– Town hall in Italy removed Christmas tree to not offend Muslims:
Like Sweden and other countries in West Europe, Italy is totally cucked.
The town hall of Bolzano, the capital city of the province of South Tyrol in northern Italy, had a Christmas tree removed so as not to hurt the feelings of Muslims.
Rachele Nenzi reports for Il Giornale that on the evening of December 16, 2017, the National Union of Sports Veterans (Unione Nazionale Veterani dello Sport or UNVS) held an athlete-of-the-year award ceremony in Bolzano’s town hall. The ceremony was hosted by Matteo Salvini, leader of Lega Nord, the Northern League political party.
After the ceremony ended, UNVS put everything in place and returned the room as they found it, except for some Christmas decorations and a cardboard Christmas tree.
The next morning, UNVS president Alberto Ferrini was awaken by a phone call from the office of the town hall asking him “to remove that tree because at noon that day there would be a meeting of a Muslim association in the hall, and the Christmas tree could offend the sensibilities of those present.”
Reader Chrysostom puts it best:
“But it’s okay to offend us Christians. It means they do not fear us, maybe because we are not armed?“
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