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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
– “Chrislam” – Europe Folds To The Islamization Of Christmas:
Authored by Soeren Kern via The Gatestone Institute,
The re-theologizing of Christmas is based on the false premise that the Jesus of the Bible is the Jesus (Isa) of the Koran. This religious fusion, sometimes referred to as “Chrislam,” is gaining ground in a West that has become biblically illiterate.
This year’s Christmas season has been marked by Islam-related controversies in nearly every European country. Most of the conflicts have been generated by Europe’s multicultural political and religious elites, who are bending over backwards to secularize Christmas, ostensibly to ensure that Muslims will not be offended by the Christian festival.
Many traditional Christmas markets have been renamed — Amsterdam Winter Parade, Brussels Winter Pleasures, Kreuzberger Wintermarkt, London Winterville, Munich Winter Festival — to project a multicultural veneer of secular tolerance.
Read more“Chrislam” – Europe Folds To The Islamization Of Christmas
France: #Christmas movie banned in school because “too Christian” https://t.co/AhsIZItU9e
— The European Post (@theEUpost) December 24, 2017
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– Krampus: Santa’s sidekick and Christmas ‘enforcer’ is making a comeback:
SICK of Saint Nick? Kids in need of a serious wake-up call? This long-forgotten legend may be exactly what you need: Krampus, Santa’s demonic sidekick.
YOU better watch out. You’d better not cry. Santa Claus is coming to town. And he’s bringing Krampus — the Christmas demon — with him.
Forget red jumpsuits, silly hats and bulging sacks.
And the Grinch simply doesn’t have what it takes.
If you’re looking to shake-up the crazed Christmas season this year, there’s a horned, fanged, half-goat half demon waiting in the wings for you.
Read moreMeet Krampus: Santa’s sidekick and Christmas ‘enforcer’ is making a comeback
– Town hall in Italy removed Christmas tree to not offend Muslims:
Like Sweden and other countries in West Europe, Italy is totally cucked.
The town hall of Bolzano, the capital city of the province of South Tyrol in northern Italy, had a Christmas tree removed so as not to hurt the feelings of Muslims.
Rachele Nenzi reports for Il Giornale that on the evening of December 16, 2017, the National Union of Sports Veterans (Unione Nazionale Veterani dello Sport or UNVS) held an athlete-of-the-year award ceremony in Bolzano’s town hall. The ceremony was hosted by Matteo Salvini, leader of Lega Nord, the Northern League political party.
Read moreTown hall in Italy removed Christmas tree to not offend Muslims
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– Universities strive for ‘Christmas’-free campuses
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– Christmas Market Cancelled as Organisers Couldn’t Afford €20,000 Anti-Terror Barrier Bill:
The Christmas market on la Croix-Rousse hill in Lyon, France, has been cancelled because organisers cannot afford the €20,000 security budget.
The annual Christmas market, with its stalls, marquee, and farm animals, has been cancelled because the cost of securing the site day and night was prohibitively expensive, whilst towns and cities across Europe are fortifying their Christmas markets with anti-terror barriers, reports Le Progrés.
“For the past year, requests to secure our events have increased,” explained Maïlys, the project manager for the southern French city’s merchants’ association.
Read moreChristmas Market Cancelled as Organisers Couldn’t Afford €20,000 Anti-Terror Barrier Bill
"Domestic security services estimate there are some 10,300 radical Islamists in #Germany."
And you can expect them to be mobilised during the coming economic crisis. https://t.co/6pS5pKYUtC
— Alois Irlmaier (@AloisIrlmaier) November 22, 2017
– Six Syrians arrested for ‘planning terror attack’ in Germany:
Domestic security services estimate there are some 10,300 radical Islamists in Germany.
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Britain’s Christmas markets will surrounded by a ring of a steel with armed police on patrol and metal detectors at entrances as security is raised over new terror fears.
There will be concrete barriers, stop and search checks and officers on the ground at the popular festive events in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Edinburgh and Bath in the run up to Christmas.
The precautions are being taken after the Local Government Association warned councils to be vigilant this year with the terror threat level to the UK currently at ‘severe’ – meaning an incident is ‘highly likely’.
Britain has suffered from the three horrific attacks this year with innocent people and children killed in London and Manchester.
But while security is being ramped up in light of the atrocities in Westminster in March, the Manchester Arena in May and London Bridge in June, the authorities are also concerned about a potential copy-cat attack.
Last Year 12 were murdered when an ISIS fanatic ploughed a lorry through Berlin’s Breitscheidplatz Christmas market.
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Viel Spass auf dem Lichtermarkt dort gibt es dann auch sicher Endjahresplätzchen, und einen Endjahresbaum pic.twitter.com/bsa8NHyYyO
— Dirk d. Kaiser (@DirkderKaiser) November 16, 2017
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Aha, keine Weihnachtsmänner mehr, sondern Jahresendfiguren.
‼️Firma Lindt, nein danke‼️ pic.twitter.com/wDLbG17sbO— Erika Steinbach (@SteinbachErika) November 16, 2017
And here Santa Claus is called “Bartmann” (Bart = beard, Mann = man)…
Könnte auch „Bartmann“ heißen. Was ist nur aus diesem Land geworden? Warum müssen wir uns nur so verbiegen und alles über den Haufen werfen? pic.twitter.com/bmt8CN9IVI
— Frank (@Frank19782015) November 17, 2017
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– Irish Catholic priest urges Christians to abandon the word Christmas:
Father Desmond O’Donnell says the words Christmas and Easter have lost all sacred meaning
An Irish Catholic priest has called for Christians to stop using the word Christmas because it has been hijacked by “Santa and reindeer”.
Father Desmond O’Donnell said Christians of any denomination need to accept Christmas now has no sacred meaning.
Read moreIrish Catholic priest urges Christians to ABANDON the word CHRISTMAS
– Israeli rabbis launch war on Christmas tree:
Jerusalem hotels receive warning letter noting that Jewish religious law forbids Christmas trees and new year’s parties
Al-Jazeera – 23 December 2016
As tens of thousands of Christian pilgrims converge on the Holy Land this week to celebrate the birth of Jesus, senior Israeli rabbis have announced a war on the Christmas tree.
In Jerusalem, the rabbinate has issued a letter warning dozens of hotels in the city that it is “forbidden” by Jewish religious law to erect a tree or stage new year’s parties.
– Unmerry Christmas: Mass Brawls Break Out Across America’s Malls:
During this season of joy and celebration, it appears not everyone is full of Christmas spirit. Last minute holiday shoppers have been filmed brawling with each other in New Jersey, Alabama, and Georgia shopping malls ahead of the holidays.
As The Daily Mail captures on video, a fight broke out at Jersey City’s Newport Center Mall on Friday night when two people started punching each other in the middle of a huge crowd. As onlookers gathered around while several people hit each other, a separate fight broke out off to the side. Multiple security guards tried to intervene and were punched in the process. Video shot by a witness captured the ordeal, which happened right near where a line of children were waiting to meet the mall’s Santa.
Other fights broke out in Alabama and Georgia on Saturday as shoppers tried to finish up their Christmas shopping.
Read moreUnmerry Christmas: Mass Brawls Break Out Across America’s Malls
– Unhappy Holidays: Houston Police Force Homeless People to Throw Away Food:
On Thursday, the Houston Police Department targeted a group of homeless advocates who were attempting to hand out hot food and gifts to the homeless.
H/t reader kevin a.
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