Trump Refutes Gingrich: “We Will Always Be Trying To ‘Drain The Swamp'”


Trump Refutes Gingrich: “We Will Always Be Trying To ‘Drain The Swamp'”:

Following Newt Gingrich’s comments yesterday that Donald Trump no longer wants to drain the swamp, it appears the president-elect is not best pleased with this narrative…

Of course, the hiring of various Wall Street bankers and crony capitalists may have a few people still questioning Trump’s plans.

It seems Mr. Gingrich got a ‘tap on the shoulder’, and has just explained how wrong he was…

Read moreTrump Refutes Gingrich: “We Will Always Be Trying To ‘Drain The Swamp’”

Newt Gingrich Admits: Donald Trump No Longer Wants to ‘Drain the Swamp’

How many have believed Zionist & Neocon Newt Gingrich’s lie that Trump is an anti-establishment outsider?

See my commentary down below.

I’ve added a photo of Trump’s close friend Ghislaine Maxwell (daughter of the ‘Mossad agent’ Robert Maxwell) with Nat Rothschild. Robert Maxwell was buried in Israel. His funeral was attended by Yitzhak Shamir, Chaim Herzog, Ariel Sharon, Moshe Arens, Ehud Olmert and Shimon Peres.

Rothschild puppet Trump will be serving TPTB great again!


Trump No Longer Wants To “Drain The Swamp”, Gingrich Admits:

While it will hardly come as a surprise to anyone following the ongoing additions to Trump’s cabinet, one can now effectively cross off “draining the swamp” from the list of Trump’s stated intentions.

Speaking in an NPR interview on Wednesday, former Speaker Newt Gingrich said that Trump has taken a different tone as president-elect and may be leaving behind his campaign promise to “drain the swamp.” Gingrich told “Morning Edition” that he was told Trump “now says [the phrase] was cute, but he doesn’t want to use it anymore.”

“I’m told he now just disclaims that. He now says it was cute, but he doesn’t want to use it anymore,” Gingrich said, and also predicted there would be “constant fighting” over Trump’s efforts to reduce the influence of lobbyists and Washington insiders. “But, you know, he is my leader, and if he decides to drop the swamp and the alligator I will drop the swamp and the alligator,” he said.

Read moreNewt Gingrich Admits: Donald Trump No Longer Wants to ‘Drain the Swamp’

Newt Gingrich Confirms “Trump Is Not Secret Society!” (Video) – And Who Would Possibly Believe Anything Newt Gingrich Says???

Trump is a satanic Illuminati puppet like the Bush’s, the Clinton’s and Obama.


More info on Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich down below.

In summary:



Except maybe for NOT voting.

Mar 3, 2016


Trump is outcasted by his own party for not belonging to the secret society and does his own way of doing things without lobbyists influencing him

Jim Stone:

“I will say this: We now have the weapons we need to break through the idiotic there aint no conspiracy, I can drink my F*ing beer crowd. The Newt Gingrich video below, where he spills the beans on trump not being a secret society insider proves in a less than two minute video that the conspiracy is real, and if someone calls you a conspiracy nut after seeing it, you have my full permission to beat the hell out of them, an action I would now strongly encourage if they are that freaking dense.

In addition to the Newt video, which is posted below, This long and detailed Carl Cameron expose of Israel infiltrating the United States is another blockbuster.

There are more. I will dredge them up, but for now, for God’s sake download this Newt Gingrich video that blows the entire conspiracy wide open and share it with people, at this point there is probably nothing better that I can do. I now think the Donald “drumpf” report is probably bogus.”


“He’s an outsider, he’s not them, he’s not part of the club, he’s uncontrollable. He has not been through the initiation rites, he did not belong to the secret society”

This video is a major problem for the global elite, Newt might get nailed for messing up this badly.”

Really? And who would believe Newt Gingrich?

How can he possibly know that Trump is NOT part of a secret society???

Let’s first take a look at Donald Trump (before we look at Newt Gingrich):

Read moreNewt Gingrich Confirms “Trump Is Not Secret Society!” (Video) – And Who Would Possibly Believe Anything Newt Gingrich Says???

