Is This Why Comey Broke: A Stack Of Resignation Letters From Furious FBI Agents

Is This Why Comey Broke: A Stack Of Resignation Letters From Furious FBI Agents:

Conspiracy theories have swirled in recent days as to why FBI Director James Comey reopened Hillary’s email investigation after just closing it back in July concluding that, although Hillary had demonstrated gross negligence in her establishment of a private email server, that “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring a case against her.  Democrats, after lavishing Comey with praise for months on concluding his investigation in an “impartial” way, have since lashed out at him for seeking to influence the 2016 election cycle with Hillary herself describing his recent actions as “deeply troubling”.  Republicans, on the other hand, have praised Comey’s recent efforts as an attempt to correct a corrupt investigation that seemingly ignored critical evidence while granting numerous immunity agreements to Clinton staffers.

According to the Daily Mail, and a source close to James Comey, the decision, at least in part, came after he “could no longer resist mounting pressure by mutinous agents in the FBI” who “felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting Hillary off with a slap on the wrist.”

Read moreIs This Why Comey Broke: A Stack Of Resignation Letters From Furious FBI Agents

FBI Obtains Warrant To Search Huma Abedin’s Emails

FBI Obtains Warrant To Search Huma Abedin’s Emails:

While we explained earlier today why the DOJ and FBI had found themselves in the awkward position of knowing that Anthony Weiner’s computer contained thousands of Huma Abedin emails sent from Hillary Clinton’s private server, yet were unable to access them, we noted it was only a matter of time before this particular hurdle was rectified. A few hours later, according to CBS’ Jeff Pegues, in the matter of the FBI having much needed access to begin poring over Weiner’s emails, which we now know number roughly 650,000 (and thus will take the FBI months to pore over), the FBI has just obtained the needed warrant.

As NBC confirms, the FBI obtained a warrant to search emails related to the Hillary Clinton private server probe that were discovered on ex-congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop. The warrant came two days after FBI director James Comey revealed the existence of the emails, which law-enforcement sources said were linked to Weiner’s estranged wife, top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. The FBI already had a warrant to search Weiner’s laptop, but that only applied to evidence of his allegedly illicit communications with an underage girl.

The warrant came moments after Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid scolded Comey, saying in a letter that he “demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information, with what appears to be clear intent to aid one political party over another.

Read moreFBI Obtains Warrant To Search Huma Abedin’s Emails

The Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks


The Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks

TMR Editor’s Note:
Dear Readers,
The following list of WIKILEAKS emails is perhaps the best compilation of hard evidence of government crime and corruption ever made public in U.S. history.

Please copy and disseminate this proof of extreme criminality in the highest echelons of the U.S. Federal Government.

Be very careful not to dismiss the sheer strength of this high integrity evidence that may very well contribute to the dissolution of the US Government.  Once this confirmed proof of high crimes and misdemeanors has been officially verified by the appropriate authorities, it will serve as the basis of a mass indictment of numerous elected leaders as well as appointed officials throughout the Obama Administration.

Read moreThe Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks

FBI Emails Are Not ‘Trending’ On Twitter, Facebook, Buzzfeed, Or Snapchat

FBI Emails Are Not ‘Trending’ On Twitter, Facebook, Buzzfeed, Or Snapchat:

They are not known as ‘weapons of mass distraction’ for nothing…


In the 24 hours since FBI Director Comey dropped perhaps the biggest bombshell of the entire Presidential campaign, sending Democrats (and media) scrambling headless-chicken-like for answers (and blame-scaping), does anyone else find it odd that ‘FBI Emails’ does not appear to be a hot topic, trending, big deal on any social media?

H/t reader kevin a.

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Wikileaks Explodes! MSNBC/WSJ/NYTimes/WashPost! Media Blackout Ending! Chelsea Comes Clean! (Video)


The Clinton corruption is now being covered by MSM. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Bloomberg , and Washington Post. The tide has turned. Wikileaks has finally burst the Clinton bubble. There is no turning back now. There has been a media blackout for months while the MSM kept blaming everything on the Russians. Seems that barrier is now broken and the truth is coming out big time. Trump will be all over this in his rallies. Even if Hillary becomes president, the Clintons are going down. She should withdraw and go into hiding!

H/t kevin a.

