Fenbendazole Cancer Protocol – Step By Step Guide



Fenbendazole Cancer Protocol – Step By Step Guide:

1. Fenbendazole: One Packet a Day

Fenbendazole which has 222mg of Fenbendazole per gram: one packet of powder per day for seven days a week. It can be mixed with food such as yogurt or simply taken by itself.

2. Curcumin: 600 mg a Day

600 mg per day of bioavailable curcumin, which is the active agent in the herb turmeric. Curcumin may help increase healthy p53 levels, and it has been shown to be a potentially effective cancer therapy supplement.

3. CBD Oil: 25 mg a Day 25-milligrams daily,…

…taken sublingually (under the tongue). The CBD oil should be high-purity level broad-spectrum. CBD has been shown to potentially modulate tumor growth.

A nurse’s tip:

  • It is important to choose the right CBD for medical use: flower-derived, lab-tested, organic, whole-spectrum.
  • To enhance CBD healing response for cancer symptoms, slowly increase to .5ml of CBD twice daily for a total of 50 mgs.

Some people using this protocol use CBD oil while others chose to add THC. If you are considering adding THC, it is advised to use a Medical Cannabis Professional.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that may benefit some people with cancer, as it has shown potential for helping to prevent, treat and control cancer.

Read moreFenbendazole Cancer Protocol – Step By Step Guide

Curcumin helps reduce muscle soreness and injury pain after physical activity, according to study

Curcumin helps reduce muscle soreness and injury pain after physical activity, according to study:

The next time you feel utterly beat after playing sports, try taking curcumin supplements instead of the usual pain-killers.  That’s the recommendation of a new European study conducted on injured and hurting rugby players, reported a NutraIngredients.com article.

The European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences recently published the results of a pilot-study by several Italian pharmaceutical companies regarding the effectiveness of Meriva, a proprietary curcumin supplement that’s delivered through a lecithin base.

The 50 male rugby players who participated in the small study sported symptoms of osteo-muscular discomfort. Causes include chronic pain, deliberate overload during exercise and tackling – or getting tackled by – opponents during games.

Read moreCurcumin helps reduce muscle soreness and injury pain after physical activity, according to study

Turmeric For Brain Regeneration


You probably know at least one person who raves about the health benefits of turmeric. This deep, orange root has been used as a panacea for everything from soothing joint pain and calming inflammation, to lowering the risk of heart disease. And our awareness of the benefits of this ancient medicinal herb continues to grow.

Turmeric is an example of a remyelinating compound, which denotes a substance with proven nerve-regenerative effects.

Remyelinating compounds work to repair the protective sheath around the nerve bundle known as myelin, an area often damaged in autoimmune and vaccine-induced disorders. Research shows that even small doses of these restorative substances can produce significant nerve regeneration.

The Western model of pharmaceutical intervention has created a culture that seeks to identify and isolate the “active ingredient” of an organic substance. What this fails to account for is that organic compounds often work in concert: isolates by themselves may lack a critical key that another plant element provides.

Curcumin is the isolated active ingredient in turmeric, however, new research shows that another element found in turmeric has magical properties of its own.

In an exciting study published in the journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy, researchers found that a little-known component within turmeric, Ar-tumerone, may make “a promising candidate to support regeneration in neurologic disease.”

The study found that when brain cells were exposed to ar-tumerone, neural stem cells increased in number and complexity, indicating a healing effect was taking place. This effect was replicated in rats, who when exposed to ar-tumerone saw increased neural stem cell production and the generation of healthy new brain cells.

Source (Green tea is a fluoride bomb, even if it is 100% organic.)

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Prostate cancer breakthrough: Combination of three plant-based nutrients found to MELT AWAY prostate cancer cells


Prostate cancer breakthrough: Combination of three plant-based nutrients found to MELT AWAY prostate cancer cells

H/t reader kevin a.

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Zitronen-Knoblauch-Kur zur Regeneration des Körpers

Zitronen-Knoblauch-Kur zur Regeneration des Körpers:

(Zentrum der Gesundheit) – Die Zitronen-Knoblauch-Kur wirkt wie ein Jungbrunnen, denn sie befreit Ihren Körper von Kalkablagerungen. Diese befinden sich u.a. an den Arterienwänden, den Gelenken oder im Gehirn. Daher können Sie sich sicher vorstellen, welche vielfältigen Auswirkungen eine Entkalkung Ihres Körpers auf Ihr Wohlbefinden haben wird. So kann sich z. B. Ihr Blutdruck normalisieren, was zur Entlastung des gesamten Herz-Kreislaufsystems führt und Ihre Beweglichkeit kann sich ebenso verbessern wie Ihre Gehirnaktivität. Übrigens: Unangenehme Ausdünstungen finden garantiert nicht statt, denn die Zitronen neutralisieren den Knoblauchgeruch vollständig.

