  CIA  To        Defeat The Russians’</a></strong>

<strong>- <a title=”Permanent Link to Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist or How The US Created Al Qaeda (Documentary)” rel=”bookmark” href=”http://www.infiniteunknown.net/2012/03/25/2012/02/19/2012/02/12/2011/11/14/2011/09/21/2011/08/27/2010/08/27/al-qaeda-doesnt-exist-or-how-the-us-created-al-qaeda-documentary/”>Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist or How The US Created Al Qaeda</a> (Documentary)</strong>

<strong>- <a title=”Permanent Link to BBC: Al-Qaeda Does Not Exist” rel=”bookmark” href=”http://www.infiniteunknown.net/2012/03/25/2012/02/19/2012/02/12/2011/11/14/2011/09/21/2010/08/01/bbc-al-qaeda-does-not-exist/”>BBC: Al-Qaeda Does Not Exist</a> (Documentary)</strong>

Hillary Clinton Hits ‘Black Helicopters’ Crowd To Push Sea Treaty (Bloomberg)

Clinton Hits ‘Black Helicopters’ Crowd to Push Sea Treaty (Bloomberg, May 24, 2012):

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took on conservative forces that twice have blocked ratification of the United Nations Law of the Sea treaty, calling it crucial to U.S. economic and strategic interests in the Pacific and elsewhere.

The top American diplomat said some of the arguments against the treaty “cannot even be taken with a straight face.” These, she said, include claims that the U.S. would have to pay a “UN tax,” that it would give the UN power over the U.S. Navy and that it would erode U.S. sovereignty.

“Honestly, I don’t know where these people make these things up,” Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday. She chided critics who object to the U.S. joining any UN treaty saying, “Of course, that means the black helicopters are on their way,” a reference to conspiracy theories about a world government.

Republican critics of the treaty bristled. “I hope you weren’t scoffing at us,” Idaho Senator Jim Risch told Clinton. “There’s some good stuff in here, but if we give up one scintilla of sovereignty that this country has fought for, bled for, have given up our treasure and the best that America has, I can’t vote for it,” Risch said.

The Law of the Sea treaty sets out rules for the commercial use and environmental management of the world’s marine resources and sets boundaries for different countries laying claim to assets under the sea floor, including oil, gas and the rare earth minerals used to make mobile phones and flat-screen TVs.

Security Argument

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army General Martin Dempsey, joined Clinton. While Clinton stressed the economic case for ratifying the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the two men said becoming party to the treaty is vital to national security.

“This convention is absolutely essential to strengthening our position in the world,” Panetta said.

Read moreHillary Clinton Hits ‘Black Helicopters’ Crowd To Push Sea Treaty (Bloomberg)

Secretary of State Clinton Goes Commando, Sells Diplomats as Shadow Warriors

Clinton Goes Commando, Sells Diplomats as Shadow Warriors (Wired, May 24,  2012):

TAMPA, Florida — The Special Operations Forces Industry Conference had a surprise guest on Wednesday — one that had some here scratching their heads. At a black-tie dinner following the day’s panel discussions, product displays and tech demos, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived behind a phalanx of State Department and Special Operations Command security. Clinton’s presence seemed incongruous at the gaudy Tampa Convention Center packed with weary-looking commando staffers, paunchy industry reps and chipper media handlers. Special Operations Forces are a big deal, sure, but it was still just a trade show.

Then Clinton, wearing pearls and a silver and black blouse, climbed the stage and began to speak. And soon it all made more sense. She had an idea to sell — and to defend — to some of the people she’s counting on to make it happen.

