On This “Atom Bomb”-Anniversary, You’re Being Lied To About Hiroshima (And Much More..)


On This “Atom Bomb”-Anniversary, You’re Being Lied To About Hiroshima (And Much More..):

Via The Daily Bell,

Japan marked the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on Saturday by renewing calls for a nuclear weapons free world and urging leaders to follow the example of President Barack Obama and visit the bomb sites.  –Washington Post

It is the anniversary of dropping an atom bomb on Hiroshima. But the Hiroshima narrative is a lie.

We’ve reported at considerable length about how the whatever was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn’t have the kind of immediate destructive impact that is portrayed.

Crawford Sams who ran the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission in Japan had this to say about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Transcript HERE.) :

Read moreOn This “Atom Bomb”-Anniversary, You’re Being Lied To About Hiroshima (And Much More..)

Files linking Britain to Israel’s nuclear weapons go missing from National Archives

Files linking Britain to Israel’s nuclear weapons go missing from National Archives:

Official documents on Britain’s relationship with Israel, including papers on “military and nuclear collaboration” in the 1970s, have disappeared from the National Archives in the last four years.

More than 400 records have gone missing from the repository in Kew, southwest London, including a 1947 letter from Winston Churchill and a Home Office document on the 1910 Suffragettes “disturbances.”

The Archives reassured the public it is following a “robust” plan to find the lost files.

Read moreFiles linking Britain to Israel’s nuclear weapons go missing from National Archives

Majority of Britons back PM Theresa May on launching nuke attack that would kill 100,000

Majority of Britons back PM May on launching nuke attack that would kill 100,000:

PM Theresa May was right to give an unequivocal “yes” according to 66 percent of Britons, when asked if she would personally launch a retaliatory nuclear strike that would kill 100,000 civilians, while 59 percent say they would push the button themselves.

The British Prime Minister May said she would use the UK’s nuclear arsenal in response to a nuclear attack by a foreign nation, as she was promoting the renewal of the Trident missile system in Parliament. She argued that threats to the UK from such countries as Russia and North Korea “remain very real.”

May’s attitude was overwhelmingly supported by two-thirds of Britons polled by YouGov on Tuesday and Wednesday. Only 19 percent said she was wrong to say what she did.

Sixty-six percent of respondents said they would support a nuclear retaliation while 59 percent said they would personally launch one, if they were in May’s position.

Read moreMajority of Britons back PM Theresa May on launching nuke attack that would kill 100,000

Clashes in Kashmir Risk Taking India-Pakistan Back to Brink of Nuclear War

nuclear war

Clashes in Kashmir Risk Taking India-Pakistan Back to Brink of Nuclear War:

The long ignored suffering of the Kashmiri people carries with it the world’s greatest risk of full-scale nuclear war between two long-standing adversaries.

Tensions have reemerged in the disputed territory of Kashmir, a Muslim-dominated region that has long been controlled by India, but whose population longs to be reunited with their brethren in Pakistan exacerbating longstanding tensions between the two nuclear powers.

Read moreClashes in Kashmir Risk Taking India-Pakistan Back to Brink of Nuclear War

Photographer Sneaks into Fukushima: “I can feel a burning sensation in my eyes and thick chemical smell”… We drove straight out — An “almost entirely lifeless” post-apocalyptic world… “IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!” — “Radiation leakage is damaging environment and life in Pacific” (PICS & VIDEO)

Photographer Sneaks into Fukushima: “I can feel a burning sensation in my eyes and thick chemical smell”… We drove straight out — An “almost entirely lifeless” post-apocalyptic world… “IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!” — “Radiation leakage is damaging environment and life in Pacific” (PICS & VIDEO)

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Highly radioactive ‘glass’ rained on Tokyo — Fukushima nuclear fuel with 500 Trillion Bq/kg found

Highly radioactive ‘glass’ rained on Tokyo — Fukushima nuclear fuel with 500 Trillion Bq/kg found — “Significant consequences for human health” — Scientists: This changes understanding of disaster… Extreme importance… Our ideas of health implications should change… Do not discuss on social media:

