Not that I would agree with everything the Gerson Therapy is doing, but it is more than a good start, with a cancer cure rate of over 90%.
Juicing veggies is one of the most important keys to stay and get healthy and so is colon hydrotherapy (a course in the beginning (3-7 times to clean out all the garbage from the colon, with which Gerson would not agree) and then continuing with Gerson’s coffee enemas.
Actually the combination of juicing and enemas is what will do the trick and it will also safe you many years of detoxification.
Recommended book:
– The Gerson Therapy: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses
Related info:
– How To Heal Cancer With Howard Straus, The Grandson Of Dr. Max Gerson (Video)
Highly recommended is Norman Walkers book….
Another interesting book by Norman Walker is “Become Younger”.
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