Athens Riots: ‘It Was A Real War On People By Cops & Government’

Added: 01.07.2011

Greece has voted on a second bill in the final step towards implementing the next wave of austerity measures. Its the last hurdle that Athens has to jump to qualify for a new stack of European bailout funds. The plan’s met heavy public resistance with two days of rioting that’s left more than 300 people injured. Activist Kiriakos Tobras in Syntagma square says Greeks simply don’t want to pay for the mistakes of banks and politicians.

The No.1 Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente on Greece: ‘The IMF Is Nothing More Than The International Mafia Federation’ Stealing Big!

Added: 01.07.2011

If Nostradamus were alive today, he’d have a hard time keeping up with Gerald Celente.
– New York Post

When CNN wants to know about the Top Trends, we ask Gerald Celente.
– CNN Headline News

There’s not a better trend forecaster than Gerald Celente. The man knows what he’s talking about.

Those who take their predictions seriously … consider the Trends Research Institute.
– The Wall Street Journal

A network of 25 experts whose range of specialties would rival many university faculties.
– The Economist

More from Gerald Celente:

The No.1 Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente: Collapse – It’s Coming! Are You Ready? (06/14/2011)

The No.1 Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente’s Dire Warning For The World

Microsoft Admits Patriot Act Can Access EU-Based Cloud Data

Microsoft admits Patriot Act can access EU-based cloud data (ZDNet, June 28, 2011):

LONDON — At the Office 365 launch, Gordon Frazer, managing director of Microsoft UK, gave the first admission that cloud data — regardless of where it is in the world — is not protected against the USA PATRIOT Act.

It was honestly music to my ears. After a year of researching the Patriot Act’s breadth and ability to access data held within protected EU boundaries, Microsoft finally and openly admitted it.

Read moreMicrosoft Admits Patriot Act Can Access EU-Based Cloud Data

US Forces STILL Flying Hundreds Of Bombing Raids Over Libya As Liar In Chief Obama Says America Is Only Playing A Limited Role

See also:

William Engdahl on Libya: ‘The NATO High Command Ought To Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity For Bombing Civilians’

NATO Declares Total War On The People Of Libya: Bombs May Hit Any Place At Any Time! – Total Destruction!

US Admiral Admits NATO Trying To Kill Gaddafi

Rep. Ron Paul on CNN: Libyan War Is ‘About Commercial Business!’ (And Totally Unconstitutional!)

U.S. forces STILL flying hundreds of bombing raids over Libya as Obama says America is only playing a limited role (Daily Mail, July 2, 2011):

U.S. forces are still flying hundreds of bombing raids over Libya even though the Obama administration claims that American armed forces are only playing a limited role in the conflict.

Since NATO’s Operation Unified Protector took over from the American-led Operation Odyssey Dawn on 31 March, the U.S. has flown hundreds of strike missions, according to United States Africa Command (AFRICOM).

The White House originally claimed that U.S. planes were mostly providing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and played down the number of bombing raids.

However AFRICOM spokeswoman Nicole Dalrymple said: ‘U.S. aircraft continue to fly support missions, as well as strike sorties under NATO tasking.

‘Since 31 March, the U.S. has flown a total of 3,475 sorties…Of those, 801 were strike sorties, 132 of which actually dropped ordnance.’

A White House report on the Libya conflict sent to Congress on 15 June says that ‘American strikes are limited to the suppression of enemy air defense and occasional strikes by unmanned Predator UAVs against a specific set of targets.’

Read moreUS Forces STILL Flying Hundreds Of Bombing Raids Over Libya As Liar In Chief Obama Says America Is Only Playing A Limited Role

Eurogroup Chief Jean-Claude Juncker Just Warned That Greek Sovereignty Will Now Be Massively Limited

I guess the people of Greece will love to hear that.

And the people of Europe are all so very happy to be completely raped by the banksters, the ECB and their governments who all serve the elitists.

Democracy just turned into ‘DEMONcracy’.

NWO Financial Terrorist Attack On Greece: Max Keiser, Nigel Farage, Gerald Celente On Greek Austerity & Bailout

Athens Riots: ‘It Was A Real War On People By Cops & Government’

The No.1 Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente on Greece: ‘The IMF Is Nothing More Than The International Mafia Federation’ Stealing Big!