Read moreSecretary of State Clinton Goes Commando, Sells Diplomats as Shadow Warriors

Bilderberg Power Masters Meet In The US (The Last Time They Met In The US Was In 2008 – And The World Got Obama)

Bilderberg power masters meet in the US (RT, May 23, 2012):

Every time a “Bilderberg Meeting” takes place, important things happen. The last time they met in the US was an election year, 2008 – and the world got Obama. This year they’re back in the US: will they decide who the next president of the United State

­When in 2008 they gathered from June 5 to 8 in Chantilly, Virginia – just a stone’s throw from the Washington DC – Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were neck-in-neck in the battle for the Democratic Party’s presidential candidacy.

On June 5 of that year, Barack and Hillary mysteriously “disappeared” for some hours “somewhere in the DC area.”  Their agendas blocked out, they clearly sneaked off to “Meet the Bilderbergers.”

Read moreBilderberg Power Masters Meet In The US (The Last Time They Met In The US Was In 2008 – And The World Got Obama)

The Obama Birther Movement Was NOT Started By Republicans … It Was Actually Started By Former President Bill Clinton And Hillary Back In 2008 (Video)

See also:

MUST-LISTEN: No.1 Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente Destroys The Obama Regime, Republicans And Central Banks – Fascism Has Come To America


Did Barack Obama Campaign Threaten Life of Chelsea Clinton to Keep Parents Silent on Obama’s Ineligibility? (Godfather Politics, April 3, 2012):

Most people in the US, especially Democrats, believe that the Obama Birther Movement was started by Republicans and or the Tea Party. They believe it is a smear campaign aimed to tarnish the image of their hero of change. But they may be shocked to learn that the Birther Movement was actually started by former President Bill Clinton and Hillary back in 2008.

Bettina Viviano was a vice president with Amblin Enterntainment, Steven Spielberg’s company, before launching her own film production company in 1990. In 2008, Viviano was asked to produce a documentary about voter fraud within the Democratic Party. At the time, she says she was not a Democrat or a Republican and in fact had never voted in an election. She went into the project with the sole purpose of producing the best and most accurate documentary possible.

During the documentary process, Viviano says that she quickly became aware of just how dangerous and insidious the Obama campaign was. A number of the Democrats she interviewed refused to appear on camera and told her that their lives and property had been threatened by people working with the Obama campaign.

She also heard former President Bill Clinton say that Obama was not eligible to be president because of his lack of birth records. In fact, she said it was common knowledge around many top Democrats. Bill Clinton has often said that he would go public with the information when the time was right.

Before that could happen, his close friend and head of the Arkansas Democratic Party, Bill Gwatney was murdered in his office and then someone told Bill that he was next if he said anything about Obama’s eligibility. In the video below, she said that Clinton was not intimidated until someone associated with the Obama campaign told him that his daughter Chelsea would be next if he opened his mouth. From that point on, the Clinton’s remained silent about Obama’s birth certificate or lack thereof.


This is a powerful video from a lady that has nothing to gain and probably everything to lose by coming forward with her information. It could well ruin her career in Hollywood as so many of the film industry are flaming liberals. It could also cost her her life.

I took note of how she described the Obama campaign’s reign of terror and intimidation and how well coordinated it was. I thought to myself that if they were bold enough to threaten the life of the Clinton’s daughter then have they made similar threats to all of the leading Republicans in both the House and Senate? Is this why Congress has remained so silent ever since Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s March 1st news conference where he provided the American people with the evidence that Obama’s birth certificate and Selective Service Cards are forgeries?

When you see how blatantly Obama has defied the US Constitution and federal law without any apology or excuses, it’s not hard to believe that he, like every other dictator in history, obtained his position by intrepidation, threats and outright violence. Knowing he is capable of this has to make every single American extremely fearful if Obama gets re-elected.

And if the voter fraud will be as prevalent in November as it was in 2008, it seems a sure thing that he will be re-elected. Obama has had the DOJ strike down every voter ID law and any other measure taken, to reduce the chance of voter fraud. They have set the stage for an old fashioned Chicago style election with padded and illegal votes. Wait a minute, he is a Chicago politician, so guess he’s just following local history at a national level.

