Mossad, CIA And Blackwater Operate In Syria – Report

Here we go again!

The seeds are safe …

Syria Crops Sheltered In Arctic Doomsday Seed Vault … To Protect Them From Wars And Natural Disasters

… and there are only disposable, unwanted humans (and another central bank that is not controlled by the Rothschild’s) left from the elitists perspective.

Flashback 1:

US Troops Deploying on Jordan-Syria Border (Video)

Dr. Webster Tarpley: The NATO-CIA Destabilization Of Syria Is Under Way! (Video)

’15,000 Strong’ Army Gathers To Take On Syria:

An insurgent army which claims to be up to 15,000 strong is being coordinated from Turkey to take on President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, which risks plunging the region into open warfare.

– Global Research’s Michel Chossudovsky: Syria’s ‘Peaceful Protesters’ Are ‘Death Squads Directly Supported By Turkey And Israel’ Armed With Heavy Machine Guns (Video)

Flashback 2:

On record: Interview With US General Wesley Clark (Ret.): US Government Planned To ‘Take Out 7 Countries In 5 Years’: ‘Starting With Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Finishing Off Iran (Video)

It’s Libya 2.0 (Links are down below.)

And not only the Mossad, the CIA and Blackwater ‘operate’ in Syria, but also Al-CIAda (Links are also down below.)

We are ‘the rising’ 4th Reich and by now we know how awakened, peaceful Germans must have felt like, when Hitler ‘liberated’ Poland in 1939.

Total despair, because they knew that their country has been hijcked by a criminal cabal and that it is too late to do anything about it.

See also: Albert Pike Predicted Three World Wars In 1871

Members of the Free Syrian Army patrol an area in Qusayr, 15 kms (nine miles) from Homs. (AFP Photo / STR) Ahmed Jadallah)

Mossad, CIA and Blackwater operate in Syria – report (RT, Mar 6, 2012):

A security operation in Homs reveals Mossad, CIA and Blackwater are involved in the military violence in this part of Syria, as over 700 Arab and Western gunmen and Israeli, American and European-made weapons were detained in Baba Amr district.

­Syrian security forces got yet further proof of Western powers’ military involvement in Syria’s internal conflict, reports Al-Manar, a news agency, affiliated with Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based militant group and political party.

Around 700 gunmen were recently arrested in the former rebel stronghold of Babar Amr.

“The captured gunmen held Arab nationalities, including Gulf, Iraqi, and Lebanese. Among them were also Qatari intelligence agents and non-Arab fighters from Afghanistan, Turkey, and some European countries like France,” the agency quotes Syrian expert in strategic affairs Salim Harba as saying.

Harba also confirmed to the agency that “a coordination office was established in Qatar under American-Gulf sponsorship. The office includes American, French, and Gulf – specifically from Qatar and Saudi Arabia – intelligence agents, as well as CIA, Mossad, and Blackwater agents and members of the Syrian Transitional Council.”

The Syrian expert also added the security forces have also seized Israeli-, European- and American-made weapons.

“The Syrian army also uncovered tunnels and equipments there,” he told to the agency, “advanced Israeli, European, and American arms that have not yet been tested in the countries of manufacture, in addition to Israeli grenades, night binoculars, and communication systems were confiscated by the security forces.”

Salim Harba however said the Syrian authorities are not planning to reveal all the obtained information now, but assured all the evidence is of high value.

“The Syrian security forces have documents and confessions that could harm everyone who conspired against Syria, and could make a security and political change, not just on the internal Syrian level, but also on the regional level,” he said.

The recent Stratfor leak and hacked email of the company’s director of analysis also suggest undercover NATO troops are already on the ground in Syria.

There have been previous allegations of a Western presence on the side of the rebels as 13 French officers were reportedly captured by the loyalist forces earlier in March.

President Bashar al-Assad has repeatedly claimed his regime is fighting not with peaceful protesters as claimed by the West, but with the military gangs supported by the West.

Western powers however have categorically denied any military involvement in Syrian internal conflict.

See also:

John McCain Calls For Airstrikes On Syria

U.S. And Israel Have Prepared Military Options To Attack Iran

Syria: Clinton Admits US On Same Side As Al Qaeda To Destabilise Assad Government (Global Research)

‘US To Announce Aerial Blockade On Syria’ (which is an act of war!!!)

U.S. State Department Quietly Warning Region On Syrian WMDs

U.S. Fighting On The Same Side As Three Terrorist Groups In Syria

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Silencing The Critics

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: 44 US Military Bases Surrounding Iran: Will Iran Be Attacked?

Final Solution: First Syria, Then Iran And Then …

Libya 2.0:

Al-CIAda in Libya:

Change: Al-Qaeda Flag Flying On New ‘Moderate’ Government Benghazi Courthouse In Libya

Webster Tarpley: Al-Qaeda Commander of NATO’s Bloody Reign of Terror in Tripoli is the Monster Abdel Hakim Belhadj, aka Abdel Hakim al-Hasadi, Friend of Osama Bin Laden, former US POW, and Infamous Killer of US Soldiers in Afghanistan

The Greatest Betrayal: Handing Over Libya To Al-Qaeda

Asia Times Correspondent Pepe Escobar: Al-Qaeda Asset Is Military Commander Of Tripoli!