European Leaders Admit Preparing For A Greek Default

‘This Is Not A Program To Salvage The (Greek) Economy, It’s A Program For Pillage Before Bankruptcy’

The Truth About Greece – Democracy vs Mythology – The Battle in Syntagma Square

Former Goldman Sachs Managing Director Appointed European Central Bank President!


How Greek Policemen Provided ‘Weapons’ (For Undercover Cops) To Provoke Violence At Syntagma Square (Video – 06/15/2011)

Jean-Claude Juncker

Eurogroup chief Jean-Claude Juncker (Business Insider, July 3, 2011):

Them’s the breaks.

Take money from abroad, lose your freedom.

Eurogroup chief Jean-Claude Juncker just gave an interview to German magazine Focus, in which he said, via Reuters: “The sovereignty of Greece will be massively limited.”

He also likened the coming wave of Greek privatizations to that of East Germany, which had its own independent agency oversee the privatizations.

So obviously Juncker was talking to German readers, who are upset at the bailout, and want to see a high punishment exacted for Greece getting so much taxpayer money.

And Now: Japanese Doctor Says ‘Radiation Is Good For You’, ‘Like An Angel’s Smile (Even At 50 Millisieverts/Year)’

When Goldman’s Loyd Blankfein said that he ‘is doing God’s work’ we should have asked what God he was talking about???

Well, Blankfein’s God and this Japanese doctors angel are most probably the very same entity.

Now radiation is good for you!!!

So this is actually ‘good news’:

2,700 Becquerels Per Kg Radioactive Cesium In Tea Leaves Picked By Elementary School Children in Itabashi, Tokyo

Japanese Cancer Expert on the Fukushima Situation: ‘I Just Cannot Feel Any Hope For Japan’s Future’

Radioactive Cesium In Urine Of All 10 Children Tested In Fukushima City, Located 60 Km From Fukushima Nuclear Plant

High Levels Of Radioactive Cesium In Ashes FROM REGULAR HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE At Tokyo Trash Burning Plant

Radiation ‘Experiment’ In Japan Just Got Bigger, As Fukushima To Fit All Infants, Kindergarteners, School Children With Radiation Monitoring Badges

Radioactive Playground In Tokyo Metro Area!

Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People) Is In Danger: Greenpeace Detects Cobalt-60 And High Radiation ‘Hot Spots’ – Children Should Be Evacuated Immediately

Michio Kaku:

Fallout! (60 Minutes): Japan’s Recovery Won’t Be Measured In Years, But Centuries – Michio Kaku: These Humans Are Guinea Pigs!

More on the effects of low-level radiation below.

Radiation: Like an Angel’s Smile (EX-SKF, June 30, 2011):

A medical doctor in Koriyama City in Fukushima Prefecture has a cheerful message about radiation exposure after the Fukushima I Nuke Plant accident. As you’ve already heard from the other good doctor Shunichi Yamashita, yes indeed, “radiation is good for you”, and it is good for Fukushima’s future.

The doctor has a slide presentation on radiation in Fukushima Prefecture on his website and this is his conclusion:

Conclusion: A small radiation is good for your health

There are two sides to radiation.

Small dose: Like an angel’s smile (even at 50 millisieverts/year)

Large dose in short time: Like a devil’s violence

From now on, the number of cancer patients in Fukushima will decrease.

Food items with a small amount of radiation will fetch “premium”.

Fukushima Prefecture will be the Number One health land in Japan, and people will flock to Fukushima.

Our future is bright.

Like Disneyland, I suppose.

Read moreAnd Now: Japanese Doctor Says ‘Radiation Is Good For You’, ‘Like An Angel’s Smile (Even At 50 Millisieverts/Year)’

New Jersey: Salem Nuclear Reactor No. 2 In ‘Hot Shutdown’ After Cooling Pump Failure

Salem Unit 2 nuclear reactor shuts down after cooling pump failure (NJ, June 28, 2011):

LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK TWP. — The Salem Unit 2 nuclear plant remained shut down this afternoon following a problem with a reactor coolant pump, according to a spokesman for the plant’s operator.

