Obama is just another elite puppet President like Bush (etc.).
“There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties.”
– George Wallace – Governor of Alabama and 1968 Republican Presidential candidate
And nothing has changed since then.
The New World Order wants to turn people into slaves …
– President Obama’s New World Order: ‘We have to shape an international order that can meet the challenges of our generation’
… and the US into a totalitarian police state:
– Obama Administration Plans Secret Big Brother ‘Perfect Citizen’ Net Surveillance
– Dylan Ratigan Show: President Obama ‘Has A Hit List Of American Citizens Like YOU targeted For Assassination’
– Obama Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Approved By Senate Committee
She says Obama is making the US ‘a nation of slaves’ – and her campaign is raking in millions. So just how far can Michele Bachmann go?
Michele Bachmann at a rally in Washington against Obama’s healthcare reform. She now wants the bill repealed.
As stereotypes go, “Minnesota nice” is not a bad one. It holds that the mid-western residents of Minnesota, with its vast rural landscape and mostly Scandinavian-descended population, are unusually pleasant.
But Minnesotans might soon have to give up some of their hard-won reputation for quiet reasonableness thanks to one of their own, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, a fiercely rightwing darling of the Tea Party, who is rapidly becoming one of the most famous politicians in America and may yet outshine Sarah Palin as a potential Republican presidential pick for 2012.
Bachmann, whose district is a sprawling stretch of farms and small cities, has used her theoretically modest political platform to catapult herself to the forefront of conservatism in America. She does not shy away from extreme opinions, lambasting President Barack Obama as a socialist threat to the American way of life. She is stridently anti-government, pro-business and socially conservative. She has even called for her fellow congressional politicians to be investigated to see if they are “pro-America” enough.
To many on the left of US politics, her outlandish statements seem a poor joke. She is regularly lampooned on liberal blogs in a similar manner to Palin, whose family life dominated the gossip magazines last week after the unexpected engagement of her daughter. But as Palin becomes more of a media force than a political one, Bachmann is rising to replace her. Her verve and anger have entranced a significant section of the population, one expected to vote in huge numbers in this November’s mid-term elections. “Bachmann is media-savvy, energising and charismatic, just like Palin. But unlike Palin, she is a seasoned politician. She is not a political lightweight; she is serious,” said Professor Shaun Bowler, a political scientist at the University of California at Riverside.
Read moreRep. Michele Bachmann: Obama Is Making The US ‘A Nation Of Slaves’