Russian Arms Dealer Sends Missile Defence Systems To Syria

Anatoly Isaykin tells New York Times the weapons could be used to shoot down planes or sink ships

The Buk-M2 air defence missile system. Photograph: Mikhail Metzel/AP

Russian arms dealer sends missile defence systems to Syria (Guardian, June 16, 2012):

A Russian arms dealer has said his company is shipping missile defence systems to Syria that could be used to combat international intervention in the country.

Anatoly Isaykin, the general director of Rosoboronexport, said the advanced defensive missile systems could be used to shoot down planes or sink ships.

Speaking in an interview with the New York Times, Isayakin said his disclosure was not a threat but a warning.

Read moreRussian Arms Dealer Sends Missile Defence Systems To Syria

Obama Regime War Machine Announces Invasion of Syria

See also:

CIA Providing Military Weapons And US Intelligence To The Free Syrian Army

Russia Prepares Army For Syrian Deployment

Webster Tarpley: ‘NATO Is Planning Massacres’ – Russia Reportedly Preparing 2 Divisions, Spetsnaz Brigade For Deployment To Syria

Obama Regime Prepares Air Strikes On Syria

Obama War Machine Announces Invasion of Syria (InfoWars, June 14, 2012):

CNN reports this afternoon that the Pentagon has finalized plans to attack Syria and forcefully depose its leader, Bashar al-Assad, under the cover of securing weapons of mass destruction and preventing “sectarian violence” it has fomented by supporting and training the Free Syrian Army.

“The U.S. military has completed its own planning for how American troops would conduct a variety of operations against Syria, or to assist neighboring countries in the event action was ordered, officials tell CNN.”

CNN says the Pentagon has “finalized its assessment of what types of units would be needed, how many troops, and even the cost of certain potential operations.”

“There is a sense that if the sectarian violence in Syria grows, it could be worse than what we saw in Iraq,” an unnamed Obama administration official told CNN.

The attack plan is similar to the one used against Libya:

Read moreObama Regime War Machine Announces Invasion of Syria

Syria Prints New Money (In Russia) As Deficit Grows


Exclusive: Syria prints new money as deficit grows: bankers (Reuters, June 13, 2012):

Syria has released new cash into circulation to finance its fiscal deficit, flirting with inflation after violence and sanctions wiped out revenues and led to a severe economic contraction, bankers in Damascus say.

Four Damascus-based bankers told Reuters that new banknotes printed in Russia were circulating in trial amounts in the capital and Aleppo, the first such step since a popular revolt against President Bashar al-Assad began in 2011.

Read moreSyria Prints New Money (In Russia) As Deficit Grows

CIA Providing Military Weapons And US Intelligence To The Free Syrian Army

CIA Providing Military Weapons and US Intelligence to the Free Syrian Army (Occupy Corporatism, June 14, 2012):

Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, defended his country’s sale of armory to Syria at a news conference in Tehran. “We are not violating any international law in performing these contracts. [The US] are providing arms and weapons to the Syrian opposition that can be used in fighting against the Damascus government.”

Last month, at a House Intelligence Committee meeting, Representative Mike Rogers spoke out against the US arming the Free Syrian Army (FSA) with military grade weapons. Rogers said: “I’m not sure arming is the right answer here, mainly because we’re just not exactly sure who the bad guys are and who the good guys are right now in Syria. So you don’t know who you’re giving weapons to.”

Both President Obama and GOP nominee hopeful Mitt Romney is calling for the US arming of FSA.

Read moreCIA Providing Military Weapons And US Intelligence To The Free Syrian Army

NATO Preparing Vast Disinformation Campaign

See also:

Webster Tarpley: ‘NATO Is Planning Massacres’ – Russia Reportedly Preparing 2 Divisions, Spetsnaz Brigade For Deployment To Syria

For your information.

NATO preparing vast disinformation campaign (, June 11, 2012):

Member States of NATO and the GCC are preparing a coup d’état and a sectarian genocide in Syria. If you want to prevent these crimes, you should act now: circulate this article on the Internet and alert your elected officials.

