Were We Lied Into War?


Donald Trump threw down the gauntlet at the last GOP presidential debate with his declaration that the Bush administration lied us into war, and the reverberations are still roiling the political waters on both the right and the left. If his candidacy does nothing else, it will have performed a great service to the nation by re-litigating this vitally important issue and drawing attention to the outrageous lack of accountability by the elites who cheered as we turned the Middle East into a cauldron of death and destruction. Trump has ripped the bandage off the gaping and still suppurating wound of that ill-begotten war, and the howls of rage and pain are being heard on both sides of the political spectrum.

On the neoconservative right, Bill Kristol’s sputtering outrage is a bit too studied to be taken at face value: is he really shocked that no one is coming to the defense of himself and his fellow neocons, who elaborated (with footnotes) the very lies that led us down the primrose path to what the late Gen. William E. Odom called “the worst strategic disaster in our history”?

Kristol’s Weekly Standard magazine promoted every conceivable narrative pointing to Saddam Hussein as the perpetrator of the 9/11 attacks, no matter how fantastic and bereft of evidence. Here he is accusing the Iraqis of being behind the dissemination of anthrax through the mails. Here is his subsidized magazine denying that the forged Niger uranium documents – the basis of George W. Bush’s claim in his 2003 State of the Union that Iraq was building a nuke – were an attempt to lie us into war. Here is neocon propagandist Stephen Hayes retailing a leaked “secret” memo to give credence to the debunked story of a meeting between 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta and Iraqi intelligence.

Every single one of these tall tales has been so thoroughly disproved that it’s enough to recall them in order to embarrass the perpetrators beyond redemption. Kristol & Co. served as a clearing house for these outright fabrications, which were then utilized by the Bush administration to make the case for war. And yet we have Peter Suderman, a senior editor over at Reason magazine, deriding Trump’s calling out of George W. Bush and his neocon intelligence-fabricators as a “conspiracy theory” on a par with birtherism and the weirdo 9/11 “truth” cult:

“[H]e is flirting with a kind of 9/11 trutherism when he accuses the Bush administration of having knowingly lied in order to push the country into war in Iraq, as he did in Saturday’s GOP debate.

“Now, as Byron York wrote on Twitter yesterday, you can reasonably interpret that charge as a general nod toward the idea that the Bush administration hyped the war effort beyond what the actual evidence could support, that the case for the war was, well, trumped up and ultimately misleading, built on insufficient proof, overconfidence, and mistaken assumptions. But Trump’s attack also leaves room for more radical, less grounded conspiracies about Bush and the war as all, and I suspect this is not an accident.

I would respectfully suggest that it is Suderman who needs “grounding” in the facts of this case. I would refer him to a project undertaken by our very own Scott Horton, whose radio program is essential listening for anyone who wants to be so educated: Scott has prepared a reading list on the occasion of the anniversary of the Iraq war, one that Suderman might want to make use of.

Of special interest is Seymour Hersh’s account of the Office of Special Plans, run by Abram Shulsky. This denizen of the murkier depths of the US intelligence community is a devotee of the philosopher Leo Strauss, who believed – as one scholar cited by Hersh put it – “that philosophers need to tell noble lies not only to the people at large but also to powerful politicians.” The OSP, set up in order to do an end run around the official intelligence community, specialized in retailing the tallest tales of Iraqi “defectors,” later proven to be self-serving fiction.

In another account of the administration’s tactics, Hersh describes how raw (and cherry-picked) “intelligence” marked “secret” was “funneled to newspapers, but subsequent C.I.A. and INR [State Department] analyses of the reports – invariably scathing but also classified – would remain secret.” Hersh points out that when the crude forgeries known as the Niger uranium papers – the basis for George W. Bush’s contention that Iraq was seeking uranium in “an African country – were exposed by the IAEA, Vice President Dick Cheney went on television and denounced the UN agency as being biased in favor of Iraq. Is this someone who was concerned with the truth?

Karen Kwiatkowski, who worked in close quarters with this parallel intelligence operation, says “It wasn’t intelligence‚ – it was propaganda. They’d take a little bit of intelligence, cherry-pick it, make it sound much more exciting, usually by taking it out of context, often by juxtaposition of two pieces of information that don’t belong together.” Those who didn’t toe the neocon party line were purged, and replaced with compliant apparatchiks.

