Silent Death – Horror Scenario Awaits Japan (The Low-Level Radiation Myth Exposed)

From the article:

Does that mean that NOW 25 years after Chernobyl those people are getting seriously ill who were back then exposed to low-level radiation?

Yes, indeed. Those who have been adults back then survived 25 years and are NOW getting sick. We call it the silent death. Those who have been children back then got sick a lot earlier – often times with fatal consequences.

How do I have to imagine life in those contaminated areas?

Life? Above all there is death, silent death, mainly cancer. People die of all sorts of diseases related to Strontium, affecting for example the heart muscle, whose energy becomes dysfunctional. We have studies from Belarus documenting that already 2-year-old to 4-year-old children die of acute heart failure. It does not have to be cancer. The people die of kidney and liver failure and all kinds of blood diseases, also known as ‘Chernobyl AIDS’.

Now compare that to what the Japanese people are being told  by their elite puppet government:

NHK Calls 20 Millisieverts/Year ‘Low-Level Radiation’ & The Lies Of Minister Goshi Hosono

Dörte Siedentopf is a member of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), which is a non-partisan federation of national medical groups in 63 countries, representing tens of thousands of doctors, medical students, other health workers, and concerned citizens who share the common goal of creating a more peaceful and secure world freed from the threat of nuclear annihilation. The organization’s headquarters is in Somerville, Massachusetts.

English summary by Fukushima Diary’s Mochizuki at the end of this article.

Das leise Sterben – Horrorszenario wartet auf Japan (NTV, March 19,  2011):

Dörte Siedentopf bereist seit 20 Jahren verstrahlte Regionen rund um Tschernobyl. Dort und auch hier in Deutschland hilft sie Betroffenen der Katastrophe. Siedentopf ist Mitglied des IPPNW, der internationalen Ärztevereinigung für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges. Mit spricht sie über das traurige Leben und leise Sterben in den Dörfern Weißrusslands und über das, was auf die Japaner nach dem Reaktorunfall von Fukushima zukommen könnte. Aus Ihren Erfahrungen, die Sie seit 20 Jahren mit den Strahlenopfern von Tschernobyl machen, wüsste ich gerne von Ihnen, was auf die Menschen in Japan zukommt.

Dörte Siedentopf: Neben den ganz akuten Verstrahlungen, denen die Liquidatoren, also die Arbeiter im Atomkraftwerk, ausgesetzt sind und deren Schicksal sich jeder ausmalen kann, gilt unser Augenmerk insbesondere jenen Tausenden oder Hunderttausenden von Menschen, die der Niedrigstrahlung ausgesetzt sind. Bei all den schlimmen Bildern dieser Katastrophe und den Geschichten über jene Männer, auf die ein mehr oder weniger schneller Tod oder ein langes Siechtum wartet, vergessen wir viel zu schnell die Erkrankungen, die sich über Jahre in den Körpern der Niedrigverstrahlten ausbreiten.

Gibt es schon konkrete Angaben über eine atomare Verseuchung im Umfeld der Kraftwerke von Fukushima?

Verlässliche Informationen dazu gibt es leider kaum. Jüngst erreichten uns Nachrichten, wonach Cäsium an die Umwelt abgegeben worden sein. Dies möchte mal als ein Beispiel heranziehen: Das Cäsium ist dem Kalium biologische ähnlich und der menschliche Körper kann nicht zwischen dem guten Kalium und dem Cäsium unterscheiden. Der Körper nimmt es über die Atmung und die Nahrung auf. Man kann sich nicht davor schützen. Nach der Aufnahme baut sich das Cäsium selbstständig in die Körperzellen ein und zerstört dort den Energiehaushalt der Zellen. Dabei ist es völlig unerheblich, ob es sich um Leber-, Nieren- oder Hirnzellen handelt. Diese befallene Zelle stirbt ab, nachdem sie vorher noch ihre Nachbarzellen in Mitleidenschaft zieht. Damit beginnt ein unheimlicher Kreislauf. Wie das Leben mit einer Zelle beginnt, beginnt in diesem Fall auch das Sterben.

Wie hoch ist denn die Latenzzeit des eingebauten Cäsiums?

Das hängt davon ab, wer das Cäsium aufnimmt. Kinder sind mehr gefährdet, weil sich ihre Zellen pausenlos teilen. Weil sie wachsen, benötigen sie dauernd Energie und müssen dauernd mit der Schädigung ihrer Zellen zurechtkommen. Erwachsene, die weniger Zellenteilungen insgesamt haben, weil ihre Organe schon ausgewachsen sind, sind zunächst nicht so schlimm gefährdet. Bei Kindern treten die bösartigen Erkrankungen demnach schneller auf – bereits nach einem bis vier Jahren, wie wir von Tschernobyl wissen. Bei Erwachsenen beträgt die Latenzzeit 20 bis 25 Jahre.

Das heißt, dass jetzt, 25 Jahre nach Tschernobyl jene Menschen schwer erkranken, die damals der so genannten Niedrigverstrahlung ausgesetzt waren?

