– Truthstream News 03 Double Episode: About All Those Vaccines… (Truthstream Media, Sep 6, 2014):
In this special double episode of Truthstream News, Aaron and Melissa take on the CDC whistleblower and MMR-autism scandal (and that’s just for starters) — exposing the lies and obfuscations that have hurt untold numbers. Recently released audio of the good doc has now been leaked where he says he would NEVER shoot his pregnant wife up with a thimerosal-containing vaccine.
It’s shameful, but that’s just the icing on the vaccine cake. The evidence that the CDC “hid the decline” of skyrocketing autism rates in connection with a vaccine is just the beginning. Did you know the government’s health agencies never even tested thimerosal, the 50% ethylmercury preservative shot into thousands of children daily for decades and still given to pregnant women in the form of a flu shot? In fact, the CDC says some vaccines given to children still contain trace amounts…
There is evidence that the chickenpox vaccine has caused more cases of shingles — a much more dangerous, painful and debilitating condition — while the HPV and flu vaccines are just the latest to put corporate profits and insider connections above human health and vaccine safety. In the “Olds,” we take a startling look at the SV40 contamination of the polio vaccine — a massive and deeply unsettling scandal of immense proportions that may have caused cancer in tens or even hundreds of millions of people!
From potentially dangerous ingredients to undisclosed Big Pharma ties and more, this episode will change the way you look at vaccine “science” and leave you with questions that the government won’t soon answer but that we need to keep asking until they do!
I hope the BigPharma Drug Companies don’t make his meals in the meantime.