So was this simply ideological blindness, or outright lying? Robert Dreyfuss and Jason Vest, writing in Mother Jones, cite neoconservative foreign policy expert Edward Luttwak, who “says flatly that the Bush administration lied about the intelligence it had because it was afraid to go to the American people and say that the war was simply about getting rid of Saddam Hussein. Instead, says Luttwak, the White House was groping for a rationale to satisfy the United Nations’ criteria for war. ‘Cheney was forced into this fake posture of worrying about weapons of mass destruction,’ he says. ‘The ties to Al Qaeda? That’s complete nonsense.’”

Yet the American people didn’t know that at the time. The pronouncements of the Bush administration, and the War Party’s well-placed media network, led 70 percent of them to believe that the Iraqi despot was behind the worst terrorist attacks in American history – to the point that, even after this canard had been debunked (and denied by the White House) a large number of Americans still believed it. Not only that, but they believed the Iraqis had those storied “weapons of mass destruction,” and that the Bush administration was entirely justified in launching an invasion.

This is what Max Fisher’s account of the Trump-generated imbroglio fails to take into account. Fisher, who analyzes foreign policy issues for the left-of-center Vox.com, writes:

“Trump’s 10-second history of the war articulated it as many Americans, who largely consider that war a mistake, now understand it. And, indeed, Bush did justify the war as a quest for Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, which turned out not to exist.

“The other Republican candidates, who have had this fight with Trump before, did not defend the war as their party has in the past, but rather offered the party’s standard line of the moment, which is that Bush had been innocently misled by ‘faulty intelligence.’

“But neither version of history is really correct. The US primarily invaded Iraq not because of lies or because of bad intelligence, though both featured. In fact, it invaded because of an ideology.”

“…This is perhaps not as satisfying as the ‘Bush lied, people died’ bumper sticker history that has since taken hold on much of the left and elements of the Tea Party right. Nor is it as convenient as the Republican establishment’s polite fiction that Bush was misled by “faulty intelligence.”

Fisher’s long account of how the neoconservatives agitated for war in the name of an “idealistic” ideology that sought to transform the Middle East into a “democratic” model is accurate as far as it goes. Yet the idea that the neocons were – or are – above fabricating evidence to make their case is naïve, at best. “If the problem were merely that Bush lied,” says Fisher, “then the solution would be straightforward: Check the administration’s facts. But how do you fact-check an ideology …?”

What if the ideology justifies lying for a “noble” end? And of course the Bush administration’s facts were checked, both during and after the war (see above): what we can conclude from this fact-checking is that the policymakers 1) Started out with an agenda, 2) Suppressed all evidence that contradicted it, and 3) Made up “factoids” out of whole cloth, the most egregious being those contained in the Niger uranium forgeries and the outright lies disseminated by Ahmed Chalabi and his Iraqi National Congress.

We can see how the neoconservatives within the administration constructed a parallel intelligence-gathering apparatus, independent of – and usually in opposition to – the CIA and the rest of the intelligence community. We can further see how their intelligence product was “stovepiped” up to the highest echelons, and landed on the President’s desk unvetted and unconfirmed. All the safeguards against compromising the US intelligence stream were dismantled – to what purpose? Fisher doesn’t think to ask this vital question. Instead, he attributes it to “ideology”;

“It does not appear that the administration encouraged them to lie, but rather that deep-rooted biases led top officials to dismiss the mountains of intelligence that undercut their theories and to favor deeply problematic intelligence that supported it.

“… By all appearances, administration officials believed their allegations of Iraqi WMDs were true and that this was indeed sufficient justification. Why else would the US launch a desperate, high-profile search for WMDs after invading – which only ended up drawing more attention to how false those allegations had been?

“Rather, they had deceived themselves into seeing half-baked intelligence as affirming their desire for war, and then had sold this to the American people as their casus belli, when in fact it was secondary to their more high-minded and ideological mission that would have been too difficult to explain. That, more than overstating intelligence on WMDs, was the really egregious lie.”

But of course they had to launch a hunt for the WMD they knew weren’t there – after all, they had justified the war on this basis. And so what if they were never found? They got away with it, didn’t they? There was never any real investigation into the intelligence-gathering activities of the Office of Special Plans, or of efforts to suppress dissent within the mainstream intelligence agencies. This was scotched by the politicians, who never followed through with their “phase two” investigation of the murky circumstances surrounding the administration’s activities.

