From the newsletter below:
“I love vaccines,” Gates stated at a TED conference in February, 2010, while lecturing on ways to reduce global populations to stem environmental pollution.
Now connect that to this:
Bill Gates administers an oral polio vaccine (LIFE VIRUS!) in New Delhi in 2000. As he turns his full focus to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, he plans to visit China, India and Africa in the coming year.
Now see what happened:
– Polio surge in Nigeria caused by mutated vaccine virus (AP):
The vaccine used in the United States and other Western nations is given in shots, which use a killed virus that cannot cause polio.
So when WHO officials discovered a polio outbreak in Nigeria was sparked by the polio vaccine itself, they assumed it would be easier to stop than a natural “wild” virus.
They were wrong.
See also this video:
– Dr. Rima E. Laibow: The Globalist Depopulation Agenda:
In 2002 one of Dr. Rima E. Laibow’s patients, a head of state, told her:
“It’s almost time for the great culling to begin.”
Around 6 billion people on planet earth are regarded as ‘useless eaters’ by the elite.
Via E-mail Newsletter From: Tetrahedron, LLC
Health Science Communication for People Around the World
Date Mailed: April 29, 2010
A medical investigation into suspicious outbreaks and propaganda used to sell drugs and vaccines has exposed investment bankers at JP Morgan-Chase (JPMC) and Goldman Sachs (GS) for plotting to shock/stress, frighten, poison, and kill billions of people most profitably-pharmaceutically-according to the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Veritas journal.
While researching a powerful Partnership for New York City (PFNYC), Wall Street’s wealthiest industrialists, Harvard-trained public health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and investigative journalist, Sherri Kane, discovered shocking evidence of a conspiracy to commit global genocide by generating diseases and death to advance profitable pharmaceutical depopulation.
Population planners at the highest levels of government and industry conspired to spread diseases, vaccines, drugs, and death most profitably, according to research published in the latest issue of Medical Veritas.
In a related Special Report posted on YouTube, (see below) Dr. Horowitz urged humanitarian organizations and activist groups worldwide to issue investigations, alerts, civil complaints, and criminal charges to stop the pharmaceutical depopulation plot because it risks genetic inheritance, new pandemics, and the possible extinction of the human race.
“Corruption in the drug industry is rampant and transparent,” Dr. Horowitz explains, “Investment bankers at JPMC and GS, who acquired controlling interests in the largest drug firms during mergers and acquisitions, have placed ‘depopulation’ near the top of their list of geopolitical priorites. Their depopulation agents are now in top positions of government, finance, and industry.
The depopulation plan is supported by the world’s wealthiest people, including Bill Gates, who admittedly funds vaccinations to reduce global populations by 10-15%. Leading population planners and economic developers advance identical plans to cull the world’s population to 1 billion.
“Killing 6-out-of-7 people globally, most profitably, requires planning and an unprecedented conspiracy to commit genocide by applying advances in genetic biotechnologies exclusively available and affordable to drug companies controlled by the investment bankers,” Dr. Horowitz adds.
The doctor points to the fact that US Treasury Department officials previously operated JPMC and GS on behalf of majority stock holders and their partners in pharmaceutical companies heavily represented in the PFNYC and the trade organizations that negotiate multi-billion dollar government purchases of drugs and vaccines.
Researchers, including vaccination contamination expert Dr. Viera Scheibner, reports in the current issue of Medical Veritas that polio virus vaccines are produced in African green monkey kidney cell cultures routinely contaminated with transmissible cancer viruses.
By reviewing drug company patents, Dr. Horowitz learned that the makers of H1N1 swine flu and rotavirus vaccines use the same cultures risking recombinations, genetic mutations, and unstoppable transmissions of deadly agents threatening new pandemics.
“This best explains why public health officials are preparing for vaccine-transmitted H1N1s cloned in monkey cells to recombine with bird H5N1s currently circulating. This threatening and most deadly recombination of flu viruses, officials herald may happen in the Fall,” Dr. Horowitz warned.
Besides the inadequacies of safety testing new vaccines without using placebo controls, it is this issue of reliability of information that concerns more than half of the medical physicians polled since they became aware that the entire medical industry has been hijacked by Wall Street’s pharmaceutical profiteers. Now they are learning from famous people, like Gates, that the world’s wealthiest people are administering vaccinations for depopulation.
“I love vaccines,” Gates stated at a TED conference in February, 2010, while lecturing on ways to reduce global populations to stem environmental pollution.
The links between the directors of major drug companies, mainstream media moguls, and investment bankers at JPMC and GS are so obvious and incriminating, and the dispersion of unsafe vaccines so common and disturbing, only profitable depopulation as a planned outcome of pharmaceutical investments can explain the current situation.
