Turkey’s Erdogan Vows New Military Operations Into Eastern Syria And Sinjar, Iraq

Turkey’s Erdogan Vows New Military Operations Into Eastern Syria And Sinjar, Iraq:

Following Turkey’s two-month long invasion of Northern Syria and subsequent takeover of the predominantly Kurdish town of Afrin, the logical question that remains is: what ‘s next for the ‘Mad Sultan’ Erdogan?

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Sunday victory speech didn’t lack for the usually robust symbolism denoting neo-Ottoman aspirations far beyond the borders of Turkey (Erdogan gleefully exclaimed, “Now the Turkish flag will fly over there! The flag of the Free Syrian Army will fly over there!” – while comparing the Afrin campaign to the Ottoman defense of Gallipoli during World War I at a ceremony marking the WWI allied powers assault to open the Dardanelles).

And true to form the Turkish president on the following day promised further “extensions” of his forces in the region, including into Eastern Syria and Iraq.

Read moreTurkey’s Erdogan Vows New Military Operations Into Eastern Syria And Sinjar, Iraq

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: War Is On The Horizon

War Is On The Horizon:

Paul Craig Roberts

Have Washington and its British vassal set a stage for testing whether Russia has the stomach for war?

How else do we interpret the announcement by General Sergey Rudskoy, chief of the Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff,  that

we have reliable information at our disposal that US instructors have trained a number of militant groups in the vicinity of the town of At-Tanf, to stage provocations involving chemical warfare agents in southern Syria. They are preparing a series of chemical munitions explosions. This fact will be used to blame the government forces. The components to produce chemical munitions have been already delivered to the southern de-escalation zone under the guise of humanitarian convoys of a number of NGOs.

The provocations will be used as a pretext by the United States and its allies to launch strikes on military and government infrastructure in Syria.

Also: https://southfront.org/u-s-deploys-naval-strike-groups-for-attacks-on-syria-trains-militants-for-false-flag-chemical-attacks/
And: http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2018/03/17/555774/US-training-Syria-militants-for-false-flag-chemical-attacks-Russian-cmdr

Don’t expect to hear anything about this in the totally discredited Western presstitute media, which is a propaganda ministry for war.

Read moreDr. Paul Craig Roberts: War Is On The Horizon

Erdogan Declares Victory As Turkish Flag Flies Over Afrin; Reports Of Ethnic Cleansing

Erdogan Declares Victory As Turkish Flag Flies Over Afrin; Reports Of Ethnic Cleansing:

After a bloody, two month cross-border campaign of Turkish forces to dislodge Kurdish YPG “terrorists” from the Syrian city of Afrin, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared complete victory on Sunday as Turkish and allied FSA flags have been raised for the first time over Afrin’s city center.

Kurdish YPG forces (or “People’s Protection Units”) were widely reported to have withdrawn before pro-Turkish forces entered the city before dawn on Sunday, allowing invading forces to secure the city while facing no resistance. In a televised speech Erdogan claimed to have “saved” the city through the “heroic” actions of his military while also framing the operation which took place entirely on Syrian soil as humanitarian in nature. He said, “This operation has shown the whole world that Turkey sides with the oppressed,” as reported by Rudaw.

Kurdish authorities of Afrin canton, for the their part, condemned Russia for allowing Turkey to use airspace to dislodge Kurdish protection units. At a Kurdish press conference, an Afrin canton official leveled the charge that “Russia actively participated in opening airspace for Turkey to ‘exterminate our people with all kinds of weapons and sacrificed our people for their interests in Syria, and under international silence, of the coalition, and EU'”. The spokesperson added that, “We decided to remove civilians from the city to avoid a more terrible humanitarian catastrophe.” 

Erdogan also appears to have taunted the retreating Kurdish forces, saying that a “large number” of Kurdish fighters had “fled with their tails between their legs,” and added that Turkish special forces have been deployed in the city, with demining operations also underway. “Now the Turkish flag will fly over there! The flag of the Free Syrian Army will fly over there!” said Erdogan.