By the time it was revealed that the war critics were right and that there weren’t any WMD in Iraq, the neocons’ goal had already been accomplished – the destruction of Iraq and the establishment of a permanent pretext for a US military presence in the region. Whatever consequences would follow the revelation of the deception – and deception it was – would be borne by the hapless George W. Bush, who was never the sharpest blade in the drawer to begin – and whom the neocons soon threw overboard as someone not willing or able to carry out their full agenda.

The US intelligence stream had been contaminated for a purpose: some entity with an agenda that included getting us inextricably involved in the Middle East over the long term. But who?

Karen Kwiatkowski, who worked in the office that was to become the Office of Special Plans, is an eyewitness:

“In early winter, an incident occurred that was seared into my memory. A coworker and I were suddenly directed to go down to the Mall entrance to pick up some Israeli generals. Post-9/11 rules required one escort for every three visitors, and there were six or seven of them waiting. The Navy lieutenant commander and I hustled down. Before we could apologize for the delay, the leader of the pack surged ahead, his colleagues in close formation, leaving us to double-time behind the group as they sped to Undersecretary Feith’s office on the fourth floor. Two thoughts crossed our minds: are we following close enough to get credit for escorting them, and do they really know where they are going? We did get credit, and they did know. Once in Feith’s waiting room, the leader continued at speed to Feith’s closed door. An alert secretary saw this coming and had leapt from her desk to block the door. ‘Mr. Feith has a visitor. It will only be a few more minutes.’ The leader craned his neck to look around the secretary’s head as he demanded, ‘Who is in there with him?’

This minor crisis of curiosity past, I noticed the security sign-in roster. Our habit, up until a few weeks before this incident, was not to sign in senior visitors like ambassadors. But about once a year, the security inspectors send out a warning letter that they were coming to inspect records. As a result, sign-in rosters were laid out, visible and used. I knew this because in the previous two weeks I watched this explanation being awkwardly presented to several North African ambassadors as they signed in for the first time and wondered why and why now. Given all this and seeing the sign-in roster, I asked the secretary, ‘Do you want these guys to sign in?’ She raised her hands, both palms toward me, and waved frantically as she shook her head. ‘No, no, no, it is not necessary, not at all.’ Her body language told me I had committed a faux pas for even asking the question. My fellow escort and I chatted on the way back to our office about how the generals knew where they were going (most foreign visitors to the five-sided asylum don’t) and how the generals didn’t have to sign in.”

Israeli generals walking in and out of Feith’s office was the least of it. Feith himself, along with Richard Perle, David Wurmser and his wife Meyrav (all with links to Feith’s Office of Special Plans), had once prepared a strategy paper for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his first term in office. Entitled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” the paper recommended a general offensive against Israel’s neighbors:

“Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq – an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right – as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions.”

Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer showed in their book, The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, that the Jewish state’s American amen corner played an instrumental role in agitating for the Iraq war. As they pointed out, “A Clean Break”

“[C]alled for Israel to take steps to reorder the entire Middle East. Netanyahu did not follow their advice, but Feith, Perle and Wurmser were soon urging the Bush administration to pursue those same goals. The Ha’aretz columnist Akiva Eldar warned that Feith and Perle ‘are walking a fine line between their loyalty to American governments … and Israeli interests.’”

Whose interests were they pursuing while they manufactured talking points based on “faulty” intelligence in order to bamboozle Congress and the American people into fighting Israel’s war on Saddam Hussein?

But that was just the beginning of the long tortured road they led us down. As Ariel Sharon told a visiting delegation of American congressmen at the time, Iran, Libya, and Syria were next on Israel’s agenda:

“’These are irresponsible states, which must be disarmed of weapons mass destruction, and a successful American move in Iraq as a model will make that easier to achieve,’ said the Prime Minister to his guests, rather like a commander issuing orders to his foot-soldiers. While noting that Israel was not itself at war with Iraq, he went on to say that ‘the American action is of vital importance.’”

Two down, one to go.

Much of the “faulty” intelligence that found its way to the desks of Bush and Cheney originated with foreign intelligence agencies, and there is plenty of evidence that much of it came straight from Tel Aviv. Certainly the Israelis had an interest in using the United States military as a cat’s-paw against their traditional Arab enemies, notably Iraq. And the defense of Israel was often cited by the administration as a justification for targeting Saddam Hussein. This wasn’t the first time a foreign entity launched a covert operation to lure the United States into an overseas conflict, and it certainly won’t be the last – that is, unless and until we learn the real lesson of the Iraq war.