‘Kidon’ (Mossad Assassination Unit) Killers In Service Of Satans – (Veterans Today)

Kidon Killers in Service of Satans (Veterans Today, July 11, 2012):

A new book reveals that a department known as Kidon within the Mossad has dispatched assassins into Iran in order to murder the nuclear scientists, thereby stunting the country’s nuclear energy program.

Authors Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman in their book Spies against Armageddon: Inside Israel’s Secret Wars state that the notorious spy agency has killed at least four Iranian nuclear scientists, including targeting them with operatives on motorcycles, an assassination technique used by the elite killers at Kidon.

The Kidon killers “excel at accurate shooting at any speed and staying steady to shoot and to place exquisitely shaped sticky bombs” and consider it their hallmark.

Kidon, known to be one of the world’s most efficient killing machines, is technically described as a little Mossad within Mossad.

Read more‘Kidon’ (Mossad Assassination Unit) Killers In Service Of Satans – (Veterans Today)

ABC News Posts Illinois GOP Primary ‘Vote Count’ 24 Hours Early

YouTube Added: 20.03.2012

ELECTION Fraud? Why Did ABC-TV Post Illinois GOP Primary “Vote Count” 24 Hours Early?! A “Test”? (SGT Report, Mar 20, 2012):

On the eve before the GOP Illinois primary, one might ask:

How the hell does SGTreport have election “results” for a Republican primary in Illinois which has yet to take place?

We have long argued that the fix is in, but this… um… leaves us speechless. We don’t believe these numbers will represent the “actual” results of Tuesday’s Primary, the question is, why are ANY results, and a clear winner shown here? And why is Ron Paul shown with only 3% of the vote?

Posted on – MONDAY NIGHT, March 19th – on the web site of Chicago ABC News Affiliate WLS-TV are the following election results, clearly labeled as “Illinois Races, Federal Offices”. If we have this wrong, please let us know why this information exists in ANY form. Or, if we are indeed living in a banana republic, copy that. You now have our blessing to move out of the country.

The time stamped screen shot from my computer, on Monday, March 19, 2012 at 11:29 p.m. CST is posted below.

**UPDATE: Some time around 12:40 a.m. CST on Tuesday morning the web page (original link below) with the election data you see here was removed from the WLS-TV website.

Original Source (Now Offline) @

CFR Member Mitt Romney Gains Half Of Wyoming Delegates (CNN)


See also:

Poll: Ron Paul Triumphs Over Obama For The First Time Nationally

Ron Paul Defeats Obama In Head To Head Polling (Here’s a chart you won’t see anywhere in the mainstream media – not the right, and certainly not the left.)

Romney gains half of Wyoming delegates (CNN, Mar 10, 2012):

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney picked up 13 of the 26 delegates at stake in Wyoming, based on new results from the state’s county conventions that concluded Saturday.

While the former Massachusetts governor won the Wyoming caucuses on February 29, delegates were not allocated until this weekend.

Rick Santorum, who placed second in last month’s contest, gained seven delegates, while Ron Paul won four and Newt Gingrich earned one.

Combined with Romney’s other delegate hauls on Saturday in Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and the Virgin Islands, CNN’s delegate estimate now shows that Romney leads the GOP pack with 458 delegates.

Meanwhile, Santorum has 203, Gingrich has 118 and Paul has 66.

Read moreCFR Member Mitt Romney Gains Half Of Wyoming Delegates (CNN)

Poll: Ron Paul Triumphs Over Obama For The First Time Nationally

Poll: Ron Paul triumphs over Obama for the first time nationally (The State Column, Feb. 27, 2012):

Fans of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul will rejoice upon hearing the following news: Congressman Paul (R-TX) has defeated President Barack Obama in a Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll of general election voters released Monday. This is the first time that Mr. Paul has bested Mr. Obama in a Rasmussen Reports poll. Mr. Paul garnered 43 percent of the votes among general election voters and Mr. Obama pulled 41 percent of the votes.

