Must Read: Illuminati Assassins (Veterans Today)

Must Read: Illuminati Assassins (Veterans Today, Oct 28, 2012):

Illuminati mass mind control is predicated on a numbing steady delivery of 6th-grade level non-news to the masses, combined with the occasional 911/Kennedy Assassination fear-inducing shock, designed to cement obedience and allegiance to their resource monopoly.

The elite must constantly manufacture fake bad guys to divert criticism from their hegemonic global banking cartel.  Not coincidentally, the bad guys always possess a resource which the bankers covet.  Western intelligence agencies serve as spearhead in designing and implementing these psyops.

Since oil greases the Illuminati’s City of London money shuffle, the Middle East is naturally home to a plethora of “bad guys”.   (The following is excerpted from Chapter 3: JP Morgan & the House of Saud: Big Oil & Their Bankers…)

In the 1920’s a young Egyptian named Hassan Al-Banna revived the Muslim Brotherhood, which had its origins in the same Grand Lodge of Cairo that also spawned Cabala, Freemasonry, Knights Templar and their Illuminati board of directors.  Al-Banna was an admirer of Adolf Hitler.

During the 1930s his group became a secret arm of Nazi Intelligence.  During WWII the Palestine-based Grand Mufti went to Germany as a Muslim Brotherhood representative to recruit an international SS division of Arab Nazis.  Based in Croatia, the group was known as the Handzar Muslim Division.

Read moreMust Read: Illuminati Assassins (Veterans Today)

The CIA’s Muslim ‘Outfit,’ – The Muslim Brotherhood (Veterans Today)

The CIA’s Muslim “Outfit,” – The Muslim Brotherhood (Veterans Today, Oct 28, 2012):

The Muslim Brotherhood Subsidiary

by Dean Henderson for Veterans Today

[Editors Note:  Dear Readers, Brother Henderson has done his homework. You might want to print this one out and save this well researched material…Jim W. Dean]

Excerpted from Chapter 10: The Iran/Iraq War: Big Oil & Their Bankers…)

The irrational deep-seated hatred which the Anglo-American foreign policy establishment holds towards Iran is rooted in the 1979 Iranian Revolution, which overthrew the Four Horsemen stooge Shah and nationalized Iran’s oil and banking industries.

The Eight Families banking cabal much preferred the mullahs to the leftists. By 1982 CIA and MI6 were passing targeting information to the Ayatollah aimed at Iranian leftist groups like the Tudeh Party, the National Front and the People’s Mujahadeen.

The mullahs unleashed a reign of terror, assassinating over 4,000 Tudeh Party leaders, while torturing and imprisoning over 10,000 Tudeh members and supporters.  In 1989 many of those imprisoned were sentenced to death. [412]

Khomeini banned Tudeh, terming them “Marxist satanic elements” – something even the Shah hadn’t done. The Tudeh Party spearheaded the Iranian Revolution through their Committee of 60 oilfield strikes in Khuzistan.  The party earlier ushered in Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, whose attempts to wrest better terms from the Four Horsemen-controlled Iranian Consortium made him the target of a successful BP-financed coup in 1953.

The US was now once again helping Islamic extremists, this time to exterminate the Iranian left.  One US official assured reporters that the executions “would not hinder the warming of US/Iran relations”. [413]  Big Oil was dealing with the Ayatollah as well, secretly shipping Iranian crude to Saudi Arabia for refining.

The Israeli Mossad was walking the same high-wire in their country, where in 1978 it allowed the fundamentalist Hamas to become the only Palestinian group registered in Israel.  Within a decade Hamas leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin had built a powerful organization that ruled the Gaza Strip under Israeli watch. [414]

Read moreThe CIA’s Muslim ‘Outfit,’ – The Muslim Brotherhood (Veterans Today)