12 Foods fit for humans but DEADLY for dogs

12 Foods fit for humans but DEADLY for dogs:

If you’ve got a furry friend at home, you know how tempting it can be to share your favorite foods with them. It’s a real test of willpower sometimes — especially when your dog is giving you the “puppy eyes.” Who wouldn’t want to share something delicious with their best friend, right?

Well, while there certainly some “people foods” you can share with your beloved pup, there are also quite a few foods dogs should never eat due to the potential health consequences. Many foods that are totally safe for humans to consume can actually be quite toxic to dogs.  Here are 12 foods that humans should never share with their four-legged companions:

Read more12 Foods fit for humans but DEADLY for dogs

Burn victims saved by ‘magic’ skin gun which sprays stem cells on to their wounds and enables them to grow new skin

Burn victims saved by ‘magic’ skin gun which sprays stem cells on to their wounds and enables them to grow new skin:

Burns victims are making incredible recoveries thanks to a revolutionary ‘gun’ that sprays stem cells on to their wounds, enabling them to rapidly grow new skin.

People who suffer extensive burns usually have to endure weeks or even months of treatment, with surgeons taking large sheets of skin from elsewhere on the body and grafting them.

The process is painful, and patients are often left with permanent, unsightly scars.

Read moreBurn victims saved by ‘magic’ skin gun which sprays stem cells on to their wounds and enables them to grow new skin

New Street Drug Carfentanil Can Kill You By Touching Your Skin: What You Need To Know

A New Street Drug Can Kill You By Touching Your Skin: What You Need To Know:

The opioid epidemic is a real tragedy. It has been devastating states like West Virginia, Vermont, and Maine – among others – and it’s been the number one factor in a major incarceration shift that is still seldom discussed by the media.

But as soon as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a new set of national standards for prescribing painkillers, yet another deadly drug threat is beginning to concern authorities in certain states.

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu spoke at a press conference this week, warning that a drug that’s 10,000 times stronger than morphine has made its way into the state. As a result, many first responders have been left scrambling to find a way to handle this new threat.

Carfentanil, a powerful new opioid, has already claimed three lives.

Engineered to be used as an elephant tranquilizer, the drug’s lethal dosage is 20 micrograms. Since the product can cause deadly effects just by being sprinkled on someone’s skin, authorities are highly concerned.

Read moreNew Street Drug Carfentanil Can Kill You By Touching Your Skin: What You Need To Know

Monsanto illegally Introduces Round Up Resistant GMO Cotton in India

Monsanto illegally Introduces Round Up Resistant GMO Cotton in India:

New Delhi: On the occasion of World Health Day, 7 April, Navdanya along with Swadeshi Jagran Manch appeals to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to ban Monsanto on account of its illegal introduction of  herbicide tolerant GMO Round-up Ready Flex Bt cotton (RR Bt Cotton).

Round-up, a glyphosate-based herbicide has been declared a “probable carcinogen” by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Read moreMonsanto illegally Introduces Round Up Resistant GMO Cotton in India

Schoolgirl nearly killed by toxic shock syndrome after wearing a tampon for 10 hours

Roundup resistant GMO cotton?

Schoolgirl nearly killed by toxic shock syndrome after wearing a tampon for 10 hours:

Molly Pawlett, a 14-year old schoolgirl, woke up one day feeling unwell. She thought she had simply come down with a common illness. When her mother noticed a red rash spreading over the teenager’s body, the 39-year old Sonia Pawlett asked Molly Pawlett to remove her tampon. She was then rushed to the emergency department of their local hospital. Doctors found out that Molly Pawlett’s organs were already shutting down, triggering sepsis, and prompting doctors to move her to the high-dependency unit. There, they were finally able to diagnose her with toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a rare but life-threatening infection often caused by wearing a tampon for too long.

The young resident of Daventry, Northamptonshire has since been released and is continuing recovery at home. Now, Sonia Pawlett wishes to educate other parents on the symptoms of the illness, reports the DailyMail.co.uk.

Read moreSchoolgirl nearly killed by toxic shock syndrome after wearing a tampon for 10 hours

Trauma after BikeCrash, my way back with Dr. Peter A. Levine – Trauma nach BikeCrash, mein Weg zurück mit Dr. Peter A. Levine (Video – English Translation)

For my English speaking readers: Watch at 8:00 minutes into the video.