Read morePoll: Ron Paul Triumphs Over Obama For The First Time Nationally

Nevada: The Election Results Are Rigged!!!

YouTube Added: 05.02.2012


this was a live feed on CNN consisting of JEWISH caucus goers. the one time we get to hear the live results instead of have the results being delivered to us, ron paul wins HUGE! the tally was
Santorum -16
Gingrich – 57
Romney – 61
Paul – 183

YouTube Added: 06.02.2012

Nevada! Clark County Vote Fraud (The Intel Hub, Feb. 5, 2012):

Caucuses are a hotbed for corruption. Votes can be changed, tossed, or miscounted at almost any time in some caucus settings. Transparency has been eliminated in the process as some counties wisp their results away to a secret location to tally the vote totals.

Over 900 ‘dead people’ cast their votes in South Carolina and Iowa GOP Chairman Matt Strawn recently stepped down amidst vote controversy.

News coverage surrounding the Paul campaign has highlighted his failure to place first in 4 early contests, but online forums and organizations have been labeling voter fraud a potential culprit.

The media is not reporting on Congressman Paul’s record breaking event crowds of over 3,000 in St. Cloud, 1,500 in Colorado, and other audiences trending the same numbers throughout the campaign.

The Paul team is a well-oiled grassroots machine and has always been expected to perform exceptionally well, and even win in the caucus states.

With that being said Ron Paul led 4 out 5 Iowa Caucus polls in the days before the event but eventually fell to third place. Paul led FOX, CNN, and MSNBC entrance polls and with 27% of the precincts reporting he was leading the field. Slowly as the tallies updated Paul fell to second behind mitt Romney and then suddenly to third behind Santorum by a few thousand votes.

Read moreNevada: The Election Results Are Rigged!!!

Are American Politicians Really This Stupid? (Video)

Added: 02.02.2012

Don’t miss:

President Obama Doesn’t Know His Own Birth Date! (Video)

Manchurian Candidate: Elite Puppet Mind-Control ‘Presidential Model’ Barack Obama (Videos):

Obama signs the wrong year in the guestbook at Westminster Abbey (and before that he had to ask for the date).

In another video Obama claims that he has visited 57 states.

The constitution was written ’20 centuries’ ago.

And … Obama: ‘Countries like Europe’ ???

Hilarious: Newt Gingrich Promises Moon Base By The End Of His SECOND TERM

Lunatic Newt Gingrich 2012!

Newt Gingrich Hypocrisy Full Frontal (Video)

Newt Commits Felony in CNN Interview

Newt Gingrich Condemned For Calling Palestinians ‘Terrorists’

House Ordered Gingrich To Pay An Unprecedented $300,000 For Ethics Violations

Newt Gingrich: Palestinians Are An Invented People (Video)

Traitor Newt Gingrich: Bush Administration Should Have Allowed Some Reminder Terrorist Attacks

Newt Gingrich promises moon base by the end of his second term (Guardian,Jan. 25, 2012):

“To infinity and beyond!” is the theme of Gingrich’s latest campaign pitch: a lunar colony within eight years

There are two givens in any election campaign: 1) the candidates will make grand promises that they can never keep and 2) they will pander to their audience at every opportunity.

But on Wednesday, Newt “grandiose is my middle name” [it isn’t] Gingrich took those truisms on to a whole new, extraplanetary level. Speaking to an audience on Florida‘s Space Coast ahead of the state’s primary next week, the big-thinking Republican hopeful turned his science fiction fantasies into a hard and fast campaign promise.

“By the end of my second term we will have the first permanent base on the moon and it will be American,” he said. According to Talking Points Memo Gingrich went on to say that the base would be used for “science, tourism, and manufacturing” and to create a “robust industry” modelled on the airline business in the 20th century.