Salem 2 automatically went offline Sunday at 6:01 p.m. when the coolant pump tripped, said Joe Delmar, spokesman for PSEG Nuclear.

When the pump shut down, the auxiliary pump system automatically started to provide water to cool the reactor.

The cause of the pump failure is still being investigated, according to Delmar. The plant functioned as designed, he said.

The plant remained in “hot shutdown” mode this afternoon.

Read moreNew Jersey: Salem Nuclear Reactor No. 2 In ‘Hot Shutdown’ After Cooling Pump Failure

Illuminati Banksters Raping And Pillaging Libya – Goldman Sachs And Muammar Gaddafi

See also:

NWO Financial Terrorist Attack On Greece: Max Keiser, Nigel Farage, Gerald Celente On Greek Austerity & Bailout

Top Swiss Banking Insider Exposes The Bilderberg Group

Added: 23.06.2011


William Engdahl on Libya: ‘The NATO High Command Ought To Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity For Bombing Civilians’

NATO Declares Total War On The People Of Libya: Bombs May Hit Any Place At Any Time! – Total Destruction!

US Admiral Admits NATO Trying To Kill Gaddafi

The …

Libyan Majority In Support Of Gaddafi: One Million Pro-Gaddafi Demo in Tripoli

Here is why Libyans support Gaddafi:

Libya: John Perkins: It’s Not About Oil, It’s About Currency and Loans – Rothschilds Finish Off Gaddafi – ‘The Price of Freedom’, Highest Standard of Living in Africa

WW III has already started:

The No.1 Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente’s Dire Warning For The World

Gerald Celente Special Trend Alert: The 1st Great War of 21st Century Has Begun!

See also:

Rep. Ron Paul on CNN: Libyan War Is ‘About Commercial Business!’ (And Totally Unconstitutional!)

Matt Taibbi: Why is the Federal Reserve Bailing Out Gaddafi?


California About To Go ‘South’? Official Calls For 13 Southern California Counties To Secede From The State

New state would have no term limits, part-time legislature

Official Calls For Riverside, 12 Other Counties To Secede From California (CBS NEWS, July 1, 2011):

Is the state of California about to go “South”?

Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone apparently thinks so, after proposing that the county lead a campaign for as many as 13 Southern California counties to secede from the state.

Stone said in a statement late Thursday that Riverside, Imperial, San Diego, Orange, San Bernardino, Kings, Kern, Fresno, Tulare, Inyo, Madera, Mariposa and Mono counties should form the new state of South California.

The creation of the new state would allow officials to focus on securing borders, balancing budgets, improving schools and creating a vibrant economy, he said.

“Our taxes are too high, our schools don’t educate our children well enough, unions and other special interests have more clout in the Legislature than the general public,” Stone said in his statement.

Read moreCalifornia About To Go ‘South’? Official Calls For 13 Southern California Counties To Secede From The State

Japanese Cancer Expert on the Fukushima Situation: ‘I Just Cannot Feel Any Hope For Japan’s Future’

Japanese Cancer Expert on the Fukushima Situation (Asia-Pacific Journal, July 01, 2011):

Japan’s leading business journal Toyo Keizai has published an article by Hokkaido Cancer Center director Nishio Masamichi, a radiation treatment specialist. The piece, entitled “The Problem of Radiation Exposure Countermeasures for the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: Concerns for the Present Situation”, was published on June 27 and is consistent with the critical coverage of the Fukushima crisis that has appeared in independent weekly magazines, notably Shukan Kinyobi, which have taken a strong anti-nuclear stance since the March 11 earthquake-tsunami-meltdown, and have repeatedly focused on the dangers of radiation exposure while calling for far-reaching measures to protect those at risk.

Nishio begins by asserting that the Fukushima crisis has caused Japan’s “myth of nuclear safety” to crumble. He has “grave concern” for the public health effects of the ongoing radiation leak.

Nishio originally called for “calm” in the days after the accident. Now, he argues, that as the gravity of the situation at the plant has become more clear, the specter of long-term radiation exposure must be reckoned with.