In a few days, perhaps as early as Friday, June 15, at noon, the Syrians wanting to watch their national TV stations will see them replaced on their screens by TV programs created by the CIA. Studio-shot images will show massacres that are blamed on the Syrian Government, people demonstrating, ministers and generals resigning from their posts, President Al-Assad fleeing, the rebels gathering in the big city centers, and a new government installing itself in the presidential palace.

Read moreNATO Preparing Vast Disinformation Campaign

Russia Prepares Army For Syrian Deployment

See also:

Webster Tarpley: ‘NATO Is Planing Massacres’ – Russia Reportedly Preparing 2 Divisions, Spetsnaz Brigade For Deployment To Syria

As the entire economic/financial system is collapsing, …

(This video is a must-see!)

… the elitist solution will be MORE WAR. (If you have no time watching the entire video tune in from 19:00 to 24:00).

Russia prepares army for Syrian deployment (WSWS, June 12, 2012):

Given the worsening crisis in Syria, the Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper reported that the Russian army is apparently being prepared for a mission in Syria. Citing anonymous sources in the military leadership, the newspaper said that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the general staff to work out a plan for military operations outside Russia, including in Syria.

The units being prepared for an intervention are the 76th Division of airborne forces (an especially experienced unit of the Russian army), the 15th Army Division, as well as special forces from a brigade of the Black Sea fleet, which has a base in the Syrian port of Tartus.

Read moreRussia Prepares Army For Syrian Deployment

Webster Tarpley: ‘NATO Is Planning Massacres’ – Russia Reportedly Preparing 2 Divisions, Spetsnaz Brigade For Deployment To Syria

Russia Reportedly Preparing 2 Divisions, Spetsnaz Brigade for Deployment to Syria; Mini-Goebbels Ben Rhodes of Obama White House Runs Colossal Black Propaganda Op to Assist NATO Coup; Massacre of Alawites and Christians Looms; Cass Sunstein Destabilizes Vatican to Muzzle Protest (Webster Tarpley, June 12, 2012):

YouTube Added: 12.06.2012

See also:

Syria Crisis: Obama Regime Accuses Russia Of Sending Attack Helicopters – Live Updates

Hillary Clinton: ‘There Are Attack Helicopters On The Way From Russia To Syria’ (Video)

Obama Regime Prepares Air Strikes On Syria

Syria = Libya 2.0: Journalist (Eyewitness): Rebels Did Houla Massacre

BBC News Uses ‘Iraq Photo To Illustrate Syrian Massacre’

Read moreWebster Tarpley: ‘NATO Is Planning Massacres’ – Russia Reportedly Preparing 2 Divisions, Spetsnaz Brigade For Deployment To Syria

Syria Crisis: Obama Regime Accuses Russia Of Sending Attack Helicopters – Live Updates

More information HERE.

File picture of a Russian Mi-24 helicopter gunships. Hillary Clinton accused Russia of shipping a new batch of attack helicopters to Syria. Photograph: Maxim Marmur/AP Photo

Syria crisis: US accuses Russia of sending attack helicopters – live updates (Guardian, June 13, 2012):

• Clinton says Russia is dramatically escalating the conflict
• Crisis has reached civil war says UN peacekeeping chief
• UN monitors shot at and prevented from reaching Haffa
• Tunisia imposes curfew after riots

8.58am: The US campaign group, Human Rights First, has urged the US state department to obtain more details about recent Russian shipments of attack helicopters.

It issued this statement:

Read moreSyria Crisis: Obama Regime Accuses Russia Of Sending Attack Helicopters – Live Updates

Hillary Clinton: ‘There Are Attack Helicopters On The Way From Russia To Syria’ (Video)

… so that Syria can protect itself against Al-CIAda:

Syria = Libya 2.0: Journalist (Eyewitness): Rebels Did Houla Massacre

BBC News Uses ‘Iraq Photo To Illustrate Syrian Massacre’

Flashback 1:

Mossad, CIA And Blackwater Operate In Syria – Report

Syria: Clinton Admits US On Same Side As Al Qaeda To Destabilise Assad Government (Global Research)

U.S. Fighting On The Same Side As Three Terrorist Groups In Syria

Dr. Webster Tarpley: The NATO-CIA Destabilization Of Syria Is Under Way! (Video)

’15,000 Strong’ Army Gathers To Take On Syria:

An insurgent army which claims to be up to 15,000 strong is being coordinated from Turkey to take on President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, which risks plunging the region into open warfare.