Yes, it was ideology that led us to commit ourselves to become the policemen of the Middle East – but the adherents of that ideology utilized methods that included fabricating “evidence” of Iraqi WMD. One aspect of neoconservative ideology conveniently left out of Fisher’s otherwise comprehensive analysis of the neocon mindset is their dedication to Israel as a model “democracy” and our ideal ally which must always be defended. An odd omission, to say the least.

If we look at the Iraq war as a wildly successful covert operation to lure us into a position from which it is almost impossible to extricate ourselves – all to the advantage of a certain Middle Eastern “democracy” beloved by the neocons – then the whole disastrous episode begins to make sense. If such is the case, then why should the perpetrators care if no WMD were found after the invasion? It would be no skin off the Israelis’ noses: Bush would get the blame, not Bibi. And of course the operatives inside the administration responsible for skewing the intelligence could always claim to have been mistaken: after all, everybody thought the WMD were there, and in any case they would never be held to account. Since when is anybody in our government held accountable for anything?

Yes, I know, this is a “conspiracy theory,” and therefore we aren’t allowed to consider it, let alone examine the facts that back it up. Nations never engage in conspiracies, and government officials never lie.

And if you believe that, there’s a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in purchasing….

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At least 1,730 Clinton emails contain classified material

Hillary Clinton Exposed Part 2 – Clinton Foundation Took Millions From Countries That Also Fund ISIS

At least 1,730 Clinton emails contain classified material:

At least 1,730 emails that Hillary Clinton sent or received contained classified material, according to the State Department’s latest update from its ongoing review of more than 30,000 emails.

The State Department released a new batch of 1,116 pages of Clinton’s emails Friday evening in response to a court order. Of those, 64 contain classified information. All are at the confidential level, which is the lowest level of classification.

Read moreAt least 1,730 Clinton emails contain classified material

Europol: 5,000 ISIS Militants Trained In Syria & Iraq Walk Free In Europe

Between 3,000 and 5,000 so-called ‘foreign fighters’ – EU citizens trained in Islamic state terror camps – have returned to Europe and pose a “completely new challenge,” according the continent’s top police chief.

 “Europe is currently facing the highest terror threat in more than in a decade,” Rob Wainwright, Europol’s director, told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung daily, warning of the real possibility of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) or other terror groups attacks in Europe.

“We can expect [IS] or other religious terror groups to stage an attack somewhere in Europe with the aim of achieving mass casualties among the civilian population,” he said, noting that the risk of attacks by individuals has also not diminished.

Read moreEuropol: 5,000 ISIS Militants Trained In Syria & Iraq Walk Free In Europe

The US Dollar Just Became the Official Currency of ISIS


The US Dollar Just Became the Official Currency of ISIS:

It was reported this week that the terrorist group, ISIS, recently mandated U.S. dollars be the legal tender in their occupied territories. From now on, the U.S. dollar will be the only form of currency ISIS accepts for tax payments, fines, and utility payments. This recent policy is vastly different from the gold and silver minted currency that ISIS proposed over a year ago.

In 2014, the group announced they would be minting their very own Islamic dinar, but now it seems they are back to relying on American currency.

Read moreThe US Dollar Just Became the Official Currency of ISIS

Clearing out the Jungle: Migrants given until Tuesday to abandon Calais camp

French authorities will use force to evict dwellers of the notorious Jungle slum in Calais, if they refuse to leave their tents, to relocate to purpose-built accommodation. NGOs working in the camp have protested the decision.
The targeted area houses a mosque, a restaurant, a legal aid center, and accommodation for 800 to 1,000 migrants, though NGOs say the actual number of residents, from Africa, the Middle East, and Afghanistan, could be twice as high. It constitutes about 7 hectares, or half of the entire Jungle camp, with inspections set to begin after 8:00pm on Tuesday, and first demolitions expected soon after.
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Pakistan Government Warns It’s Citizens To Prepare For GLOBAL COOLING – MINI ICE AGE 2015-2035 (Video)



The Pakistan Meteorological Bureau put out a lengthy 59 page report warning the citizens of Pakistan that Global cooling will begin in 2019 and there needs to be a strategy with urgent action in order for the society to cope with the changes. This is the second country to now come out and tell its citizens to prepare, Russia was first, now Pakistan.