Ja, so ist es. Die damaligen Erwachsenen haben 25 Jahre überlebt und werden jetzt krank. Wir sprechen vom leisen Sterben. Die damaligen Kinder sind schon viel früher erkrankt – oft mit tödlichem Ausgang.

Was bedeutet das für die Fortpflanzung der Menschen?

Das Cäsium ist auch in den Vererbungszellen vorhanden. Prekär ist, dass sich das Cäsium auch in den Ovarien und den Eizellen der Frau einnistet. Weil sich diese nicht erneuern, sind sie zeitlebens geschädigt. Auch wenn sich beim Mann die Spermien erneuern, geben auch sie die Information der Schädigung bei der Befruchtung weiter. Entweder, es können gar keine Kinder mehr gezeugt werden, oder aber sie bekommen durch Vater und Mutter Fehlinformationen in der Zukunft. Das Ergebnis kann man sich gar nicht ausmalen. Die Verantwortlichen in Japan hätten schon längst Frauen und Kinder in den Süden des Landes bringen müssen. Weshalb sie das nicht taten, ist aus meiner Sicht völlig unverständlich. Es wird massig Leukämien geben. Diese Cäsiumwolke ist eine Katastrophe für die Japaner, und von allen anderen Radionukliden wissen wir noch gar nichts.

Gehört hat man auch von Jod und Strontium.

Damit ist das Radiojod gemeint, das ganz unterschiedlich auf die aktive Schilddrüse der Kinder wirkt. Weil die Kinder wachsen, nehmen deren Schilddrüsen viel mehr Radiojod auf als die der Erwachsenen. Erfahrungen aus Tschernobyl haben gezeigt, dass die Zahl der Schilddrüsenkrebsfälle bei Kindern sprunghaft ansteigen wird. Darauf müssen sich die Japaner leider einstellen.

Und Strontium?

Das ist auch ein verteufeltes Radionuklid, das dem Calcium ähnlich ist. Der Körper kann nicht zwischen beiden unterscheiden. Wenn es angeboten wird, nimmt es der Mensch über die Nahrungskette auf. Es wird in die Knochen und Zähne eingebaut, strahlt dort und trifft auf das Knochenmark, wo die blutbildenden Organe sitzen: Die Stammzellen, aus denen die roten und weißen Blutkörperchen und die Thrombozyten entstehen. Diese Zellen werden durch das Strontium geschädigt, und zwar ein Leben lang, denn das Strontium bleibt, wo es ist und strahlt mit kurzer Beta-Strahlung.

Gibt es Angaben, wann ein Umfeld um einen geschädigten Reaktor herum wieder als gereinigt angesehen werden kann?

Halbwertzeit heißt ja nur, dass die Hälfte der Strahlung weg ist. Man muss jede Halbwertzeit mit zehn multiplizieren, um eine Vorstellung zu haben, wann dieses Radioisotop weg ist aus der biologischen Umgebung. Das wären bei Strontium und Cäsium rund 400 Jahre. Das heißt, es  ist als Niedrigstrahlung vorhanden in allem, was biologisch irgendwie vorstellbar ist. Natürlich auch im Grundwasser.

Wie muss ich mir das Leben in den verseuchten Gebieten vorstellen?

Das Leben? Es wird vor allem gestorben. Es wird still gestorben. Hauptsächlich am Krebs. Es wird gestorben an allen Krankheiten, bei denen das Strontium eine Rolle spielt. So ist zum Beispiel der Herzmuskel befallen, dessen Energie nicht mehr funktioniert. Wir haben Untersuchungen aus Weißrussland, die belegen, dass bereits Kinder im Alter von zwei, drei, vier Jahren an akuter Herzschwäche sterben. Es muss gar nicht immer Krebs sein. Die Menschen sterben an Nierenversagen, Leberversagen und sämtlichen Blutbildproblematiken. Diese sind auch unter dem Begriff Tschernobyl-Aids bekannt – mit chancenlosem Ausgang.

Gibt es am Ende eine gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz, mit dem Unglück zu leben?

Ja, scheinbar ist es so. Ich fahre jetzt seit 20 Jahren in regelmäßigen Abständen in die Gegend um Tschernobyl, aber die Menschen wollen noch immer nicht über das Unglück und ihre Zukunft reden. Sie leben in Demut und mit dem Tod. Es gibt keine Familie, die nicht mit einem solchen Todesfall konfrontiert ist. Junge Menschen, auch ganz junge, haben Krankheiten, wie wir sie nur von Alten kennen. Dort gibt es junge Leute, die gehen aus dem Haus und fallen tot um. Gestorben an akuter Herzschwäche. Ein Schlaganfall mit 20, 25, 30 ist keine Seltenheit.

Über Plutonium haben wir noch gar nicht gesprochen, das austreten könnte, wenn es explosionsartig doch noch zu einem Super-GAU kommt.

Wenn einer der Reaktoren tatsächlich explodieren sollte, dann kommt es zu einer Katastrophe, an die ich noch gar nicht denken möchte. Plutonium ist das größte Gift auf dieser Welt. Die Hälfte der Brennstäbe in diesen Reaktoren soll ja plutoniumhaltig sein. Auch wenn man nur ganz wenig von diesem Plutonium aufnimmt, entwickelt sich ein Lungen-Karzinom. Dagegen kann sich der Körper nicht wehren. Er ist dann auch nicht mehr heilbar. Hunderttausende könnte daran zu Grunde gehen.

