Dr. Paul Craig Roberts – Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Speaks To The World (Complete English Transcript)

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov speaks to the World (Paul Craig Roberts, Oct 17, 2014):

Dear Readers, I now have for you the complete English transcript of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s speech to the United Nations. Lavrov’s speech, together with President Putin’s remarks in his Serbian press conference (excerpts posted on this site) clearly indicate that the moral leader of the world is Russia, not Washington.

The Russians have come out of tyranny as America descends into tyranny. Washington’s barbarity in the world is unprecedented. For 13 years Americans have permitted their government to bomb women, children and village elders in seven countries based entirely on lies and the selfish interests of the ruling elite. Washington has spewed depleted uranium everywhere, causing massive birth defects and health problems. We must remember that Washington is the only government that dropped nuclear weapons on helpless civilian populations. The victims were Japanese when the Japanese government was trying to surrender.

Read moreDr. Paul Craig Roberts – Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Speaks To The World (Complete English Transcript)

Lavrov: 400 Bodies Found in Ukraine Mass Graves Are Evidence of War Crime

Lavrov: 400 Bodies Found in Ukraine Mass Graves Are Evidence of War Crime (RIA Novosti, Oct 1, 2014):

MOSCOW, October 1 (RIA Novosti) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday that more than 400 bodies have been discovered in mass graves near the city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, in what he described as “horrific” evidence that pointed to a war crime.

“This is obviously a war crime. Already more than 400 bodies have been discovered in [mass] graves outside Donetsk and we hope that western capitals will not hush up these facts [because] they’re horrific,” Lavrov said, adding there was an apparent blackout of the incident in Western mass media.

Read moreLavrov: 400 Bodies Found in Ukraine Mass Graves Are Evidence of War Crime

Lavrov: High Time To Rearm, Moscow’s Military Upgrade Long Overdue

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Nuclear Weapons (HBO) (Video):

Added: Jul 27, 2014

America has over 4,800 nuclear weapons, and we don’t take terrific care of them.
It’s terrifying, basically.

Lavrov: High time to rearm, Moscow’s military upgrade long overdue (RT, Sep 28, 2014):

Russia’s investment in its military is not a sign of a looming new arms race but rather a long-overdue modernization, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with RT and the VGTRK media corporation.

“I don’t think we are on the verge of a new arms race. At least, Russia definitely won’t be part of it,” the minister said. “In our case, it’s just that the time has come for us to modernize our nuclear and conventional arsenals.”

Lavrov was commenting on the US plan to overhaul its nuclear arsenals, which was announced by President Barack Obama this week.

“The US nuclear arsenal is somewhat younger than ours, but perhaps it is also time for them to upgrade it. I just hope that the US will abide by the provisions of the New START treaty, which are legally binding,” Lavrov said. “It is fine to upgrade your stockpile, replacing old weapons with new ones, but there are certain restrictions on how many weapons you can have, and all these restrictions are still in place.”

Read moreLavrov: High Time To Rearm, Moscow’s Military Upgrade Long Overdue

Lavrov tells US to respect Syria’s sovereignty while tackling ISIS

Lavrov tells US to respect Syria’s sovereignty while tackling ISIS(RT, Sep 21, 2014):

Washington should respect the sovereignty of Syria in its attempts to deal with the Islamic state, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a phone call with his US counterpart, John Kerry.

Lavrov and Kerry talked on Sunday at the initiative of the US Secretary of State, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Read moreLavrov tells US to respect Syria’s sovereignty while tackling ISIS

Lavrov: Russia to send another humanitarian convoy to Ukraine

In other news:

Russia Prepares 2nd Humanitarian Convoy “Invasion” (ZeroHedge, Aug 25, 2014)

Lavrov: Russia to send another humanitarian convoy to Ukraine (RT, Aug 25, 2014):

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has announced plans for a second humanitarian convoy to be sent to eastern Ukraine, urging foreign actors and agencies to participate in continuing efforts at relieving the crisis.