30 Jahre Triathlon Erfahrung, PB IRONMAN 8.35h, 5 x Schweizer Meister, Autor von TRIATHLON TOTAL,Veganer, ZEN-Praktizierender und Life-Coach.

Roy Hinnen ist fünfmaliger Schweizer Meister mit einer persönlichen Langdistanz-Bestzeit von 8:35 Stunden. Er erlebte den Triathlonsport von der Pike auf und trainierte schon Mitte der 1980er Jahre in den USA. Seine erste Firma gründete er 1989, später entwickelte er Fahrräder und Neoprenanzüge. Seit 2002 coacht er Athleten aller Leistungsklassen.

In seinem neuen Buch; TRIATHLON TOTAL fasst er seine Erfahrungen aus 30 Jahren Triathlonsport in 30 Kapiteln zusammen und bietet jedem Athleten das Know-how, das er braucht, um schneller zu werden. Sein Buch richtet sich vor allem an Sportler, die bereits Trainings- und Wettkampferfahrungen gesammelt haben und nun ihre persönliche Bestzeit verbessern möchten.

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Not Just For Athletes – Low Iron & Ferritin? What Now? Here Is The Solution (Videos)

If you are an athlete and you have done iron infusions before, then you may have noticed that you feel great afterwards, but then comes the crash down to earth.

Here is an iron supplement that will almost be fully absorbed by the body (100% bioavailable).

I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true and it really works.

I’ve seen this with patients.

(An additional parasite treatment is recommended, because parasites love iron and you do not want to feed them.)

For those athletes of you, whose ferritin level is too low and do not want to go into the iron infusion rollercoaster, this is the way to get your iron and ferritin levels back on track.

This is the only product I know of that really keeps up to its promises.

You can take two pipettes iron as suggested by Roy Hinnen daily, but you can also take 2 x 2 pipettes or 1 x 4 pipettes per day to get there faster (as suggested by Dr. Töth).


If you are an athlete and you try this product you will very soon very much appreciate this product.

The videos are in German.

Published on May 28, 2014

Sportler können einen Eisenmangel entwickeln, weil sie oftmals dem erhöhten Bedarf an Nährstoffen und Spurenelementen durch ihre Ernährung nicht ausreichend nachkommen. Wer pro Woche mehr als 6 Stunden Sport treibt hat ein höherer Bedarf an Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen. Der Eisenverlust kann bei Sportlern bei ca. 2 mg pro Tag liegen und ist damit etwa doppelt so hoch wie normal.
Das Spurenelement Eisen ist vor allem an der Bildung roter Blutkörperchen beteiligt und somit unverzichtbar für den lebensnotwendigen Sauerstofftransport im Blut. Eisen hat auch eine Funktion bei der Zellteilung und somit eine vorteilhafte Wirkung auf den Stoffwechsel. Es trägt zu einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems und zur Abwehr gegen äußere Einflüsse bei und ist für die Erhaltung der normalen Muskelfunktion und den Energiestoffwechsel von Bedeutung.
Beim Ausdauerathleten schaue ich dann beim Bluttest auf das Ferritin. Herkömmliche pharmakologische Arzneimittel verfügen selten über eine höhere Bioverfügbarkeit von 10%. Mit solchen Arzneien lässt sich das Ferritin fast nie in das richtige “Arbeitsfenster” von über 100ug/L bringen. Viele Athleten gehen dann zum Arzt und bekommen eine Eiseninfusion. Das ist ein grosser schock für den Körper.
Per Zufall bin ich auf ein Produkt von Dr. Ewald Töth (Licht-Quanten aktivierte Eisen-Oxydul-Oxyd Verbindungen) gestossen und machte einen selbsttest. Über 3 Monate habe ich das Eisen in einen gesüssten Tee getropft und jeden Tag 2 Pipetten genommen, mein Ferritin stieg von anfänglich 35ug/L auf 138ug/L innert 3 Monaten.
Täglich 1 x 4 ml (1 Pipette) in 0.3L Wasser oder Tee mit 1 TL Honig enthalten 11mg Fe2+ und Fe3+ Eisen. Den besten Nutzen erzielen Sie, wenn Sie das Stoffwechsel-Eisen-Energetikum in der Früh oder tagsüber trinken. Wenn Sie Diabetiker sind, verwenden Sie einfach Ihren gewohnten Süßstoff in der jeweiligen Menge. Als Dosierungshilfe verwenden Sie einfach die in der Packung beiliegende Pipette!
Was für ein Eisen verwendet Herr Dr. Ewald Töth?
Das alchemistische Eisen besteht aus der essigsauren Eisen-Oxyduloxydverbindung so wie sie von Paracelsus beschrieben wurde. Es handelt sich um ein spezielles Eisensulfat, das Heptahydrat, ein in der Natur als Melanterit vorkommendes Eisensulfat. Es hat die Eigenschaft, sich mit 7 Wassermolekülen zu verbinden. Da beim Lösungsvorgang Fe2 sauer und Fe3 basisch reagieren, bilden sie eine bestmögliche Pufferung und eine optimale zellgängigen PH-Wert. Diese bio-elektrische und bio-magnetische Energie führt zu einer Erhöhung und Neubildung von roten Blutkörperchen und Hämoglobin. Somit erreicht das eisen eine Bioverfügbarkeit von 100%.
Durch die vermehrte Hämoglobin-Produktion erhöht sich als unmittelbare Folge der Sauerstofftransport und die Versorgung des Organismus mit Sauerstoff wesentlich. Die damit verbundene Optimierung aller biochemischen und elektromagnetischen Stoffwechselvorgänge wird z.B. durch eine bessere Verdauung, ein reineres Hautbild, gesteigerte Muskelleistung und Ausdauer, eine rasche Regeneration bei Stressbelastung, eine verminderte Infektanfälligkeit, eine bessere Konzentrationsfähigkeit, eine bessere Gedächnisleistung, eine Normalisierung des Blutbildes und der Blutwerte, durch den Wegfall von Blähungen oder Verstopfung oder durch einen ausgeglichenen Hormonhaushalt sichtbar und für den Betreffenden spürbar.
Durch einen alchemistischen Prozess entsteht ein Eisen-Konzentrat mit einer neuen Synthese von essigsauren Eisenverbindungen mit der regulativen kraft des Schwefels und von basischen Mineralstoffen. Diese alchemistische Eisenverbindung von Paracelsus kann als ein Blutbildendes, die Nerven stärkendes, den Stoffwechsel aktivierendes sowie ein entgiftendes und das Immunsysthem kräftigendes Mittel angesehen werden.