If he does get re-elected, I’m positive it will mean the end of free elections and free America. We will become another Soviet Union: a land run by an elite group of Marxists who will exploit all of the people for their own personal gain. America, for all intent and purpose will be dead if Obama gets re-elected.

America is dead already (were it not for the second amendment) …

… and elite puppets Romney, Gingrich, Santorum take orders from the same elite masters as teleprompter Obama does.

The Bush’s, the Clinton’s (etc.) all serve the same elitists.

The American people have NO choice:

George Carlin: The American Dream (Video)

George Carlin: The Illusion Of Freedom – ‘This Country Finshed!’

US Presidents get selected, not elected.

The Radiation Warnings You Won’t Get From MSM And Your Traitor Government

The Radiation Warnings You Won’t Get from the Mainstream Propaganda Machine (SHFT Plan, April 2, 2012):

The mainstream media and the federal government will soon have the blood of the world on it’s hands.

Radiation from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant disaster in Japan is now actively in the ecosystem all along the North American west coast… even the sea weed is now radiated.  The Vancouver Sun reported one year ago that the seaweed tested from waters off the coast of British Columbia were 4 times the amount considered safe.  No further test results were released after the initial report.

The governments of the United States and Canada are not conducting tests for radioactivity – at least not to the knowledge of the public. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has agreed to continue purchasing seafood from Japan, despite the fact that the food is not being tested for radioactive contamination. Last November, independent testing in Japan showed 65 per cent of the catches tested positive for cesium (a radioactive material).  Instead of refusing to purchase the poisoned fish, food safety agencies in both the United States and Canada have simply raised the “acceptable level of radiation.”  We can’t go offending the Japanese after promising to buy their tainted goods, now can we?

After the North American governments refused to fund testing, oceanographer Ken Buesseler, a senior scientist at the non-profit Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole, Mass, along with Nicholas Fisher, a marine sciences professor at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and other concerned scientists, managed to secure private funding for a Pacific research voyage.  The results?

Cesium levels in the Pacific had initially gone up an astonishing 45 million times above pre-accident levels. The levels then declined rapidly for a while, but after that, they unexpectedly levelled off.

In July, cesium levels stopped declining and remained stuck at 10,000 times above pre-accident levels.

This means the ocean isn’t diluting the radiation as expected. If it had been, cesium levels would have kept falling.

The finding suggests that radiation is still being released into the ocean long after the accident in March, 2011.

Read moreThe Radiation Warnings You Won’t Get From MSM And Your Traitor Government

US ‘Tells Russia To Warn Iran Of Last Chance’

See also:

Iran Now Totally Cut Off From Global Financial System, SWIFT Has Taken Iran Off The Grid – USS Enterprise Just 4 Days Away From Arrival, Entire (Non-Parked) U.S. Naval Fleet Will Be In The Arabian Sea And The Perisan Gulf

US ‘tells Russia to warn Iran of last chance’ (Telegraph, Mar 14, 2012):

US-led military strikes against Iran are inevitable this year if Tehran does not give ground at multilateral talks next month over its nuclear programme, according to diplomatic sources in Moscow.

Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, has asked Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov to warn Iran the negotiations represent a “last chance” to avoid military action, the Kommersant newspaper reported.

“Hillary Clinton asked her Russian colleague to pass that thought on to the Iranian authorities, with whom Washington does not maintain its own relations,” a high-ranking foreign ministry source told the paper.

The source said there was a high likelihood of an attack “before the end of the year”, adding: “The Israelis are, in essence, blackmailing [US president Barack] Obama. They are putting him in a difficult position: either he supports war or he himself will lose support.”

EU Iran Oil Embargo Sanctions ‘Unprecedented’, Freezes Iranian Central Bank Assets


Ron Paul: Sanctions Against Iran Are an ‘Act of War’:

… Ron Paul told voters in Iowa that western sanctions against Iran are “acts of war” that are likely to lead to an actual war.