Failure to do so would constitute a violation of international law, he warned.

“Anyone in need of aid shall receive it,” the FM said, stressing that it is important to learn from the mistakes of the first attempt and to look forward to closer cooperation with the Ukrainian authorities this time around.

He stressed that as the indiscriminate shelling of areas such as Lugansk continues, the humanitarian need for water and food grows. This has been acknowledged by humanitarian agencies and itnernational actors at large.

The distribution of aid is currently underway, and is headed by the ICRC.

“The second aid convoy must travel this week… We hope for less interference and more cooperation from Ukrainian authorities this time”

The FM also added that the shelling of schools, hospitals, kindergartens and other vulnerable institutions and structures can no longer be excused by claims of “wrongful shooting” or be written off as “accidental.”

Read moreLavrov: Russia to send another humanitarian convoy to Ukraine

Lavrov: Ukraine Ready To Accept Russia’s Humanitarian Aid

Lavrov: Ukraine ready to accept Russia’s humanitarian aid (RT, Aug 12, 2014):

The Russian Foreign Ministry has received a note from the Ukrainian government expressing its readiness to accept the Russian humanitarian aid. The news came as Moscow agreed on the Ukrainian presence in the humanitarian convoy.

The arrangements for the humanitarian aid convoy have been completely agreed upon, with all of Kiev’s wishes taken into account, including the route, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told reporters at a press conference in Sochi.

We have agreed on a route convenient for the Kiev authorities. We agreed that our trucks would have Ukrainian number plates during their way through Ukrainian territory. We also agreed to take on board not only the representatives of the Red Cross and the OSCE, but also representatives of the Ukrainian authorities,” Lavrov said.

Read moreLavrov: Ukraine Ready To Accept Russia’s Humanitarian Aid

EU Announces New Washington-Pleasing, Russia-Wristslap Sanctions


EU Announces New Washington-Pleasing, Russia-Wristslap Sanctions (ZeroHedge, July 29, 2014):

After unleashing a 10-page report of the death and destructive economic impact they could have on Russia via sanctions, the European leaders have agreed to issue travel bans, some asset-freezes, and trade curbs on various new individuals and business entities. The Goldilocks sanctions… just enough to please Washington, not enough to infuriate Putin into ‘boomerangs’.


Via DPA,

EU ambassadors have reached agreement on a new round of travel bans and asset freezes in response to the crisis in Ukraine, diplomats say.

*  *  *

The sanctions…

Read moreEU Announces New Washington-Pleasing, Russia-Wristslap Sanctions

Russia Rushes To Seal Ukraine-Bypassing Gas Pipeline: Lavrov Pays Bulgaria A Visit

Putin chess

Russia Rushes To Seal Ukraine-Bypassing Gas Pipeline: Lavrov Pays Bulgaria A Visit (ZeroHedge, July 7, 2014):

As we remarked two weeks ago, when observing the recent developments surrounding the suddenly all-important South Stream gas pipeline bypassing Ukraine entirely, and instead traversing the Black Sea before crossing Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary and terminating in the Austrian central European gas hub of Baumgarten, we said that all of Europe is suddenly focused on if and how Russia will make headway with a project that may be the most important one for not only Europe’s energy future but the impact Russia will continue to have over Germany et al. And of course, Ukraine. Because should Russia find a way to completely bypass Kiev as a traditional transit hub for Russian gas, it would make the country, and its ongoing civil war, completely irrelevant not only for Russia, but worse, for Europe, the IMF, and Ukraine’s staunch western “supporters and allies” as well.

South Stream Map

Showing just how Europe perceives the Russian “South Stream” threat was a comment from a recent NYT article, in which Günther Oettinger, Europe’s top energy official, was quoted as saying that the Ukraine crisis “has slowed down our progress on South Stream considerably… We can’t just give in to the Russians every time.” Alas, since the Russians control the all important gas, Europe has zero choice.