Meet the lie used to take out Gaddafi:

– The Corbett Report: The Assassination of Gaddafi & The Destruction Of Libya (Video)

Former Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney Exposes THE LIE Used To Attack And Destroy Libya: ‘Truth is the First Casualty of War. No Justice, No Peace, No Truth..’

Russian Military: Gaddafi Airstrikes On Civilians NEVER Happened! (RT – Video)

Meet the BAD Guy:

Smoking Gun: Gaddafi Was To Receive U.N. HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD


Why Libya Was Attacked

The most interesting thing would be to know happened to these $200 billion:

Muammar Gaddafi Salted Away About $200 Billion

I guess the 200 billion and 144 tons of gold …

The Battle Is Almost Over: Destroying Libya To Steal 144 Tons Of Gold

… and a African sound currency …

More Reasons Why Gadaffi And Libya Had To Be Destroyed (Video):

… others say it is about oil, but some are convinced intervention in Libya is all about Gaddafi’s plan to introduce the gold dinar, a single African currency made from gold, a true sharing of the wealth.

and oil …

Straight From The Horse’s Mouth: John Bolton Admits All Of These Wars Are For Oil (Video)

… and …

Rep. Ron Paul on CNN: Libyan War Is ‘About Commercial Business!’ (And Totally Unconstitutional!)

Illuminati Banksters Raping And Pillaging Libya – Goldman Sachs And Muammar Gaddafi

Libya: John Perkins: It’s Not About Oil, It’s About Currency and Loans – Rothschilds Finish Off Gaddafi – ‘The Price of Freedom’, Highest Standard of Living in Africa

… are an awful lot of good reasons to invade ANOTHER country. I hope you have listened to John Bolton.

Here are even more reasons why the NWO elitists had to destroy Libya:

Libya: Muammar Gaddafi’s ‘Regime’ Exposed – The Truth You Are Not Supposed To Know (Video)

Meet The Real Muammar Gaddafi or Why The Elitists (NWO) Needed To Destroy Libya (Video)

And I am sure that the Libyan people will see not one dollar of the $200 billion benefiting their country.

Do you still believe your government? (From the article below):

“Obama administration officials were stunned last spring when they found $US37 billion in Libyan regime accounts and investments in the United States”

Oh, really?:

Matt Taibbi: Why is the Federal Reserve Bailing Out Gaddafi?:

Barack Obama recently issued an executive order imposing a wave of sanctions against Libya, not only freezing Libyan assets, but barring Americans from having business dealings with Libyan banks.

So raise your hand if you knew that the United States has been extending billions of dollars in aid to Qaddafi and to the Central Bank of Libya, through a Libyan-owned subsidiary bank operating out of Bahrain. And raise your hand if you knew that, just a week or so after Obama’s executive order, the U.S. Treasury Department quietly issued an order exempting this and other Libyan-owned banks to continue operating without sanction.

Yes, all of this is more MSM & government bullshit we can take a bath in.

On Al-CIAda:

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaeda. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US.”
– Robin Cook, Former British Foreign Secretary

Just one month after this article, published in the Guardian, Robin Cook DIED:

Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook: ‘Al-Qaida, Literally “The Database”, Was Originally The Computer File Of The Thousands Of Mujahideen Who Were Recruited And Trained With Help From The CIA To Defeat The Russians’

Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist or How The US Created Al Qaeda (Documentary)

BBC: Al-Qaeda Does Not Exist (Documentary)

2 thoughts on “Mossad, CIA And Blackwater Operate In Syria – Report”

  1. The “NAZI” canard is as tiresome as the “ant-Semite” smear. If, as a gay Liberal (for what labels are worth) whose friends are mostly minorities, can, through research and objective reasoning, come to the conclusion and demonstrate that the NSDAP regime, as well as the people of Germany, were innocent of the crimes they were accused of, and it was actually the “Allies” – the usual suspects, who were the perpetrators, the fire bombers, and the death camp operators, then you should be able too. They weren’t entirely innocent, and they did things which were wrong and offend our sensibilities, but they were not what they are made out to be, and they did not instigate WWII anymore than Iran is instigating WWIII. So many ‘truthers’ fall so short on this issue. It is perhaps the most important key in obliterating the mind-lock that people suffer from. To fail to apply the same scrutiny to the details of this era that you would to 9/11 is a great folly as a truth seeker.

    • My point is, at what point can this madness still be stopped before it is too late?

      If we allow all of this to happen, then we will find us in the same position where many Germans, who were opposed to the fascist regime, found themselves before, and it will be too late to do something about it, because any opposition would mean prison or worse.

      We are soon reaching that point of no return.

      We are all not innocent in regards to the reality we create.

      Research the secret Patriot Act, NSPD 51, the NDAA and Obama’s assasination program etc.

      It is FASCISM!


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