 Der große Wissenschaftler, Alchemist und Arzt Paracelsus entwickelte Heilmittel auf der Basis der Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften. Alchemistische Rezepturen vereinten Natur- und Geisteswissenschaft. So entstand eine Eisenverbindung, welche die physiologischen und biochemischen Schlüsselformeln für die zentralen Stoffwechselvorgänge im Körper besitzt. Aufgrund des alchemistischen Herstellungsprozesses entsteht eine organisch gebundene Eisenoxyduloxyd Verbindung. Diese besitzt zwei Oxidationsstufen des Eisens und hat daher ein hohes Redoxpotential – mit vielen für Eisen neuen Eigenschaften. Eisen hat auf der Schleimhaut eine blutstillende, adstringierende und Schleimhaut bewahrende Wirkung. Es wirkt zudem Säure-Basen regulierend im sauren Bereich, Fäulnis hemmend und Schwefelwasserstoff bindend. Es wird optimal über die Schleimhäute resorbiert und fast vollständig aufgenommen. Die Sauerstoffbindekapazität ist um Potenzen höher als bei herkömmlichen Eisenverbindungen. Das alchemistische Stoffwechsel-Eisen ist weltweit die einzige Verbindung, welche zu 100% Bioverfügbar ist (herkömmliches Eisen ist nur zu 3% – 15% resorbierbar).

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Drink Distilled Water (Video)

Related information:

Doctors And Experts With The Courage To Tell The Truth About Distilled Water

Distilled Water And Longevity


Distilled Water Kills Bladder Cancer Cells As Effectively As Chemotherapy

Distilled Water vs. Filtered Water vs Bottled – The Journey of Water (Documentary)

24 Doctors With The Courage To Tell The Truth About Distilled Water

Doctors at Cornell University On Distilled Water: “It is safe, and it does not leach out minerals” (The New York Times)

Dr. William Misner, Ph.D.: Distilled Water Enhances Mineral Absorption

Lao Tzu (Laozi, Lao Zi) On “The Water From Heaven”: Drinking Distilled Water Removes All Dirt From The Human Body, Dirt Of Every Kind (Video)

Early Death Comes From Drinking Un-Distilled Water

Distilled Water Can Be Used As Anesthetic In Surgery

Andrew Norton Webber: Healing With Distilled Liquids – Rejuvenating The Pineal Gland – Removing Fluoride, Heavy Metals And All Other Toxins From Your Body (Videos)

See also:

Raw Food Explained: Organic Versus Inorganic Minerals

Stop eating ROCKS and start eating REAL FOOD

Sea Salt, Is it Good For You?