This explains why even as the western media finally remembered over the weekend there was a Ukraine civil war going on following an advance by the Kiev army to retake some rebel strongholds in the Donbas region, with some wondering what if anything Putin would do in retaliation, what Putin, or rather his envoy Sergei Lavrov were actually doing, was completely ignoring the Ukraine situation (where the West has long since conceded the loss of Crimea to the Kremlin) and instead focusing on securing the successful launch of the South Stream (remember: the second South Stream goes online, Ukraine becomes irrelevant). And since Russia already signed another historic agreement with Austria in June, which positioned the AAA-country (with some surprising emerging bank troubles subsequently) squarely against its fellow European peers, it was the turn of the other South Stream countries, namely Bulgaria.

Read moreRussia Rushes To Seal Ukraine-Bypassing Gas Pipeline: Lavrov Pays Bulgaria A Visit

Why Are Ukraine Troops Using UN Helicopters, Russia Foreign Minister Asks

Why Are Ukraine Troops Using UN Helicopters, Russia Foreign Minister Asks (ZeroHedge, May 14, 2014):

A clearly irritated Sergei Lavrov – Russia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs – appeared on Bloomberg TV this morning and warned that “Ukraine is as close to civil war as you can get.” The minister further exclaimed that Russia “would like to understand how helicopters with a UN logo were used against protesters in the south-east,” adding that “Russia has serious suspicions that mercenaries from the USA are acting in Ukraine’s south-east.” Furthermore, Lavrov warned that “attempts to force Ukraine into NATO may have a strong negative impact on the whole system of European security.” But apart from that… BTFWWIII

A UN-marked Helicopter being used by Ukraine forces against Donetsk regional militia

Why Are Ukraine Troops Using UN Helicopters, Russia Foreign Minister Asks

And the raw feed via LiveLeak:

Ironically – the UN also wants to know why…

The UN has voiced concerns over the apparent use of UN-marked helicopters by Kiev troops in their military operation against Donetsk regional militia. A video of a white-painted Mil Mi-24 strike helicopter with UN logo has emerged.

Read moreWhy Are Ukraine Troops Using UN Helicopters, Russia Foreign Minister Asks

Kerry: Russia Must Withdraw Support For Pro-Russia Separatists In Ukraine

Kerry: Russia must withdraw support for pro-Russia separatists in Ukraine (Guardian, May 3, 2014):

US secretary of state speaks by phone to Russian counterpart to discuss collective responsibility to de-escalate crisis

Lavrov: Kerry’s ‘Prosecutorial’ RT Assault Unacceptable

Lavrov: Kerry’s ‘prosecutorial’ RT assault unacceptable (RT, April 25, 2014):

Russia’s Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov has lashed out at US Secretary of State John Kerry over his ‘prosecutorial’ remarks about RT.

“The US is trying to pervert everything that is going on in Ukraine. They accuse us of turning on – what was called by John Kerry in a prosecutorial tone – accuse us of switching on what they called the ‘Putin propaganda machine’ called RT,” said Lavrov during the press conference.

“Well, It’s not civilized to call the media like that,” he said, adding that he can “understand John Kerry because RT now presents serious competition for CNN and BBC and other media outlets, which some time ago were confident that they had an absolute monopoly and no competition could threaten them.”

Read moreLavrov: Kerry’s ‘Prosecutorial’ RT Assault Unacceptable

Lavrov: US Is ‘Running Show’ In Ukraine


–  US is ‘running show’ in Ukraine – Lavrov (Voice of Russia, April 23, 2014):

The United States has lately been shuffling off the responsibility for what’s going on in Ukraine on Russia, continuing to blame it for, as they say, locating its troops in the area, while the US involvement in the crisis is most obvious, Russia’s Foreign Minister told RT TV Channel in an exclusive interview Wednesday.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said the United States has a hand in the standoff in Ukraine. “There is no reason not to believe that the Americans are running the show” in the Ukrainian crisis, Lavrov told the Russia Today.

