How Medicine Is Killing Us All: Antibiotics, Superbugs And The Next Global Pandemic

How medicine is killing us all: Antibiotics, superbugs and the next global pandemic (Natural News, March 11, 2013):

While globalists like Bill Gates are feverishly working on ways to reduce human population through vaccines, GMOs and abortions, an even more effective population killer is now emerging: drug-resistant strains of “gram-negative” bacteria: Superbugs.

The global abuse of antibiotics and the rise of drug-resistant superbugs has become an urgent issue of survival for the human race, and even mainstream medical experts are now describing microbiological doomsday scenarios if the situation isn’t reversed. As The Guardian reported today:

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria with the potential to cause untreatable infections pose “a catastrophic threat” to the population, the chief medical officer for Britain warns in a report calling for urgent action worldwide.

Big Pharma causes the problem, then walks away

Read moreHow Medicine Is Killing Us All: Antibiotics, Superbugs And The Next Global Pandemic

New Drug-Resistant NDM-1 Superbugs Found In 3 US States


A healthy body with a functioning(!) immune system cannot be conquered by a virus or bacteria..

It is impossible for any virus or bacteria to cause any harm at all.

A healthy body cannot be attacked because a fully charged cell does not allow any virus or bacteria to enter into it.

This is like a computer virus that was designed for Windows that finds itself in a Linux environment and nothing happens.


That has been proven also by experiments done by Stalin, Hitler and Mao in the forties.

One experiment goes like this:

1. The first group of ‘participants’ drank a glass of water totally contaminated with cholera and were told about what they just drank.
Result: All died.

2. The second group wasn’t told that they just drank a glas of water that has been totally contaminated with cholera.
Result: Not one died.

3. The third group were told that they just drank a glass of water that has been contaminated with cholera, although they drank the purest well water.
Result: 50% died !!!

Horrible experiments, but if you know about them, then they can save your life now.

Yes, people who eat processed or junk food containing MSG, Aspartame or Fluoride or have been vaccinated just once (!) do not have a 100% functioning immune system anymore and in most cases it is already barely functioning, because the body has been poisoned for all these years.

BUT even more important is the fact that if you get scared and by into mass media fear mongering you are already about ‘50% dead’!

I recommend you stay relaxed and healthy instead. 🙂

Related article:

Japan confirms its first case of new superbug gene (NDM-1), resistant to nearly all known antibiotics

And even if you get sick alternative medicine has the cure for any disease (incl. cancer).

Also learn to harness the power of your soul, mind and spirit to stay healthy.

Serious public health risks due to a lack of new antibiotics at a time of rising antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” will be the main focus of a top microbiology conference in Boston that starts Sunday. (AFP/HO/File)

BOSTON – An infectious-disease nightmare is unfolding: Bacteria that have been made resistant to nearly all antibiotics by an alarming new gene have sickened people in three states and are popping up all over the world, health officials reported Monday.

The U.S. cases and two others in Canada all involve people who had recently received medical care in India, where the problem is widespread. A British medical journal revealed the risk last month in an article describing dozens of cases in Britain in people who had gone to India for medical procedures.

How many deaths the gene may have caused is unknown; there is no central tracking of such cases. So far, the gene has mostly been found in bacteria that cause gut or urinary infections.

Scientists have long feared this – a very adaptable gene that hitches onto many types of common germs and confers broad drug resistance, creating dangerous “superbugs.”

“It’s a great concern,” because drug resistance has been rising and few new antibiotics are in development, said Dr. M. Lindsay Grayson, director of infectious diseases at the University of Melbourne in Australia. “It’s just a matter of time” until the gene spreads more widely person-to-person, he said.

Grayson heads an American Society for Microbiology conference in Boston, which was buzzing with reports of the gene, called NDM-1 and named for New Delhi.

Read moreNew Drug-Resistant NDM-1 Superbugs Found In 3 US States

Pandemic fear over resistant superbug

Doctors have warned that if a superbug which is known to be even more resistant to antibiotics than clostridium difficile and MRSA takes hold in hospitals, the country could face a pandemic.

The acinetobacter bug is being treated with older antibiotics because newer ones do not work. There are fears that injured soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan have passed the infection on in civilian hospitals.

Prof Matthew Falagas, an expert in hospital-acquired infections, said: “In some cases, we have simply run out of treatments and we could be facing a pandemic with public health implications.”
He warned delegates at the Society for General Microbiology conference in Edinburgh: “Doctors in many countries have gone back to using old antibiotics that were abandoned 20 years ago because their toxic side-effects were so frequent and so bad.

Read morePandemic fear over resistant superbug

An ancient metal – copper – the new weapon against superbugs


Following research by Professor Bill Keevil at the University of Southampton showing that copper can significantly reduce the presence of MRSA, a Birmingham hospital is to launch an 18-month clinical trial next month (April 2007) to establish whether the installation of copper surfaces will kill MRSA and other hospital-acquired infections.

Laboratory tests by Professor Keevil, Director of the Environmental Healthcare Unit at the University of Southampton, have established that the natural antimicrobial properties of copper and copper alloys dramatically reduce the presence of MRSA compared with stainless steel, the most commonly used surface-metal in health institutions. The MRSA bacteria (staphylococci) on stainless steel remained fully active for days. On brass (an alloy of copper and zinc) they died in less than 5 hours and on pure copper the superbugs were eliminated in 30 minutes.

Professor Keevil explains that copper suffocates the germs. ‘The metal reacts with the bacteria and inhibits their respiration – in effect it stops them breathing. In fact if you look back in the literature the Egyptians were using copper thousands of years ago to treat infections!’

Selly Oak has been chosen for the Copper Clinical Trial because it is a multi-specialist centre with an advanced microbiology centre. One general medical ward is already having copper installed in preparation for the trial. Because 80 per cent of MRSA transmission is through surface contacts, stainless steel door handles and push-plates are being replaced by copper, along with bathroom taps, toilet flush-handles and grab rails. Even the pens used by the staff will be a high-copper brass. A similar ward next door will retain its traditional metal fittings and will act as a control in the experiment. If the laboratory results are successfully replicated, it is likely that thousands of hospitals across Europe will introduce copper alloy fittings.

Deputy Medical Director of the University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust, Professor Tom Elliott, says: ‘Potentially it is very, very exciting if we find that copper actually works in a clinical environment, following the laboratory tests in Southampton and here in Birmingham.’

The tests show that it is not just MRSA that can be killed by copper. The newer threat, the extremely resistant Clostridium difficile can also be killed, as demonstrated by preliminary tests. Scientists are already considering wider medical applications for copper, including a possible defence against bird flu. Experiments by the Southampton team have shown that the metal can kill the human flu virus. Professor Keevil says, ‘Avian flu is almost identical to normal human flu so, although we haven’t done the work yet, we would predict the same results.’

The Copper Development Association has been working with the supply chain to support the development of copper and copper alloy healthcare products for the trial through the provision of information on the efficacy of different copper alloys and their suitability for different applications.

13 March 2007

Source: University of Southampton