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FBI Found “Tens Of Thousands Of Emails” Belonging To Huma Abedin On Weiner’s Laptop

FBI Found “Tens Of Thousands Of Emails” Belonging To Huma Abedin On Weiner’s Laptop:

“The bureau told Congress on Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the Clinton case — one federal official said they numbered in the tens of thousand.”

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Angry Dems File DOJ Complaint Against “On The Side Of Putin” Comey For “Interfering In Presidential Election”

Angry Dems File DOJ Complaint Against “On The Side Of Putin” Comey For “Interfering In Presidential Election”:

Democrats are angry. Mainstream media are angry. Clinton campaign members are angry. And all because the director of The FBI dared to enforce the law as he saw fit, with awkward timing for the future warmonger-in-chief’s followers.

Clinton campaign head John Podesta lashed out that the FBI chief’s letter was “long on innuendo and short on facts,” adding that there was “no evidence of wrongdoing, no charge of wrongdoing, and no indication that this was even about Hillary.”

And so, The Democratic Coalition Against Trump filed a complaint with the Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility on Friday against FBI Director James Comey for interfering in the Presidential election, following the FBI’s decision to open up an investigation into Secretary Clinton’s emails this close to Election Day. Federal employees are forbidden from participating in political activities under the Hatch Act.

Read moreAngry Dems File DOJ Complaint Against “On The Side Of Putin” Comey For “Interfering In Presidential Election”

DOJ’s Loretta Lynch Tried To Squash Comey’s Letter To Congress

DOJ’s Loretta Lynch Tried To Squash Comey’s Letter To Congress:

Last night a leaked memo was revealed, indicating FBI director James Comey’s stated reasons for reopening the Clinton email probe upon discovering what now appear to be tens of thousands of Huma Abedin emails located on Anthony Weiner’s notebook. Comey revealed two core reasons for the action: a sense of obligation to lawmakers and a concern that word of the new email discovery would leak to the media and raise questions of a coverup. What he did not reveal, and as has emerged overnight from a report by the New Yorker’s Jane Mayer, is that Comey also acted in contravention to DOJ practices, and more importantly, acted contrary to the “preference” of DOJ head Loretta Lynch, whose infamous meeting with Bill Clinton on the Phoenix tarmac at the end of June will likely be reassessed in light of these latest revelations.

Read moreDOJ’s Loretta Lynch Tried To Squash Comey’s Letter To Congress


H/t reader squodgy:

“A bloody good question!”

Hillary Clinton Guns FBI


SOTN Editor’s Note:
The real October Surprise just happened, and it is HUGE.

FBI Director James B. Comey just reopened the Hillary R. Clinton email investigation.

What distinguishes this move as an undisputed October Surprise is that Comey took this extraordinary initiative just 10 days before the general election.


In Leaked Memo, James Comey Explains Why FBI Told Congress About Reopened Clinton Probe

In Leaked Memo, James Comey Explains Why FBI Told Congress About Reopened Clinton Probe:

Having been the whipping boy of Republicans everywhere since July, following his announcement the FBI would not recommend charges against Hillary Clinton, then shockingly making the “most hated list” of every Democrat with the even more stunning news the FBI had reopened its probe of Hillary Clinton, bureau director James Comey just can’t seem to win.

So in an attempt to justify his actions, a “leaked” memo emerged on Friday evening courtesy of Fox News, which explains why Comey took the unusual step of deciding to inform Congress that the FBI had reopened its investigation into Clinton’s private email server. The memo reveals two main arguments: a sense of obligation to lawmakers and a concern that word of the new email discovery would leak to the media and raise questions of a coverup.

Read moreIn Leaked Memo, James Comey Explains Why FBI Told Congress About Reopened Clinton Probe

Hillary Holds 4 Minute Press Conference: Demands “Full And Complete Facts” From FBI

Hillary Holds 4 Minute Press Conference: Demands “Full And Complete Facts” From FBI:

Blink and you missed it: in a brief, 3 minute 47 second address to the press, a defiant Hillary slammed the FBI, said that she hopes that whatever information the Bureau has will be shared with the American people and added that she is confident that no charges will be brought against her by the FBI, while taking the opportunity to ask people to go out and vote for her.

She took three questions which some have mockingly said were drafted and/or preapproved by Clinton campaign direction of communications Jennifer Palmier.