– Global Research’s Michel Chossudovsky: Syria’s ‘Peaceful Protesters’ Are ‘Death Squads Directly Supported By Turkey And Israel’ Armed With Heavy Machine Guns (Video)

Flashback 2:

On record: Interview With US General Wesley Clark (Ret.): US Government Planned To ‘Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years’: ‘Starting With Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Finishing Off Iran’ (Video)

And just recently:

Obama Regime Prepares Air Strikes On Syria

Hillary Clinton: ‘there are attack helicopters on the way from Russia to Syria’ (Telegraph, June 12, 2012):

The US has accused Russia of sending attack helicopters to Syria and of telling “untruths” about the use of its arms shipments.

The regime of President Bashar al-Assad has been accused of using helicopter gunships to strafe rebel positions in cities across the country.

Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, said: “We have confronted the Russians about stopping their continued arms shipments to Syria. They have, from time to time, said that we shouldn’t worry – everything they are shipping is unrelated to their [the Syrian government’s] actions internally. That’s patently untrue.

“And we are concerned about the latest information we have that there are attack helicopters on the way from Russia to Syria, which will escalate the conflict quite dramatically.”

Read moreHillary Clinton: ‘There Are Attack Helicopters On The Way From Russia To Syria’ (Video)

Obama Regime Prepares Air Strikes On Syria

Report: Obama Prepares Air Strikes On Syria (PropagandaMatrix, June 11, 2012):

President Barack Obama has told the US Navy and Air Force to prepare air strikes on Syria as part of a “no fly zone” that will be enforced with the aid of British and French military power, according to a report.


“Their mission will be to knock out Assad’s central regime and military command centers so as to shake regime stability and restrict Syrian army and air force activity for subduing rebel action and wreaking violence on civilian populations,” reports Israeli intelligence outfit DebkaFile.

Having threatened military action for months, the United States was apparently encouraged by the fact that Russia is once again backing down from its harsh rhetoric and indicating that it will not oppose the toppling of President Bashar Al-Assad.

After having intimated that Russia would support Syria via indirect military means if NATO powers launched an attack, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Saturday that Russia “will be only glad to support such an outcome” (the ousting of Assad), suggesting Moscow has softened on the idea of regime change in Syria.

Read moreObama Regime Prepares Air Strikes On Syria

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Collapse At Hand – Gold And Silver Price Manipulation

See also:

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Washington’s Hypocrisies – ‘The US Government Is The Second Worst Human Rights Abuser On The Planet And The Sole Enabler Of The Worst–Israel’

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Recovery Or Collapse? Bet On Collapse! – ‘In The End, The Financial Crisis Could Destroy Western Civilization’

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Disinformation On Every Front

An article about Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

Mindless Masses (Veterans Today)

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Collapse At Hand (Paul Craig Roberts, June 5, 2012):

Ever since the beginning of the financial crisis and Quantitative Easing, the question has been before us:  How can the Federal Reserve maintain zero interest rates for banks and negative real interest rates for savers and bond holders when the US government is adding $1.5 trillion to the national debt every year via its budget deficits?  Not long ago the Fed announced that it was going to continue this policy for another 2 or 3 years. Indeed, the Fed is locked into the policy. Without the artificially low interest rates, the debt service on the national debt would be so large that it would raise questions about the US Treasury’s credit rating and the viability of the dollar, and the trillions of dollars in Interest Rate Swaps and other derivatives would come unglued.