Public Release from Goldschmidt Conference, Jun 26, 2016 (emphasis added): New research shows that most of the radioactive fallout which landed on downtown Tokyo a few days after the Fukushima accident was concentrated and deposited in non-soluble glass microparticles, as a type of ‘glassy soot’. This meant that most of the radioactive material was not dissolved in rain and running water… The particles also concentrated the radioactive caesium (Cs), meaning that in some cases dose effects of the fallout are still unclear… Japanese geochemists… analysed samples collected from within an area up to 230 km from the FDNPP… [I]t had been anticipated that most of the radioactive fallout would have been flushed from the environment by rainwater. However… most of the radioactive caesium in fact fell to the ground enclosed in glassy microparticles… [T]hese particles… formed during the molten core-concrete interaction inside the primary containment vessel in the Fukushima reactor units 1 and/or 3. Because of the high Cs content in the microparticles, the radioactivity per unit mass was as high as ~4.4×10^11 Bq/g [440,000,000,000,000 Bq/kg]… Analysis from several air filters collected in Tokyo on 15 March 2011 showed that 89% of the total radioactivity was present as a result of these caesium-rich microparticles, rather than the soluble Cs, as had originally been supposed.

Read moreHighly radioactive ‘glass’ rained on Tokyo — Fukushima nuclear fuel with 500 Trillion Bq/kg found

EPA Raises Radiation Limit In Drinking Water By 3,000 Times


EPA literally wants you to DIE from radiation: Agency raising the limit of radioactive elements in drinking water by over 3,000 times… to cause widespread cancer and death

We really have reached a point of such insanity across human civilization that governments have become the terrorists who actively seek to harm and kill off the people. The latest example demonstrating this very point is the fact that the EPA just announced its plan to allow gigantic increases in the allowable radioactivity in drinking water… increasing it by over 3,000 times in the case of radioactive Iodine-131… while calling it “safe” to drink even though it’s almost certain to give you cancer.

In this public EPA document, the agency says it was ordered by President Obama’s Executive Order 12656 (section 1601(2)) to “[d]evelop, for national security emergencies, guidance on acceptable emergency levels of nuclear radiation….”

In this report, the EPA warns that a nuclear “incident” may strike the United States, and if people are going to drink the radioactive water, somebody needs to decide how much radioactivity Americans will be allowed to consume.

From the EPA report:

Read moreEPA Raises Radiation Limit In Drinking Water By 3,000 Times

The One Nuclear Threat That Most People Aren’t Aware Of

H/t reader squodgy:

““Dead Hand”.

An interesting and typically protective concept. Good to see the Russians trusted the U.S. and NATO sensibly by preparing a fail safe.

Furthermore, in view of the continued stick poking policy the U.S. Exercising against Russia on behalf of the Neocon Zionists of israel, it would be stupid to think Vlad hasn’t updated the system to include those most likely protagonists as israel, I know I would.”


The One Nuclear Threat That Most People Aren’t Aware Of:

These days we are all well aware that nuclear technology provides plenty of ways to disrupt our society. There are of course, an abundance of nuclear missiles in the world today, as well suitcase nukes and dirty bombs. There is also the ever looming possibility of a meltdown occurring in a nuclear power plant. However, there is one nuclear threat that very few people are aware of, and we have the Russians to thank for it.

In short, they have a bona fide doomsday machine. No, this isn’t science fiction. At first glance it probably doesn’t sound very exotic, since this machine delivers ordinary nuclear weapons. What’s so unique about it, is the conditions that could cause it to activate. The Russians refer to it as the “Dead Hand,” and it operates similarly to the fictional doomsday device from Dr. Strangelove.

Read moreThe One Nuclear Threat That Most People Aren’t Aware Of

We Are Now At DEFCON 3 – Directly After The 9/11 Attacks, The Alert Was Only Set To DEFCON 4 – DEFCON 1 Means Nuclear War Is Imminent

We are now at DEFCON 3:

Are we slipping toward global thermalnuclear war?

According to DefconWarningSystem.com the current Condition Code is Yellow and set to DEFCON 3.

DefconWarningSystem.com reports:

Read moreWe Are Now At DEFCON 3 – Directly After The 9/11 Attacks, The Alert Was Only Set To DEFCON 4 – DEFCON 1 Means Nuclear War Is Imminent

Spike in number of US sailors dying after Fukushima radiation exposure — Now over 400 veterans suffering serious illnesses — Former Japan Prime Minister breaks down crying, “This can’t be ignored any longer… The number of sick people is increasing and their symptoms are worsening” (VIDEOS)


Spike in number of US sailors dying after Fukushima radiation exposure — Now over 400 veterans suffering serious illnesses — Former Japan Prime Minister breaks down crying, “This can’t be ignored any longer… The number of sick people is increasing and their symptoms are worsening” (VIDEOS):

Kyodo, May 19, 2016: Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has thrown his support behind a group of former U.S. sailors suing the operator of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant… Speaking at a news conference Tuesday in Carlsbad, California, with some of the plaintiffs, Koizumi said, “Those who gave their all to assist Japan are now suffering from serious illness… I learned that the number of sick people is still increasing, and their symptoms are worsening,” he told the news conference… According to lawyers for the group, seven of its members have died so far, including some from leukemia [Three deaths had been reported as of last July].