Mit Dörte Siedentopf sprach Peter Poprawa

Slow death (Fukushima Diary, Nov. 6, 2011):

(Slow Death- Japan is awaiting nightmare (summary))

Dörte Siedentopf has been travelling in regions around Chernobyl for 20 years to help victims, she is member of the IPPNW and speaks about the slow death in Belarus and what could happen in Japan after Fukushima. Peter Poprawa interviewed her on n-tv.

She says:
Of course workers in the plant suffer from radiation but also thousands and hundreds of thousands of persons who suffer from low radiation. We tend to forget that low radiation that accumulates in people’s bodies causes ailments.

The body cannot distinguish between Caesium (cesium is US spelling) and Potassium, so the body accumulates Caesium via breath and food. You cannot protect yourself from that. After ingestion, the body integrates Caesium in its cells and destroys the energy balance of the cells. That is, of all kinds of cells! The cells die afterwards.

Children are more endangered than adults, because their cells divide themselves constantly. Because they grow, they need permanent energy and have to deal with the impairment of their cells. With children, ailments will start earlier, one to four years afterwards, such as in the case of Chernobyl. Adults have a latency period for Cesium of 20-25 years. It is a slow death, adults who survived 25 years become ill now. The children got sick much earlier and often died.

Cesium also accumulates in reproductive cells, also in the ovaries and women’s human eggs. Those do not reproduce, so they are damaged for the whole span of life. Men’s sperm does reproduce, but they also hand on damaged information. Either infertility will occur or damaged information will be handed on. Responsible persons should have brought women and children to the south a long time ago. There will be a lot of cases of leukemia. The cesium cloud is a catastrophe for Japanese people and we still do not know much about other radionucleotids.

Children are also more apt to accumulating Iodine in their thyroids. The numbers of cases of thyroid cancer will rise.

Strontium is similar to potassium. The body cannot discern between them. So people absorb it via food. It will be integrated in bones and teeth and will affect bone marrow, where blood is produced. There are stem cells that are transformed into white blood cells and blood plates. Strontium will stay there for the whole life span and emits Beta-radiation.

Half life time means that only half of the radiation has disappeared. You have to multiply the half life time by ten in order to know approximately, when it disappeared from the environment. In the case of Strontium and Cesium that would be 400 years.

People will suffer from cancer. And from ailments that are related to strontium. Strontium affects the heart muscle. Children die from cardiac insufficiency by the age of 2,3 or 4 years (that was the case in Chernobyl). Kidneys and liver stop working, blood will be affected. Those effects on the blood are also known as “Chernobyl Aids” with deadly consequences.

I am visiting the region around Chernobyl for 20 years and people still do not want to talk about the accident and their future. They live with the death. There is no family that is not confronted with death. Young people suffer from ailments that we knew only from the elderly. People leave their house and drop dead. Cardiac Insuffiency. Also strokes with 20, 25 or 30 years are not rare.

Half of the fuel rods in Fukushima seems to contain plutonium. Even if you ingest only a small amount of plutonium, lung carcinoma will develop. The body can do nothing against that. It is not curable.



More info:

Prof. Chris Busby: Ongoing (Out Of Control) Fission At Fukushima

German Radiation Expert Warns Of Possibility Of Nuclear Explosion At Fukushima

Radiation Hot Spots All Around Elementary School In Ibaraki (30 km From Tokyo), 120,000 Bq/Kg of Cesium In Soil Near Entrance

21.44 MicroSieverts/Hr At Koriyama School 60 Km From Fukushima Nuclear Plant (Video)

Video of Packbot Cleaning Reactor 3?s 1st Floor In Extremely High Radiation – 620 Millisieverts/Hr AFTER Cleaning! (Video)

Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara To Tokyo Residents Who Protest Against Radioactive Disaster Debris From Iwate: ‘SHUT UP’

Insane Japan: Radioactive Debris Burning Begins (Resulting Radioactive Ash And Incombustibles To Be Used As Landfill In Tokyo Bay)

CRIMINALS: Koriyama City in Fukushima To Feed 2011 Rice To School Kids

2.22 Microsieverts/Hour In Front Of Junior High School In Tokyo Area (Video – Nov. 3, 2011)

Acute Leukemia Cases Spiking In Japan

Insane Japan: Radioactive Disaster Debris Arrives In Tokyo From Iwate Prefecture … To Be Crushed And Burned And Buried In The Landfill In Tokyo Bay

The Costly Fallout Of Tatemae And Japan’s Culture Of Deceit (Japan Times): ‘As The Public – Possibly Worldwide – Sickens Over Time, The Truth Will Leak Out’

Radiation In Tokyo Bay 15 Times Higher Than Limit Set By Nuclear Safety Commission

Cesium-134 And Cesium-137 From Fukushima Already 95% Of Chernobyl

Fukushima Reactor 2 CV Gas Analysis: 100-Fold Increase in Krypton-85 In One Day

Nuclear Fission At Fukushima Reactor 2

Japanese Physician’s Diagnose Radiation As Cause Of Unusual Changes In Children (Video)

Japanese Government Official Drinks Fukushima Nuclear Plant Water!