Read moreLavrov: US Is ‘Running Show’ In Ukraine

Lavrov: Kiev Issued ‘Criminal Order’ Alowing Use Of Weapons Against Civilians

Watch the video here:

Lavrov: Kiev issued ‘criminal order’ allowing use of weapons against civilians (RT, April 23, 2014):

The coup-appointed Kiev government’s order to use force against Ukrainian citizens is “criminal,” the Russian Foreign Minister told RT. He also denied claims that there is Russian military presence on Ukrainian territory.

In an interview with RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze, Sergey Lavrov called acting Ukrainian President Alexander Turchinov’s order to reinitiate an anti-terror operation in East Ukraine, a criminal act.

Read moreLavrov: Kiev Issued ‘Criminal Order’ Alowing Use Of Weapons Against Civilians

Russia Renews Threat To Intervene In Ukraine As Truce Falters – Sergey Lavrov: ‘If Russian Troops Or People Attacked, We’ll Retaliate’

H/t reader M.G.:

“If the US doesn’t get its corrupt insignificant ass out of the Ukraine, Putin will slap them down………and it won’t take much to do it. The biggest myth has been US military might. China has been building (using all US military plans given them by the greedy corporations as part payment for slave labor) up their military like crazy. They are sided with Putin. Putin is just as able as the US, and the entire region is behind him, not the US.”

Sergey Lavrov: “If Russian Troops Or People Attacked, We’ll Retaliate” (ZeroHedge, April 23, 2014):

It took Joe Biden just a day after his arrival in Kiev to kill and bury the last remaining hope that last week’s latest attempt at diplomatic de-escalation in Geneva would actually be anything more than a joke. A few hours ago, in a statement posted on the parliament website, Ukraine acting President Oleksandr Turchynov said that pro-Russian separatists have “crossed line” adding that East Ukraine is currently controlled by “terrorists” supported by Russia.

In other words, the same old song and dance.

Which is why this time Russia made it quite clear to issue a warning that the next time there is a provocation against its soldiers or, more importantly, against its people, those in East Ukraine to be specific, it would retaliate. Once again, Obama’s “costs” message is lost on Putin…

Read moreRussia Renews Threat To Intervene In Ukraine As Truce Falters – Sergey Lavrov: ‘If Russian Troops Or People Attacked, We’ll Retaliate’

‘They Never Learn’ – Russia’s Take On The ‘West’ And The Shifting Geopolitical Balance Of Power


“They Never Learn” – Russia’s Take On The “West” And The Shifting Geopolitical Balance Of Power (ZeroHedge, March 30, 2014):

Over the past month, there has been a lot of “Hilsenrathing”, or the biased media urgently “explaining” to the Western world, just what Russia’s actions mean both tactically in response to Ukraine developments, and strategically as part of Putin’s global perspective. So instead of relying on the broken media narrative which serves merely to perpetuate US corporate interests and rally the public behind this or that company’s geopolitical interests, here, straight from the horse’s mouth, in this case Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, how Russia sees itself in a world in which it is allegedly “isolated”, and “threatening Ukraine” with further invasion but more importantly, how the Russians view the rapidly changing global balance of power, in which post-USSR Russia has emerged from the backwood of slighted nations and stormed to the stage of nations who dare defy the former global hegemon, the US.