Read moreErdogan Declares Victory As Turkish Flag Flies Over Afrin; Reports Of Ethnic Cleansing

US CENTCOM Chief Comes Clean: General’s Three Stunning Admissions In The Mid-East

US CENTCOM Chief Comes Clean: General’s Three Stunning Admissions In The Mid-East:

Assad has won, Iran deal should stand and Saudis use American weapons without accountability in Yemen: head of U.S. military’s Central Command’s stunning Congressional testimony.

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Russia Claims US Deploys Warships For Imminent Attack On Syria, Trains Militants For False Flag Attack

Russia Claims US Deploys Warships For Imminent Attack On Syria, Trains Militants For False Flag Attack:

Last April, in one of the Trump administration’s first “diplomatic” ventures, the US fired 59 Tomahawk missiles on Syria, in stated retaliation for the latest alleged chemical attack by the Assad regime, the same “false flag” excuse which was used by the US to officially enter the conflict back in 2013 when military tensions between the US and Russia nearly resulted in a regional war.

Well, it appears that Assad is a relentless glutton for punishment, because not even a year later, the WaPo reported two weeks ago that the US is considering a new military action against Syria for – what else – retaliation against Assad’s latest chemical attack, which took place several weeks earlier.

Read moreRussia Claims US Deploys Warships For Imminent Attack On Syria, Trains Militants For False Flag Attack

WORLD ORDER 2018 (FULL MOVIE) – Vladimir Soloviev’s New Documentary Interview With Putin Now Available


Vladimir Soloviev’s New Documentary Interview With Putin Now Available

The film is blocked worldwide on YouTube. I have uploaded it to the paid-for platform that is Vimeo – thanks to my Patreon members for offsetting these costs!

World Order 2018 is a new documentary movie by TV host, Vladimir Soloviev, in which he discusses with Russia’s President Putin all the major events of the past few years; the Syrian situation, the destruction of the Middle East, the expansion of NATO, the immigration crisis in Europe, the destabilisation of Eastern Ukraine and the situation in Crimea, US-Russian relations, and of course the nuclear arms race. They also touch on topics rarely answered by world leaders – the eradication of national identities, the re-writing of history, and the essence of the Holocaust.

The film is 1.5 hours long, so make sure you put some time aside, instead of your next Netflix doco! If you’re specifically looking for the quote in the title – it’s at 1:22:00.

Inessa Sinchougova is an Editor and Journalist at Fort Russ News, as well as a research fellow and translator of the Belgrade based think-tank, the Center for Syncretic Studies. She was educated at Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), in the field of Political Science and was previously employed in Marketing and Communications Strategy for a Multi-National Corporation. She runs a popular YouTube channel for translations of key Russian Foreign Policy figures and appears regularly on other alternative media channels. If you like her work, you can support her Patreon here

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Trump Asked Saudi King For $4 Billion So US Troops Can Leave Syria


Trump Asked Saudi King For $4 Billion So US Troops Can Leave Syria:

The Washington Post has revealed that President Trump attempted to extricate US troops from Syria by asking ally Saudi Arabia to foot the bill for postwar reconstruction and “stabilization” projects in the area of northeast Syria currently occupied by US coalition forces, to the tune of $4 billion. The deal would involve US allies like Saudi Arabia moving into a lead position regarding coalition policy in Syria, while hastening a US exit.

Though the coalition continues to claim that its occupation of Syrian soil is toward anti-terror and humanitarian efforts, including the reestablishment of civilian infrastructure in a region previously controlled by ISIS, America’s top general, CENTCOM chief Gen. Joseph Votel, admitted in congressional testimony this week that the Syrian government along with its Russian and Iranian allies have effectively won the war.