Tokyo’s High Radiation Supermarket: It’s Radium Again, Emitting 40 Millisieverts/Hr Radiation

Scientist Marco Kaltofen’s Presents Data To APHA Confirming Hot Particles – Highest US Topsoil Radioactive Cesium Findings Over 10,000% Higher Than Highest Findings By UC Berkeley – ENORMOUS Radiation Exposure To The Population In Japan After The Earthquake

The Fukushima Melt-Outs: Chernobyl Versus Fukushima – An Overview

Japanese Government Still Refusing To Evacuate Fukushima Children (Video)

Cesium-137 Flow Into Ocean 30 Times Greater Than Stated By TEPCO: Report (Kyodo)

Ocean Absorbed 79 Percent Of Fukushima Fallout – ‘High Concentrations’ Reached North America And Europe (Forbes, Oct. 29, 2011)

AND NOW: 110 Volunteers and Residents to ‘DECONTAMINATE’ High Radiation Area in Fukushima City

Fukushima Beef Now Officially Banned (BBC News – Video)

AND NOW: 110 Microsieverts Per Hour Detected At Tokyo Supermarket

France’s IRSN Estimate Of Radioactive Cesium-137 Leaked Into The Pacific Ocean: 27,100 Terabequerels = 20 Times TEPCO’s Estimate!

AND NOW: Burned Radioactive Sewage Sludge Dumped In Tokyo Bay (Video)

Kashiwa Government Insists Being Unable To Handle Radiation Hotspot On Its Own (Daily Yomiuri, Oct. 28, 2011)

Japan Considers Building New Capital In Case Of Emergency (Telegraph, Oct. 27, 2011)

If Fukushima Reactor No. 4 Fuel Rods Spill On The Ground Tokyo And Yokohama Will Be Lost

Local Japanese TV Channel Reports 120 Microsieverts Per Hour At Koriyama Train Station – ‘The Color Of The Trees Were Changed’ (Video)

80-120 Microsieverts Per Hour in Koriyama City, 60 Km From Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Fukushima: Water Containing 2,600 Bq/Liter Tritium Sprayed In Plant Compound

BBC Report: Fukushima Engineer Warns Of Nuclear Power Nightmare (Oct. 24, 2011 – Video)

AND NOW: Japanese Government BURNS HIGHLY RADIOACTIVE SOIL In New Experiment To Remove Radioactive Cesium (!!!)

Extremely High Levels Of Radiation Detected At 2 Schools In Chiba Prefecture

Total Insanity: ‘Decontamination’ In Japan (Video)

US Government’s Top Nuclear Regulator Gregory Jaczko: No One Died From Radiation Exposure At Fukushima

58 Microsieverts Per Hour Detected In Used Car At Japanese Port

AND NOW: Dangerously Radioactive Second-Hand Cars Haunting Japan

AND NOW: Radioactive Concrete At 2.5 Microsieverts Per Hour Sold In Japan Home Center Store

Fukushima Re-Criticality Neutron Feast – Dancing With The Devil In North America (VIDEO)

Fukushima Report: Reactors 5 And 6 In Trouble – Unlisted Disposable Workers Forced To Work Until They Die – Many Police Officers Dead Because Of High Radiation Exposure

Researchers Find 6.15 MILLION Becquerels Per Square Metre In Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People), 4 Times Higher Than Chernobyl Mandatory Evacuation Area

IAEA To Japanese People: Don’t Worry Be Happy … While Citizens Groups Find More Radiation Hot Spots In Tokyo

Kashiwa City’s Radioactive Dirt: 276,000 Bq/Kg of Cesium!!!!!

High Internal Radiation Exposure Found In Japanese Children

The Nuclear Priesthood Exposed – Fukushima Update: Worrying Radiation Hot Spots In Tokyo (Interview With Chief Nuclear Engineer Arnie Gunderson – Video)

Germany’s ZDF ‘Heute Show’ Making Fun Of TEPCO & Japanese Government Criminals

Radiation in Fukushima Rivers, Wells Soars

Over 50% Of Tested Seafood Samples From Japanese Supermarkets Contain Radioactive Cesium

Neutron Ray From Uranium Detected In Tokyo (Video)

Fukushima Nuclear Plant: 450 Tonnes of Groundwater Per Day Seeping into Reactor/Turbine Buildings

Japanese Communities Detect Chernoblyl-Level Radiation (ABC News – Video)

TOKYO: 29 Out Of 30 Teas Contaminated With Radioactive Cesium, 3 Exceeding Provisional Safety Limit

Local Government Official Oyama Koichi Tells Young People To Leave Japan

ALERT! – Saint Louis, MO: Radioactive Rain At 2.76 mR/Hr, 270 Times Over Background Radiation, Highest Reading So Far (Oct. 17, 2011)

Prof. Chris Busby Update On Supplements To Block Fukushima Radiation (Video)

Radioactive Debris In Japan: Government To Municipalities: Don’t Tell Anyone – Don’t Say No

Massive Amounts Radioactive Ash And Sludge Pile Up In Japan

Tokyo: 3.60 Microsieverts Per Hour In Roadside Mud (Video – Oct. 16, 2011)

Media Concealed Leaked TEPCO Report: 120 Billion Becquerels of Plutonium, 7.6 Trillion Becquerels of Neptunium (Decays Into Plutonium) Released In First 100 Hours

20 Radiation Hot Spots Around Tokyo

High Concentrations Of Radioactive Cesium Found In PLANKTON (NHK, Oct. 15, 2011)

Japan Nuclear Agency Secretly Calculated Fukushima Meltdown Risks

Radioactive Fukushima Rice Headed For Restaurants And Schools … And Consumers In Tokyo!