In other words, financial deregulation leading to Wall Street’s gambles, the US government’s decision to bail out the banks and to keep them afloat, and the Federal Reserve’s zero interest rate policy have put the economic future of the US and its currency in an untenable and dangerous position.  It will not be possible to continue to flood the bond markets with $1.5 trillion in new issues each year when the interest rate on the bonds is less than the rate of inflation. Everyone who purchases a Treasury bond is purchasing a depreciating asset. Moreover, the capital risk of investing in Treasuries is very high. The low interest rate means that the price paid for the bond is very high. A rise in interest rates, which must come sooner or later, will collapse the price of the bonds and inflict capital losses on bond holders, both domestic and foreign.

The question is: when is sooner or later?  The purpose of this article is to examine that question.

Read moreDr. Paul Craig Roberts: Collapse At Hand – Gold And Silver Price Manipulation

Vladimir Putin Holds Firm On Syria

Vladimir Putin presses EU on visas but holds firm on Syria (Guardian, June 4, 2012):

The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has said the European Union must ditch its “stereotypes” about Russia and called for swift progress on visa-free travel between his country and the EU at a summit overshadowed by the crisis in Syria.

Putin’s stance on Syria and his appetite for closer ties with Russia’s largest trading partner were in the spotlight at his first meeting with the EU since he returned to the Kremlin last month for a six-year term.

Moscow has resisted western efforts to condemn the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, and remove him from power during 15 months of bloodshed. Western nations blame Assad’s forces for the deaths of at least 9,000 people.

Read moreVladimir Putin Holds Firm On Syria

Syria = Libya 2.0: Journalist (Eyewitness): Rebels Did Houla Massacre

See also:

BBC News Uses ‘Iraq Photo To Illustrate Syrian Massacre’ (Telegraph)

For your information.

Syria: ANNA News Journalist Marat Musin about Houla Massacre (Syria News, May 31, 2012):

Syria: Translation of the experiences by Marat Musin near the Syrian city of Homs.

The following text is the translation of a blog entry of the ANNA News journalist Marat Musin, who was in the region of al-Houla (Houla/Hula – near the Syrian city of Homs) last week and who has own experiences how the horrible “Houla massacre” in Syria happened and who is behind the violent and horrible massacre near Homs.

The translation about the own investigations of the journalist Marat Musin, together with Olga Kulygina, about the massacre in al-Houla (al-Houleh/al-Hula) was made with best intentions, you can find the original text of Marat Musin (ANNA News) about the horrible events in Syria at the end of the translation.

Read moreSyria = Libya 2.0: Journalist (Eyewitness): Rebels Did Houla Massacre

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Washington’s Hypocrisies – ‘The US Government Is The Second Worst Human Rights Abuser On The Planet And The Sole Enabler Of The Worst–Israel’

See also:

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Recovery Or Collapse? Bet On Collapse! – ‘In The End, The Financial Crisis Could Destroy Western Civilization’

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Disinformation On Every Front

An article about Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

Mindless Masses (Veterans Today)

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

The US government is the second worst human rights abuser on the planet and the sole enabler of the worst–Israel. But this doesn’t hamper Washington from pointing the finger elsewhere.

The US State Department’s “human rights report” focuses its ire on Iran and Syria, two countries whose real sin is their independence from Washington, and on the bogyman- in-the-making–China, the country selected for the role of Washington’s new Cold War enemy.

Hillary Clinton, another in a long line of unqualified Secretaries of State, informed “governments around the world: we are watching, and we are holding you accountable,” only we are not holding ourselves accountable or Washington’s allies like Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the NATO puppets.

Hillary also made it “clear to citizens and activists everywhere: You are not alone. We are standing with you,” only not with protesters at the Chicago NATO summit or with the Occupy Wall Street protesters, or anywhere else in the US where there are protests. (ref)

The State Department stands with the protesters funded by the US in the countries whose governments the US wishes to overthrow. Protesters in the US stand alone as do the occupied Palestinians who apparently have no human rights to their homes, lands, olive groves, or lives.