Newt Gingrich Hypocrisy Full Frontal (Video)

Gingrich Hypocrisy Full Frontal (ZeroHedge, Jan. 18, 2012):

If anyone feels like voting for Newt Gingrich after watching this interview, we only have one question: do whips, chains, and a skin-tight leather outfit await the return from the voting station? Bloomberg’s Erik Schatzker reports on his interview with Paul Levy, managing partner at JLL Partners Inc., about a payment made to Newt Gingrich for a speech that “praised” private equity at a JLL annual meeting two years ago.

Ron Paul On The Tonight Show With Jay Leno (Video) – Listen America!!!

The video (in good quality) has been removed.

I’ve found a replacement.

YouTube Added: 16.12.2011

House Ordered Gingrich To Pay An Unprecedented $300,000 For Ethics Violations


House Reprimands, Penalizes Speaker (Washington Post, Jan. 22, 2011):

The House voted overwhelmingly yesterday to reprimand House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and order him to pay an unprecedented $300,000 penalty, the first time in the House’s 208-year history it has disciplined a speaker for ethical wrongdoing.

Read moreHouse Ordered Gingrich To Pay An Unprecedented $300,000 For Ethics Violations

Newt Gingrich: Palestinians Are An Invented People (Video)

‘Palestinians are an invented people, says Newt Gingrich’???

Watch this:

The Zionist Story (Full Documentary) – From The Perspective of An Ex-Israeli Soldier

See also:

– On record: Benjamin Netanyahu: ‘America is something that can easily be moved.’ ‘The world won’t say a thing.’ ‘The world will say we’re defending.’

– Traitor Joe Biden on Shalom TV: ‘I am a ZIONIST’

– Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Roberts: ‘AIPAC Owns The US Puppet Government’

An Interview With Holocaust Survivor Dr. Hajo Meyer: ‘Zionism Has Nothing to do With Judaism’

Israel Shahak: The History of the Jews (Must-see!)

Gilad Atzmon: Jews, Judaism and Jewishness

And  here is TRAITOR Newt Gingrich:

Gingrich quips Bush should have allowed some ‘reminder’ attacks:

“This is … one of the great tragedies of the Bush administration,” Gingrich continued. “The more successful they’ve been at intercepting and stopping bad guys, the less proof there is that we’re in danger. And therefore, the better they’ve done at making sure there isn’t an attack, the easier it is to say, ‘Well, there never was going to be an attack anyway.’ And it’s almost like they should every once in a while have allowed an attack to get through just to remind us.”

Newt Gingrich: Palestinians Are An Invented People (Video)


Palestinians are an invented people, says Newt Gingrich (Guardian, Dec. 10, 2011):

Newt Gingrich declares the Palestinians an ‘invented’ people.

The US Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich has declared that the Palestinians are an “invented” people who want to destroy Israel.

The Jewish Channel, a cable TV station, posted online its interview with the former US House speaker, who has risen to the top of Republican nomination candidates to challenge Democratic President Barack Obama in the November 2012 election.

Gingrich differed from official US policy that respects the Palestinians as a people deserving of their own state based on negotiations with Israel. “Remember, there was no Palestine as a state. It was part of the Ottoman Empire” until the early 20th century, Gingrich said.

“I think that we’ve had an invented Palestinian people who are in fact Arabs and who were historically part of the Arab community. And they had a chance to go many places, and for a variety of political reasons we have sustained this war against Israel now since the 1940s, and it’s tragic,” he said.

Read moreNewt Gingrich: Palestinians Are An Invented People (Video)

Newt Gingrich: Child Labor Laws Are ‘Stupid’ (Video)

Newt Gingrich: Child Labor Laws Are ‘Stupid’ (Huffington Post, Nov. 21, 2011):

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich called child labor laws “stupid” Friday in an appearance at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

“It is tragic what we do in the poorest neighborhoods, entrapping children in, first of all, child laws, which are truly stupid,” said the former House speaker, according to CNN. “Most of these schools ought to get rid of the unionized janitors, have one master janitor and pay local students to take care of the school. The kids would actually do work, they would have cash, they would have pride in the schools, they’d begin the process of rising.”

