Zitronen-Knoblauch-Kur zur Regeneration des Körpers

Zitronen-Knoblauch-Kur zur Regeneration des Körpers:

(Zentrum der Gesundheit) – Die Zitronen-Knoblauch-Kur wirkt wie ein Jungbrunnen, denn sie befreit Ihren Körper von Kalkablagerungen. Diese befinden sich u.a. an den Arterienwänden, den Gelenken oder im Gehirn. Daher können Sie sich sicher vorstellen, welche vielfältigen Auswirkungen eine Entkalkung Ihres Körpers auf Ihr Wohlbefinden haben wird. So kann sich z. B. Ihr Blutdruck normalisieren, was zur Entlastung des gesamten Herz-Kreislaufsystems führt und Ihre Beweglichkeit kann sich ebenso verbessern wie Ihre Gehirnaktivität. Übrigens: Unangenehme Ausdünstungen finden garantiert nicht statt, denn die Zitronen neutralisieren den Knoblauchgeruch vollständig.

Die Zitronen-Knoblauch-Kur

Die Zitronen-Knoblauch-Kur hat bei den Anwendern zu unterschiedlichsten gesundheitlichen Fortschritten beigetragen. So wurde beispielsweise, neben den bereits erwähnten Auswirkungen, auch eine Verbesserung des Seh– und Hörvermögens, ein Rückgang von Parodontitis, die Auflösung von vernarbtem Bindegewebe und vieles andere mehr festgestellt.

Letztlich findet eine Regeneration im ganzen Körper statt, doch beobachten Sie selbst, welche Wirkungen die Zitronen-Knoblauch-Kur in Ihrem Körper bewirkt.

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The Dirt Cheap Cancer Protocol (Full)

Dirt Cheap Protocol (Updated December 22, 2016):

When dealing with cancer, someone in the family should be designated as the “cancer guru” in the family. This person should become an expert in the main protocol. For example, they should study this article and the articles it links to several times to make sure they understand this protocol.

For example, I have been contacted by many cancer patients who described the cancer protocol they were using. In some cases, they were using the Dirt Cheap Protocol, but they were only using three or four of these items. Someone didn’t do their homework. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen this. A patient should use 14 or more of the items in this protocol, not three or four.  Fighting cancer is like fighting a fire, you need enough fire trucks.

Read moreThe Dirt Cheap Cancer Protocol (Full)

Ginger tea shown to naturally kill cancer, dissolve kidney stones, improve liver health and more


Ginger tea shown to naturally kill cancer, dissolve kidney stones, improve liver health and more:

Ginger is another example of a ‘superfood’ that has been prized for thousands of years for its amazing health benefits, and which is now being scientifically proven to have more beneficial properties than almost anyone had previously imagined.

Recent research has shown that – among its many other health-promoting qualities – ginger may be up to 10,000 times more effective at fighting cancer than chemotherapy.

As reported by Food Revolution:

Read moreGinger tea shown to naturally kill cancer, dissolve kidney stones, improve liver health and more

Ginger Up To 10,000 Times More Effective Than Chemotherapy At Treating Cancer


Natural ginger is up to 10,000 times more effective than chemotherapy drugs at treating cancer, study shows:

Ginger naturally contains a compound that is up to 10,000 times more effective than chemotherapy drugs at killing the cancer stem cells that make malignant tumors so dangerous, according to a study published in the journal PLoS.

The chemical, known as 6-shogaol, is produced when ginger roots are dried or cooked. The researchers found that 6-shogaol is active against cancer stem cells at concentrations that are harmless to healthy cells. This is dramatically different from conventional chemotherapy, which has serious side effects largely because it kills healthy as well as cancerous cells.

Read moreGinger Up To 10,000 Times More Effective Than Chemotherapy At Treating Cancer

Ginger Selectively Kills Breast Cancer Cells

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
– Hippocrates


Research: Ginger Selectively Kills Breast Cancer Cells (GreenMedInfo, Oct 1, 2013):

New research published in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology found that “ginger may be a promising candidate for the treatment of breast carcinomas.”[i] This is a timely finding, insofar as breast cancer awareness month is only days away, and one of the primary fund-raising justifications is the false concept that a low-cost, safe and effective breast cancer treatment is not yet available. Could ginger provide the type of cure that conventional, FDA-approved treatments have yet to accomplish?

The new study was performed by researchers at the Biological Sciences Department, Faculty of Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia, who discovered that a crude extract derived from the medicinal plant ginger (Zingiber officinale) inhibited the proliferation of breast cancer cells, without significantly affecting the viability of non-tumor breast cells — a highly promising property known as selective cytotoxicity, not found in conventional treatments.

