MEPs Against Cancer Call for European Commission Rethink on Glyphosate

MEPs Against Cancer Call for European Commission Rethink on Glyphosate:

Leading members of the European Parliament said Wednesday that they considered the European Commission’s plan to re-license glyphosate for 10 years as “inappropriate” and “unacceptable”.

At a meeting of the European Parliament’s “MEPs Against Cancer”, a large audience listened to a briefing on “Cancer and Glyphosate”, regarding the most used herbicide in the EU and the World.

Read moreMEPs Against Cancer Call for European Commission Rethink on Glyphosate

Dramatic Turn in Brussels Glyphosate Battle


Dramatic Turn in Brussels Glyphosate Battle:

Since the unexpected refusal last month of three EU member states to go along with the decision of the EU Health and Food Safety Commissioner and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to re-approve the world’s most widely used weed killing chemical, Glyphosate, dramatic and encouraging developments suggest that for the first time the power of GMO agrochemical giants like Monsanto and Syngenta, Dow and DuPont, BASF, Bayer could undergo a devastating defeat. Were this to happen, it could well be the death knell for the misbegotten Rockefeller Foundation Genetic Manipulation project that has destroyed much of Western farmland and poisoned hundreds of millions of GMO fed farm animals and humans.

Read moreDramatic Turn in Brussels Glyphosate Battle

Glyphosate, Disease And Chemical Brain Drain


Glyphosate, Disease and Chemical Brain Drain:

Questions and Answers about Pesticides

R. Mason MB ChB FRCA

Farm Wars

Question: Surely you can’t blame the ills of the NHS on glyphosate?

Answer: Yes, in fact you probably can. Glyphosate is a man-made amino-acid, which mimics the essential amino acid glycine and takes over many of its functions. Glycine helps to detoxify foreign proteins, promotes gluconeogenesis (making new glucose from amino acids) from the liver and kidney, goes into the bone marrow, helps to make collagen and is a neurotransmitter.

Tony Mitra from Canada interviews Anthony Samsel by video link saying: “Some 21 amino acids are the basic building blocks of life on this planet as we understand it. Glycine is one of them, the simplest and most basic, and it performs a long chain of invaluable tasks in the biology of the living kingdom. .. Glyphosate mimics glycine… And so, like carrying a bunch of deadly soldiers in the belly of the Trojan Horse, glyphosate slips into our system essentially replacing glycine whenever and wherever it can, and creates an avalanche of unpredictable diseases, health hazards and defects of all kinds. Pretending to be the amino acid Glycine, it can cross the blood-brain barrier and start interfering in our brain chemistry and into our bone marrow…” Tony introduces Anthony Samsel who explains briefly what he has discovered. Anthony Samsel emphasizes that all lifeforms will be negatively affected; that is why biodiversity is rapidly declining.

Read moreGlyphosate, Disease And Chemical Brain Drain

Scientists challenge EFSA claim of glyphosate safety


Scientists challenge EFSA claim of glyphosate safety:

Over 90 international scientists call German government report underpinning EFSA decision “not credible”

In November, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded that glyphosate is “unlikely to pose a carcinogenic hazard to humans”.

The EFSA decision, based on the Renewal Assessment Report provided by the German federal risk assessment institute BfR, ran counter to the finding earlier this year by the international Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer arm of the World Health Organization, that glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen. The IARC review linked glyphosate to dose-related increases in malignant tumours at multiple anatomical sites in experimental animals and to an increased incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in exposed humans.

Read moreScientists challenge EFSA claim of glyphosate safety

EU Shocks Pesticide Industry by Suggesting Glyphosate Herbicide Formulations are Genotoxic

EU Shocks Pesticide Industry by Suggesting Glyphosate Herbicide Formulations are Genotoxic:

Despite the tragic and ‘corrupt’ nature of the EU Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and their report Thursday stating the ‘unlikely’ carcinogenicity of the most widely used active substance in herbicides – glyphosate – there is a very important admission in the report: “It is likely, therefore, that the genotoxic effects observed in some glyphosate-based formulations are related to the other constituents or “co-formulants”.


This single EFSA admission may change the face of how pesticides are regulated worldwide, as up until now only studies on the ‘active’ substances, such as glyphosate in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide formulation, have been taken into account by regulators.

Background: Toxic Glyphosate Herbicides Fly Under the EU’s Regulatory Radar

EFSA proposes that the toxicity of each pesticide formulation and in particular its genotoxic potential should be further considered and addressed by Member State authorities while they re-assess uses of glyphosate-based formulations in their own territories.

A very important point is that glyphosate-based herbicides would not work well to kill weeds for farmers or gardeners without the addition of these extra additional chemicals known as adjuvants.