General Votel’s very frank admissions on Syria stunned hawks like Senator Graham, who were looking for more muscular policy goals. The Washington Post summarized this part of the exchange as follows

Read moreTrump Asked Saudi King For $4 Billion So US Troops Can Leave Syria

Civilians Of Liberated East Ghouta Praise Syrian Army, Curse Terrorists, Contradict MSM Reports

Civilians Of Liberated East Ghouta Praise Syrian Army, Curse Terrorists, Contradict MSM Reports:

The Western media is aflame with reports of “barrel bombs” “last hospitals” and the “brutality” of Assad and Russia. The United States government along with the United Nations continually harp and cry about the loss of life incurred by civilians as a result of the operation to liberate East Ghouta from the grip of the Western-backed terrorists, while none of the governments or media outlets complaining about East Ghouta ever mentioned the intentional targeting of civilians in Damascus by terrorists based in Ghouta.

Indeed, both governments and media outlets continue to present to their public a completely false image of the situation in East Ghouta, attempting to paint the Syrian government as a hated and feared force by the Syrian people trapped in Ghouta.

However, as in the case of East Aleppo (which was given a similar treatment in the halls of Western government and the screens of Western media), the civilians of East Ghouta who have been liberated tell a much different story.

Read moreCivilians Of Liberated East Ghouta Praise Syrian Army, Curse Terrorists, Contradict MSM Reports

Russian envoy to UN: Al-Nusra terrorists used chlorine chemicals in Eastern Ghouta

Al-Nusra terrorists used chlorine chemicals in Eastern Ghouta – Russian envoy to UN:

Russia’s envoy to the UN Vassily Nebenzia has accused militant groups in Eastern Ghouta of using chlorine gas, while stressing that the Syrian government has every right to eradicate the “terrorism hotbed” near its capital.

Nebenzia has defended Syria’s government and the ongoing anti-terrorism operation in Eastern Ghouta, asserting that it has “every right to try and remove the threat to the safety of its citizens.”

“According to information at our disposal, on March 5, Al-Nusra militants used chorine substance in Eastern Ghouta, which injured 30 civilians. All this is done to prepare the grounds for unilateral military actions against sovereign Syria,” Nebenzia stated. “The suburbs of Damascus cannot remain a hotbed of terrorism. And it is being used for continued attempts by terrorists to undermine the cessation of hostilities.”

Read moreRussian envoy to UN: Al-Nusra terrorists used chlorine chemicals in Eastern Ghouta

Syria finds chemical weapons workshop in Ghouta

Syria finds chemical weapons workshop in Ghouta:

The Syrian military has found a workshop used by foreign-backed militants to make chemical weapons, Russian media say.

The workshop was discovered in a recently-liberated area in Eastern Ghouta where Syrian troops are fighting foreign-backed extremists and Takfiri terrorists, Russian news agencies reported Monday, citing a field commander.

The militants holed up in Eastern Ghouta have been raining rockets on the Syrian capital, killing and injuring many civilians over the past weeks.

Read moreSyria finds chemical weapons workshop in Ghouta

Syrian Army Imposes Control over Almost 60 Percent of Eastern Ghouta

Syrian Army Imposes Control over Almost 60 Percent of Eastern Ghouta:

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army troops are preparing to conduct an imminent attack on terrorists to drive them out of Harasta region as they have earned control over almost 60 percent of Eastern Ghouta.

Field sources said that the army units, backed up by artillery and missile units, engaged in fierce clashes with the terrorists in Harasta region after the daily ceasefire ended in the region.

The sources said that the terrorist front is on the verge on collapse after the army’s recent advances.

Read moreSyrian Army Imposes Control over Almost 60 Percent of Eastern Ghouta

US Sends Hundreds of Forces to Al-Tanf Base in Southern Syria

US Sends Hundreds of Forces to Al-Tanf Base in Southern Syria:

TEHRAN (FNA)- The US Army dispatched hundreds of fresh forces to al-Tanf base in Southeastern Homs at the border with Jordan within the framework of an illegal presence in the war-hit country, a media outlet reported on Saturday.

The Arabic-language TRT quoted local sources at Syria’s border with Jordan as saying that the US has forwarded a sum of 200 fresh forces to al-Tanf base during the last week.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had recently said that the US was planning to set up 20 bases in Northern Syria and to send a large volume of arms and ammunition by 5,000 trucks and 2,000 cargo planes to the region.