Lamenting the poor state of public knowledge of radiation, Nishio writes, “Japan, with its history of having suffered radiation exposure from the atomic bombs, should have the most [direct] knowledge of radiation, but in fact, in the approach to the nuclear accident, has simply fallen into confusion.” He places blame on a number of groups:

  1. TEPCO executives, who he accuses of having hidden the truth and prioritized the survival of the company over public health.
  2. Bureaucrats who were unable to put together an accurate body of information about radiation effects from which to formulate policy.
  3. A prime minister and cabinet lacking both leadership and an appropriate sense of urgency.
  4. Politicians who sought to use the crisis in intra- or inter-party struggles.
  5. Nuclear industry lobbyists and “academic flunkies” (goyo gakusha) of the government who built up the myth of nuclear safety in the first place.

Looking at these groups, he writes, “I just cannot feel any hope for Japan’s future. These circumstances are simply tragic.”

He leaves the press out of his main list of culprits, but points to the poor state of scientific knowledge among journalists as a major factor behind what he views as their inability to bring essential information to the public in a timely manner. He also accuses the media establishment of prioritizing “avoiding a panic” over “communicating the truth”.

Nishio provides a blunt and hard-hitting specialist perspective on major government decisions. Here is a summary of some of his major points:

Read moreJapanese Cancer Expert on the Fukushima Situation: ‘I Just Cannot Feel Any Hope For Japan’s Future’

Former Japanese Government Nuclear Advisor Toshiso Kosako: ‘Come The Harvest Season In The Fall, There Will Be A Chaos’ – Ceiling On Schoolyard Radiation Levels ‘Unacceptable’ – Much More Radiation Threats To Come

Radiation Expert Predicts More Threats (Wall Street Journal, JULY 2, 2011):

TOKYO—A former nuclear adviser to Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan blasted the government’s handling of the crisis, and predicted more revelations of radiation threats to the public in the coming months.

In his first media interview since resigning his post in protest in April, Toshiso Kosako, one of the country’s leading experts on radiation safety, said Mr. Kan’s government has been slow to test for dangers in the sea and to fish, and has understated certain radiation threats to minimize clean-up costs. In his post, Mr. Kosako’s role was to advise the prime minister on radiation safety.

And while there have been scattered reports of food contamination—of tea leaves and spinach, for example—Mr. Kosako predicted there will be broader discoveries later this year, especially as rice, Japan’s staple, is harvested.

“Come the harvest season in the fall, there will be a chaos,” Mr. Kosako said. “Among the rice harvested, there will certainly be some radiation contamination—though I don’t know at what levels—setting off a scandal. If people stop buying rice from Tohoku … we’ll have a tricky problem.”

Mr. Kosako also said that the way the government has handled the Fukushima Daiichi situation since the March 11 tsunami crippled the reactors has exposed basic flaws in Japanese policy making.

“The government’s decision-making mechanism is opaque,” he said. “It’s never clear what reasons are driving what decisions. This doesn’t look like a democratic society. Japan is increasingly looking like a developing nation in East Asia.”

Read moreFormer Japanese Government Nuclear Advisor Toshiso Kosako: ‘Come The Harvest Season In The Fall, There Will Be A Chaos’ – Ceiling On Schoolyard Radiation Levels ‘Unacceptable’ – Much More Radiation Threats To Come

US: Epic Bond Rout, Biggest Weekly Percentage Surge In 5 Year Yield In History

Epic Bond Rout Leads To Biggest Weekly Percentage Surge In 5 Year Yield In History (ZeroHedge, July 1, 2011):

As the table below demonstrates, the bond vigilantes are now eviscerating the belly of the US Treasury curve: the weekly percentage move higher in the 5 Year yield is now the largest…Ever. For those wondering if PIIGS should be renamed to PIIS following the brief rescue of G, perhaps it is time to officially rename it PIISA.

The chart below is an archive picture of what one day will be seen as officially ushering in QE 3. As for the naive follow on moves in the equities, it is merely a risk transfer.

As for the statistical evidence, courtesy of John Lohman, it speaks for itself. This week’s move wider is the biggest percentage move ever.

Australian Reserve Bank Director Warwick McKibbin: Global ‘Train Wreck’ Coming

Global ‘train wreck’ coming (Sydney Morning Herald, July 1, 2011):

THE global economy is facing ”a slow-motion train wreck” with Greece only the first nation to be hit, Reserve Bank director Warwick McKibbin has told a Melbourne conference.