Read moreDr. Paul Craig Roberts: Washington’s Hypocrisies – ‘The US Government Is The Second Worst Human Rights Abuser On The Planet And The Sole Enabler Of The Worst–Israel’

BBC News Uses ‘Iraq Photo To Illustrate Syrian Massacre’

The BBC is facing criticism after it accidentally used a picture taken in Iraq in 2003 to illustrate the senseless massacre of children in Syria.

BBC News uses ‘Iraq photo to illustrate Syrian massacre’ (Telegraph, May 27, 2012):

Photographer Marco di Lauro said he nearly “fell off his chair” when he saw the image being used, and said he was “astonished” at the failure of the corporation to check their sources.

The picture, which was actually taken on March 27, 2003, shows a young Iraqi child jumping over dozens of white body bags containing skeletons found in a desert south of Baghdad.

It was posted on the BBC news website today under the heading “Syria massacre in Houla condemned as outrage grows”.

Read moreBBC News Uses ‘Iraq Photo To Illustrate Syrian Massacre’

Report: Syria Rebels Kill Assad’s Defense Minister, Brother-In-Law Near Damascus

Report: Syria rebels kill Assad’s Defense Minister, brother-in-law near Damascus (Haaretz, May 20, 2012):

Al-Jazeera cites rebel leaders as saying that Free Syrian Army special forces kill Defense Minister Rajiha and former head of military intelligence Assef Shawkat; Syria TV says alleged casualties officials call in to deny report.

Syrian opposition forces have killed several top officials in President Bashar Assad’s regime, rebel leaders reported on Sunday. Among the dead, according to the rebels, were Assad’s brother-in-law Assef Shawkat and Defense Minister Dawoud Rajiha.

According to an al-Jazeera report, Free Syrian Army special forces also killed former Defense Minister Hasan Turkmani in an overnight operation near Damascus.

The report could not yet be confirmed, with a rebel spokesperson saying proof would be revealed in the coming hours. Syrian state television denied the report.

Read moreReport: Syria Rebels Kill Assad’s Defense Minister, Brother-In-Law Near Damascus

Leon Panetta: Obama Has Authority To Override Congress To Declare War (Video)

YouTube Added: 16.05.2012


Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says the President has the authority to override Congress’ exclusive power to declare war, if some “vital interest” is at stake.

NATO Summit And 17 Nation War Games On Syrian Border (Video)


YouTube Added: 12.05.2012


– On record: Interview With US General Wesley Clark (Ret.): US Government Planned To ‘Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years’: ‘Starting With Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Finishing Off Iran’ (Video)

Another Russian Chartered, German Ship Intercepted Delivering Weapons To Syria

Another Russian Chartered, German Ship Intercepted Delivering Weapons To Syria (ZeroHedge, April 14, 2012):

Two months ago we explained very diligently, why courtesy of the strategic Russian Naval base in Tartus, Syria, the Russian regime will never, repeat never, let the Syrian government be replaced by various insurgent forces (very much like in other parts of MENA, which now are suffering from an absolute political vacuum and even greater corruption in the aftermath of the Arabian Spring). Granted, while Ambassador Rice may say she is “disgusted” with the subsequent Security Council vote which courtesy of Russia and China halted a intervention in Syria based on unbiased media reports showing one side of the story, one can only imagine how disgusted the rest of the world may have be with the stupid placement of Iran in such close proximity to all those US army bases. Subsequently there were various reports of Russian troops arriving in Tartus, both confirmed and denied by Russia, which were promptly forgotten: after all distractions from other, far greater problems can not become too repetitive or else the general audience will habituate.

But all that was a month ago, and attention spans these days are short, so it is time to once again escalate, and sure enough yesterday the AP reported that Obama has approved an aid package to the Syrian rebels. Naturally, since this whole theater is all about severing strategic Russian national interests in the Mediterranean, and thus, into the Suez, Arabian Gulf, and ultimately Persian Gulf, German Spiegel reports of the immediate tat to America’s tit (not to be confused with the Colombian legal prostitution tit, where it now appears whoregate is about to become a national pastime courtesy of upcoming congressional hearings involving the 12 men from Obama’s staff who were Secretly Serviced on taxpayer dimes), as apparently yet another Russian-chartered, German ship has been intercepted carrying military equipment and munitions into Syria.