Tokyo’s Setagaya Officials: Radiation Spike Unlikely From Fukushima (Sure!)

ALL Fukushima Rice All Cleared For Shipment … Radioactive Or Not!

Fukushima Journalist Takes On TEPCO

Prof. Hirotada Ohashi, One Of The ‘Plutonium Brothers’, Was A TEPCO Employee!

NHK Caught Manipulating Truth About Radiation Danger Again

Radioactive Cesium From Breast Milk From Mothers In Hiroshima Prefecture (840 Km From Fukushima Nuclear Plant)

High Radiation Dose Readings Marked In Spots In Tokyo, Chiba

German TV-Channel ZDF ‘Frontal 21? Interviews Fukushima Workers And Exposes Inhumane Working Conditions (Video – English Subtitles)

How Kindergartens and Elementary Schools Enjoy Radioactive Autumn in Japan!

TEPCO Uses Low-Level Radioactive Water To Spray Fukushima Nuclear Compound

300,000 Bq/m² of Radioactive Cesium at Okutama Region Where Tokyo’s Drinking Water Comes From

Tokyo Tap Water In Crisis, Comes From Chernobyl-Like Contaminated Area (100,000 – 300,000 Bq/m2):

However, Okutama area, where Tokyo tap water comes is as dangerous as “contaminated area” in Chernobyl.

According to the data above, 100,000 ~ 300,000 Bq/m2 was measured in Okutama area.

Casualties Mount in Japanese Radiation War – Fukushima on Facebook

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Finds 51,000 Bequerels/Square Meter Radioactive Cesium In Shinjuku Soil

Osaka: Fukushima Made Bridge Girders Read 700 Microsieverts

Senior Fukushima Nuclear Engineer: ‘It’s Endless, Endless’ – ‘The Task Will Never End’

Incinerator Near Tokyo Shut Down, High Levels Of Radioactive Cesium Detected In Ash

Japan’s Ministry of the Environment Determined More Than Ever to Spread Radioactive Disaster Debris All Over Japan

Iitate (45 Km From Fukushima Nuke Plant): Despite Removing Topsoil Radiation Levels Remain High – All Forests Must Be Cut Down To Reduce Contamination

CRIMINALS OF THE WORST KIND: Japanese Government Will No Longer Measure PLUTONIUM (The Deadliest Substance On The Planet)!!!

Dr. Helen Caldicott Blasting The Nuclear ‘Death’ & ‘Cancer’ Industry – ’40% Of The European Landmass Is Still Radioactive’

Radiation Cover-up in Japan: Prof. Frank Daulton: Radiation 500 Km From Fukushima Is Ten Times Higher Than What The Japanese Government Claims

Radioactive ‘Ekiden’ Marathon Race In Fukushima City In 1 Microsievert/Hr Radiation For Teenage Female Runners

15 Bq/m² Plutonium (The Deadliest Substance On The Planet) Detected In Minamisoma Soil 45 Km From Fukushima Nuclear Plant – Radioactive Strontium Found 80 Km From Fukushima Nuke Plant

Fukushima Children Forced To Drink Radioactive Milk At School (Upper House Budget Committee, Sep. 29, 2011 – Video)

Japan: New Government Maps Show Wide Dispersion of Plutonium and Strontium

Whistleblower Prof. Kenichi Matsumoto: Japan’s PM ‘Isolated, Out Of His Depth’ (Video)

Tokyo To Burn Massive Amounts Of Radioactive Debris From Tohoku

Japanese PM Considered EVACUATION of Tokyo (ABC News)

GENOCIDE: Prof. Chris Busby Exposes The Sinister Agenda Behind The Japanese Government Trucking Higly Radioactive Material From The Fukushima Area ALL OVER JAPAN To Burn It

Fukushima Desolation Worst Since Nagasaki As Residents Flee

Radiation Leakage From Fukushima Nuclear Plant So High In August It Exceeded Monitoring Equipment’s Maximum Measuring Capacity

Fukushima Evacuation-Ready Zone To Be Abolished On Sep. 30, 2011

Radioactive Train In Tokyo Metropolitan Area: Over 10 Microsievert/Hour Inside Train (Video)

105,600 Bq/Kg of Radioactive Cesium Found On Apartment Bldg Rooftop in Yokohama City

BBC Fukushima Propaganda Debunked (Video)

