– Feinstein Admits She Was Mentally Unstable When Releasing Fusion GPS Transcript
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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
– Senate committee passes CISA cybersecurity bill that could broaden NSA powers (RT, July 8, 2014):
New cybersecurity legislation cleared the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday during a closed session. Critics fear it may broaden the NSA’s already formidable access to Americans’ data.
Written by Senate Intelligence Chair Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), CISA – or Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act – is widely seen as a redux of last year’s CISPA bill, which was widely protested by online privacy watchdogs and ultimately defeated in Congress.
Read moreSenate Committee Passes CISA Cybersecurity Bill That Could Broaden NSA Powers
Obama adviser and heads of House and Senate intelligence signal hard line despite European support for whistleblower
Edward Snowden with Hans-Christian Stroebele. Photo: Irina Oho/HO/EPA
– White House rejects clemency for Edward Snowden over NSA leaks (Guardian, Nov 3, 2013):
The White House and leading lawmakers have rejected Edward Snowden’s plea for clemency and said he should return to the United States to face trial.
Dan Pfeiffer, an Obama administration adviser, said on Sunday the NSA whistleblower’s request was not under consideration and that he should face criminal charges for leaking classified information. Dianne Feinstein and Mike Rogers, respectively the heads of the Senate and House intelligence committees, maintained the same tough line and accused Snowden of damaging US interests.
Read moreWhite House Rejects Clemency For Edward Snowden Over NSA Leaks
– The Ugly Face of Tyranny: Feinstein Comes For Your Right To Speak Freely Online (SHFTplan, Sep 26, 2013):
Senator Dianne Feinstein has taken up the fight for truth and liberty, just as she has done for health care and the widespread disarmament of American citizens.
This month Congess has been debating a new media shield law, which according to its authors, aims to protect journalists and bloggers from being forced to testify about their work should their sources or information come into question.
Read moreThe Ugly Face of Tyranny: Dianne Feinstein Comes For Your Right To Speak Freely Online
– How Dianne Feinstein’s Husband Sells Post Office Real Estate to His Friends on the Cheap (Liberty Blitzkrieg, Sep 25, 2013):
The county records allow for comparing the assessed value of the postal properties before they were sold to the final sales prices negotiated by CBRE on behalf of the Postal Service: And the comparisons reveal that CBRE has sold the bulk of this public real estate at prices under their assessed values — and apparently at far below fair market values.
CBRE is also charged with appraising the fair market value of these properties and listing a reasonable sales price. It is important to point out that real estate appraisals are not customarily performed by the agent marketing the property. To avoid conflicts of interest, property appraisals are normally performed by professionals not involved in negotiating the sale.
– Peter Byrne from his book Going Postal
We’ve all heard about how the Russian oligarchs amassed their tremendous fortunes in the wake of the collapse of the former Soviet Union by purchasing valuable assets for pennies on the dollar using shady insider deals. The oligarchs in the USA have learned their lessons in crony capitalism well, and unsurprisingly, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in this case. Dianne Feinstein is one of the most shameless, authoritarian, undemocratic Senators we have, so it is no surprise that the Princess of Darkness’ husband would be involved in schemes to rip-off public assets to benefit friends and his commercial real estate firm C.B. Richard Ellis.
The following excerpts are from an article published in the East Bay Express and consists of passages from the introductory chapter of a new e-book, Going Postal, by investigative journalist Peter Byrne. There is some epic fraud going on here:
Read moreHow Dianne Feinstein’s Husband Sells Post Office Real Estate To His Friends On The Cheap
– Dianne Feinstein’s Justification For The NSA’s Domestic Espionage Programs (ZeroHedge, July 16, 2013):
From Dianne Feinstein
I received your communication indicating your concerns about the two National Security Agency programs that have been in the news recently. I appreciate that you took the time to write on this important issue and welcome the opportunity to respond.
Read moreDianne Feinstein’s Justification For The NSA’s Domestic Espionage Programs
– 22 Nauseating Quotes From Hypocritical Establishment Politicians About The NSA Spying Scandal (Economic Collapse, June 12, 2013):
Establishment politicians from both major political parties are rushing to defend the NSA and condemn whistleblower Edward Snowden. They are attempting to portray Edward Snowden as a “traitor” and the spooks over at the NSA that are snooping on all of us as “heroes”. In fact, many of the exact same politicians that once railed against government spying during the Bush years are now staunchly defending it now that Obama is in the White House. But it isn’t just Democrats that are acting shamefully. Large numbers of Republican politicians that love to give speeches about “freedom” and “liberty” are attempting to eviscerate the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The government is not supposed to invade our privacy and investigate us unless there is probable cause to do so. Apparently many of our politicians misunderstood when they read the novel 1984 by George Orwell. It wasn’t supposed to be an instruction manual. We should be thanking Edward Snowden for exposing the deep corruption that is eating away at our own government like cancer. Now the American people need to pick up the ball and start demanding answers, because without a doubt we are going to see establishment politicians from both major political parties try to shut this scandal down. Establishment Democrats and establishment Republicans both love the Big Brother surveillance grid that the U.S. government has constructed, and they are both making it abundantly clear that they will defend the NSA to the very end.