Paul said that Iran would be justified in responding to sanctions by blocking the Straits of Hormuz, adding that the country blocking the strategically important strait is “so logical” since they have no other recourse.

He then compared the situation to China blocking off the Gulf of Mexico to trade.

War with Russia and China, anyone?

China To Protect Iran Even If It Means World War III

Russian Military Chief Warns NATO: ‘Under Certain Conditions Local And Regional Conflicts May Develop Into A Full-Scale War Involving Nuclear Weapons’

Expect another (Israeli) staged false flag attack and we have WW III.

EU Iran Oil Embargo Sanctions ‘Unprecedented’ (Huffington Post, Jan. 23, 2012):

BRUSSELS — The European Union and Iran raised the stakes Monday in their test of wills over the Islamic republic’s nuclear program, with the bloc banning the purchase of Iranian oil and Iran threatening to retaliate by closing the Strait of Hormuz, through which a fifth of the world’s crude is transported.

The escalating confrontation is fraught with risks – of rising energy prices, global financial instability, and potential military activity to keep the strait open.

The EU’s 27 foreign ministers, meeting Monday in Brussels, imposed an oil embargo against Iran and froze the assets of its central bank, ramping up sanctions designed to pressure Iranian officials into resuming talks on the country’s nuclear program.

Read moreEU Iran Oil Embargo Sanctions ‘Unprecedented’, Freezes Iranian Central Bank Assets

Flashback: Hillary Clinton (Jan. 25, 2011): ‘The Egyptian Government Is Stable’

Remarks With Spanish Foreign Minister Trinidad Jimenez After Their Meeting (U.S. Department of State, Jan. 25, 2011):


“With respect to Egypt, which, as your question implied, like many countries in the region, has been experiencing demonstrations. We know that they’ve occurred not only in Cairo but around the country, and we’re monitoring that very closely. We support the fundamental right of expression and assembly for all people, and we urge that all parties exercise restraint and refrain from violence. But our assessment is that the Egyptian Government is stable and is looking for ways to respond to the legitimate needs and interests of the Egyptian people.”

Flashback: Hillary Clinton (March 27, 2011): ‘There’s a different leader in Syria now. Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer.’

Interview With Bob Schieffer of CBS’s Face the Nation (U.S. Department of State, March 27, 2011):


“There’s a different leader in Syria now. Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer.”

Vladimir Putin Blames US For Stoking Russian Protests (Video)

Vladimir Putin says US encouraged election protests – video (The Guardian, Dec. 8, 2011):

The Russian prime minister, Vladimir Putin, blames the US for encouraging protests over Russia’s recent parliamentary election. He accused Hillary Clinton of giving ‘the signal’ to opposition leaders, who are expected to gather thousands of people for a major protest on Saturday. Clinton has repeatedly criticised the parliamentary vote in Russia last weekend that gave Putin’s United Russia party nearly 50% of the vote despite widespread reports of fraud

Putin accuses US of sparking protests (Sydney Morning Herald/AFP, Dec. 8, 2011):

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of provoking the post-election protests in Russia that have posed a surprise challenge to his decade-long era of domination.

Harking back to the rhetoric of the Cold War, Putin on Thursday accused US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of deliberately sending a signal to the opposition to protest by questioning the fairness of the weekend’s parliamentary polls.

About 1000 people have been arrested in three days of protests in Moscow alleging mass fraud in the parliamentary polls, but organisers have vowed to stage a mass protest in Moscow at the weekend.In his first public comments on the demonstrations, Putin accused Clinton of criticising the polls before having even read the reports of international monitors.

Washington, he said, was paying Russian groups to find fault with the elections. And that US criticism “had set the tone for some people inside the country and given a signal”, Putin argued.

“They heard the signal and with the support of the US State Department started active work.”