Japanese Government To Give Radioactive Canned Fish To Developing Countries For Free To Dispel Radiation ‘Rumor’ (NHK – Video)

Thom Hartmann, RT: Fukushima A Dire Warning To The World – Japan (Video Exposing The Criminal Japanese Government)

Fairewinds: Safety Problems In All (Mark I) Reactors Designed Like Fukushima – Introducing A Japanese Language Edition

Prof. Chris Busby: Help Save Children Of Fukushima From Radiation! (Video Exposing The Evil Japanese Government)

Japanese Government to Invite Foreigners Who Have Large Facebook and Twitter Followers to Tohoku So That They Can Tell Their Followers ‘Japan Is Safe’

Japan’s Fukushima ‘Worst In History’ – Very Dangerous Hot Spots In Tokyo – Government Traitors Still Lying (Video)

Tokyo: 60,000 Rally Against Nukes

Japanese Government To Send Seafood, Goods Made in Fukushima, Miyagi, Iwate As AID To Developing Nations

Radioactive Japan: 42,000 Bq/Kg Cesium In Dirt In Yokohama City

Japan To Promote Use Of Potentially Radioactive Lumber With ‘Eco-Point’ Incentive

Voluntary Radiation Decontamination In Japan: Shorts, Short-Sleeve T-Shirts, No Masks, Sneakers, With Small Kids (In Other Words, All The Things You Should Never Do)

Japan: Area Of More Than 8,000 Square Km Accumulated Cesium-137 Levels Of 30,000 Bec/Sq Meter

Huge Amounts Of Neptunium 239 Detected 60 Km From Fukushima!!!

Japanese Government Trying To Stop Citizens From Taking Their Own Radiation Measurements (NHK ‘Sunday Debate’ Program)

Prof. Chris Busby On Children Suffering Heart Attacks In Fukushima

Geiger Counter Measures 0.378 Microsieverts In Tokyo Train Station 1 Meter Above Ground!!!

Japan ‘Misstated’ Radiation … ‘And So Exposed People Unnecessarily’ (WSJ)

Prof. Hiroaki Koide of Kyoto University: ‘Massive amounts of radioactive materials will be released into the environment again’ – Fukushima Reactor Core May Have Sunk Into The Ground – ‘We are now head to head with a situation that mankind has never faced before’

Fukushima Nuclear Plant Back Into Recriticality

Fukushima: Radioactive Release Into Sea Estimated Triple

More Cover-Ups: TEPCO’s Extreme Blackout (Submits Almost Entirely Redacted Documents – Video)

Former Japan PM Kan: TEPCO Wanted To Abandon Fukushima! … ‘NOBODY MIGHT LIVE IN TOKYO NOW’

Mystery Flash At Fukushima Nuclear Plant (Video – Sep. 5, 2011)

4 Above Limit Radioactive Cesium Tea Products Reach Market

TEPCO: Plutonium 238, 239, 240 Detected At Fukushima Playground, Considered To Be From Triple Meltdown

28,000 Becquerels/Kg Of Radioactive Cesium In Wild Mushrooms in Fukushima

Tokyo University Soil Expert: ‘This Is A Disaster Affecting All Residents Of Japan’ – ‘In 5-10 Years Time Cancer Or Illness Will Show’

Radioactive Fish Above Legal Limit Caught in River North Of Tokyo – ‘Survey Finds Radiation Over Wide Area in Japan’ (Wall Street Journal)

Greenpeace: Fukushima Schools Unsafe For Children With Radiation Readings As Much As 70 Times Above Safety Limit

Fukushima Released 76 TRILLION Bequerels Of Plutonium 239

DOOMED: Japan Gov. To Allow All RADIOACTIVE Material To Be Burned And Buried

Fukushima Soil Contamination Exceeds Chernobyl Dead Zone At 34 Locations In 6 Municipalities, In One Location The Contamination Level Is More Than 10 Times The Chernobyl Level

Fukushima Cesium-137 Leaks ‘Equal 168 Hiroshimas’

Fukushima City should have been evacuated a long time ago:

Prof. Chris Busby: Fukushima Like the TITANIC – The Japanese Government Is Completely Out Of Order And If It Continuous Its Course Of Action Then It Is A Criminal Organization – ‘I Am Too Frightened To Go Closer To Meltdowns Than 100 Km’ Because Of High Levels Of Radiation

Japanese Government To Finally Admit Forced Indefinite Long-Term Depopulation Of Fukushima Communities

Evacuate FUKUSHIMA: Japanese Journalist Takashi Hirose: ‘It’s Like Killing Our Own Children, I Cannot Allow It To Happen’ – Teachers Force School Children To Eat Food That Their Parents Told Them Not To Eat

Prof. Chris Busby On HOT PARTICLES – ‘The Citizens Of Fukushima Are Living In An Area Which The Soviet Union Would Have Considered To Be An Exclusion Zone In Terms Of Radioactivity’!