Asahi Shimbun, May 19, 2016: Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi broke down in tears as he made an emotional plea of support for U.S. Navy sailors beset by health problems… More than 400 veterans who were part of a mission called Operation Tomodachi… filed a mass lawsuit in California against [TEPCO]. They are seeking compensation and an explanation for their health problems… Koizumi said: “U.S. military personnel who did their utmost in providing relief are now suffering from serious illnesses. We cannot ignore the situation.” Apparently overcome with emotion, Koizumi started crying… Theodore Holcomb [was] diagnosed with synovial sarcoma, a rare form of cancer. He died in 2014 at age 35. The Department of Veterans Affairs later cut off a study into the causal relationship between his exposure to radiation and his illness… Ron Wright, 26, worked on the deck [and] developed a swelling of the testicles and underwent surgery four times… A military doctor told him there was no relationship between his illness and exposure to radiation.

Read moreSpike in number of US sailors dying after Fukushima radiation exposure — Now over 400 veterans suffering serious illnesses — Former Japan Prime Minister breaks down crying, “This can’t be ignored any longer… The number of sick people is increasing and their symptoms are worsening” (VIDEOS)

Hospital: Fukushima radiation may be eating holes in people’s brains — Report: Military brought in to hide true radiation levels

Hospital: Fukushima radiation may be eating holes in people’s brains — Report: Military brought in to hide true radiation levels — Experts: Officials covering up dire consequences of crisis… Worry over high number of cancers being detected — Public suffering radioactive-related diseases (VIDEO):

El País Semanal (Spanish newspaper), May 2, 2016 (emphasis added): Fukushima: Contaminated lives… Spanish media investigates how the 2011 Japanese tsunami changed the course of the country’s history… the Fukushima nuclear plant started to leak radiation that seeped insidiously into the atmosphere, the soil and the Pacific Ocean… Mr Toru Anzai, 63, wanders around the house he abandoned five years ago [in] Litate… Two years ago, he had a heart attack and a stroke… in the hospital they found a hole in the frontal lobe of his brain that was producing paralysis down the left side of his body. The doctor said it could have been caused by absorbing cesium over a period of time… [After the reactor explosion on] March 14, he heard a thunderous noise… It didn’t take long for the wind to bring the penetrating smell of melted iron mixed with sulfur to Litate as a massive toxic cloud blew towards his home. In spite of the mayor of Litate’s assurance that there was no risk of radiation, Mr Anzai bought his first dosimeter on April 18… the radiation in the room where he and his brothers had been sleeping for the past month was at six microSieverts an hour – 20 times higher than the level stipulated by the government for relocating residents…

Read moreHospital: Fukushima radiation may be eating holes in people’s brains — Report: Military brought in to hide true radiation levels

Nuclear Power Plants Will Become America’s Extinction Level Event



Nuclear Power Plants Will Become America’s Extinction Level Event:

On April 11, 2014, I received a communication from a reader, who is a nuclear power plant employee, that warned me about an impending FEMA visit to the nuclear power plant at Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant in Arizona.

Dave, just wanted to let you know that F/’E/’M/’A is touring our Nuc Plant this morning… We are scheduled to have 18 people from this organization touring the plant this morning. Just thought it was interesting, and thought you might want to know.
Given what I know about the strange events surrounding last year’s Grid Ex II drill and the apparent Chinese takeover of our solar energy, plus the fact that a Chinese solar energy zone is located near the Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant, I am a little more than suspicious about the motive behind the FEMA inspection of the plant. Is something big happening? Is this the next false flag?

Read moreNuclear Power Plants Will Become America’s Extinction Level Event

Radiation spike near Hanford nuclear waste site ‘natural’ – EPA

Radiation spike near Hanford nuclear waste site ‘natural’ – EPA:

The US Environmental Protection Agency chalked elevated gamma radiation levels around America’s largest nuclear waste storage facility, the Hanford site, up to natural causes, but RT’s Alexey Yaroshevsky has found a few inconsistences in its claims.

RT has reported extensively on the situation at Washington State’s Hanford Nuclear storage facility since various leaks and injuries to workers were reported. An incident on May 5th covered by RT, when radiation levels in the area adjacent to the site skyrocketed, prompted a federal investigation.