Read moreHillary Holds 4 Minute Press Conference: Demands “Full And Complete Facts” From FBI

Watergate’s Carl Bernstein: FBI Wouldn’t Reopen A Probe Unless It Is “A Real Bombshell”

Watergate’s Carl Bernstein: FBI Wouldn’t Reopen A Probe Unless It Is “A Real Bombshell”:

In the aftermath of the so-called Cocktober surprise unveiled this afternoon by the FBI when the bureau announced it was reopening a probe into Hillary Clinton’s email server because “new evidence has come to light” after “materials” were found on equipment belonging to Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin, the question on everyone’s lips – and certainly Hillary Clinton‘s and most democrats – is why did the FBI do this now, 11 days before the election, in a way that did not even coordinate with the White House?

One opinion belongs to Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein, who just days after his infamous peer Bob Woodward said that the “Clinton foundation is corrupt, it’s a scandal” said that “her conduct in regard to the e-mails is really indefensible and if there was going to be more information that came out, it was the one thing, as I said on the air last night, actually that could really perhaps affect this election.  We don’t know what this means yet except that it’s a real bombshell. And it is unthinkable that the Director of the FBI would take this action lightly, that he would put this letter forth to the Congress of the United States saying there is more information out there about classified e-mails and call it to the attention of congress unless it was something requiring serious investigation. So that’s where we are…”

Courtesy of Real Clear Politics is the full transcript:

Read moreWatergate’s Carl Bernstein: FBI Wouldn’t Reopen A Probe Unless It Is “A Real Bombshell”

White House Says Obama Had No ‘Advance Warning’ Of FBI’s Clinton Probe

White House Says Obama Had No ‘Advance Warning’ Of FBI’s Clinton Probe:

As the news keeps trickling in, the latest information is that the FBI’s letter to Congressmen came without Obama being previously forewarned.

The White House on Friday said it was not given any prior notice on the FBI’s announcement that it was investigating additional emails relating to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system.

We did not have advance warning,” White House spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters traveling with President Barack Obama to a campaign event for Clinton in Orlando, Florida. Schultz said news of the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe has not affected Obama’s support for Clinton.

“I don’t think anything has surfaced to changed the president’s opinion and views of Secretary Clinton,” he said.

Read moreWhite House Says Obama Had No ‘Advance Warning’ Of FBI’s Clinton Probe

The Smoking Gun: Cheryl Mills Tells Podesta “We Need To Clean This Up – Obama Has Emails From Her”

The Smoking Gun: Cheryl Mills Tells Podesta “We Need To Clean This Up – Obama Has Emails From Her”:

Recall that in a March 2015 interview with CBS, just after the NYT reported of Hillary’s use of a private email server, president Obama told the American public he had only learned about Hillary’s “unusual” arrangement from the press.

As we further reminded readers one month ago, CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante asked Mr. Obama when he learned about her private email system after his Saturday appearance in Selma, Alabama. “The same time everybody else learned it through news reports,” the president told Plante. “The policy of my administration is to encourage transparency, which is why my emails, the BlackBerry I carry around, all those records are available and archived,” Mr. Obama said. “I’m glad that Hillary’s instructed that those emails about official business need to be disclosed.”

Unfortunately, the “transparency” of the Obama administration was severely tarnished in late September, when in the FBI’s interview notes with Huma Abedin released by the FBI it was first revealed that Obama had used a pseudonymous email account: “Once informed that the sender’s name is believed to be pseudonym used by the president, Abedin exclaimed: ‘How is this not classified?'” the report says. “Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president’s use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email.”

Read moreThe Smoking Gun: Cheryl Mills Tells Podesta “We Need To Clean This Up – Obama Has Emails From Her”

Prominent Democrat Connected To Clintons Donated $675,000 To Campaign Of Deputy FBI Director’s Wife

Prominent Democrat Connected To Clintons Donated $675,000 To Campaign Of Deputy FBI Director’s Wife:

The latest allegation of potential impropriety and conflict of interest involving the Democratic Party and the FBI, which over the summer famously cleared Hillary Clinton of any criminal wrongdoing as relates to her personal email server, comes not from a Podesta email or a Wikileaks disclosure, but the WSJ which overnight reported that the political organization of Virginia Govenor Terry McAuliffe, an influential Democrat with longstanding ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who later helped oversee the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s email use.

