ECB Proposes End To Deposit Protection

“Savers should be looking for means in which they can keep their money within instant reach and their reach only.

Protect Your Savings With Gold: ECB Propose End To Deposit Protection:

– Protect Your Savings With Gold: ECB Propose End To Deposit Protection
– New ECB paper proposes ‘covered deposits’ should be replaced to allow for more flexibility
– Fear covered deposits may lead to a run on the banks
– Savers should be reminded that a bank’s word is never its bond and to reduce counterparty exposure
– Physical gold enable savers to stay out of banking system and reduce exposure to bail-ins

It is the ‘opinion of the European Central Bank‘ that the deposit protection scheme is no longer necessary:

‘covered deposits and claims under investor compensation schemes should be replaced by limited discretionary exemptions to be granted by the competent authority in order to retain a degree of flexibility.’

To translate the legalese jargon of the ECB bureaucrats this could mean that the current €100,000 (£85,000) deposit level currently protected in the event of a bail-in may soon be no more. But worry not fellow savers, as the ECB is fully aware of the uproar this may cause so they have been kind enough to propose that:

“…during a transitional period, depositors should have access to an appropriate amount of their covered deposits to cover the cost of living within five working days of a request.”

So that’s a relief, you’ll only need to wait five days for some ‘competent authority’ to deem what is an ‘appropriate amount’ of your own money for you to have access to in order eat, pay bills and get to work.

Read moreECB Proposes End To Deposit Protection

Janet Yellen Meets With Obama In Emergency Meetings As Crises Erupt Worldwide (Video)


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Austria Just Announced A 54% Haircut Of Senior Creditors In First “BAIL IN” Under New European Rules

Austria Just Announced A 54% Haircut Of Senior Creditors In First “Bail In” Under New European Rules:

Just over a year ago, a black swan landed in the middle of Europe, when in what was then dubbed a “Spectacular Development” In Austria, the “bad bank” of failed Hypo Alpe Adria – the Heta Asset Resolution AG – itself went from good to bad, with its creditors forced into an involuntary “bail-in” following the “discovery” of a $8.5 billion capital hole in its balance sheet primarily related to ongoing deterioration in central and eastern European economies.

Austria had previously nationalized Heta’s predecessor Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International six years ago after it nearly collapsed under the bad loans it ran up when it grew rapidly in the former Yugoslavia. Having burnt through €5.5 euros of taxpayers’ money to prop up Hypo Alpe, Finance Minister Hans Joerg Schelling ended support in March 2015, triggering the FMA’s takeover.

Read moreAustria Just Announced A 54% Haircut Of Senior Creditors In First “BAIL IN” Under New European Rules

It’s Official: Canadian Bank Depositors Are Now At Risk Of Bail-Ins

It’s Official: Canadian Bank Depositors Are Now At Risk Of Bail-Ins:

Earlier today, Canada’s new Liberal government unveiled a stimulus budget meant to revive slumping growth with a surge in infrastructure spending and said it would run a deficit nearly three times larger than promised during last year’s election.

The government projected a C$29.4 billion ($22.5 billion) deficit for fiscal 2016-17 and gave no target date for returning to a balanced budget. This budget broke virtually all pledges the Liberals made before the election, including running just three years of deficits of up to C$10 billion before balancing the books by fiscal 2019-20.

Read moreIt’s Official: Canadian Bank Depositors Are Now At Risk Of Bail-Ins

January 1, 2016: The New Bank Bail-In System Goes Into Effect In Europe


January 1, 2016: The New Bank Bail-In System Goes Into Effect In Europe:

If you have a bank account anywhere in Europe, you need to read this article.  On January 1st, 2016, a new bail-in system will go into effect for all European banks.  This new system is based on the Cyprus bank bail-ins that we witnessed a few years ago.  If you will remember, money was grabbed from anyone that had more than 100,000 euros in their bank accounts in order to bail out the banks.  Now the exact same principles that were used in Cyprus are going to apply to all of Europe.  And with the entire global financial system teetering on the brink of chaos, that is not good news for those that have large amounts of money stashed in shaky European banks.