WAKE-UP CALL: Prof. Tatsuhiko Kodama of Tokyo University To Japan Government ‘Shaking With Anger’: ‘What Are You Doing?’ (Part 1, 2, 3)

Kobe University Radiation Expert Prof. Tomoya Yamauchi On Fukushima City (290,000 People): ‘Evacuation Must Be Conducted As Soon As Possible’

Alert: Greenpeace Radiation Measurements In Fukushima City: Hot Spots At 500-700 Times Normal!!! (Video)

Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People) Is In Danger: Greenpeace Detects Cobalt-60 And High Radiation ‘Hot Spots’ – Children Should Be Evacuated Immediately

Prof. Hiroaki Koide of Kyoto University On The UGLY TRUTH About The Nuclear Disasters Of Chernobyl And Fukushima (Video)

Fukushima Now Equal To 50 Plus Chernobyls & 3,000 Billion Lethal Doses Of Radiation

How about Tokyo?

‘Severely Contaminated Hotspots’ Found In Tokyo

Prof. Chris Busby: ‘Very High Level Of Contamination Even As Far South As Tokyo. For Example, We Found One Sample In Tokyo That Had Levels Of Radioactivity Higher Than Levels Inside The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. It’s A Very Serious Matter’

Here is what the Japanese and all the other elite puppet governments are really doing here:

Independent Scientist Leuren Moret: Japan, US, Canadian Governments Complicit In Covering Up Fukushima Radiation – ‘We Are Facing Total Extermination And Genocide’ – ‘We Are On Our Own’ (Video & Article)

Independent Scientist Leuren Moret: Nuclear Genocide Of Babies And Children In Japan, US, Canada Grows – Elitist Depopulation Agenda – Global Nuclear Holocaust


Watch these Japanese officials just walk away from begging Fukushima citizens:

This Is Outrageous: Japanese Government Killing Its Own People In Fukushima (Video)

The Japanese people are used as guinea pigs:

Hiroshima To Fukushima, Finishing The Job: A Time For The Kill – ‘The Country Of Japan Is No More And The Land Is Permanently Uninhabitable’ (Veterans Today)

Fukushima Radiation Alarms Doctors And Scientists – ‘We Have Begun To See Increased Nosebleeds, Stubborn Cases Of Diarrhoea, And Flu-Like Symptoms In Children’, Doctor Attributes Symptoms To Radiation Exposure

Wall Street Journal: How the Japanese Government Failed Residents of Namie, Fukushima

Japan’s Nuclear Agency Hides Children Radiation Results

Guinea Pigs: Children In Fukushima To Be Given Regular Cancer Tests … Instead Of Necessary Evacuation!

AND NOW: Japanese Government Sets 100 Millisieverts As New Lifetime Standard

Fallout! (60 Minutes): Japan’s Recovery Won’t Be Measured In Years, But Centuries – Michio Kaku: These Humans Are Guinea Pigs!

Radiation ‘Experiment’ In Japan Just Got Bigger, As Fukushima To Fit All Infants, Kindergarteners, School Children With Radiation Monitoring Badges:

… these are not “dosimeters” but “glass badges” that passively collect radiation information. It won’t help these children or their parents to avoid high-radiation areas and spots, it won’t tell them how much radiation they will have been exposed unless they are sent in to a company to interpret the data.

This is outrageous and it is called mind-control:

Unbelievable: Former NHK Director And Economist: ‘Doesn’t The Kyoto City Government Know That Radioactive Materials Will Be Dissolved And Rendered Harmless Once They Get Burned?’

AND NOW … Meet The 3 Japanese Scientists That Say: ‘Plutonium is Not That Dangerous’ (Video)

How the Brainwashing Was Done in Fukushima: Government Twitter Propaganda Would Make Josef Goebbels Proud

Post-Nuke Reconstruction Plan for Fukushima Prefecture: World-Class Radiation Medicine, Radiation Contamination Removal, Renewable Energy

Not A Joke: Japan Government To Seek UNESCO Endorsement For Its Food To Promote Food Exports And To Restore Trust In The Safety Of Japanese Food

Friggin’ Unbelievable: Fukushima Radiation Health Risk Advisor Prof. Dr. Yamashita Of Nagasaki University On Fukushima And Radiation (MUST-SEE!!!)

And Now: Japanese Doctor Says ‘Radiation Is Good For You’, ‘Like An Angel’s Smile (Even At 50 Millisieverts/Year)’

There are no safe levels of radiation:

Prof. Karl Grossman: ‘Radiation Hormesis An Incredible Lie’

Japanese Cancer Expert on the Fukushima Situation: ‘I Just Cannot Feel Any Hope For Japan’s Future’

AIOM (Italian Association of Medical Oncology) President Carmelo Iacono: ‘Nuclear Radiation Is The Most Carcinogenic Thing That Exists’

IAEA Admits: There Is No Such Thing As ‘Safe’ Levels Of Radiation

Prof. Chris Busby: ‘There’s No Doubt Fukushima Dwarfs Chernobyl’ – ‘There Has Been A Massive Cover-Up And That Cover-Up Is Still Going On (The Negative Health Effects Of Low-Dose Radiation From Fukushima!!!)

Fairewinds’ Founder Maggie Gundersen Interviews Environmental Scientist Marco Kaltofen: Radiation In Food Is Going To Be A Nationwide Problem In The US!