Campaign finance records show Mr. McAuliffe’s political-action committee donated $467,500 to the 2015 state Senate campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe, who is married to Andrew McCabe, now the deputy director of the FBI.

Andrew McCabe, deputy director of the FBI

McAuliffe was prominently featured here most recently for his August decision to restore the voting rights of some 13,000 West Virginia ex-felons, an effort he was expected to continue until the voting rights for all 200,000 ex-criminals have been restored.

The WSJ adds that the Virginia Democratic Party, over which Mr. McAuliffe exerts considerable control, donated an additional $207,788 worth of support to Dr. McCabe’s campaign in the form of mailers, according to the records. That adds up to slightly more than $675,000 to her candidacy from entities either directly under Mr. McAuliffe’s control or strongly influenced by him. The figure represents more than a third of all the campaign funds Dr. McCabe raised in the effort.

Read moreProminent Democrat Connected To Clintons Donated $675,000 To Campaign Of Deputy FBI Director’s Wife

The FBI can’t stop terror attacks because it spends too much time PLOTTING them in America

The FBI can’t stop terror attacks because it spends too much time PLOTTING them in America:

Recent domestic terror attacks by Islamic extremists are raising questions among officials and security experts about whether FBI counterterrorism training is deficient.

Article by Bill Gertz

The chief suspect in the New York City homemade bombing attacks last weekend, Ahmad Rahami, was probed for several weeks by the FBI in 2014 after his father alerted authorities to his terrorist leanings.

Rahami’s father, Mohammad Rahami, told reporters this week that he informed the FBI about concerns about his son after Rahami stabbed one of his brothers in a domestic dispute.

Read moreThe FBI can’t stop terror attacks because it spends too much time PLOTTING them in America

New FBI Docs Expose “Shadow Government” Protected Hillary In Email Investigation

New FBI Docs Expose “Shadow Government” Protected Hillary In Email Investigation:

While serving as Secretary of State under President Barack Obama, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton “blatantly” disregarded protocol, an issue that prompted an official to say that there was a “stark difference” between Clinton’s “obedience to security and diplomatic protocols” and the behavior of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The details come from a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) report released Monday.

This frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol,” the summary reads. According to the FBI docs, the interviewee also added that “Clinton’s [use of a private email server was] well known throughout Diplomatic Security, and [breaches] were ‘abundant.’”

Read moreNew FBI Docs Expose “Shadow Government” Protected Hillary In Email Investigation

Former Democratic Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich: FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton Was Fixed in Her Favor

Dennis Kucinich: FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton Was Fixed in Her Favor

Speaking Monday on Fox News with host Neil Cavuto, former Democratic presidential candidate and United States House of Representatives Member from Ohio Dennis Kucinich opined that, from early on, the US government’s investigation of Hillary Clinton for mishandling confidential information while she was Secretary of State was fixed in her favor.

Instead of the investigative process being focused on achieving justice, Kucinich says it was “a very political process” that had “everything to do with the 2016 presidential election” in which Clinton is the Democratic nominee. Kucinich elaborates that “the executive branch of government made an early determination that no matter what came up that there was no way that Hillary Clinton was going to have to be accountable under law for anything dealing with the mishandling of classified information.”

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Hillary’s Server Hacked After All? FBI Docs Reveal A File From Hillary’s Server Was Found In Romania

Hillary’s Server Hacked After All? FBI Docs Reveal A File From Hillary’s Server Was Found In Romania:

The latest document release by the FBI, which contains a further 100 pages of “302s” or summaries from interviews conducted with various parties close to Hillary’s private server, reveals a troubling fact: according to an interview conducted on June 6, 2016 with an unnamed employee working for a US defense contractor specializing in the areas of “missile, space and intelligence”, classified documents linked to Hillary Clinton’s private server were discovered in Romanian during a broader search for confirmation whether Clinton’s private server had been breached from the outside.

Specifically, the FBI specifically was trying to determine “if there was an intrusion into Clinton’s server and, if so, whether exfiltrated data fell into the hands of a foreign power.

Read moreHillary’s Server Hacked After All? FBI Docs Reveal A File From Hillary’s Server Was Found In Romania