Read moreEU Shocks Pesticide Industry by Suggesting Glyphosate Herbicide Formulations are Genotoxic

Comment By The American Beverage Association On One Of My Posts


Often times, when I do not add some related information to my posts, something like this happens …

The American Beverage Association commented here FDA Admits That Aspartame Is Toxic And Makes You Sick:

American Beverage Association, ABA Communications:

“Contrary to the misinformation cited here, extensive science verifies the safety of aspartame. In fact, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recently conducted an in-depth risk assessment on aspartame specifically, and deemed it safe for general consumption and pregnant women, as well as ruled out alleged health issues. Based on the body of science on this subject, aspartame is approved by more than 100 regulatory agencies around the globe, and is condoned by leading health organizations, including the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American Diabetes Association. In sum, aspartame and the products that contain this ingredient can be enjoyed with confidence.”
– American Beverage Association

However, when I do add some related stuff (like down below) there are almost no such comments.

I wonder why?

Well, here is my reply:

Read moreComment By The American Beverage Association On One Of My Posts

France Confirms It Will Continue Ban On Monsanto’s GMO Corn, Despite Council Ruling

France confirms it will continue ban on GMO corn, despite council ruling (Natural News, Aug 09, 2013):

It has been confirmed that France will extend its moratorium on the cultivation of Monsanto’s genetically-modified (GM) MON810 corn within its borders, despite a recent ruling by the French Council of State that the longstanding ban violates European Union (EU) law. As reported in a recent AFP article translated into English by, French Head of State Francois Hollande made an official public announcement that the moratorium will, indeed, be extended in order to ensure the integrity of the nation’s agricultural system.

Read moreFrance Confirms It Will Continue Ban On Monsanto’s GMO Corn, Despite Council Ruling

EU Imposes 2-Year Ban On Pesticides Believed Responsible For Mass Bee Deaths

EU imposes 2-year ban on pesticides believed responsible for mass bee deaths (RT, May 24, 2013):

The European Commission has adopted a two-year-long moratorium on the use of three necotinoid pesticides believed to be one of the reasons behind a 30 percent annual decrease in bee populations since 2007.

EU member-states will now have to amend their existing legislation on the use of pesticides by September 30 to comply with the ban adopted by the EC on Friday.

Read moreEU Imposes 2-Year Ban On Pesticides Believed Responsible For Mass Bee Deaths

EU Sides With Monsanto In ‘GMO Cancer Corn’ Word War

See also:

FIRST LONG-TERM GMO STUDY: Monsanto GMO Corn & Roundup Cause Massive Tumors In Lab Animals (Video)

French Scientists: Monsanto GM Corn Causes Tumors And Severe Liver & Kidney Damage In Rats

Shocking GMO Study: Rats Fed Lifetime Of GM Corn Grow Horrifying Tumors, 70% Of Females Die Early

And here goes the first long-term study on the safety of GMOs:

EU sides with Monsanto in ‘GMO Cancer Corn’ word war (RT, Oct 5, 2012):

The European Food Safety Authority has rejected a controversial study by French scientists linking GM corn to cancer. Many in Europe are already calling for stricter controls on GMOs, as farmers weigh the lucrative crops against health concerns.

­In September, French scientists from the University of Caen released a study claiming that rats fed on a diet containing NK603 – a corn seed variety made tolerant to amounts of Monsanto’s Roundup weed-killer – or given water mixed with the product at levels permitted in the United States died earlier than those on a standard diet.

The study elicited calls for stricter controls on already unpopular genetically modified (GM) crops in Europe. France had already issued a temporary ban on another Monsanto corn seed (MON810) in May due to a similar study.

However, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) claimed the study lacked enough specific information on Friday, and asked the scientists who conducted it to provide more details on their testing methods. The move adds to the constant back and forth in the debate over genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Read moreEU Sides With Monsanto In ‘GMO Cancer Corn’ Word War

Marie-Monique Robin: ‘Unser täglich Gift’ – ‘Notre Poison Quotidien’ (Documentary – Full Length – In German And French)

Must-see … for those who understand German and/or French.

Unser täglich Gift


Notre Poison quotidien


Food additives ‘could be as damaging as lead in petrol’

Artificial food colours are set to be removed from hundreds of products after a team of university researchers warned they were doing as much damage to children’s brains as lead in petrol.

Academics at Southampton University, who carried out an official study into seven additives for the Food Standards Agency (FSA), said children’s intelligence was being significantly damaged by E-numbers. After receiving the advice last month, officials at the FSA have advised their directors to call for the food industry to remove six additives named in the study by the end of next year.

Read moreFood additives ‘could be as damaging as lead in petrol’