Referring to the most recent global economic crisis as a mere ”blip”, he said the coming crisis could undo the mining boom and bring on inflation of the kind not seen since the 1970s.

Professor McKibbin told the Melbourne Institute conference dozens of European countries now had gross government debts on track to exceed 60 per cent of GDP. ”Japan is forecast to be 200 per cent of GDP, the US is forecast to be over 100 per cent of GDP,” he said.

Read moreAustralian Reserve Bank Director Warwick McKibbin: Global ‘Train Wreck’ Coming

Accordingly, it sure is a good thing that the world’s biggest derivatives player – J.P. Morgan – has ‘seemingly’ NEVER, EVER made a bet even ‘1 % wrong’ with their 80 Trillion derivatives book. The Morgue has a Market Cap of roughly $180 billion. A wrong bet of a mere 1% on their ‘book’ would translate to a loss of $800 billion dollars eviscerating their entire capital base more than four times over. The knock on effect from such an event would trigger multiple tsunamis reverberating through the global financial system. Sounds absurd, but it’s pure math.

Derivatives: A Capital Markets Gong Show For Whom The Bell Tolls (GoldSeek, July 1, 2011):

Remember folks, Bill Gross [PIMCO] is reputed to run the world’s largest bond fund. Not only was Gross wrong – in investment terms he was SERIOUSLY WRONG – a great many percentage points wrong. Not only did 10 yr. bond rates not go up by 150 basis points – they have indeed FALLEN by more than 50 basis points.

This illustrates a point; namely, that being the biggest in your space [and having former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan acting as advisor to your company] doesn’t ensure that you NEVER, EVER make a poor market call and “lose-your-shirt” – so to speak.

Accordingly, it sure is a good thing that the world’s biggest derivatives player – J.P. Morgan – has “seemingly” NEVER, EVER made a bet even “1 % wrong” with their 80 Trillion derivatives book. The Morgue has a Market Cap of roughly $180 billion. A wrong bet of a mere 1% on their ‘book’ would translate to a loss of $800 billion dollars eviscerating their entire capital base more than four times over. The knock on effect from such an event would trigger multiple tsunamis reverberating through the global financial system. Sounds absurd, but it’s pure math.

Overmedicated Americans Go Violent

Overmedicated Americans go violent (RT, July 02, 2011):

The good old days of robbing banks and liquor stores are going the way of the dinosaur as the new crime catching across America is knocking-over drugstores from coast to coast.

With more and more Americans developing addictions to prescription drugs, the country is experiencing a surge in violent crimes as fiends are taking drastic measures to fuel their fix.

Prescription drug abuse is nothing new in America, but not only is the problem getting worse in the States, but an increasing number of addicts are resorting to violent crimes to avoid withdrawal.

One study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) finds that prescription opiod abuse increased by 111 percent between 2004 and 2008, with almost 2 million Americans admitting to abusing the class of drug ever year, which includes codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone and others. Expectedly, as use increases, so does misuse. SAMHSA figures reveal that those seeking treatment for opiod abuse made up only 8 percent of the total patient population in 1999, but ten years later that statistic has changed drastically, with one-third of treatment admissions being related to opiate abuse.

In another study from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA), 15 percent of American high schoolers admitted to abusing prescription pills.

Read moreOvermedicated Americans Go Violent

2,700 Becquerels Per Kg Radioactive Cesium In Tea Leaves Picked By Elementary School Children in Itabashi, Tokyo

2,700 Becquerels/Kg Cesium from Teas Picked by Elementary School Children in Itabashi, Tokyo (EX-SKF, June 30, 2011):

Children from 3 public elementary schools in Itabashi-ku in Tokyo did the tea picking in early May, the tea leaves were roasted and made into the final blend tea and was about to be given to the children. For some reason, the municipal officials decided to test the tea, and found radioactive cesium to the tune of 2,700 becquerels/kilogram, more than 5 times the loose national provisional safety limit of 500 becquerels/kilogram.

