– DJ of Level 9 News: GeoINT: Casting A Neural Net On Humanity (Oath Keepers, July 15, 2015):
DJ published the below video on her Level 9 News YouTube channel on May 29, 2015. As of this writing the video has 11,570 views, meaning that 11,570 individuals now know the bigger picture which looms much larger behind the appearance (the “symptom”) called JADE HELM 2015. This may be one of the most important videos anyone will see this year.
We are looking at the takeover of world rulership by a system of quantum computers erected and directed by globalizing socialist financiers who control the world’s regional economies and leverage dispersion of multiple international governmental assets and corporate sector businesses to promote their plans for a “New World Economic Order” being operated by both “state” and “non-state” Actors. The American Constitution is the last obstacle these financiers must conquer, so they are mapping the human terrain with plans to “Master The Human Domain”. DJ identifies their technology along with their intent.
Help us spread this around, eh? Send your friends to DJ’s channel — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TDAowceJgI
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