Amazing Story Of 70 Year Old Woman Finds The Fountain Of Youth – Ageless Woman Annette Larkins Interview (Video)

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Thousands damaged by shingles vaccine are trying to sue Merck

So far I haven’t seen the homeopathic nosode of the vaccine itself anywhere, but one could also take the herpes zoster nosode.

Remedia is one of the best producers of homeopathic remedies.

Here you can buy a C200 nosode:


In chronic cases the recommendation is to take 5 globules of a C200 once a week.

Don’t worry, this does not contain one molecule of the herpes zoster virus, only the information & frequency.

Herpes zoster can be cured with acupuncture in combination with moxibustion.

I’ve treated many patients myself in China. In fact it worked so good that western doctors could not believe their own eyes anymore.

Thousands damaged by shingles vaccine are trying to sue Merck:

What was supposed to be a cure for shingles has brought on worse complications. Thousands have attempted to file lawsuits against American pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. for problems associated with their product Zostavax. In an interview with TROFire.com, Troy Bouk, Associate Attorney at the Levin Papantonio law firm, stated that the side effects of the shingles vaccine included meningitis, encephalitis, stroke, palsy, and many others. According to Bouk, these side effects are all features of shingles—and with the vaccine created from a live strain of the virus, it’s no wonder that Zostavax has caused people to experience these conditions.

Read moreThousands damaged by shingles vaccine are trying to sue Merck

CBD oil helps autistic boy speak again

CBD oil helps autistic boy speak again:

At first, when Kalel Santiago of Puerto Rico survived a rare form of cancer called neuroblastoma, his parents, Abiel and Gladys, were overjoyed that the two years of grueling surgery, radiation and chemotherapy treatments had worked, and their little boy was going to be okay. But while he was in the hospital, they started noticing some behavior that disturbed them, like hand flapping and walking on his toes; worst of all, he was totally unable to speak. At the age of 3, little Kalel was diagnosed with severe autism.

Abiel and Gladys gave themselves a crash course on everything related to autism, and were fortunate enough to get Kalel accepted to a special surf-therapy school in their area, where their little boy thrived. Though settled happily in his new school, Kalel was still totally unable to speak.

Read moreCBD oil helps autistic boy speak again

Stunned researchers discover that the impact of walking dramatically boosts blood flow to the brain, boosting cognitive function

The shamans in Kamchatka recommend to walk 40 km before going to work every day to cure diabetes.


And 40 km are really a piece of cake for them.

Stunned researchers discover that the impact of walking dramatically boosts blood flow to the brain, boosting cognitive function:

It’s spring time, with summer on the horizon, and many people are looking to get in shape, get back in shape, or just simply get outside and get some fresh air daily. There are several benefits to going for a brisk walk, especially in the morning, some of which you may not realize. Now, even science is proving that your feet’s impact increases blood flow to not only the heart and other muscles, but walking sends pressure waves through the arteries that increase the supply of blood to the brain.

Did you know that walking just two miles daily reduces the risk of death by nearly 50 percent? Walking in the morning reduces that risk even more. Even the risk of cancer is reduced by walking. But wait, there’s lots more walking does for you. Let’s take an inside look at this simple, enjoyable way to increase longevity and cognitive function.

Read moreStunned researchers discover that the impact of walking dramatically boosts blood flow to the brain, boosting cognitive function

The Dangerous Tick-Borne Illness You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Closeup of a tick on a plant straw

The Dangerous Tick-Borne Illness You’ve Probably Never Heard Of:

Move over, Lyme disease: there’s another tick-borne illness in town, and it is dangerous and the number of cases is increasing.

The disease is called Powassan virus (POW). It recently made the news when state health officials confirmed a baby from Connecticut contracted the virus, and it almost killed the young boy.

Liam Phillips was five months old when his battle with the rare and debilitating illness began. His mother, Desiree Phillips, recently discussed the family’s ordeal with ABC57.