Some notable highlights by Lavrov from the interview conducted with Rossiya 24:

Read more‘They Never Learn’ – Russia’s Take On The ‘West’ And The Shifting Geopolitical Balance Of Power

Meanwhile, Tens Of Thousands Of Russian Troops Continue Piling Up At Ukraine’s Borders – The Full Update

Meanwhile, Tens Of Thousands Of Russian Troops Continue Piling Up At Ukraine’s Borders – The Full Update (ZeroHedge, March 29, 2014):

With Russia continuing to diplomatically assure the world that no invasion is pending, and rather comically asking for President Obama’s benevolent aid in policing the treatment of Russians in non-Crimean Ukraine; it seems from all actions (as opposed to words) that Putin is pressing ahead with building his forces (up to 60,000) around the divided nation and as Dmitry Tymchuk notes, planning for invasion from Chernihiv to Donetsk. Internal politics continue to roil as Klitschko pulls out of the Presidential election (just as the US wanted) but we suspect the Ukrainians will be confused to discover their USA saviors have been spying on the future Premier Tymoshenko for years. The people of Ukraine are likely a little upset at We are sure Kerry and Lavrov will have plenty to discuss tomorrow in Paris and perhaps the following map will be a good starting point.


Read moreMeanwhile, Tens Of Thousands Of Russian Troops Continue Piling Up At Ukraine’s Borders – The Full Update

John Kerry: If Crimea Referendum Takes Place, Sanctions Against Russia To Follow

See also:

Ron Paul Defends Putin Over Crimea Referendum

Geneva II peace talks
John Kerry

If Crimea referendum takes place, sanctions against Russia to follow – US’s Kerry (Voice of Russia, March 14, 2014):

If the Crimean referendum takes place there will be some sanctions and some response, US State Secretary John Kerry has said after the meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the situation in Ukraine.

John Kerry said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will make no decision on Ukraine until after Sunday’s referendum on the region of Crimea.

Read moreJohn Kerry: If Crimea Referendum Takes Place, Sanctions Against Russia To Follow

America’s Staggering Hypocrisy in Ukraine

America’s Staggering Hypocrisy in Ukraine (Common Dreams, March 5, 2014):

ince World War II – and extending well into the Twenty-first Century – the United States has invaded or otherwise intervened in so many countries that it would be challenging to compile a complete list. Just last decade, there were full-scale U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, plus American bombing operations from Pakistan to Yemen to Libya.

So, what is one to make of Secretary of State John Kerry’s pronouncement that Russia’s military intervention in the Crimea section of Ukraine – at the behest of the country’s deposed president – is a violation of international law that the United States would never countenance?

Read moreAmerica’s Staggering Hypocrisy in Ukraine

Russia And China Stand In Agreement On Ukraine

Russia And China Stand In Agreement On Ukraine – And That Is Very Bad News For The United States (Economic Collapse, March 3, 2014):

So much for “isolating” Russia.  The Chinese government is publicly siding with Russia on the crisis in Ukraine, and that is very bad news for the United States.  Not only does it mean that the U.S. is essentially powerless to do anything about the situation in Ukraine, it also means that Russia and China are starting to understand how much economic leverage that they really have.  Yes, the Obama administration can threaten to slap “sanctions” on Russia or threaten to kick Russia “out of the G8“, but those actions would not actually hurt too much.  On the other hand, Russia and China hold approximately 25 percent of all foreign-owned U.S. debt, and if they started massively dumping U.S. debt it could rapidly create a nightmare scenario.  In addition, it is important to remember that Russia is the largest exporter of natural gas and the second largest exporter of oil in the world.  And China now imports more oil than anyone else on the planet does, including the United States.  If Russia and China got together and decided to kill the petrodollar, they could do it almost overnight.  So when it comes to Ukraine, it is definitely not the United States that has the leverage.

Read moreRussia And China Stand In Agreement On Ukraine

Yulia Tymoshenko (Ukraine’s ‘Iron Lady’) Freed, Vows To ‘Run For President’; Addresses Protesters – Live Feed

Yulia Tymoshenko (Ukraine’s “Iron Lady”) Freed, Vows To “Run For President”; Addresses Protesters – Live Feed (ZeroHedge, Feb 22, 2014):

Yulia Tymoshenko was the heroine of the 2004 pro-Western Orange Revolution in Ukraine. But, as DPA notes, the two-time former prime minister was convicted in 2011 of abuse of power in connection with a gas deal with Russia (detailed below).