The public elementary schools and junior high schools in Itabashi are run by the Itabashi Board of Education. There are 53 elementary schools in Itabashi.

From Sankei Shinbun (6/30/2011):


Itabashi-ku (special ward) in Tokyo announced on June 30 that 2,700 becquerels/kilogram of radioactive cesium were detected in the final blend tea grown and processed in Itabashi, exceeding the national provisional safety limit of 500 becquerels/kilogram.

Read more2,700 Becquerels Per Kg Radioactive Cesium In Tea Leaves Picked By Elementary School Children in Itabashi, Tokyo

Missouri River Levee Intentionally Blown Up Near Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant, NO Government Entity Had Anything To Do With The Detonation, Authorities Investigate Detonation

Levee Intentionally Blown Up Along Missouri River (KETV, July 1, 2011):

LOVELAND, Iowa — Authorities are investigating an intentional breach in a levee near Desoto Bend.

Pottawattamie County officials said a half-mile stretch of the Vanmann #30 levee was mechanically excavated and then lowered by using explosives. The private levee is just north of the Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge, northwest of Honey Creek.

So far, emergency management officials said they’ve seen no damage as a result of the levee breach, but they have fielded plenty of phone calls about it.

Emergency Management Coordinator Jeff Theulen said he was alerted Friday morning that the levee may have been in the process of being intentionally breached. About 20 minutes later, officials said they received calls from people wanting to know why levees were being blown up. One caller claimed to have witnessed the explosion.

Pottawattamie County officials said no government entity had anything to do with the detonation, and they did not have advance notice from the people responsible for the breach.

Read moreMissouri River Levee Intentionally Blown Up Near Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant, NO Government Entity Had Anything To Do With The Detonation, Authorities Investigate Detonation

Blown Up Levee Leads To ‘A Several Inch Rise In The River Shortly Thereafter, So Even A Three Or Four Inch Pulse Coming Down The River When We’re Looking At Every Half Inch As Being Significant Is A Fairly Big Event’

Explosives Used to Breach Levee; Investigation Underway (WOWT, July 1, 2011):

An investigation is underway to make sure the explosives were in the hands of a licensed commercial operator.

According to a news release, a group of private citizens representing the Vanman #30 levee intentionally breached a half-mile stretch of levee from river mile marker 637 to 637.5 around 10 a.m. A good portion of it was mechanically excavated so that floodwater on the farm ground could go back to the river.

County Attorney Matt Wilber said he is disappointed no one told the county about the decision to go forward with the breach. “There are tens of thousands of citizens on both sides of the river who are affected by the flooding on the Missouri River and private activities such as this, which have the potential to affect those lives should not be undertaken without a full consideration of the consequences.”

Wilber went on to say that the Army Corps of Engineers indicated it had no authority to regulate this levee since it is not a federal levee. The blown levee is just a few miles south of Highway 30 near the De Soto National Park.

Wilber said because this was a private levee, there probably was no crime, but he is moving ahead with the investigation.

“These levees are saturated. We have the most water on them for the longest period of time we’ve ever had. This levee gets blown and we saw a several inch rise in the river shortly thereafter, so even a three or four inch pulse coming down the river when we’re looking at every half inch as being significant is a fairly big event.”

Read moreBlown Up Levee Leads To ‘A Several Inch Rise In The River Shortly Thereafter, So Even A Three Or Four Inch Pulse Coming Down The River When We’re Looking At Every Half Inch As Being Significant Is A Fairly Big Event’

India Population Control: ‘Cars For Sterilization’

India: Rajasthan in ‘cars for sterilisation’ drive (BBC NEWS, July 1, 2011):

Health officials in the Indian state of Rajasthan are launching a new campaign to try reduce the high population growth in the area.

They are encouraging men and women to volunteer for sterilisation, and in return are offering a car and other prizes for those who come forward.

Among the rewards on offer is the Indian-made Tata Nano – the world’s cheapest car.

Read moreIndia Population Control: ‘Cars For Sterilization’

Eating Pesticides? Canola Oil-Based Pesticide Label Says: ‘Environmental Hazards: Do Not Apply Directly To Water. Do Not Contaminate Water When Disposing Of Equipment…’

Avoid also cottonseed oil.