Die Zitronen-Knoblauch-Kur

Die Zitronen-Knoblauch-Kur hat bei den Anwendern zu unterschiedlichsten gesundheitlichen Fortschritten beigetragen. So wurde beispielsweise, neben den bereits erwähnten Auswirkungen, auch eine Verbesserung des Seh– und Hörvermögens, ein Rückgang von Parodontitis, die Auflösung von vernarbtem Bindegewebe und vieles andere mehr festgestellt.

Letztlich findet eine Regeneration im ganzen Körper statt, doch beobachten Sie selbst, welche Wirkungen die Zitronen-Knoblauch-Kur in Ihrem Körper bewirkt.

Read moreZitronen-Knoblauch-Kur zur Regeneration des Körpers

The Many Benefits Of Turmeric


If you have ever heard about turmeric and its benefits and also you are considering whether should start with a cup of warm turmeric water it is time to solve the dilemma and start, because the turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and anti-oxidant spice.

The key of turmeric great healing properties is its compound Curcumin.  More than 7000 reviewed scientific articles have proved effectiveness of its.


1.Able to Fight against inflammation

As result of chronic inflammations there are many diseases and it was discovered that curcumin powerful anti-inflammatory properties, fights against inflammation better than some anti-inflammatory drugs.

2.Protects your brain

Researchers have been found that decreased levels of type of growth hormone, Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) often lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s. They also discovered that curcumin has very beneficial effect on level of this hormone and effectively helps in certain brain diseases or age-related brain functions.

Read moreThe Many Benefits Of Turmeric




Walter Last

Most diseases are caused or aided by microbes and parasites. Due to antibiotics, steroidal drugs and chemotherapy our natural intestinal bacteria have been damaged and pathogenic microbes, especially fungi and mycoplasmas, are out of control. Commonly babies now become inoculated with pathogens already in the birth canal. Also microbes from childhood vaccinations may still be present, and there tend to be infection foci in root-canal treated teeth and possibly in scars from surgery. All of these greatly weaken our immune system and allow pathogenic microbes to invade the blood and internal organs. Now we become susceptible to frequent infections, autoimmune diseases, allergies, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Pathogenic microbes are the underlying cause of basically all chronic diseases.


Preventing and Treating Colon Cancer with Turmeric Curcumin

Preventing and Treating Colon Cancer with Turmeric Curcumin:

The low incidence of bowel cancer in India is often attributed to natural antioxidants such as curcumin, the yellow pigment in the spice turmeric, used in curry powder. However, it is important to remember that the benefits of a diet are seldom produced by a single ingredient in that diet. For example, diets rich in beta-carotene lower the risk of tobacco-related cancers, but beta-carotene pills do not. That doesn’t stop researchers from trying, though.

Back in 2001, in a last ditch attempt to save the lives of 15 patients with advanced colorectal cancer that didn’t respond to any of the standard chemotherapy agents or radiation, researchers started them on a turmeric extract. The extract appeared to help stall the disease in a third (5 out of 15) of the patients, suggesting that turmeric extract may clinically benefit at least some patients with advanced refractory colorectal cancer.

Read morePreventing and Treating Colon Cancer with Turmeric Curcumin

The Dirt Cheap Cancer Protocol (Full)

Dirt Cheap Protocol (Updated December 22, 2016):

When dealing with cancer, someone in the family should be designated as the “cancer guru” in the family. This person should become an expert in the main protocol. For example, they should study this article and the articles it links to several times to make sure they understand this protocol.

For example, I have been contacted by many cancer patients who described the cancer protocol they were using. In some cases, they were using the Dirt Cheap Protocol, but they were only using three or four of these items. Someone didn’t do their homework. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen this. A patient should use 14 or more of the items in this protocol, not three or four.  Fighting cancer is like fighting a fire, you need enough fire trucks.

Read moreThe Dirt Cheap Cancer Protocol (Full)

Science Confirms Turmeric As Effective As 14 Drugs


Science Confirms Turmeric As Effective As 14 Drugs:

Turmeric is one the most thoroughly researched plants in existence today.  Its medicinal properties and components (primarily curcumin) have been the subject of over 5600 peer-reviewed and published biomedical studies.  In fact, our five-year long research project on this sacred plant has revealed over 600 potential preventive and therapeutic applications, as well as 175 distinct beneficial physiological effects. This entire database of 1,585 ncbi-hyperlinked turmeric abstracts can be downloaded as a PDF at our Downloadable Turmeric Document page, and acquired either as a retail item or with 200 GMI-tokens, for those of you who are already are members and receive them automatically each month.

Given the sheer density of research performed on this remarkable spice, it is no wonder that a growing number of studies have concluded that it compares favorably to a variety of conventional medications, including:

Read moreScience Confirms Turmeric As Effective As 14 Drugs

Candida Albicans Infection Is A Cause Of Cancer And Turmeric Can Kill Both, Research Confirms


Yeast Is A Cause Of Cancer And Turmeric Can Kill Both, Research Confirms:

A new study validates a controversial cancer theory, namely, that yeast in our body can contribute to not just feeding, but actually causing cancer. Can the ancient healing spice turmeric come to the rescue?