‘Fukushima: Gross Miscarriage Of Radiation Science’ – Childrens Cancer Risk From Radiation Is 10 To 100 Times Higher For The Same Exposure To Adults

Physicians For Social Responsibility Press Conference (04/26/2011): Chernobyl, Fukushima And Nuclear Power – Disturbing Facts!

Dr. Helen Caldicott On The Japan Nuclear Disaster – The Truth MSM Won’t Tell You! (Video)

Dr. Steven Wing And Chief Nuclear Engineer Arnie Gundersen Discuss Global Radiation Exposure and Consequences: There Is No Safe Dose of Radiation

UC Santa Cruz Nuclear Expert Daniel Hirsch: ‘Every Amount of Radiation Exposure Increases Your Risk of Cancer.’ ‘There Is No Safe Level of Radiation.’

Dr. Helen Caldicott: How Nuclear Apologists Mislead The World Over Radiation

Dr. Brian Moench: There Is No ‘Safe’ Exposure To Radiation

Dr. Peter Karamoskos: Don’t Be Fooled By A Never-Ending Cabal Of Paid Industry Scientific ”Consultants’ – Radiation Is Bad And Causes Cancer

Are There Safe Levels of Radiation? How Much Radiation Is Safe? (Must-read!!!!!)

Radiation exposure is increased by a factor of a trillion. Inhaling even the tiniest particle, that’s the danger.

Yo: So making comparisons with X-rays and CT scans has no meaning. Because you can breathe in radioactive material.

Hirose: That’s right. When it enters your body, there’s no telling where it will go. The biggest danger is women, especially pregnant women, and little children. Now they’re talking about iodine and cesium, but that’s only part of it, they’re not using the proper detection instruments. What they call monitoring means only measuring the amount of radiation in the air. Their instruments don’t eat. What they measure has no connection with the amount of radioactive material.

Dr. Helen Caldicott (Co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility):

The Propaganda From The Government And The Nuclear Industry About Low-Level Radiation Is Absolute Rubbish:

You’ve bought the propaganda from the nuclear industry. They say it’s low-level radiation. That’s absolute rubbish. If you inhale a millionth of a gram of plutonium, the surrounding cells receive a very, very high dose. Most die within that area, because it’s an alpha emitter. The cells on the periphery remain viable. They mutate, and the regulatory genes are damaged. Years later, that person develops cancer. Now, that’s true for radioactive iodine, that goes to the thyroid; cesium-137, that goes to the brain and muscles; strontium-90 goes to bone, causing bone cancer and leukemia. It’s imperative that you understand internal emitters and radiation, and it’s not low level to the cells that are exposed. Radiobiology is imperative to understand these days.”


TEPCO Informed The Japanese Government JUST 4 DAYS BEFORE March 11 Earthquake That The Fukushima Nuke Plant Would Not Withstand A Tsunami With Waves Exceeding 10 Meters

Big Brother Japan:

Japanese Government Approves Over $900,000 In Funds To Combat ‘Erroneous Information’ (=Truth) About Fukushima

Big Brother Japan: Government Monitors Tweets And Blog Posts To ‘Track Down Inaccurate Information And To Provide Correct Ones Instead

Radiation is now everywhere:

27,000 Becquerels/Kg Found At Kindergarten Over 200 Miles From Fukushima Nuke Plant

New Scientific Data Supports Previous Fairewinds Analysis, As Contamination Spreads In Japan And Worldwide

High Level Radioactive Cesium In Manure From Radioactive Fukushima Cows, Pigs That Have Been Sold To Farmers All Over Japan

4,000 Potentially Radioactive Cows Shipped from One Farm in Namie-Machi, Fukushima

Japan Government To Lift Ban On Sales And Shipment Of Radioactive Fukushima Beef

Fukushima: 186,000 Becquerels Per Kg Radioactive Cesium in Aizu Wakamatsu City

Japan: Radioactive Beef Served in 296 Schools in 12 Prefectures

Unbelievable: Japan Government Considers Reprocessing Over 1,550 Tons Of Highly Radioactive Sludge Found In 5 Prefectures As Soil For GARDENING

Japan: Radioactive Compost Has Already Spread Wide

Radioactive Fukushima Eggs: 60 Becquerels/Kg Cesium (Ukraine Safety Limit Is 6 Becquerels/Kg)

Radiation in Japan Spreads: Wheat, Rapeseeds in Fukushima, Rice Hay Outside Fukushima Far Exceeding Safety Limit: 64,000 Becquerels/Kg Cesium In Rice Hay 83 Km From Fukushima

Highly Radioactive Rice Hay In Tochigi: 106,000 Becquerels/Kg Cesium (Safety Limit Is 300 Becquerels/Kg)

Japan Is Only Conducting VOLUNTARY TESTING As Threat to Japanese Food Chain Multiplies, Cesium And Iodine Contamination Found In Milk, Vegetables As Far As 360 Km From Fukushima Nuke Plant

And Now Over 2,600 Meat Cows Suspected Of Being Fed With Radioactive Rice Hay!

And Now: Government To Survey Half Of Japan For Soil Contamination

Radiation in Fukushima City Order of Magnitude Higher Than Official Numbers?

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