Pakistan temps and global cooling forecast
Pakistan Mini Ice Age Warning to Citizens https://www.facebook.com/cda.isb.pk/?…

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How Hillary Clinton Enabled the 2009 Military Coup in Hunduras


How Hillary Clinton Enabled the 2009 Military Coup in Hunduras:

(COMMONDREAMS) On June 28, 2009, when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, democratically elected Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was overthrown by a military coup. The United Nations, the European Union, and the Organization of American States condemned the coup, and on July 5, Honduras was suspended from the OAS.

Under longstanding and clear-cut U.S. law, all U.S. aid to Honduras except democracy assistance, including all military aid, should have been immediately suspended following the coup.

Read moreHow Hillary Clinton Enabled the 2009 Military Coup in Hunduras

A Furious Turkey Says US Is “Acting Like An Enemy,” Demands Washington Brand Kurds “Terrorists”


As you might have noticed, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is about to lose his mind with the situation in Syria.

To be sure, the effort to usurp the Bashar al-Assad government wasn’t exactly going as planned in the first place. Regime change always takes time, but the conflict in Syria was dragging into its fifth year by the time the Russians got directly involved and although it did indeed look as though the SAA was on the verge of defeat, the future of the rebellion was far from certain.

Read moreA Furious Turkey Says US Is “Acting Like An Enemy,” Demands Washington Brand Kurds “Terrorists”

UK’s Cameron Sets June 23 Date For EU Membership Referendum


UK’s Cameron Sets June 23 Date For EU Membership Referendum:

On Friday, David Cameron trumpeted a “deal” the British PM says he secured with the EU that will reduce the UK’s financial burden as it relates to refugees and other EU nations.

To be sure, the “agreement” seems more symbolic than anything. Indeed, it’s not even clear exactly what it is Cameron accomplished with negotiations in Brussels. Apparently, the UK won concessions on welfare curbs and financial regulation, and the ambiguity surrounding the agreement didn’t stop the PM from proclaiming he had secured “special status” for Britain in the EU.

Read moreUK’s Cameron Sets June 23 Date For EU Membership Referendum

Hillary: I Don’t Believe I Ever Lied to the Public

Hillary: I Don’t Believe I Ever Lied to the Public:
Hillary Clinton believes she’s never lied to the American public. No, seriously.“Well, I have to tell you, I have tried in every way I know how, literally from my years as a young lawyer, all the way through to my time as Secretary of State, to level with the American people,” Clinton told NBC’s Scott Pelley in an interview Thursday.

“You talk about leveling with the American people, have you always told the truth?” he pressed.

“I’ve always tried to. Always. Always.”

Pelley persisted, saying, “Some people are going to call that ‘wiggle room’ you just gave yourself … You know, Jimmy Carter said, ‘I will never lie to you.’”

“You know you’re asking me to say ‘have I ever’ — I don’t believe I ever have,” Clinton insisted. “I don’t believe I ever have, I don’t believe I ever will. I’m going to do the best I can to level with the American people.”

Read moreHillary: I Don’t Believe I Ever Lied to the Public

Lawsuit Challenging Ted Cruz’s Eligibility for President Officially Filed

Lawsuit Challenging Ted Cruz’s Eligibility for President Officially Filed:
Chicago, IL — Ted Cruz’ eligibility to run for president has been put to a test of legality. On Friday, the Circuit Court of Cook County in Chicago heard questions in a lawsuit challenging the Texas senator’s legal qualifications to determine if his bid for the nomination can continue.Illinois attorney Lawrence Joyce sued after his previous attempt to dispute Cruz’ placement on the ballot with the state’s Board of Elections was dismissed on February 1.

Read moreLawsuit Challenging Ted Cruz’s Eligibility for President Officially Filed

How To Heal Cancer With Howard Straus, The Grandson Of Dr. Max Gerson (Video)

Don’t miss.

Real health experts like Howard Straus, who know their stuff, cannot explain what is done to us other than that it is done by design.

You cannot do the full Gerson Therapy program on your own. You need a support team to help you with that. 

However, there is still a lot that you can do and already that is a great improvement to what you have probably done before.

