– FOIA Request On Susan Rice’s Unmaskings Rejected Because “Records Were Moved To Obama Library”:
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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
– Syrian War: AIPAC vs. The American People (Veterans Today)
– AIPAC 101 – What Every American Should Know
– Paul Craig Roberts: ‘AIPAC Owns The US Puppet Government’
– Rice: US Dedicated To Israel’s Security (TPM/AP, May 9, 2013):
JERUSALEM (AP) — President Barack Obama’s security adviser says U.S. investment in Israel’s defense shows it is committed to its security.
Susan Rice said Friday that the Obama administration and Israel recently signed an agreement for further U.S investment in its Iron Dome system.
Born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 1946, Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley is a philosopher of history who seeks to provide the programs and strategies needed to overcome the current world crisis. As an activist historian he first became widely known for his book George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still a must read. AB Princeton 1966, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa; Fulbright Scholar at University of Turin, Italy; MA in humanities from Skidmore College; and Ph.D. in early modern history from the Catholic University of America with emphasis on the role of Venice in the origins of the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648). During 2008, he warned of the dangers of an Obama presidency controlled by Wall Street with Obama: The Postmodern Coup, The Making of a Manchurian Candidate and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography. His interest in economics is reflected in Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human History Against Oligarchy. His books have appeared in Japanese, German, Italian, French, and Spanish.
– Coup and counter-coup in Washington (PressTV, Nov 19, 2012):
Sometimes, generals purge politicians. In 1648, during the English Civil War, Colonel Pride and his troops removed those members of the Long Parliament who opposed military domination; the puppets who remained were called the Rump Parliament.
This year, a cabal of generals evidently believed it could secure the White House for Mitt Romney by staging the Benghazi incident and using it as the signal for a cold coup under cover of elections — probably including computer-generated election fraud — to bring down Obama. They guessed wrong.
Read moreDr. Webster Tarpley: Coup And Counter-Coup In Washington