Added: 28.06.2011

Are you eating pesticides? Canola oil, soybean oil used as key ingredients in pesticide products (Natural News, June 29, 2011):

In a shocking new video, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) reveals that common cooking oils such as canola oil and soybean oil are used as key active ingredients in pesticide products because they work so effectively to kill bugs. The video shows how one pesticide product that kills insects is made with 96% canola oil and is so dangerous that the label says, “Hazards to humans and domestic animals.”

The label of the product, made almost entirely with canola oil, goes on to explain “CAUTION: Avoid contact with skin or clothing.” If you get it on yourself, you are directed to take off all your contaminated clothing, take a 15-20 minute shower to rinse the canola oil off your skin, and then “Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.”

Again, this is a for an insecticide that’s made of 96% canola oil — an oil that’s found throughout the food supply and especially in products such as salad dressings and snack chips. Canola oil is also in ingredient often used in so-called “vegetable oil” shown on the ingredients label.This canola oil-based pesticide also says on the label: “Environmental Hazards: Do not apply directly to water. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment…”

Read moreEating Pesticides? Canola Oil-Based Pesticide Label Says: ‘Environmental Hazards: Do Not Apply Directly To Water. Do Not Contaminate Water When Disposing Of Equipment…’

Couple Living ‘Off-Grid’ Lifestyle Faces Prison Unless They Move From Their OWN LAND And Return To Existence In Benefits Trap

Injunction to move by the end the of month (This is Devon, June 22, 2011):

A COUPLE living an “off-grid” lifestyle say they face prison unless they move from their own land in Willand and return to an existence in the benefits trap.

Stig and Dinah Mason bought Muxbeare Orchard after a sudden windfall allowed them to quit their impoverished lives on a Hertfordshire council estate two years ago.

The Masons have transformed what they described as a derelict four-acre plot into a haven of self-sufficiency boasting a 400 sq m allotment, a polytunnel and greenhouses to grow fruit and vegetables, chickens for egg production and an orchard they have regenerated by planting around 14 new apple trees of various species.

The couple, who have two boys, aged eight and nine, say because they moved onto the site in order to work the land, Mid Devon District Council is turfing them off as officers do not consider them to be conserving an agricultural area.

They faced magistrates on March 31 when they were served with an injunction to leave within 28 days from June 1.

Dinah, 35, who spent a year with her husband clearing four-foot high nettles and thistles which engulfed the four-acre site, said: “How anybody can say the orchard was being conserved before is beyond my comprehension.”

Read moreCouple Living ‘Off-Grid’ Lifestyle Faces Prison Unless They Move From Their OWN LAND And Return To Existence In Benefits Trap

Blogger Assaulted And Threatened By Undercover Cop

For your information…

This blog is a repository of documentation regarding the death of judicial activist Sun Ming (Sunny) Sheu, and the cover up by law enforcement including the FBI, NYPD and Queens DA.

Author of this blog assaulted and threatened by undercover cop (The Murder of Sunny Sheu, June 29, 2011):

Today, June 29th, I spoke with a reporter from BI for two hours and then left for his office to give him some information I did not want to discuss on the phone.

Outside I noticed a silver van with nobody in it illegally parked across the street from my building. Sunny had been surveilled by a silver van in the days before his murder, so to be cautious I photographed the plates.

The NY plates are number DMC 9287. Then I noticed that there was Police parking plate in the window, showing that the cop was from the 81rst precinct, which is in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.

As I was taking the pictures a guy in a Yankees cap approached me and asked “you got a problem?”. I said,”The van is parked illegally” ,and he replied “well, talk to the cop over there” I looked in the direction he was pointing and asked “who’s the cop?”. To my surprise he said “your fucking mother!” I said “what?” and he repeated “your fucking mother”.

I realized this was the cop from the van. I asked “who are you?” and raised my phone to take a picture. The guy lunged at me and grabbed me by the neck, throwing me against the building. “You take a fucking picture of me and I’ll fucking crush your face” he said. A woman and some kids were walking by and I yelled “call the police” The guy yelled mockingly “yeah call the police”, to let me know that they would not interfere with their own.

Read moreBlogger Assaulted And Threatened By Undercover Cop