Read moreAnother Russian Chartered, German Ship Intercepted Delivering Weapons To Syria

Ron Paul Blasts Obama For Killing Americans

Ron Paul blasts Obama for killing Americans (RT, Mar 20, 2012):

Presidential hopeful Ron Paul has publically attacked the Obama administration’s abolishment of due process in a new editorial, calling the move a turning point in American history.

Responding to Attorney General Eric Holder’s recent justification for the extrajudicial killings of three American citizens on foreign soil, Republican Party candidate Ron Paul has penned a scathing op-ed condemning the White House for circumventing the US Constitution. Earlier this month Holder spoke at Chicago’s Northwestern Law School to discuss last year’s execution of alleged terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki and two other US-born clerics in Yemen, a decision he says the White House still defends despite criticism from citizens and lawmakers alike.

Although both US President Barack Obama and the CIA signed off on the airstrike that killed the American citizens, Washington has been relatively quiet on the matter until Holder spoke earlier this month.

After Attorney General Holder justified the assassination of Americans, a congressional inquiry revealed that Robert Mueller, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, wasn’t certain that the same laws could be applied to killing Americans on US soil. With the FBI and Oval Office both hiding behind vague verbiage to allow the assassination of their own citizens, Ron Paul is critiquing what he calls a complete disregard of the Constitution.

“It is particularly bizarre to hear the logic of the administration claiming the right to target its citizens according to some secret selection process, when we justified our attacks against Iraq and Libya because their leaders supposedly were targeting their own citizens,” writes Rep. Paul. “We also now plan a covert war against Syria for the same reason.”

Read moreRon Paul Blasts Obama For Killing Americans

Russian Anti-Terror Troops Arrive in Syria


Russia And Syria Deny Russian Ships, Special Forces In Syria (DayPress, Mar 20, 2012):

SYRIA- An official Syrian military source denied Monday from Damascus the reports that had been circulated by some media agencies about the arrival of Russian warships carrying military staffs to combat terrorism into the Syrian shores.

The source described those reports as categorically baseless and untrue.

“Those news come in the framework of the lie campaigns against Syria by some opposition sides and the countries that support them in order to cover the calls for the foreign intervention in the Syrian affairs,” the source told SANA in a statement.

In Moscow and on Monday too, the Russian Defense Ministry denied those reports too. Russian news agencies have quoted a source at the Ministry’s Media Department saying that “Russia was astonished at the reports circulated by some media about the presence of Russian warships near the Syrian coasts.” according to SANA report on Monday.

The Russian Defense Ministry source added that there are not any warships for the Russian navy near Syrian coast.

Russian Anti-Terror Troops Arrive in Syria (ABC News, Mar 19, 2012):

A Russian military unit has arrived in Syria, according to Russian news reports, a development that a United Nations Security Council source told ABC News was “a bomb” certain to have serious repercussions.

Russia, one of President Bashar al-Assad’s strongest allies despite international condemnation of the government’s violent crackdown on the country’s uprising, has repeatedly blocked the United Nations Security Council’s attempts to halt the violence, accusing the U.S. and its allies of trying to start another war.

Now the Russian Black Sea fleet’s Iman tanker has arrived in the Syrian port of Tartus on the Mediterranean Sea with an anti-terror squad from the Russian Marines aboard according to the Interfax news agency. The Assad government has insisted it is fighting a terrorist insurgency. The Russian news reports did not elaborate on the Russian troops’ mission in Syria or if they are expected to leave the port.

Read moreRussian Anti-Terror Troops Arrive in Syria

Keiser Report: How Goldman Sachs Rips Out Eyes, Tears Off Heads Of Its Customers – Britain To Offer 100-Year Gilts – FBI: Paying Cash For Coffee Is A Sign Of Terrorist Intent (Video)

YouTube Added: 17.03.2012

Obama Regime To Seek ‘International Permission’ To Attack Syria, Will ‘Inform’ Congress of Plan (Video)

YouTube Added: 07.03.2012

See also:

Mossad, CIA And Blackwater Operate In Syria – Report

Iranian Envoy: Syrian Terrorists Killing People with US, Israeli Weapons

John McCain Calls For Airstrikes On Syria

U.S. And Israel Have Prepared Military Options To Attack Iran

Syria: Clinton Admits US On Same Side As Al Qaeda To Destabilise Assad Government (Global Research)

‘US To Announce Aerial Blockade On Syria’ (which is an act of war!!!)