“Complete censorship was the only option officials have had to prevent a meltdown in public opinion about medicine and the pharmaceutical industry,” said Ingri Cassel, a leading vaccine risk awareness activist. “This explains why news of this vaccination depopulation plan has been neglected by the special-interest-influenced media.”
Investigating conflicting pharmaceutical interests influencing news coverage, Sherri Kane, previously a writer for FOX News in Los Angeles, learned that the majority shareholders in FOX, TimeWarner, News Corp., and the Wall Street Journal, are heavily invested in GlaxoSmithKlein and Merck’s CSL Laboratories, both makers of risky drugs and vaccines.
Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO of Goldman Sachs, became a major shareholder in AstraZeneca following his direction of the company’s acquisition of the H1N1 FluMist maker, MedImmune. Blankfein has also leveraged ABC-Disney following their merger with money he raised through GS investors. This resulted in Dr. Oz’s heavy promotion of H1N1 vaccines on ABC last year, when officials learned that the vast majority of Americans were unwilling to risk the exposure.
Rupert Murdoch and Lloyd Blankfein co-chair the PFNYC, founded by CHASE principal, World Bank ambassador, and America’s leading energy industrialist and medical monopolist, David Rockefeller. The PFNYC was chartered by the Royal Family of England-a majority share holder in General Electric-the world’s largest company-that controls NBC/Universal/Comcast, and MSNBC with Bill Gates.
The PFNYC was pledged to play a central role in reconstructing Ground Zero following the 9/11 attacks, according to Kathryn Wylde, President & CEO of the Partnership and current Director of The Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The organization compiled the economic report on the damage done, advanced financial plans for reconstructing the World Trade Center, and advised leading financiers regarding reconstruction investments.
According to 911-Truth movement directors, Wylde and other members of the PFNYC are implicated in the treasonous attacks that scientific evidence says involved thermitic explosives used in controlled demolitions.
These allegations and PFNYC connections to 9/11 events implicating investment bankers at Goldman Sachs are additionally scrutinized in a new feature-length film produced by Dr. Horowitz. PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller premieres in theaters across North America this summer. (Quicktime and MP-4 downloadable versions are available through
The PFNYC is co-directed by Jeffrey B. Kindler, the Chairman and CEO of Pfizer-the world’s largest drug company. Kindler stewards Pfizer through multi-billion dollar acquisitions also involving JPMC and GS financing.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the drug industry’s main trade organization, is also directed by Kindler. PhRMA officials engage White House and Pentagon officials in private negotiations determining pricing for stockpiles of drugs and vaccines.
Dr. Horowitz views this covert administration of multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical contracts as symptomatic of the industry’s corruption. The “corporate shell game” is played using mergers and acquisitions directed by the same people. Their creation of the PhRMA trade organization provides the illusion of their legitimacy and fair competition. Price fixing occurs behind closed doors, explaining why prices vary so widely internationally.
Another gross example of corrupt government pharmawhores sucking Wall Street’s slime, is Congressman Henry Waxman’s (D-CA) treason against the American people for sneaking dietary supplement regulation language into ‘The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009,’ (H.R. 4173).
For years, Waxman has attempted to pass legislation restricting consumer access to nutritional supplements on behalf of BigPharma. The FDA, largely controlled by BigPharma, contends regulating vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathics, oils, colloidal silvers, and more natural products protects consumers.
During health care reform negotiations with PhRMA, Waxman feigned concern that drug companies were driving too hard a “bargain” on pharmaceutical prices, but still voted in favor of the cartel’s freedom to set their own limits.
Most telling and ironic, PhRMA’s official negotiator to whom Waxman complained, “PhRMA should contribute more than PhRMA wants to contribute,” was Billy Tauzin, the former congressman who held Waxman’s job as chair of the Energy and Commerce committee.
Source: Web of Evidence: What They Don’t Want You To Know
More information on vaccinations:
– Dr. Rima E. Laibow: The Globalist Depopulation Agenda
– Discharged IDF Soldiers Sue For Millions Over Anthrax Vaccine Experiment
– Rotarix Rotavirus Vaccine Contaminated With Pig Virus DNA
– European health officials: ‘H1N1 pandemic false alarm, inquiry to expose the truth’
– 60 Million in US Vaccinated Against Swine Flu … They Have Just Destroyed Their Health
– Police State: Student Suspended And Assaulted For Handing Out ANTI-VACCINE Flyers
– Swine Flu Pizza Party: Get a shot, get a pizza for your class!