This morning she was freed from prison in Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine after parliament voted for her release…


and is set to address the protesters in Independence Square… (full chronology below)

The US is pleased:

Read moreYulia Tymoshenko (Ukraine’s ‘Iron Lady’) Freed, Vows To ‘Run For President’; Addresses Protesters – Live Feed

Russia Angered At Ukraine Government Vote To Remove President After ‘I Won’t Resign’ Comments

See also:

Washington Orchestrated Protests, ‘Invested’ $5 Billion To Destabilize Ukraine

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: US, EU Paying Ukrainian Rioters, Protesters

Russia Angered At Ukraine Government Vote To Remove President After “I Won’t Resign” Comments (ZeroHedge, Feb 22, 2014):


Remember that (laughable) agreement that was signed less than 24 hours ago and was grandly endorsed by all European nations, and which delineated the next legal presidential election sometime between September and December? Good times.

With 328 (of the 450 seats) voting in favor, the Ukraine parliament has agreed to removed President Viktor Yanukovych:


“Yanukovych, in an illegal manner, removed himself from his constitutional duties,” Turchynov says in chamber before vote. The Russians are not at all happy with Siluanov exclaiming these actions “pose a direct threat to Ukraine’s sovereignty and constitutional order.”

As Martin Armstrong warns:

Read moreRussia Angered At Ukraine Government Vote To Remove President After ‘I Won’t Resign’ Comments

Russia’s Lavrov: Foreigners Train Syrian Rebels In Afghanistan To Use Chem Weapons

Foreigners train Syrian rebels in Afghanistan to use chem weapons – Lavrov (RT, Oct 11, 2013):

There are reports that some third countries are training Syrian rebels to use chemical weapons in Afghanistan, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. The intention is to put the skill to use in new false flag actions in Syria, he explained.

The suspected training happened in Afghan territories not under control of the government in Kabul, Lavrov said.

“Some reports indicate that [Al-Qaeda-linked radical] Al-Nusra Front is planning to smuggle toxic compounds and relevant specialists into Iraqi territory to stage terrorist attacks there this time,” Lavrov said.

Read moreRussia’s Lavrov: Foreigners Train Syrian Rebels In Afghanistan To Use Chem Weapons

Russia’s Lavrov: Iran Behind Anti-WMD Rider In Chemical Watchdog’s Decision On Syria

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Iran behind anti-WMD rider in chemical watchdog’s decision on Syria – Lavrov (RT, Sep 30, 2013):

A small but far reaching clause in the chemical watchdog’s decision on Syria that urges all non-signatories of the Chemical Weapons Convention to join the treaty was actually proposed by Iran – and supported by the US – Russian FM Sergey Lavrov revealed.

Recalling the tense round of negotiations surrounding the issue of Syria’s chemical weapons, the Russian foreign minister said that it was Iran that “offered a very sound addition.” The insider revelation into the diplomatic process of avoiding yet another armed conflict in the Middle East was shared by Sergey Lavrov in an interview with Kommersant daily.

The Iranian proposal reflects Russia’s long standing belief that the Middle East should be free of weapons of mass destruction. The clause, submitted by Tehran was included in the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) decision on Friday ahead of the UNSC vote on a new Syrian resolution.

“It is very important that in the Hague, when there was a vote on the decision on the role of the OPCW in implementing the program of chemical weapons destruction in Syria, a special clause was inserted urging all countries which have not yet done so to sign the convention,” Lavrov said.

“I will reveal a little secret: this clause was introduced by Iran and supported by the United States. Iran in the past century, has twice suffered from chemical weapons. I think Iran offered a very sound addition,” the Russian foreign minister said.

Read moreRussia’s Lavrov: Iran Behind Anti-WMD Rider In Chemical Watchdog’s Decision On Syria