Dr. Webster Tarpley: Coup And Counter-Coup In Washington


Born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 1946, Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley is a philosopher of history who seeks to provide the programs and strategies needed to overcome the current world crisis. As an activist historian he first became widely known for his book George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still a must read. AB Princeton 1966, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa; Fulbright Scholar at University of Turin, Italy; MA in humanities from Skidmore College; and Ph.D. in early modern history from the Catholic University of America with emphasis on the role of Venice in the origins of the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648). During 2008, he warned of the dangers of an Obama presidency controlled by Wall Street with Obama: The Postmodern Coup, The Making of a Manchurian Candidate and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography. His interest in economics is reflected in Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human History Against Oligarchy. His books have appeared in Japanese, German, Italian, French, and Spanish.

Coup and counter-coup in Washington (PressTV, Nov 19, 2012):

Sometimes, generals purge politicians. In 1648, during the English Civil War, Colonel Pride and his troops removed those members of the Long Parliament who opposed military domination; the puppets who remained were called the Rump Parliament.

This year, a cabal of generals evidently believed it could secure the White House for Mitt Romney by staging the Benghazi incident and using it as the signal for a cold coup under cover of elections — probably including computer-generated election fraud — to bring down Obama. They guessed wrong.

Read moreDr. Webster Tarpley: Coup And Counter-Coup In Washington

Is This Mitt Romney’s Shameful Secret: Bain Capital Is A Mossad Asset? (Veterans Today)

Related info:

Romney Tobacco Deal With Russian Mob and GOP (Veterans Today)

LA Times: Romney’s A Drug-Money Launderer

Breaking News: Romney’s Bain Capital Exposed As Cash Laundry For Bush Drug Cartel (Video)

Is this Mitt’s shameful secret: Bain is a Mossad asset? (Veterans Today, Nov 3, 2012):

by Ralph Forbes (featured guest, along with Bev Harris of BlackBoxVoting, on the Kevin Barrett show election day special, this coming Tuesday, Nov. 6th,  11 a.m., NoLiesRadio.org, archived here)

Mitt Romney, Benyamin Netanyahu—and the enigmatic Orit Gadiesh (pronounced o-REET GUH-deesh)—crossed paths circa 1973 when Bill Bain and 6 partners left BCG (Boston Consulting Group) to form Bain and Company. In 1984 Bain, Romney and two other partners form Bain Capital, which amoeba-like, split off from the parent company. They were separate—yet somewhat incestuous. It started with $37 million—but within a year business Romney’s Bain Capital was about to go out of business—until Mitt teamed up with Leo Kahn and Thomas G. Stemberg and started Staples. Romney gained total control via the management company, Bain Capital Inc.—but the evidence shows that Mossad was the secret controlling partner.

Read moreIs This Mitt Romney’s Shameful Secret: Bain Capital Is A Mossad Asset? (Veterans Today)

Breaking News: Romney’s Bain Capital Exposed As Cash Laundry For Bush Drug Cartel (Video)

Breaking: Romney’s “Bain Capitol” Drug Front For Bush Cartel (Video) (Veterans Today, Oct 15, 2012):

Romney Candidacy Takes Major Blow as Bain Exposed as Cartel Cash Laundry

I can’t guarantee the video you will see will save your grandchildren or bring back our freedoms.  What I can guarantee is this:  Anyone who sees this will demand the immediate arrest of Mitt Romney and the entire Bush drug cartel.


The slide chosen from the video is a favorite.  There is a reason for that, it is appropriate.  The video deals with one aspect of Romney’s character and how he earned the trust of some very dangerous people.  I am trusted by a select group of special operations personnel because I have shown myself capable of acts I may now regret, acts done, theoretically, in defense of my country.

I now questions those things, were I to do less, I would be less than human.  “Less than human,” that has a ring to it.

The film is made by someone making all the right assumptions about Romney, that he would not be where is he unless he had done something to earn the trust of, well, of the absolutely worst people on earth.

He has proven himself “one of them,” a man who has shown there is nothing he won’t do, a man who has proven he has no respect for human life, no consideration for humanity whatsoever, a man in the image of Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger, a man of the “Bush” mold, a “superior man,” one of the Nietsche crowd that looks on us, on our children and grandchildren and sees only “useless eaters, “not even cannon fodder.

To “Mitt,” throwing us into gas chambers would be considered too much of a couresty or bother.  If you feel I am overstating, you obviously didn’t see the film.

Recent talk has been about civil war.  I have watched Americans who stood for honor and decency murdered, imprisoned, poisoned, put in mental hospitals, destroyed economically while the nation has been systematically looted.

This is a 40 minute video.

Send it to everyone you know.  Watch the whole thing.

Read moreBreaking News: Romney’s Bain Capital Exposed As Cash Laundry For Bush Drug Cartel (Video)