U.S. State Department Quietly Warning Region On Syrian WMDs

U.S. Fighting On The Same Side As Three Terrorist Groups In Syria

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Silencing The Critics

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: 44 US Military Bases Surrounding Iran: Will Iran Be Attacked?

Final Solution: First Syria, Then Iran And Then …

Thirteen French Soldiers ‘Captured By Syrian Army’

From the article:

A foreign ministry spokesman in France said: “We deny the idea that there are French troops on the ground”. A defence spokesman said: “We have no information on this. We neither confirm nor deny it”.

Thirteen French officers ‘captured by Syrian Army’ (Telegraph, Mar 5, 2012):

The French foreign ministry dismissed the report, however, telling the Daily Telegraph that not a single French soldier is on Syrian soil.

But the defence ministry was less categorical, saying it neither confirmed nor denied the claim.

Read moreThirteen French Soldiers ‘Captured By Syrian Army’

Mossad, CIA And Blackwater Operate In Syria – Report

Here we go again!

The seeds are safe …

Syria Crops Sheltered In Arctic Doomsday Seed Vault … To Protect Them From Wars And Natural Disasters

… and there are only disposable, unwanted humans (and another central bank that is not controlled by the Rothschild’s) left from the elitists perspective.

Flashback 1:

US Troops Deploying on Jordan-Syria Border (Video)

Dr. Webster Tarpley: The NATO-CIA Destabilization Of Syria Is Under Way! (Video)

’15,000 Strong’ Army Gathers To Take On Syria:

An insurgent army which claims to be up to 15,000 strong is being coordinated from Turkey to take on President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, which risks plunging the region into open warfare.

– Global Research’s Michel Chossudovsky: Syria’s ‘Peaceful Protesters’ Are ‘Death Squads Directly Supported By Turkey And Israel’ Armed With Heavy Machine Guns (Video)

Flashback 2:

On record: Interview With US General Wesley Clark (Ret.): US Government Planned To ‘Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years’: ‘Starting With Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Finishing Off Iran (Video)

It’s Libya 2.0 (Links are down below.)

And not only the Mossad, the CIA and Blackwater ‘operate’ in Syria, but also Al-CIAda (Links are also down below.)

We are ‘the rising’ 4th Reich and by now we know how awakened, peaceful Germans must have felt like, when Hitler ‘liberated’ Poland in 1939.

Total despair, because they knew that their country has been hijcked by a criminal cabal and that it is too late to do anything about it.

See also: Albert Pike Predicted Three World Wars In 1871

Members of the Free Syrian Army patrol an area in Qusayr, 15 kms (nine miles) from Homs. (AFP Photo / STR) Ahmed Jadallah)

Mossad, CIA and Blackwater operate in Syria – report (RT, Mar 6, 2012):

A security operation in Homs reveals Mossad, CIA and Blackwater are involved in the military violence in this part of Syria, as over 700 Arab and Western gunmen and Israeli, American and European-made weapons were detained in Baba Amr district.

­Syrian security forces got yet further proof of Western powers’ military involvement in Syria’s internal conflict, reports Al-Manar, a news agency, affiliated with Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based militant group and political party.

Around 700 gunmen were recently arrested in the former rebel stronghold of Babar Amr.

“The captured gunmen held Arab nationalities, including Gulf, Iraqi, and Lebanese. Among them were also Qatari intelligence agents and non-Arab fighters from Afghanistan, Turkey, and some European countries like France,” the agency quotes Syrian expert in strategic affairs Salim Harba as saying.

Read moreMossad, CIA And Blackwater Operate In Syria – Report