Below, I have shared part of an announcement about this new bail-in system that comes directly from the official website of the European Parliament.  I want you to notice that they explicitly say that “unsecured depositors would be affected last”.  What they really mean is that any time a bank in Europe fails, they are going to come after private bank accounts once the shareholders and bond holders have been wiped out.  So if you have more than 100,000 euros in a European bank right now, you are potentially on the hook when that bank goes under…

Read moreJanuary 1, 2016: The New Bank Bail-In System Goes Into Effect In Europe

Bank Bail-Ins Have Begun, Martial Law and World War III Are Right Around the Corner

H/t reader squodgy:

 “It’s starting…

Bank Bail-Ins Have Begun, Martial Law and World War III Are Right Around the Corner


It is important to not leave more than an operating amount of money in your bank. How close the banks are to a bank holiday is difficult to predict. However, I believe we are seeing the chest pains of a banking system, which will culminate in World War III.”

Greek Deposits Become Eligible For Bail-In On January 1, 2016

Greek Deposits Become Eligible For Bail-In On January 1, 2016 (ZeroHedge, Aug 17, 2015):

Earlier today an EU official was reported as saying that Greek banks will exclude all depositors from losses until the EU’s Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive rules go into effect on Jan. 1, 2016.  Needless to say this was vastly different to Dijsselbloem’s blanket guarantee statement from Friday, and suggests that depositors will indeed be bailed-in, but not right now: only after BRRD rules come in place on the first day of 2016.

Bail-Ins Coming – EU Gives Countries Two Months To Adopt Rules

Bail-Ins Coming – EU Gives Countries Two Months To Adopt Rules (Goldcore, June 4, 2015):

– 11 countries face legal action if bail-in rules are not enacted within two months
– Bail-in legislation aims at removing state responsibility when banks collapse
– Rules place burden on creditors – among whom depositors are counted
– Austria abolished bank deposit guarantee in April
– “Bail-in regimes” coming globally


The European Commission has ordered 11 EU countries to enact the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) within two months or be hauled before the EU Court of Justice, according to a report from Reuters on Friday.

Read moreBail-Ins Coming – EU Gives Countries Two Months To Adopt Rules

HM Treasury: Bail-In Powers Implementation (PDF)

‘Possibly’ related info:

UK Housing Bubble Bursts: Sales Of Luxury Homes Crash By 80%; “Waves Of Wealthy People Are Leaving”:

As the FT reports, “sales of homes worth more than £2m have dropped by 80 per cent in the past year.”… “It is like the 1970s again, when waves of wealthy people left Britain and it was a disaster.”

George Soros As The Fighting Uruk-hai With Jacob Rothschild As Saruman

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H/t reader squodgy:

“Here are the official Tory/LibDem Government reports on legalising using our personal savings & pensions & Building Society Accounts to pay back the Rothschild masters.

PDF: HM Treasury – Bail-In Powers Implementation

PDF: The Building Societies (Bail-in) Order Consultation Draft

Just in case you didn’t believe me…..VOTE …NONE of the above.”

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They Are Coming

Gandalf (reading):

“They have taken the bridge and the second hall. We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes, drums… drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A shadow lurks in the dark. We can not get out… they are coming.”

Read moreHM Treasury: Bail-In Powers Implementation (PDF)

The Confiscation Of Bank Deposits And The Derivative Debt – Making Cyprus-Style Bail-Ins A Worldwide Reality (Video)

Dec 31, 2014


Last month’s G20 Summit in Australia came and went without the protests and riots we’ve come to expect at the summit in recent years. But as author and researcher Ellen Brown notes, the real fireworks happened behind closed doors, where the group rubber stamped new regulations that will make Cyprus style bank bail-ins a worldwide reality.

This is the GRTV Feature Interview with Ellen Brown and your host, James Corbett.