However, following the RT report, a local newspaper urged its audience not to “believe everything on the Internet” in an article extensively quoting a statement from the EPA that claimed the elevated radiation levels had a natural cause and were not connected to the Hanford facility in any way.

Read moreRadiation spike near Hanford nuclear waste site ‘natural’ – EPA

Cover-up of massive explosion at Fukushima Reactor 3 fueled with plutonium? US government’s “worst case” scenario likely a reality… Entire nuclear core ejected into environment — Experts: It seems blast wasn’t from hydrogen — “Ejection of fuel parts… Exploding vortices suggest a steam explosion” (PHOTO)


fukushima reactor 3

Cover-up of massive explosion at Fukushima Reactor 3 fueled with plutonium? US government’s “worst case” scenario likely a reality… Entire nuclear core ejected into environment — Experts: It seems blast wasn’t from hydrogen — “Ejection of fuel parts… Exploding vortices suggest a steam explosion” (PHOTO):

Annals of Nuclear Energy, Apr 2016 (emphasis added): The importance of severe accident research has been again seen after [Fukushima]… As the accident analysis showed, it seems that in the Daichi Unit 3 a steam explosion occurred… A steam explosion… is an energetic fuel coolant interaction (FCI) process, which may occur during a severe accident when the hot reactor core melt comes into contact with the coolant water… Steam explosions… potentially jeopardize the primary system and the containment integrity…

Read moreCover-up of massive explosion at Fukushima Reactor 3 fueled with plutonium? US government’s “worst case” scenario likely a reality… Entire nuclear core ejected into environment — Experts: It seems blast wasn’t from hydrogen — “Ejection of fuel parts… Exploding vortices suggest a steam explosion” (PHOTO)

TV: EPA data reveals “sharp spike in radiation level” around US nuclear site — “It’s been reportedly leaking huge amounts of radioactive materials for more than 2 weeks” — Evacuations enacted… Almost 50 workers have sought medical attention… Symptoms include bleeding ulcers, burned lungs (VIDEOS)

TV: EPA data reveals “sharp spike in radiation level” around US nuclear site — “It’s been reportedly leaking huge amounts of radioactive materials for more than 2 weeks” — Evacuations enacted… Almost 50 workers have sought medical attention… Symptoms include bleeding ulcers, burned lungs (VIDEOS)

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Scientists: Over 60,000,000 killed by nuclear fallout… More than 120,000,000 cancers from radioactive releases… Doesn’t include millions more dead babies and fetuses — Professor: “Horrifying… This is a war crime far greater in magnitude than any that has occurred in recorded human history” (VIDEO)

Scientists: Over 60,000,000 killed by nuclear fallout… More than 120,000,000 cancers from radioactive releases… Doesn’t include millions more dead babies and fetuses — Professor: “Horrifying… This is a war crime far greater in magnitude than any that has occurred in recorded human history” (VIDEO)

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“Barrier Is Not Holding” at Fukushima Plant


“Barrier Is Not Holding” at Fukushima Plant:

All efforts have failed to stop very high levels of radioactive materials flowing into the Pacific ocean.

TEPCO and the Japanese authorities are running out of ‘solutions’ for the containment of the highly radioactive water that continues to accumulate at the stricken plant.

Read more“Barrier Is Not Holding” at Fukushima Plant

Nuclear Expert: We’ve detected a lot of cases “gargantuanism” in Fukushima — Reporter: “Gigantic beet… it’s almost as big as the upper part of man trying to hold it” — “They’re seeing more and more of this… people are reporting more and more of these abnormalities” (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

Fukushima Gargantuanism

Nuclear Expert: We’ve detected a lot of cases “gargantuanism” in Fukushima — Reporter: “Gigantic beet… it’s almost as big as the upper part of man trying to hold it” — “They’re seeing more and more of this… people are reporting more and more of these abnormalities” (PHOTOS & VIDEO):

Coast to Coast AM – ‘Fukushima and Nuclear Issues’, Mar 31, 2016 (emphasis added):

At 55:00 in

Chernobyl On The Hudson Causing a Massive Spike in Thyroid Cancer

Chernobyl On The Hudson Causing a Massive Spike in Thyroid Cancer:

Buchanan, New York is a town in the United States where tens of thousands of people have been diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer, and it sits just 35 miles from New York City. Also nearby is the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, which is situated on the Hudson River and serves the electricity needs of approximately 2 million people, with two working reactors which have operated since the mid 1970s.