Read moreGinger Selectively Kills Breast Cancer Cells

The Super Herbal Power Of Ginger

See also:

Ginger Destroys Cancer More Effectively Than Death-Linked Cancer Drugs

Ginger causes ovarian cancer cells to die, U-M researchers find

Study: Ginger effectively relieves even severe muscle pain


The super herbal power of ginger (Natural News, April 15, 2012):

Superfoods are foods and herbs that have a unique concentration of nutrients that synergize together to boost potential. These foods are typically loaded with a combination of critical fatty acids, anti-oxidant phytonutrients and essential amino acids. Ginger is a superfood herb that has been used in many different regions of the world.

Ginger is used throughout the world in countries such as China, Japan, India, Greece, Caribbean countries, England and the USA. It is made into ginger teas, ginger-ale, ginger beers, ginger bread, ginger snaps and ginger biscuits. Almost every culture has historically used it for its powerful ability to enhance immunity, improve digestion and reduce inflammation.

Read moreThe Super Herbal Power Of Ginger

Top 10 Herbs And Spices For Strengthening Your Immune System

Top 10 herbs and spices for strengthening your immune system (Natural News, April 11, 2012):

Of the many systems working within the human body, the immune system is an excellent example of complex efficiency. A network of participating cells and organs, it synchronizes its responses when defending the body from infection and disease.

Read moreTop 10 Herbs And Spices For Strengthening Your Immune System

Ginger Destroys Cancer More Effectively Than Death-Linked Cancer Drugs

See also:

Ginger causes ovarian cancer cells to die, U-M researchers find

Study: Ginger effectively relieves even severe muscle pain


Ginger Destroys Cancer More Effectively than Death-Linked Cancer Drugs (Natural Society, Mar 27, 2012):

Ginger, a cousin spice of super anti-cancer substance turmeric, is known for its ability to shrink tumors. Astoundingly, it is even more effective than many cancer drugs, which have been shown to be completely ineffective and actually accelerate the death of cancer patients. Commonly consumed across the world in small doses among food and beverage products, the medicinal properties of ginger far surpass even advanced pharmaceutical inventions.

The subject of one study based out of Georgia State University, whole ginger extract was revealed to shrink prostate tumor size by a whopping 56% in mice. The anticancer properties were observed in addition to ginger’s role in reducing inflammation as well as being a rich source of life-enhancing antioxidants. But what about cancer drugs? Could this simple spice really topple the advanced pharmaceuticals that are often touted as the ‘only option’ for cancer patients by medical doctors?

Read moreGinger Destroys Cancer More Effectively Than Death-Linked Cancer Drugs

Study: Ginger effectively relieves even severe muscle pain

(NaturalNews) Forget the aspirin and Big Pharma pills for your muscle pain. According to a new study just reported in the Journal of Pain, published by the American Pain Society, daily doses of raw or heat-treated ginger effectively relieve muscle aches and discomfort — and that includes even severe pain following strenuous exercise.

For centuries, ginger has been used by practitioners of Chinese medicine and by traditional Indian and Japanese healers to treat a host of conditions including vomiting and nausea, chronic coughs, morning sickness, gastrointestinal complaints and migraine headaches. It has also been used to treat both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. However, Western medicine has only recently started to seriously study the medicinal qualities of ginger.

So far, several studies have shown that ginger appears to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties similar to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but without the side effects (which can include gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers). In one study, taking a daily dose of ginger (30 to 500 mg.) for four to 36 weeks successfully reduced knee pain in people suffering from osteoarthritis.

Now, in new research from the University of Georgia and Georgia College and State University (GCSU), scientists have found even more evidence that ginger is a potent muscle pain reliever. The scientists worked with seventy-four student volunteers who were divided into three groups. One group was given raw ginger, one group received heated ginger and the third group received a fake ginger placebo.

Muscle pain was induced in the volunteers by having them perform 18 eccentric muscle exercises. Then the research subjects were tested on 11 consecutive days to see if those taking the ginger had reduced muscle aches and pains. And they did — dramatically. The results showed that both raw and heat-treated ginger lowered muscle pain intensity by 25 and 23 percent, respectively.

Read moreStudy: Ginger effectively relieves even severe muscle pain

Ginger causes ovarian cancer cells to die, U-M researchers find

Cell studies show promise for ginger as potential ovarian cancer treatmentNotice to patients: This study represents very preliminary research findings made in the laboratory. Further testing is needed before researchers know how or if ginger should play a role in the treatment of ovarian cancer. U-M researchers do not recommend taking ginger as treatment for cancer. Please talk to your oncologist before taking any dietary or herbal supplements. For more information about ovarian cancer treatment, call Cancer AnswerLine at 800-865-1125.

ANN ARBOR, MI – Ginger is known to ease nausea and control inflammation. But researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center are investigating a new use for this age-old remedy: treating ovarian cancer.


J. Rebecca Liu, M.D.

In laboratory studies, researchers found ginger caused ovarian cancer cells to die. Further, the way in which the cells died suggests ginger may avoid the problem common in ovarian cancer of cells becoming resistant to standard treatments.

Read moreGinger causes ovarian cancer cells to die, U-M researchers find