The following are 22 nauseating quotes from hypocritical establishment politicians that show exactly how they feel about the NSA spying scandal…
NOT ‘the Onion‘!!!
Imploding bullets? Oh, sure! What’s next?
YouTube Added: 14.03.2013
Ted Cruz Dianne Feinstein EXPLOSIVE Debate Over Gun Control. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) engaged in a heated exchange over the constitutionality of her support for stricter gun control laws. In posing a question regarding the constitutionality of new gun laws, Cruz lectured Feinstein about the language in the Bill of Rights. Feinstein did not appreciate the lecture and informed Cruz that she was “not a sixth grader.”
RELATED: Ted Cruz Goads Eric Holder Into Admitting That Killing Americans With Drones On U.S. Soil Is Unconstitutional
“It seems to me that all of us should begin, as our foundational document, with the Constitution” Cruz began. “And the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights provides that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Read moreSenator Dianne Feinstein: ‘I’ve Seen The Bullets That Implode’ (Video)
– GUN BAN COVER-UP: If the semi-auto firearm has anything to grip it by, it is banned … (Red Flag, Jan 30, 2013):
What Feinstein’s Bill Left Out
The lamestream media told you:
Read moreWhat The Mainstream Media Forgot To Tell You About Dianne Feinstein’s Gun Grab Bill
– Government Officials Can Still Own Assault Weapons Under Feinstein Bill (International Business Times, Jan 25, 2013):
Not everyone is exempted from owning military-style assault weapons under new legislation proposed by U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
Weapons used by government officials and law enforcement will not be prohibited by the law proposed by the California Democrat, which would prohibit the sale, manufacture and importation of 158 specifically named semi-automatic weapons and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Any weapons legally owned before the bill’s enactment would also be exempt, although those firearms would have to be registered in a national database.
Read moreU.S. Government Officials Can Still Own Assault Weapons Under Feinstein Bill
– Feinstein’s Gun Control Bill Will Trigger The Next American Revolution (Alt-Market, Dec 28, 2012):
ll political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party – Mao Tse Tung
After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military – William Burroughs
Revolution? Yes, it all sounds rather “extreme”, but the cold hard reality of our era is not going to comfort us with diplomacies and niceties, so honestly, why should I have to sugar coat anything? We live in extreme times and there is no longer room for prancing around the ultimate consequences of that which is taking place in America today. This country is increasingly sliding towards the edge of internal conflict. The Liberty Movement and true Constitutionalists see it, subsections of Republicans and Democrats see it, and most of all, the federal government sees it. In fact, they may even be counting on it.
Over the past two years alone, multiple draconian policies have been enacted through executive order by the Obama Administration which build upon the civil liberty crushing actions of George W. Bush and press far beyond. The Patriot Acts, the FISA domestic spy bill, the bailouts of corrupt international banks, attempts at CISPA and SOPA, actions like the NDAA authorizing the treatment of U.S. citizens as “enemy combatants” without rights to due process; all paint a picture so clear only a one-celled amoeba (or your average suburban yuppie) would not see it. You and I, and everyone else for that matter, have been designated potential targets of the state. Our rights have been made forfeit.
Read moreSen. Dianne Feinstein’s Gun Control Bill Will Trigger The Next American Revolution
– Sen. Feinstein suggests national buyback of guns (Examiner, Dec 21, 2012):
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said that she and other gun control advocates are considering a law that would create a program to purchase weapons from gun owners, a proposal that could be compulsory.
“We are also looking at a buy-back program,” Feinstein said today in a press conference. “Now, again, this is a work in progress so these are ideas in the development.”
Gov. Andrew Cuomo, D-N.Y., already discussed the possibility of a buy-back law for his state, but he made clear it would be a forced buyback.
“Confiscation could be an option,” Cuomo told The New York Times yesterday when discussing semiautomatic weapons. “Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an option — keep your gun but permit it.”