For years, the public has been told that nuclear power is a safe and clean alternative to other fuels, but the people of Indian Point and surrounding areas know those claims are untrue, and it appears they are now paying the price of all the failed promises of nuclear energy.

Thyroid Cancer rates, in and around this area, have seen a huge spike in the last 15 years. Some say as many as 20,000 thyroid cancer cases.

Read moreChernobyl On The Hudson Causing a Massive Spike in Thyroid Cancer

Surge in babies being born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima — “I feel officials know the cause is radiation” — Nurse says many are getting abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies — “High number of stillbirths” — Many people reporting cancers, even far away from Fukushima

TV: Surge in babies being born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima — “I feel officials know the cause is radiation” — Nurse says many are getting abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies — “High number of stillbirths” — Many people reporting cancers, even far away from Fukushima (VIDEO):

LaborNet TV (subtitles by Emiko Suehiro), Feb 24, 2016 (emphasis added):

  • Satomi Horikiri, Host (8:30 in): Have you heard of any health hazards in Fukushima?
  • Hisae Unuma, evacuee Futabamachi: I know many saying they have cancers, even in Saitama Prefecture
  • Setsuko Kida, evacuee from Tomiokamachi: My daughter [got] pregnant in the fall of 2013, but she was diagnosed with tethered miscarriage… the womb grew… but her unborn baby didn’t grow at all. She… got a second opinion from another clinic in Mito, only to get the same result. When the Mito doctor asked her why she came for the second opinion, she told she couldn’t trust the doctor in Fukushima… Many with a birth defect were born after Hiroshima/Nagasaki A-bomb, but the number dropped in one or two years. I only knew the reason in 2013; many women had to have an abortion, so that inconvenient babies wouldn’t be born… One month later, I was happy to know my daughter got pregnant. But in only 3 months my daughter told me the bad news and my mind got flooded with that story of Hiroshima/Nagasaki. That’s where I started to doubt. Although I asked the doctor to wait and see since my daughter could give birth if she tried, but the doctor said that the unborn child inside her was not alive anymore… So she had the abortion. My daughter called and told her friend about her abortion… She was told that out of 4 in her friends group, 3, including herself, had abortion during early pregnancy. The only one who could give birth was told by her doctor that she was unable to give birth because of the baby’s weak heart sound. So my daughter began to doubt her doctor, thinking her unborn baby could have made it. I became doubtful as well. A nurse I knew told me that many get abortions in Fukushima. My daughter and friends are just a few of those.

    Read moreSurge in babies being born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima — “I feel officials know the cause is radiation” — Nurse says many are getting abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies — “High number of stillbirths” — Many people reporting cancers, even far away from Fukushima

Top Official: Over 60 million Japanese irradiated by Fukushima — Nuclear Expert: 50,000 sq. miles of Japan highly contaminated… Many millions need to be evacuated… Gov’t has decided to sacrifice them, it’s a serious crime


Top Official: Over 60 million Japanese irradiated by Fukushima — Nuclear Expert: 50,000 sq. miles of Japan highly contaminated… Many millions need to be evacuated… Gov’t has decided to sacrifice them, it’s a serious crime — TV: More than 70% of country contaminated by radiation (VIDEOS):

Interview with nuclear engineer Hiroaki Koide (translation by Prof. Robert Stolz, transcription by Akiko Anson), published Mar 8, 2016 (emphasis added): [Radioactive] material has been dispersed, contaminating Tohoku, Kanto [Tokyo area], and western Japan… [The law says] that absolutely nothing may be removed from a radioactive management area in which the levels exceed 40,000 Becquerels per square meter… [H]ow much area has been contaminated beyond 40,000 Bq/m2… that answer is 140,000 km^2 [54,054 square miles]… Indeed, while centered on Fukushima, parts of Chiba and Tokyo have also been contaminated. The number of people living in what must be called a radiation-controlled area is in the millions, and could exceed ten million… I believe the government has the responsibility to evacuate these entire communities… the government decided to leave them exposed to the real danger of radiation. In my view, Fukushima should be declared inhabitable… but if that were to be done, it would likely bankrupt the countryThey’ve decided to sacrifice people… In my view, this is a serious crime committed by Japan’s ruling elite… [F]undamentally, people must not be forced to live in contaminated areas… First must come complete evacuation… [W]hen it comes to radiation… “removal of contaminants” is impossible… This stuff contaminates everything.