A recent study published in Critical Reviews in Microbiology lends support to the concept that opportunistic Candida albicans (yeast) infection may not just be a consequence of cancer, but is an actively contributing cause as well.

Read moreCandida Albicans Infection Is A Cause Of Cancer And Turmeric Can Kill Both, Research Confirms

Curcumin vs. Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer

Related info:

Chemotherapy Doesn’t Work 97% Of The Time – 10 Questions To Ask Before Starting Cancer Treatments (Video)

On 5-FU (5-Fluoracil):

After knowing that, …

“Fluoride causes more human cancer, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.”
– Dean Burk, Chief Chemist Emeritus, US National Cancer Institute

Dr. Dean Burk Former Head Of National Cancer Institute Research: ‘Fluoridated Water Amounts To Public Murder On A Grand Scale’ (Video)

…, why would anybody still want to undergo chemotherapy, when he/she understands now that the cancer drug 5-Fluoracil is all about fluoride?

Here is some historic background:

Dr. Louis Bullock, president of the Los Angeles branch of the American Cancer Society touted the new cancer drug 5-Fluoracil as “one of the most effective drugs used to treat and control cancer”, stating that they ‘safely’ gave cancer patients 150 to 500 mg of fluoride a day”, and that “it strengthened the bones”. [Yet, the 1965 Modern Drug Encyclopedia and Therapeutic Index Pharmaceuticals, Biologicals and Allergens contains a three-column listing of disasterous effects from 5-Fluoracil, one of them being “fatalities may be encountered occasionally in patients in relatively good condition”. In March 31, 1972, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner headlined a story “Scientist Hots Cancer Drug ‘Overkill’ “, which stated that 5-Fluoracil as a cancer treatment represents a case of classic overkill which does more harm than the cancer itself.” In other words, Bullock was either naive or he lied at the July 21, 1966 meeting ]. See 1969 LA Times.

Fluoride makes people docile, infertile and gives them cancer. It doesn’t cure cancer!

Fluoride is the active ingredient in Prozac.

More info (quotes and articles) on chemotherapy down below.


Curcumin vs. Chemo for Colon Cancer:

So. There’s a new study comparing the effectiveness of curcumin to chemo drug 5-FU, on colorectal cancer cells.

Curcumin is the active ingredient in Turmeric, one of the top 4 anti-cancer spices that I consumed copious amounts of in 2004, and still consume copious amounts of today.

5-FU, perhaps the most ironically named of all chemo drugs (also known as “5 Feet Under”), is used to treat anal, breast, colorectal, esophageal,  pancreatic, stomach and skin cancers (especially head and neck). It was patented in 1957 and is still one the most commonly used cancer drugs today. If that doesn’t send up a red flag about the progress of cancer treatment, your flag pole is broken.

Repeat. One of the most commonly used chemo drugs is almost 60 years old. 

Read moreCurcumin vs. Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer

Turmeric Produces Mind-Blowing Recovery From Dementia Symptoms

Turmeric produces mind-blowing recovery from dementia symptoms, multiple case studies show (Natural News, June 18, 2013):

?If you or a loved one suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease or some other form of dementia, there is hope and healing to be found in turmeric. Based on the recent findings of three independent case studies, turmeric, whose primary active ingredient is curcumin, has the power not only to heal both the behavior and psychological symptoms associated with dementia, but also help lead to full recovery of the disease in as little as just a few months.

Read moreTurmeric Produces Mind-Blowing Recovery From Dementia Symptoms

How Turmeric Reduces Oxidative Stress and Supports Your Brain and Heart

How Turmeric Reduces Oxidative Stress and Supports Your Brain and Heart (Waking Times, June 13, 2013):

Curcumin has increasingly come under the scientific spotlight in recent years, with studies investigating its potential health benefits. It has even been found to outperform pharmaceuticals in preventing disease. Curcumin is a compound found in the spice turmeric which gives it a natural pigment. It has been linked to a range of health benefits, including potential protection against prostate cancer, Alzheimer’s, protection against heart failure, diabetes, and arthritis. Two studies add to that mix with benefits for arterial aging and cognition.

The first of the news studies, published in Experimental Gerontology and performed by scientists from the University of Colorado, found that curcumin was associated with improved vascular health in aging lab mice.

Curcumin is a diferuloylmethane derived from turmeric (popularly called “curry powder”) that has been shown to interfere with multiple cell signaling pathways, including cell cycle, proliferation, survival, invasion, metastasis and inflammation.

Adding curcumin to human cells with the blood cancer multiple myeloma, Dr. Bharat B. Aggarwal of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and his colleagues found, stopped the cells from replicating. And the cells that were left died.

Read moreHow Turmeric Reduces Oxidative Stress and Supports Your Brain and Heart