You may not be able to do all the juicing and coffee enemas, but 3 times juicing and 1-2 coffee enemas per day will already make a huge difference, compared to doing nothing.

And the recommended supplements can be easily integrated and preparing your food differently should not be a problem either.

The Gerson Therapy is not the only highly successful cancer therapy out there and there are many methods, supplements, herbs that will buy you time and stop the cancer from growing, which is giving you time to completely heal yourself.


Gerson documentaries on YouTube:

The Beautiful Truth (Video – Full Documentary – The Reasons For Chronic Diseases And The Cure)

‘Dying To Have Known’ (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only – For Cancer That Works!)

The Gerson Miracle (Video – Full Documentary On A Cure – Not Only For Cancer – That Works!)

Recommended book:

The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses

More info:

Read moreHow To Heal Cancer With Howard Straus, The Grandson Of Dr. Max Gerson (Video)

Lamar Outdoor Advertising Under Fire for Anti-Israel Billboard

Lamar Outdoor Advertising Under Fire for Anti-Israel Billboard

Lamar Outdoor Advertising Under Fire for Anti-Israel Billboard:

UPDATE (February 19, 2016, 5:06 pm)In a message posted on its Facebook page, Lamar Advertising has made the decision to remove the billboard advertisement. This decision was made public hours after the Observer published this story by the Haym Salomon Center’s Paul Miller. The Baton Rouge based company said, “We have tried to contact SEAMAC to discuss these issues but have not received a reply to our telephone and email messages. Therefore we have decided to remove the SEAMAC copy as soon as possible.”


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Is It All Just A Publicity Stunt: Apple Unlocked iPhones For The Feds 70 Times Before

Big Brother iphone zombiesAAPL Zombies

Is It All Just A Publicity Stunt: Apple Unlocked iPhones For The Feds 70 Times Before:

Apple’s stance in the San Bernardino case may not be quite the principled defense that Cook claims it is… it may have as much to do with public relations as it does with warding off what Cook called “an unprecedented step which threatens the security of our customers.””

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Fascist Japanese Government Cracks Down On Media Over Negative Economic Reporting

Shinzo AbeJapan-cracks-collapse

Japanese Government Cracks Down Hard on the Media Amid Pitiful Economic Performance:

Their imminent departure from evening news programmes is not just a loss to their profession; critics say they were forced out as part of a crackdown on media dissent by an increasingly intolerant prime minister, Shinzo Abe, and his supporters.

Only last week, the internal affairs minister, Sanae Takaichi, sent a clear message to media organizations. Broadcasters that repeatedly failed to show “fairness” in their political coverage, despite official warnings, could be taken off the air, she told MPs.

Momii caused consternation after his appointment when he suggested that NHK would toe the government line on key diplomatic issues, including Japan’s territorial dispute with China. “International broadcasting is different from domestic,” he said. “It would not do for us to say ‘left’ when the government is saying ‘right’.”

From the Guardian article: Japanese TV Anchors Lose Their Jobs Amid Claims of Political Pressure

I’ve commented on the spectacular failure of Japan’s “Abenomics” several times in the past, most recently in last summer’s post, Japan’s Economic Disaster – Real Wages Lowest Since 1990, Record Numbers Describe “Hard” Living Conditions. Here’s what we learned:

Read moreFascist Japanese Government Cracks Down On Media Over Negative Economic Reporting

Introducing “I Will Look Into It.com”

Introducing “I Will Look Into It.com”:

At a Democratic primary debate a couple of weeks ago, Hillary Clinton was asked about releasing the content of her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts. Here’s how she responded.

Fortunately, someone created a website to track the former Secretary of State’s progress…


Still looking, apparently.

Read moreIntroducing “I Will Look Into It.com”

The Anatomy Of A Third World War: Neocon Style

Various members of IS, ISIL, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, FSA, and Thuwwar al-Sham.

