ONE BY ONE – RIK MAYALL | Shadow banned movie (2014)



‘A cafe worker is violently jolted from her day-to-day existence when offered the startling revelation that this world may be on the brink of destruction, revolution, or both.’

One By One goes into specific detail about the agenda and methods being used to kill us off one by one with food, war, medication, crime, sickness.

Rik Mayall died shortly after this was made, and the movie is heavily shadow banned. Why? Watch it and in 2022 you’ll know why.
Add Mayall to the the list of actors/directors killed for saying too much.

Starring; Heather Wilson, Sean Meyer, Katrina Nare, Steve Macaulay, Duncan Wigman and Rik Mayall.

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‘It’s way too terrifying’: Joker viewers around the world WALK OUT of movie theaters and urge cinemas to BAN the ultra-violent film saying it glamorizes gun crime and deals with mental health issues in a ‘triggering’ way


Related info:

Insanity & Violence: BIRDS OF PREY – Official Trailer 1 (Video) #Hollywood #SocialEngineering #MindControl

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Insanity & Violence: BIRDS OF PREY – Official Trailer 1 (Video) #Hollywood #SocialEngineering #MindControl

And yes, satanic Hollywood & the satanic music industry are programming your children, one movie & song at the time…

Picture from the Satanic Bible

This is a handsign of the devil worshippers (goat horns).
Horned Hand or The Mano Cornuto: this gesture is the Satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of members of Satanism or other unholy groups.

Anton Lavey, Founder Of The Church Of Satan

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“A torture for the eyes”: Chinese moviegoers think Black Panther is just too black

“A torture for the eyes”: Chinese moviegoers think Black Panther is just too black:

Marvel’s first black superhero film Black Panther made a strong debut in China, taking in more than $63 million this weekend and helping it cross the billion-dollar mark globally. And while the film filled seats in China, it didn’t exactly bring in rave reviews from Chinese audiences—in fact, online reviews hint at subtle racism and discomfort with the all-black cast.

Set in Wakanda, a fictional country in East Africa that’s hidden from the outside world, the movie portrayed a romanticized version of Africa that had never been touched by the white man. Led by a cast of black actors and actresses, the film presented how the king of the country, T’Challa, used his intelligence, ancestral knowledge, and access to advance technologies to become the superhero Black Panther.

But the movie—which comes as a timely portrayal and celebration of blackness half a century after Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination—is hardly resonating with Chinese audiences. On Douban, China’s IMDb-esque platform, the film holds a 6.8 rating out of 10 (link in Chinese)—almost half of science-fiction and action movies rated by Douban users have a better score. Outside of China, Black Panther is on track to become the highest-rated superhero movie, according to Rotten Tomatoes; 97% of reviews from critics have been positive.

H/t reader kevin a.

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HOLLYWOOD REVELATIONS Pt 1 The Watchmen and The New World Order (Video) – “New York Destruction Scene” (Video)

Related info:

Operation Gotham Shield: U.S. Gov’t To “Simulate Nuke Blast Over Manhattan”

H/t reader kevin a.

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AmeriGEDDON – Official Trailer “You Were Warned” (Video)

Apr 12, 2016


On the Tuesday, April 12th edition of TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles, we will be featuring Mike Norris (son of Chuck Norris) and his new film AmeriGEDDON.

A dire warning of a wake up call of what might be our future when a globalist terrorist organization aligned with the United Nations disables the United States power grid and institutes Martial Law. It will take a dedicated family of patriots armed with strong survival skills and the remains of the Second Amendment to save America and reclaim its freedom.

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CIA routinely reviews Hollywood scripts (Video)

Jan 7, 2015


Does the CIA have too cozy of a relationship with Hollywood? Scripts for The Americans, Zero Dark Thirty and multiple other works are routinely approved by agency representatives when sensitive national security issues are discussed, and some fear self-censorship and outright manipulation have the potential to occur. RT’s Tabetha Wallace and Tyrel Ventura discuss.

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‘We Are Taking A Stand For Freedom’ – New Yorkers Explain Why They Are Waiting In Line To See ‘The Interview’

As I’ve said here …

The Marketing Campaign Is Now Complete: Sony To Release The Interview On December 25 After All

“And every ……. …. will watch the movie.”


the interview teaser_0

–  “We Are Taking A Stand For Freedom” – New Yorkers Explain Why They Are Waiting In Line To See “The Interview” (ZeroHedge, Dec 25, 2014):

And just like that Americans got punk’d again.