Putin: Clinton, US to blame for voter unrest (CBS News/AP, Dec. 8, 2011)

Putin blames US for stoking Russian protests (ABC News/Reuters, Dec. 8, 2011):

Prime minister Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of stirring up protests against his 12-year rule and said foreign countries were spending hundreds of millions of dollars to influence Russian elections.

In his first public remarks about daily demonstrations over allegations that Sunday’s election was slanted to favour his ruling party, Mr Putin said US secretary of state Hillary Clinton had encouraged Kremlin opponents by criticising the vote.

“She set the tone for some opposition activists, gave them a signal, they heard this signal and started active work,” Mr Putin told supporters as he laid out plans for his campaign to return to the presidency in a March election.

Read moreVladimir Putin Blames US For Stoking Russian Protests (Video)

Meet The Real Muammar Gaddafi or Why The Elitists (NWO) Needed To Destroy Libya

Think you have been told the truth about Libya?

“The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses.”
– Albert Einstein

“There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar weekly salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities, and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
– John Swinton, former New York Times Chief of Staff

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”
– David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.

Rep. Ron Paul on CNN: Libyan War Is ‘About Commercial Business!’

Rep. Ron Paul: War On Libya Totally Unconstitutional

Illuminati Banksters Raping And Pillaging Libya – Goldman Sachs And Muammar Gaddafi

Libya: John Perkins: It’s Not About Oil, It’s About Currency and Loans – Rothschilds Finish Off Gaddafi – ‘The Price of Freedom’, Highest Standard of Living in Africa

Think again.

YouTube Added: 02.07.2011

More on Libya:

Qaddafi Was Captured Alive – Who Killed Him? (The Atlantic) – Rebels accused of executing former Libyan leader and son Mutassim (Telegraph)

Libya: Muammar Gaddafi’s ‘Regime’ Exposed – The Truth You Are Not Supposed To Know (Video)

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Dr. Steve Pieczenik Absolut Sure MUAMMAR GADDAFI Is ALIVE – ‘Obama Is An Obsessional Pathological Liar!’ (Video) (!!!)

Read moreMeet The Real Muammar Gaddafi or Why The Elitists (NWO) Needed To Destroy Libya

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Dr. Steve Pieczenik Absolute Sure MUAMMAR GADDAFI Is ALIVE – ‘Obama Is An Obsessional Pathological Liar!’ (Video)

“There’s no way they killed Muammar Gaddafi, that’s not our operating mode and I’ve been involved in 30 years with the takeouts and change the regimes.”

YouTube Added: 20.10.2011


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Day America Died – The Only Future For Americans Is A Nightmare

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik: Osama Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag (Video)

UNBELIEVABLE: ‘More Than 20 Navy SEALS From The Unit That Killed Osama Bin Laden’ Die In Helicopter Crash

US Recognizes Libyan Rebels As Libyan Government To Fund Them With $30 Billion In Assets Stolen From Gaddafi That Are Frozen In American Banks

US recognizes Libyan rebels as Libyan government (AP, July 15, 2011):

ISTANBUL (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says the Obama administration has decided to formally recognize Libya’s main opposition group as the country’s legitimate government. The move gives foes of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi a major financial and credibility boost.

Clinton announced Friday that Washington accepts the Transitional National Council as the legitimate governing authority of the Libyan people. Diplomatic recognition of the council means that the U.S. will be able to fund the opposition with some of the more than $30 billion in Gahdafi-regime assets that are frozen in American banks.

Read moreUS Recognizes Libyan Rebels As Libyan Government To Fund Them With $30 Billion In Assets Stolen From Gaddafi That Are Frozen In American Banks

FKN NEWZ: IMF Raped Greece, Ireland, Portugal

Added: 20.05.2011

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FKN NEWZ: War is Peace – Freedom is Slavery – Ignorance is strength

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FKN Newz: Party on Dude

FKN Newz: Fascists Love Ineffective Protest (01/04/2011)

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FKN Newz: Radioactive Bullshit Fallout – 03/19/2011

FKN Newz: NO LIE ZONE OVER LIBYA – 03/04/2011

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FKN Newz: Happy Revolution Baby! – 02/18/2011

The No.1 Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente’s Dire Warning For The World

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I’ve found a replacement.