“You’re going to see from me extraordinarily radical proposals to fundamentally change the culture of poverty in America,” he added.

Read moreNewt Gingrich: Child Labor Laws Are ‘Stupid’ (Video)

Ron Paul Wins 1st in Ohio GOP Straw Poll with 53%! … And Totally Destroys GOP Field

Here is why there is still a complete MSM blackout on Ron Paul:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.

It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
– David Rockefeller, Bilderberg meeting 1991

Ron Paul is the one candidate those elitists are really afraid of.

Just look at David Rockefeller’s reaction:

Rockefeller scared of Ron Paul (Video)

Ron Paul is the only one that would abolish their private Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, bring the troops home and make an end to the illegal wars …

… or do you hope that the ‘Liar in Chief’ Obama bin Bush will finally remember and keep all his promises?


Obama: ‘I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am President, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank.’ (Video)

Hundreds of soldiers had to die because of this lie (Over 300 in 2009 alone!!!).

YouTube Added: 22.10.2011

Final results announced, winner with 53.5% of the votes: RON PAUL!

The official results from the 428 participants:

RON PAUL 53.50%
Herman Cain 25.47%
Mitt Romney 8.88%
Newt Gingrich 5.37%
Rick Perry 2.80%
Jon Huntsman 2.10%
Rick Santorum .93%
Michele Bachmann .47%

In other news:

Ohio GOP Straw Poll Gives Ron Paul A Majority (NBC 4i)

These are your ‘alternatives’:

Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman Wants Preemptive Iran Strike: ‘I Cannot Live With A Nuclear-Armed Iran. If You Want An Example Of When I Would Use American Force, It Would Be That’

Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney Argues For Increase In Military Spending To Ensure US Military Dominance Over Other Nations

Presidential Candidate Herman Cain: ‘There’s No Reason To Audit The Federal Reserve’

Presidential Candidate Rick Perry Open To Send US Military To Kill Drug Cartels IN MEXICO

Read moreRon Paul Wins 1st in Ohio GOP Straw Poll with 53%! … And Totally Destroys GOP Field

Ron Paul Won The Republican Debate At The Reagan Library

Who do you think won the Republican debate at the Reagan library? (MSNBC, Sep. 08, 2011):

Results with 684 short comments

Total of 101,835 votes – click on the “Display Comments” bar below to sort comments

Ron Paul
(49,943 votes)
Mitt Romney
(18,164 votes)
Rick Perry
(14,986 votes)
Jon Huntsman
(7,100 votes)
Newt Gingrich
(4,760 votes)
Herman Cain
(3,352 votes)
Michele Bachmann
(2,412 votes)
Rick Santorum
(1,118 votes)

Ron Paul Wins Online Straw Poll, Gets 44 Percent Of Unique Online Votes!!!

Ron Paul Wins Online Straw Poll (KCAU-TV, Aug 12, 2011):

DES MOINES, IA – Texas Congressman Ron Paul has won the first-ever online Iowa straw poll, capturing a commanding 44% of the over 6,000 votes cast in an online poll sponsored by Iowa Congressman Tom Latham’s campaign.  The results of the two-week online poll (located at: were announced one day before Saturday’s Ames Straw Poll, which is considered by most as the first real test of a presidential candidate’s organizational strength in Iowa.

The results of the online poll promoting Saturday’s big event for the Republican Party of Iowa were:

1st – Ron Paul with 44% of the unique online votes

2nd – Herman Cain 16%

3rd – Michele Bachmann 10%

4th – Rick Perry 8%

5th – (TIE) Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney 5%

7th – Sarah Palin 4%

8th – “Someone Else” 3%

9th – Rick Santorum 2%

10th – (Tie) Jon Huntsman and Newt Gingrich with 1% of the unique online votes

It should be noted that Texas Governor Rick Perry and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin are not yet officially announced candidates for the GOP nomination and will not appear as options on Saturday’s actual straw poll ballot in Ames.

Read moreRon Paul Wins Online Straw Poll, Gets 44 Percent Of Unique Online Votes!!!