From two of the countless New Yorkers waiting in line to see The Interview:

“We are taking a stand for freedom. We want to show the world that Americans won’t be told what they can and can not see. If we want to see a movie we’ll go see a movie and make up our own minds….”

“I came to express my very strong support for the free expression of ideas.”

Read more‘We Are Taking A Stand For Freedom’ – New Yorkers Explain Why They Are Waiting In Line To See ‘The Interview’

The Marketing Campaign Is Now Complete: Sony To Release The Interview On December 25 After All

And every ……. …. will watch the movie.

the interview teaser_0

The Marketing Campaign Is Now Complete: Sony To Release The Interview On December 25 After All (ZeroHedge, Dec 23, 2014):


From the WSJ:

Sony Pictures Entertainment will release “The Interview” on a limited number of screens Dec. 25, the studio said, six days after a hacking attack and terrorist threats led the studio to cancel the slapstick comedy about an assassination plot against North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Read moreThe Marketing Campaign Is Now Complete: Sony To Release The Interview On December 25 After All

The Interview Is “Desperately Unfunny”, “Will Flop” If Not Cancelled According To Leaked Sony Emails

–  The Interview Is “Desperately Unfunny”, “Will Flop” If Not Cancelled According To Leaked Sony Emails (ZeroHedge, Dec 19, 2014):

The conspiracy theories surrounding the story of The Interview’s cancellation in the aftermath of the North Korean “hacking” just keep getting stranger by the day, (and will, in 6-9, months lead to the blockbuster drama: “How ‘The Interview’ Got Cancelled“)

First, as we previously reported, at the same time as the NYT reported that according to the US the hack “undisputedly” originated in North Korea, Wired magazine released an article explaining why it is impossible to make such a determination (see Someone is Lying). That, however, did not stop the US on its inexplicable witch hunt, and moments ago Reuters reported that according to the US, it was indeed North Korea who was responsible for the hacks (although, the report adds, North Korea may have had a little help from China so nobody really know but whatever).

From Reuters:

Read moreThe Interview Is “Desperately Unfunny”, “Will Flop” If Not Cancelled According To Leaked Sony Emails

‘Noah’: A Biblical Tale Rewritten to Push an Agenda


“Noah”: A Biblical Tale Rewritten to Push an Agenda (Vigilant Citizen, Sep 22, 2014):

Since its release in early 2014, the big-budget movie “Noah” has caused controversy for not being biblically accurate. While that is certainly the case, the movie does more than take liberties with the Bible: “Noah” pushes messages that have nothing to do with the Bible. These messages are actually political and come directly from the world elite. The primary message? Humanity needs to be cleansed … again.

The first “commandment” of the Guidestones : “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature”. From the 7 billion people on Earth today, 93% of humanity would need to die to reach 500 million.

?Man Jailed For 33 Months For Pirating ‘Fast & Furious’

?Man jailed for 33 months for pirating ‘Fast & Furious’ (RT, Aug 25, 2014):

A computer programmer who filmed Fast and Furious 6 at a cinema and then uploaded it to the internet has been jailed for almost three years.

Philip Danks, 25, used a camcorder to record Fast and Furious 6 at a cinema in Walsall, near Birmingham and then uploaded a copy to the internet the following day.

The pirate copy was downloaded 779,000 times, costing Universal Pictures, one of Hollywood’s biggest film-makers, almost £2.3m.

Two days after his arrest on May 23, he posted on Facebook, “Seven billion people and I was the first. F*** you.”

Philip Danks
Philip Danks (Image from

On Thursday, he pleaded guilty to three charges of distributing pirate copies of films and was jailed for 33 months.

Read more?Man Jailed For 33 Months For Pirating ‘Fast & Furious’

Hollywood Inserts Gun Control Subtext In New Planet Of The Apes Movie


Hollywood inserts gun control subtext in new Planet of the Apes movie (Infowars, July 8, 2014):

Entertainment part of brainwashing effort against 2nd Amendment

It is no secret Hollywood is loaded with liberal movie moguls and directors.

Last January we reported on uber-lib movie producer and Obama supporter Harvey Weinstein bragging he would produce a film attacking the Second Amendment and targeting the National Rifle Association. Weinstein told Howard Stern the NRA would “wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them.”

“I don’t think we need guns in this country. And I hate it,” he added.

Read moreHollywood Inserts Gun Control Subtext In New Planet Of The Apes Movie