– Virologist Adrian Gibbs Repeats H1N1 Swine Flu Lab-Escape Claim in Published Study
– Shocking H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Miscarriage Stories From Pregnant Women
– Dr. Roby Mitchell Retracts H1N1 Vaccine Advice After Reading Insert!
– French Woman Develops Guillain-Barre Syndrome After H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccination
– Poland: Health Minister Says No To The H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine For The Entire Country
– 3 Dutch babies die after pneumococcal vaccine, Dutch authorities pull Pfizer’s Prevenar batch
– UK government: All schoolchildren may be vaccinated against H1N1 swine flu
– CFR admits false scarcity tactic to get people to take the H1N1 swine flu vaccine
– Twenty Reasons Why Vitamin D Is Better Than The Swine Flu Vaccine
– H1N1 Swine Flu A National Emergency? Take A Close Look At This Chart
– CDC Guesstimated H1N1 Swine Flu Cases and Refused CBS Freedom of Information Act Request
– President Obama declares H1N1 swine flu a national emergency
– Flu Vaccine Brainwashing by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
– Satire: How to be a swine flu vaccine zealot
– New York judge puts hold on mandatory swine flu vaccinations
– Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Shocking Vaccine Cover Up
– Junk Science And The Flu Vaccine Scam Revealed
– Dr. Leonard Horowitz: The CDC’s Vaccination Genocide
– Autism Explodes As Childhood Vaccines Increase
– ‘Just get your damn vaccine’ America! (The Swine Flu Conspiracy
– Canada will protect swine flu vaccine maker GlaxoSmithKline from lawsuits
– CDC drafts ‘ISOLATION ORDER’ for swine flu (H1N1)
– Poll: Nearly 2/3 of US parents won’t vaccinate their children against the H1N1 swine flu
– Australia: Nationwide swine flu vaccination
– US: Military to get mandatory swine flu shots soon
– Washington State lifts limit on mercury preservative in swine-flu vaccine
– Forced Swine Flu Vaccination Refused By Nurses In New York
– Long Island nurses to rally against mandatory swine flu vaccines
– Seasonal flu shot may increase H1N1 risk
– First wave of vaccine will be mostly nasal spray, a LIVE FLU VIRUS
– Nanoparticles used in untested swine flu vaccines
– China: Mass Swine Flu Vaccination
– US: Governor Baldacci proclaims civil emergency due to H1N1
– Study: Causal Connection Between Thimerosal and Autism Established
– Historical facts exposing the dangers and ineffectiveness of vaccines
– Exposed: ‘The Swine Flu Hoax’ by Andrew Bosworth, Ph.D.
– Up to 60% of doctors may refuse swine flu vaccine
– German health expert’s swine flu warning; Does virus vaccine increase the risk of cancer?
– Dr. Russell Blaylock: Harmful Effects of Swine Flu Vaccine
– Swine Flu: The DynCorp ‘COINCIDENCE’
– H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: October Surprise Prevention
– Dr. Russell Blaylock: How to reduce the toxic effects if force vaccinated
– Poll: Only a third of nurses willing to have swine flu vaccine
– Leaked Government letter to neurologists reveals concern about swine flu vaccine
– Untested swine flu vaccine could be given to your children
– £27,000 swine flu bonus for GPs
– Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine’s Dirty Little Secret Exposed
– NVIC on swine flu and the consequences for you!
– US Military To Work With FEMA During Swine Flu Pandemic
– US: 12,000 Children To Be Swine Flu Vaccine Guinea Pigs
– Baxter Filed Swine Flu Vaccine Patent a Year Ahead of Outbreak
– UK Government Swine Flu Advisor On Vaccine Maker Payroll
– Swine flu vaccine to be cleared after five-day trial !!!
– Baxter: Product contaminated with live H5N1 avian flu virus
– Now Legal Immunity for Swine flu Vaccine Makers
– New Zealand orders 300,000 doses of untested and unapproved swine flu vaccine
– Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder
– Swine Flu 1976: Reality vs. Propaganda
– Homeopathy Successfully Treated Flu Epidemic of 1918
– Epidemic Influenza And Vitamin D (Flashback)
– Dr. Russell Blaylock on 1976 Swine Flu and Current Outbreak
Swine Flu and the Microchip:
– Greg Evenson on Microchips and Swine Flu
– Whistleblower: Forced vaccinations – clear warning
Additional information on Tamiflu:
– Canada ignores Oxford University’s warning about Tamiflu
– Swine flu: TV presenter’s daughter almost died after taking Tamiflu
– Study: Tamiflu causes sickness and nightmares in children
– Tamiflu drug made with cocktail of chemical ingredients, linked with bizarre behavior
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