Please let me know when videos do not work.

If Nostradamus were alive today, he’d have a hard time keeping up with Gerald Celente.
– New York Post

When CNN wants to know about the Top Trends, we ask Gerald Celente.
– CNN Headline News

There’s not a better trend forecaster than Gerald Celente. The man knows what he’s talking about.

Those who take their predictions seriously … consider the Trends Research Institute.
– The Wall Street Journal

A network of 25 experts whose range of specialties would rival many university faculties.
– The Economist

Added: 06.04.2011

Exposed: The US-Saudi Libya Deal: You Invade Bahrain. We Take Out Muammar Gaddafi In Libya

(Asia Times) — You invade Bahrain. We take out Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. This, in short, is the essence of a deal struck between the Barack Obama administration and the House of Saud. Two diplomatic sources at the United Nations independently confirmed that Washington, via Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, gave the go-ahead for Saudi Arabia to invade Bahrain and crush the pro-democracy movement in their neighbor in exchange for a “yes” vote by the Arab League for a no-fly zone over Libya – the main rationale that led to United Nations Security Council resolution 1973.

The revelation came from two different diplomats, a European and a member of the BRIC group, and was made separately to a US scholar and Asia Times Online. According to diplomatic protocol, their names cannot be disclosed. One of the diplomats said, “This is the reason why we could not support resolution 1973. We were arguing that Libya, Bahrain and Yemen were similar cases, and calling for a fact-finding mission. We maintain our official position that the resolution is not clear, and may be interpreted in a belligerent manner.”

As Asia Times Online has reported, a full Arab League endorsement of a no-fly zone is a myth. Of the 22 full members, only 11 were present at the voting. Six of them were Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members, the US-supported club of Gulf kingdoms/sheikhdoms, of which Saudi Arabia is the top dog. Syria and Algeria were against it. Saudi Arabia only had to “seduce” three other members to get the vote.

Translation: only nine out of 22 members of the Arab League voted for the no-fly zone. The vote was essentially a House of Saud-led operation, with Arab League secretary general Amr Moussa keen to polish his CV with Washington with an eye to become the next Egyptian President.

Thus, in the beginning, there was the great 2011 Arab revolt. Then, inexorably, came the US-Saudi counter-revolution.

Read moreExposed: The US-Saudi Libya Deal: You Invade Bahrain. We Take Out Muammar Gaddafi In Libya

Former CIA Agent Ray McGovern Dragged Out During Hillary Clinton’s ‘Freedom Speech’

Former CIA agent Ray McGovern

The official position of the US Secretary of State is that countries around the world should respect their citizens’ rights to free speech, free expression and free assembly — and that’s precisely what Sec. Hillary Clinton said during a Tuesday speech at George Washington University.

Unfortunately, as she spoke, not 15 feet in front of her, a series of events unfolded that utterly undermined the message.

Former CIA agent Ray McGovern, an outspoken critic of US foreign policy, stood silently in the auditorium’s center aisle, and turned his back on Clinton.

For his symbolic and otherwise non-disruptive protest, he was quickly accosted by security agents. As they struggled to pull him out of the room, a CNN news camera caught the tail end of the ordeal.

“SO THIS IS AMERICA?!? This is America? Who are you?” the 71-year-old McGovern shouted as he was hauled away.

He claims to have been “bloodied” and “bruised” (photo) by one man in uniform and an unnamed, plain-clothes security worker.

Clinton didn’t even skip a beat.

Read moreFormer CIA Agent Ray McGovern Dragged Out During Hillary Clinton’s ‘Freedom Speech’