Read moreThe Dangerous Tick-Borne Illness You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

This super fit 80-year-old personal trainer is teaching his aging clients how to stay in fighting shape

Personal trainer Lawrence Dawson, 80, works with client Charlene Nilsen, 77, at the Chinn Aquatic and Fitness Center in Woodbridge, Va

This super fit 80-year-old personal trainer is teaching his aging clients how to stay in fighting shape:

A 6-foot-2 personal trainer with the lean physique and toned muscles of a basketball pro might seem an unlikely match for Charlene Nilsen. A homemaker from Occoquan, she is 77 years old, she has a bad back, and she just had both knees replaced.

Read moreThis super fit 80-year-old personal trainer is teaching his aging clients how to stay in fighting shape

William Shatner targeted by vaccine bullies in vicious campaign to silence tweets about autism

William Shatner targeted by vaccine bullies in vicious campaign to silence tweets about autism:

Vaccine industry zealots believe in destroying the freedom to think. Their actions — and especially the actions of sociopathic medical violence pushers like Dr. David Gorski — reflect the kind of destruction of knowledge we’ve all witnessed throughout history when evil regimes burned books in order to control the official narrative. (Dr. Gorski is a high-level editor at Wikipedia and writes all the entries involving vaccines, chemotherapy and cancer surgery, blocking all dissenting facts or information he doesn’t like.)

There is no question whatsoever that vaccines cause widespread harm and death — see this revelation about the UK government paying out tens of millions in damages after hundreds of children were brain damaged by the swine flu vaccine — yet this simple, irrefutable fact is not even allowed to be debated today due to the coordinated, pharma-funded effort to absolutely destroy any person who even asks a simple question about vaccine safety or vaccine ingredients.

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Thousands Sue Merck for Shingles Vaccine Zostavax “Causing What It’s Supposed to Prevent”

Thousands Sue Merck for Shingles Vaccine Zostavax “Causing What It’s Supposed to Prevent”:

Source: Annabelle Bamforth

Attorney Troy Bouk was recently interviewed by Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins to discuss the shingles vaccine Zostavax, the issues related to its effectiveness and the problems that are associated with the product, including the fact that the drugmaker’s vaccine seems to cause the very affliction that it seeks to prevent — and, according to a massive lawsuit, thousands of victims agree.

While we have everyone from attorneys to biologists, to political scientists who contribute to the Free Thought Project, none of us are doctors, so we do not make recommendations about what you and your family should do in regards to vaccination. That being said, the drug makers have an incentive for you not to see this information which means it will not be reported on in the mainstream media as their advertising dollars are tied directly to these companies. So, we find that it is our duty to spread this information and with your help sharing it, we can have a massive effect.

In the interview with Cousins, Bouk explained that Zostavax is made with a live strain of the shingles virus and described the complications that are associated with shingles. Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the same virus that causes chicken pox. The varicella-zoster virus lies dormant in people who have had chicken pox, but sometimes the virus reawakens and produces shingles.

Read moreThousands Sue Merck for Shingles Vaccine Zostavax “Causing What It’s Supposed to Prevent”

Diet soda can increase risk of dementia and stroke, study finds

Diet soda can increase risk of dementia and stroke, study finds:

The quest to trim waistlines using artificial sweeteners could be backfiring, as researchers found artificially sweetened drinks like diet soda can increase a person’s likelihood of stroke and dementia.

A study published in the American Heart Association journal Stroke found a daily diet soda puts a person at three times the risk of dementia and stroke compared to someone who drinks less than one a week.

Read moreDiet soda can increase risk of dementia and stroke, study finds

Breast cancer BOMBSHELL: Women being CONNED into mastectomy surgery by doctors who SCARE them with false genetic testing results, warn Stanford medical researchers

Breast cancer BOMBSHELL: Women being CONNED into mastectomy surgery by doctors who SCARE them with false genetic testing results, warn Stanford medical researchers:

Women all across America are being conned into medically unnecessary breast removal surgery (bilateral mastectomy surgery) by doctors who scare them with “fake science” by falsely describing genetic testing results, warn researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

Women who have harmless genetic variants called VUS (Variants of Uncertain Significance) are falsely being told by nearly half of all breast cancer surgeons that they have the “breast cancer gene” (BRCA1 or BRCA2) and therefore must have the surgery to save their lives. Famously, Angelina Jolie underwent a bilateral mastectomy after being told she carried the gene for breast cancer, but these new findings by Stanford researchers call into question whether her surgery was medically necessary at all.

Read moreBreast cancer BOMBSHELL: Women being CONNED into mastectomy surgery by doctors who SCARE them with false genetic testing results, warn Stanford medical researchers