Read moreUS Sends Hundreds of Forces to Al-Tanf Base in Southern Syria

Russia offers rebels safe passage out of eastern Ghouta

Russia offers rebels safe passage out of eastern Ghouta:

The Russian military has offered Syrian rebels safe passage out of eastern Ghouta, setting out a proposal to let the insurgents surrender their last major stronghold near Damascus to President Bashar al-Assad, which fighters have so far rejected, Reuters reports.

The Russian defence ministry said rebels could leave with their families and personal weapons through a secure corridor out of eastern Ghouta, where Moscow-backed government forces have made rapid gains in a fierce assault.

Read moreRussia offers rebels safe passage out of eastern Ghouta

Reports: Syrian troops split rebel-held enclave near capital

Reports: Syrian troops split rebel-held enclave near capital

H/t reader Squodgy:

Rothschild’s Associated Press actually telling the same story as the alternative media for once?

Does that mean it’s not true?”

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Members of the AfD are visiting Syria because they don’t feel informed by mainstream media had the following to say:” Women sit in bars and wear jeans instead of burqas – hardly imaginable in Mecca and Berlin-Neukölln”

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Popular Uprising against Terrorist Groups Reported in Northwestern Syria

Popular Uprising against Terrorist Groups Reported in Northwestern Syria

H/t reader Squodgy:

“This is encouraging.

Rejection everywhere of all deep state israeli/U.S. manipulation for bankster cabal can only be good.”

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Syrian army forces keep advancing in Eastern Ghouta, seize back another village

Syrian army forces keep advancing in Eastern Ghouta, seize back another village

H/t reader Squodgy:

“This will be worrying the deep state israeli/US cabal who so desperately want war.”

Don’t worry! They’ll create WW3.

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Russian transport plane crashes upon landing in Syria, all 32 on board dead

Russian transport plane crashes upon landing in Syria, all 32 on board dead:

A Russian military transport airplane has crashed during landing at Khmeimim Airbase in Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry has said. Six crew members as well as 26 passengers were killed in the crash, it added.

According to preliminary information, the incident could have been caused by a technical malfunction, the ministry said.

Around 15:00 (Moscow time, 12:00 GMT), a Russian An-26 transport aircraft crashed while coming in for landing at the Khmeimim airbase,” the statement issued by the ministry said. “All those on board died [in the incident],” it added.

The airplane hit the ground some 500 meters from the runway. It did not come under fire before the incident, the Russian military said.

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Syria’s Shifting Sands: Peter Lavelle Interviews Alastair Crooke

Syria’s Shifting Sands: Peter Lavelle Interviews Alastair Crooke:

What is Trump’s foreign policy for the Middle East? Is the Pentagon looking for a conflict with Russia in Syria? And what are the possible outcomes of this war?

Host of RT’s CrossTalk Peter Lavelle talks with British writer and global affairs analyst Alastair Crooke to discuss ‘Syria’s shifting sands’. Watch:

H/t reader Squodgy:

“An opinion from someone deep.”

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Syria War: What the mainstream media isn’t telling you about Eastern Ghouta

Syria War: What the mainstream media isn’t telling you about Eastern Ghouta:

As Syrian government forces battle Jaysh al-Islam to retake Eastern Ghouta, Western media outlets have totally ignored the atrocities of the insurgents, preferring to blame all the violence on the “regime.”

They’re at it again, howling about a town in Syria that’s being retaken by the government. This time it’s Eastern Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus and one of the last remaining strongholds of the Islamist insurgency that has torn the country apart over the last seven years.

Before Eastern Ghouta it was Aleppo and before Aleppo it was Madaya and before Madaya it was Homs, and so on. All of these places were framed as though there were no armed insurgents present, and the Syrian authorities were just mercilessly massacring civilians out of cartoonishly villainous bloodlust. If the insurgents were mentioned, they were usually (and still are) presented by the western press as moderate rebels and freedom fighters.

Read moreSyria War: What the mainstream media isn’t telling you about Eastern Ghouta