Read moreTop Official: Over 60 million Japanese irradiated by Fukushima — Nuclear Expert: 50,000 sq. miles of Japan highly contaminated… Many millions need to be evacuated… Gov’t has decided to sacrifice them, it’s a serious crime

Nuclear Expert in Fukushima: People’s feet turned black for years because radiation so high — Every time I turned around I saw someone who had radiation damage — Hair falling out, caughing up blood, bodies covered with boils… Officials keeping doctors from telling truth… Public being brainwashed

Smoke rises from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power complex in this still image from video footage

Nuclear Expert in Fukushima: People’s feet turned black for years because radiation so high — Every time I turned around I saw someone who had radiation damage — Hair falling out, caughing up blood, bodies covered with boils… Officials keeping doctors from telling truth… Public being brainwashed (VIDEO):

CCTV, Apr 5, 2016 (emphasis added) — Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen: [During my recent trip to Japan] I met in one of the resettlement areas… The unofficial mayor of this group – a real dynamo of a woman – she experienced hair loss, bloody nose, speckles on her skin and the doctors told her it was stress and not to worry about it. That’s not stress. It was radiation damage. But again, that’s this inhumanity that I was experiencing… Every time I turned around, I saw people that definitely experienced radiation damage. We had one woman who ran from her house to evacuate carrying her dog. About a day after the accident, they realized that she needed to be evacuated. And so she runs barefoot to her car, gets in her car, drives to the resettlement community. She’s highly radioactive. They make her – especially her feet – they make her take her socks off and take showers, wash her down before they let her in. And her feet were black for three years from radiation damage. And that’s not being spoken about in any of the medical journals… [The government wants] to get these other nuclear plants up and running. And if the population is getting ill from radiation effects, it’s a lot harder. So they have… banded together with the medical community. We had numerous doctors say that they were going to lose hospital privileges and things like that. And the people that are keeping track of deaths in Fukushima Prefecture aren’t publishing the data. So the entire government infrastructure, from the people in Tokyo to the underlings in the Prefecture, are all singing the same song: that this is stress, there’s no radiation. And it sure isn’t what I found, I’ll tell youWere it not for the internet, they would have won. And I think the difference between the disaster at Fukushima and the disaster at Chernobyl and TMI is that now we have the internet. It still is an unlevel playing field. There’s still so much money on the other side of it that people are being brainwashed. Oh, that bloody nose you’ve had for the last 3 weeks is stress. So they are being brainwashed.

Read moreNuclear Expert in Fukushima: People’s feet turned black for years because radiation so high — Every time I turned around I saw someone who had radiation damage — Hair falling out, caughing up blood, bodies covered with boils… Officials keeping doctors from telling truth… Public being brainwashed

“EMERGENCY DECLARED” at US nuclear plant — Newspaper: “High radiation triggers alert” — Officials: “Counties surrounding plant alerted of this event” — Gov’t: Unusual Event due to “HIGH HIGH” radiation condition

“EMERGENCY DECLARED” at US nuclear plant — Newspaper: “High radiation triggers alert” — Officials: “Counties surrounding plant alerted of this event” — Gov’t: Unusual Event due to “HIGH HIGH” radiation condition:

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Apr 8, 2016: BROWNS FERRY [Alabama]… Event Date: 04/06/2016… Emergency Class: UNUSUAL EVENT… EMERGENCY DECLARED… OFFSITE NOTIFICATION… UNUSUAL EVENT DECLARED DUE TO MAIN STEAMLINE HIGH HIGH RADIATION CONDITION… At 1545 CDT on 04/06/16 Browns Ferry Unit 3 declared and exited the declaration of an unusual event due to a main steam line high high radiation condition. Power to Unit 3 was reduced to 91 percent power. The high radiation condition alarm cleared at 1526 CDT. Browns Ferry Unit 3 reported that the high radiation conditions were due to resin intrusion from the condensate demineralizers into the reactor and hydrogen water chemistry was a potential contributor to the event. The cause is still under investigation. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. State and Local notifications were made. Notified DHS SWO, FEMA Ops Center, NICC Watch Officer, FEMA NWC and Nuclear SSA (email)… At 1941 [CDT] BFN [Brown’s Ferry] determined this notification to be potentially newsworthy due to receiving notification that counties [surrounding the plant] were alerted of this event. No plant conditions changed.” The licensee may issue a press release. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector.

Read more“EMERGENCY DECLARED” at US nuclear plant — Newspaper: “High radiation triggers alert” — Officials: “Counties surrounding plant alerted of this event” — Gov’t: Unusual Event due to “HIGH HIGH” radiation condition