The anatomy of a third World War: Neocon style:

The Washington neocons have managed to muck things up in Syria blurring and confusing boundaries between who’s who amongst warring factions in its now half decade old regime change proxy war that the US has been losing. With the US Empire’s agenda to destabilize every potential threat to US-Israel hegemony in the region, the latest highly disturbing developments unfolding within this last week in Syria paint a very grim yet clear picture of America’s revised regional strategy. The key lens by which to analyze and understand what the US Empire does geopolitically in the Middle East, North Africa or anywhere has everything to do with maintaining US-Israel regional hegemony and its obsessive, relentless strategy opposing the greatest threat to America’s unipolar global hegemony – Russia, China and Iran. Underlying this neocon insanity behind US foreign policy’s global agenda has been destabilization of the entire world through chaos and destruction militarily achieved through either direct Empire invasion-occupation war or more recently indirectly through the latest installment of Empire’s manufactured war on terror deploying its created ISIS-al Qaeda terrorists as proxy war allies doing Empire’s blood-soaked bidding by proxy. But when that strategy fails as it has in Syria recently, now the neocons are resorting to sending in its Islamic nation state puppets Turkey and Saudi Arabia as yet more proxy war allies to do yet more of their dirty work.

Read moreThe Anatomy Of A Third World War: Neocon Style

Swiss Politicians Slam Attempts To Eliminate Cash, Compare Paper Money To A Gun Defending Freedom

Swiss Politicians Slam Attempts To Eliminate Cash, Compare Paper Money To A Gun Defending Freedom:

As we predicted over a year ago, in a world in which QE has failed, and in which the ice-cold grip of NIRP has to be global in order to achieve its intended purpose of forcing savers around the world to spend the taxed product of their labor, one thing has to be abolished: cash.

This explains the recent flurry of articles in outlets such as BBG and the FT, and op-eds by such “established” economists as Larry Summers, all advocating the death of cash, a process which would begin by abolishing high denomination bills and continue until all physical cash in circulation is eliminated, something we warned about when the first made it first NIRP hint last September.

Read moreSwiss Politicians Slam Attempts To Eliminate Cash, Compare Paper Money To A Gun Defending Freedom

John McAfee: I Will Decrypt Information on the San Bernardino Phone For Free

McAfee: I Will Decrypt Information on the San Bernardino Phone For Free:

(TRUTHINMEDIA) Using an obscure law, written in 1789 — the All Writs Act — the US government has ordered Apple to place a back door into its iOS software so the FBI can decrypt information on an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters.

It has finally come to this. After years of arguments by virtually every industry specialist that back doors will be a bigger boon to hackers and to our nation’s enemies than publishing our nuclear codes and giving the keys to all of our military weapons to the Russians and the Chinese, our government has chosen, once again, not to listen to the minds that have created the glue that holds this world together.

Read moreJohn McAfee: I Will Decrypt Information on the San Bernardino Phone For Free

Bilal Erdogan Accused Of Money Laundering In Italy

Bilal Erdogan Accused Of Money Laundering In Italy:

Bilal Erdogan, son of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and alleged patron saint of Islamic State’s illicit oil trafficking enterprise, is being accused on money laundering in Italy. His lawyers “have nothing to say.”

Related info:

Are These The Tankers Bilal Erdogan Uses To Transport ISIS Oil?

ISIS Oil Trade Full Frontal: “Raqqa’s Rockefellers”, Bilal Erdogan, KRG Crude, And The Israel Connection

Meet The Man Who Funds ISIS: Bilal Erdogan, The Son Of Turkey’s President

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John Kerry Meets With Hollywood Execs to Pitch ISIS Propaganda Ideas


John Kerry Meets With Hollywood Execs to Pitch ISIS Propaganda Ideas:

On Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry met with a group of Hollywood’s top executives to discuss the ISIS narrative. As reported by Variety, the 90-minute meeting included a conversation about creating a counter-narrative to Islamic extremist propaganda, as well as the international marketing of such a narrative.

Kerry himself tweeted about the meeting, using the term ‘Daesh’ to refer to the Islamic State.

Read moreJohn Kerry Meets With Hollywood Execs to Pitch ISIS Propaganda Ideas

US Airstrikes Kill 38 Civilians Over 48 Hours


US Airstrikes Kill 38 Civilians Over 48 Hours:

As reported Tuesday, an early morning US airstrike against the city of Shadadi killed 15 civilians outside a bakery. This incident was the start of a flurry of US airstrikes in Syria’s northeast which, over the past 48 hours, have left at least 38 civilians dead, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Three villages near Shadadi were targeted early Thursday morning, killing another 15 civilians, including three children, while eight more civilians were killed in airstrikes elsewhere around the region. A separate strike in the town of al-Houl did manage to kill 35 ISIS fighters, however.

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